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Thursday, June 26, 2014
5:01 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.

This file represents an unedited version of
realtime captioning which should neither be relied
upon for complete accuracy nor used as a verbatim
The original of this file was produced in all
capital letters and any variation thereto may be a
result of third party edits and software
compatibility issues.
Any person who needs a verbatim transcript of the
proceedings may need to hire a court reporter.

05:02:55 >>CHARLIE MIRANDA: City Council is called to
05:02:56 order.
05:02:56 Roll call.
05:02:57 [Roll Call]
05:02:59 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Here.
05:03:02 >>FRANK REDDICK: Here.
05:03:03 >>HARRY COHEN: Here.
05:03:04 >>LISA MONTELIONE: Here.
05:03:05 >>CHARLIE MIRANDA: Here.
05:03:07 >>CHARLIE MIRANDA: Okay.
05:03:07 This is a public hearing, nonquasi-judicial.
05:03:11 Item number one.
05:03:16 >> Good afternoon, Council.
05:03:18 Michelle Boone with City of Tampa housing and
05:03:21 community development office.

05:03:22 (Inaudible)
05:03:23 Pam Henderson here on behalf of the -- (inaudible)
05:03:29 We're going to talk about the annual action plan,
05:03:34 to allocate federal CDBG home grant dollars.
05:03:38 We do this on an annual basis.
05:03:40 And also provide the public an opportunity, if you
05:03:44 so choose.
05:03:45 Could we have the PowerPoint please?
05:04:05 He did not tell me about the remote.
05:04:07 We do a five year planning process, which was
05:04:12 completed in 2012.
05:04:13 We are in the third year of our five year process.
05:04:17 Creating the fiscal year 2015 annual plan.
05:04:24 The annual plan is based on the goals established
05:04:26 in the consolidated plan.
05:04:29 Low moderate income persons.
05:04:33 Oh, now it's not going to work.
05:04:40 There we go.
05:04:44 The goals provide suitable living environment,
05:04:49 decent housing opportunities and economic
05:04:50 opportunities.
05:04:51 The annual action plan is summary of the project
05:05:03 and activities that will take place over the next
05:05:05 year to address the objectives identified in the
05:05:12 five year plan.

05:05:13 The action plan begins October 1 of 2014.
05:05:17 The estimated funding awards for 2014 program year
05:05:25 are shown above, which also include state SHIP
05:05:28 funding.
05:05:29 We do that because we haven't received state SHIP
05:05:32 funding in quite sometime.
05:05:34 So this is a good thing for us.
05:05:35 So we use the state SHIP fund in a similar way we
05:05:39 use our home funds.
05:05:40 For a total $8.4 million.
05:05:42 The total federal dollars that we are receiving is
05:05:46 approximately a one percent decrease from last
05:05:48 year, which is much better than the decreases in
05:05:52 the past.
05:05:53 Next slide is the action plan calendar.
05:05:59 Today is the 26th.
05:06:01 This day opens the 30-day public comment period as
05:06:05 required by HUD.
05:06:07 The final action plan will be presented to Council
05:06:09 for approval on July 31st and must be submitted to
05:06:13 HUD by August 15th.
05:06:15 And the fiscal year begins October 1st.
05:06:18 These are some of the recommended program uses and
05:06:24 funding categories.
05:06:26 Housing projects which include CDBG, home and SHIP

05:06:30 dollars.
05:06:30 Public service programs from CDBG is limited to
05:06:36 20% of our CDBG allocation.
05:06:38 Public facilities are construction projects for
05:06:41 non-profit and, which includes the emergency
05:06:50 solution grant and housing for persons with AIDS.
05:06:53 General categories of funding.
05:06:56 Next slide breaks out the housing category into
05:07:01 our total housing development, which is 20% of our
05:07:05 total home allocation.
05:07:11 Down payment assistance, which includes home and
05:07:14 SHIP dollars.
05:07:15 Housing counseling, emergency relocation and our
05:07:18 tenant based rental assistance, which you talked
05:07:20 about this morning with Mr. Snelling.
05:07:22 And a big chunk of money for owner occupied rehab,
05:07:27 which is in great demand.
05:07:29 >>LISA MONTELIONE: I have a question.
05:07:31 >>CHARLIE MIRANDA: Ms. Montelione?
05:07:32 >>LISA MONTELIONE: Thank you, sir.
05:07:33 Last slide you had the down payment assistance.
05:07:37 Is that for the general public?
05:07:41 Is that for -- we used to have a program for city
05:07:45 employees to live within the city, help them buy
05:07:48 houses within some of the urban or distressed

05:07:52 neighborhoods.
05:07:52 So the down payment assistance -- could you tell
05:07:55 me a little bit about that?
05:07:57 >> Down payment assistance, dollar amount is a
05:07:59 combination of our home and SHIP allocation.
05:08:01 It's available for anyone that qualifies for
05:08:04 either one of those programs.
05:08:06 Sometimes we have houses that we acquire with
05:08:10 dollars and available for specific properties.
05:08:13 Or it's available for anyone that wants to
05:08:17 purchase a house within the city limits.
05:08:19 >>LISA MONTELIONE: So it's anywhere.
05:08:20 Not just related to a particular neighborhood?
05:08:22 I was thinking with the Nehemiah project and the
05:08:24 area of Sulphur Springs.
05:08:26 >> Right, we do have some funds currently set
05:08:28 aside for that.
05:08:29 But that doesn't include those.
05:08:30 >>LISA MONTELIONE: Okay.
05:08:36 >> And I think -- there we go.
05:08:39 Again, our one year action plan, the draft will be
05:08:45 available in paper form.
05:08:48 It will be here in the clerk's office for review.
05:08:51 It will be at our office at the development
05:08:54 service office.

05:08:55 And it is also being posted to the city's web site
05:08:59 for public comment for the next 30 days.
05:09:01 Any comments we ask to be submitted in writing and
05:09:05 those comments will then be added to the final
05:09:08 plan for submittal to HUD.
05:09:11 Which will be August the 15th.
05:09:13 So if there are no other questions, I can open the
05:09:18 public hearing.
05:09:21 >>CHARLIE MIRANDA: You are.
05:09:22 I want to see you do it.
05:09:23 [ Laughter ]
05:09:25 >> Like to request to open the public hearing.
05:09:29 >>CHARLIE MIRANDA: One thing about you, got longer
05:09:32 hair than Thom Snelling.
05:09:33 [ Laughter ]
05:09:35 >>CHARLIE MIRANDA: All right.
05:09:35 This is a public hearing.
05:09:36 Anyone in the public who would care to speak on
05:09:39 this item, you're certainly entitled to.
05:09:42 Make a motion here to open the public hearing.
05:09:44 >> So moved.
05:09:45 >>CHARLIE MIRANDA: Motion by Ms. Montelione,
05:09:46 second by Mr. Suarez.
05:09:47 All in favor of the motion, please indicate by
05:09:48 saying aye.

05:09:49 Opposed nay.
05:09:50 The ayes have it unanimously.
05:09:51 Anyone in the public care to speak on this item?
05:09:53 Item number one, public hearing regarding City of
05:09:56 Tampa's and the community development block grant
05:10:01 40th entitlement emergency solution grants
05:10:05 program.
05:10:06 >> Move to close.
05:10:07 >>LISA MONTELIONE: I have a question.
05:10:08 >>CHARLIE MIRANDA: Ms. Montelione?
05:10:09 >>LISA MONTELIONE: Have you received any of the
05:10:10 surveys that were handed out to the neighborhoods?
05:10:13 Have any of them come back?
05:10:14 >> Today we have received eight surveys back.
05:10:16 >>LISA MONTELIONE: Eight?
05:10:17 And how many were given out?
05:10:19 Do you know?
05:10:19 >> I don't know how many were given out.
05:10:21 We will still receive those for the next 30 days,
05:10:23 so if you want to encourage your constituents.
05:10:26 >>LISA MONTELIONE: Anybody watching out there in
05:10:27 the public who received a paper survey at a
05:10:29 community meeting, please send it in.
05:10:31 >> Or if they would like one, we still have
05:10:33 copies.

05:10:33 They can pick one up.
05:10:35 >>LISA MONTELIONE: Thank you.
05:10:35 >>CHARLIE MIRANDA: Anyone else?
05:10:36 Motion by Mr. Reddick to close the public hearing,
05:10:38 second by Mr. Suarez.
05:10:39 Further discussion by Councilmembers?
05:10:41 All in favor of the motion, please indicate by
05:10:42 saying aye.
05:10:42 Opposed nay.
05:10:44 Hearing is now closed.
05:10:45 We stand in recess till 6:00 p.m.
05:10:47 (Whereupon, a recess was taken till 6:00 p.m.)
05:10:48 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Here.
06:03:04 >>FRANK REDDICK: Here.
06:03:05 >>HARRY COHEN: Here.
06:03:07 >>CHARLIE MIRANDA: Here.
06:03:07 Okay.
06:03:09 This is 6:00 public hearing regarding item number
06:03:13 2.
06:03:13 It's the first public hearing for consideration of
06:03:16 the development agreement pursuant to chapter 163
06:03:19 Florida statute between Northwood Ravin LLC and
06:03:23 the City of Tampa.
06:03:25 >> Rebecca Kert, assistant city attorney.
06:03:29 We are here for a hearing on development agreement

06:03:31 between Northwood Ravin LLC and the City of Tampa
06:03:34 regarding property located at 4310 West Spruce
06:03:37 Street and 1706 North Hubert Avenue.
06:03:41 A developers agreement requires two public
06:03:44 hearings.
06:03:45 >>CHARLIE MIRANDA: Before I go any further, this
06:03:46 is a quasi-judicial hearing, so I have to swear
06:03:49 all of you in.
06:03:52 Or the clerk will.
06:03:54 >> We need to open the public hearing.
06:03:56 >>CHARLIE MIRANDA: Yeah, we will.
06:03:59 [Oath administered by Clerk]
06:03:59 >>CHARLIE MIRANDA: All right.
06:04:03 Need a motion to open public hearing, item number
06:04:05 two.
06:04:05 Motion by Ms. Montelione, second by Mr. Cohen.
06:04:10 Further discussion by councilmembers?
06:04:10 All in favor of the motion, please indicate by
06:04:12 saying aye.
06:04:13 Opposed nay.
06:04:14 Public hearing is now open.
06:04:15 Yes, ma'am?
06:04:16 >> Thank you.
06:04:17 The developers agreement will require two public
06:04:20 hearings.

06:04:21 It is adopted by resolution at the second public
06:04:23 hearing, so there's no required action tonight.
06:04:25 The developers agreement is to effectuate some
06:04:29 bonus provisions provided for in your
06:04:33 comprehensive plan as well as your land
06:04:35 development procedures.
06:04:36 They require a developer agreement to spell out
06:04:38 what the amenities are that the developer will be
06:04:41 providing and the maximum density or intensity
06:04:45 that they are seeking.
06:04:46 And the petitioner's representative is here to
06:04:49 speak to you.
06:04:50 >>CHARLIE MIRANDA: Thank you.
06:04:54 >> Good evening.
06:04:55 Andrea Zelman, Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney and
06:05:00 Fowler White Boggs.
06:05:01 As Rebecca mentioned, this is a development
06:05:04 agreement to effectuate the density bonus.
06:05:07 This is basically a planned apartment complex at
06:05:12 Spruce and Hubert over near the International
06:05:14 Plaza mall.
06:05:15 It was approved in 2012 for 255 units.
06:05:21 And the developer, and I have with me tonight
06:05:23 Phillip Smith from Frameworks Group, would like to
06:05:26 increase that to 260 units, so we are basically

06:05:29 talking about 7 additional apartments, which
06:05:33 actually gets it up to a density of 77 units per
06:05:36 acre, but under your code and the comp plan to go
06:05:40 above the 75 and get the density bonus, you have
06:05:45 to provide certain amenities.
06:05:47 So that's what this developer has agreed to do.
06:05:50 They include structured parking and transit stop
06:05:54 and additional pedestrian features and planters
06:05:58 and so on and so forth, all of which are spelled
06:06:01 out in the development agreement.
06:06:02 And again, your code requires that we have this
06:06:04 development agreement in order to effectuate this
06:06:06 density bonus, which again will allow them to
06:06:09 build seven additional units above what was
06:06:12 approved in 2012.
06:06:14 That's the gist of it.
06:06:16 I'm glad to go into more detail or answer any
06:06:20 questions that you have.
06:06:21 >>CHARLIE MIRANDA: Any questions from
06:06:22 Councilmembers at this time?
06:06:23 Ms. Montelione?
06:06:24 >>LISA MONTELIONE: What are the amenities being
06:06:25 provided for the bonus density credits?
06:06:29 >> Again, one of them -- and again, this is your
06:06:31 code 27-140 C, spells out what kind of -- you

06:06:39 have, one of them is C 5, is structured parking
06:06:45 architectural features.
06:06:46 So they're doing that.
06:06:48 One is 27-140 C 9, is for the provision of a
06:06:53 transit stop.
06:06:54 So they're providing that.
06:06:57 And if HART doesn't want to actually put a bus
06:07:00 bench there, then they would -- they could ask
06:07:03 them to contribute funds toward one in another
06:07:08 location.
06:07:09 C 10 is pedestrian streetscape improvements and
06:07:14 specifically they're adding benches with trash
06:07:17 cans and certain planters and a pedestrian
06:07:20 sidewalk.
06:07:21 And these are all shown on the site plan as well.
06:07:25 >>CHARLIE MIRANDA: Any other Councilmember?
06:07:27 Anyone this the audience -- this is a public
06:07:30 hearing.
06:07:31 Any other individuals in the audience care to
06:07:33 speak on this item?
06:07:34 Item number two?
06:07:36 Need a motion to close.
06:07:38 >> So moved.
06:07:38 >>CHARLIE MIRANDA: Motion by Ms. Montelione,
06:07:39 second by Mr. Cohen.

06:07:41 All in favor of the motion to close, please
06:07:43 signify by saying aye.
06:07:43 Opposed nay.
06:07:45 The ayes have it unanimously.
06:07:48 As I understand it, there's no need to pass on
06:07:51 resolution until the second public hearing.
06:07:53 I do need a motion to receive and file a letter
06:07:55 from Ms. Zelman.
06:07:57 I have a motion by Mr. Suarez, second by
06:07:58 Mr. Cohen.
06:07:59 All in favor of that motion, please signify by
06:08:00 saying aye.
06:08:00 Opposed nay.
06:08:02 The ayes have it unanimously.
06:08:03 Okay, information reports?
06:08:05 Right to left.
06:08:06 Mr. Suarez?
06:08:09 >>MIKE SUAREZ: None, sir.
06:08:09 >>CHARLIE MIRANDA: Mr. Reddick?
06:08:11 >>FRANK REDDICK: None.
06:08:12 >>CHARLIE MIRANDA: Mr. Cohen?
06:08:14 >>HARRY COHEN: None, sir.
06:08:15 >>LISA MONTELIONE: None, sir.
06:08:16 >>CHARLIE MIRANDA: Excellent job, councilmembers.
06:08:17 Okay, anyone in the audience care to speak on any

06:08:19 other item?
06:08:19 We stand adjourned till we come back from
06:08:22 recess -- I mean from vacation.
06:08:24 (Thereupon, the meeting adjourned.)

This file represents an unedited version of
realtime captioning which should neither be relied
upon for complete accuracy nor used as a verbatim
The original of this file was produced in all
capital letters and any variation thereto may be a
result of third party edits and software
compatibility issues.
Any person who needs a verbatim transcript of the
proceedings may need to hire a court reporter.