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JANUARY 14, 2016
9:00 a.m.

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>>YVONNE CAPIN: Call the meeting to order.
09:05:40 [Microphone not on]
09:05:42 Oh, microphone.
09:05:46 I'm sorry.
09:05:47 I'm calling the meeting to order.
09:05:48 Did you hear that part?
09:05:49 We're going to start with the invocation.
09:05:54 I would like to introduce Reverend Stephen Brown.
09:05:57 He is presently the assistant to the president of
09:06:00 the University Ministry of St. Leo University
09:06:03 while also participating as a supply priest
09:06:07 throughout the diocese of St. Petersburg and
09:06:10 Orlando, specializing in Spanish, Portuguese, and
09:06:13 English masses.
09:06:15 Reverend Brown has been at St. Leo University

09:06:18 since 2007.
09:06:20 Prior to St. Leo, he served as a pastor at
09:06:24 St. Rita's Church in Indianapolis, Saint Nicholas
09:06:27 Church in St. Louis.
09:06:28 A graduate of the Catholic Theological Union in
09:06:32 Chicago, Reverend Brown has also served as a
09:06:34 columnist for the Indianapolis Recorder Newspaper.
09:06:38 Welcome, Reverend Brown.
09:06:39 Everyone, stand for the invocation and remain
09:06:42 standing for the Pledge of Allegiance.
09:06:46 >> Let us bow our heads and be of prayer.
09:06:48 Almighty and ever-living God, we do always never
09:06:54 give you praise.
09:06:55 Bless us as we start this new year.
09:06:57 We pray O God that this year be a special year of
09:07:00 your divine mercy.
09:07:03 For your mercy we are loved.
09:07:05 For your mercy the hearts of many are healed and
09:07:07 made whole.
09:07:08 For your mercy, people who are enemies become
09:07:11 friends.
09:07:11 Merciful God, we ask your grace be poured out upon
09:07:16 our city.
09:07:18 May true justice and equality be our goal.
09:07:20 May we see each person having value and allow

09:07:24 every voice to be heard.
09:07:25 God who created us, help us to create a community
09:07:30 that recognizes the gift of all.
09:07:32 May those who put on uniforms be loved, not
09:07:36 feared, appreciated and cherished, and may they
09:07:41 see in each citizen an opportunity to help right a
09:07:44 wrong, to serve with integrity, and to act with
09:07:46 caution and regard, all with respect.
09:07:49 Lord our God, we will remember in a few days our
09:07:53 brother, Martin Luther King, Jr., as we honor him,
09:07:57 may his dream become a reality where all people
09:08:01 are free, treated with dignity and recognized
09:08:05 truly as persons created in your divine image.
09:08:08 Let us be judged by the concept of our character,
09:08:12 not the color of our skin.
09:08:14 May justice ring from every shore and every
09:08:16 hamlet, from every neighborhood to every hill.
09:08:18 From church steeples to the city tower, from
09:08:22 schools to the courthouses, from the courthouse to
09:08:24 the state house.
09:08:25 Finally, gracious God, we come before you asking
09:08:28 you, putting your guidance on our Council members
09:08:30 and our men.
09:08:31 We pray, O God, for our Chairman, Frank Reddick.
09:08:34 We pray, O God, for vice-chair Harry Cohen.

09:08:37 We pray, O God, for Guido Maniscalco.
09:08:41 We pray for Lisa Montelione.
09:08:44 We pray for Mike Suarez and for Charlie Miranda
09:08:49 and for Yvonne Yolie Capin and for our Mayor Bob
09:08:53 Buckhorn.
09:08:54 Bless these men and women.
09:08:56 Anoint them to bring forth your kingdom of justice
09:08:59 and love and peace for all and help them to see
09:09:01 your face in each person they serve.
09:09:03 And together we all say, amen.
09:09:05 [Pledge of Allegiance]
09:09:34 >>YVONNE CAPIN: All right.
09:09:35 Good morning.
09:09:36 Oh, that's right.
09:09:40 Roll call.
09:09:40 We're all here.
09:09:47 >>THE CLERK: Roll call.
09:09:48 Miranda?
09:09:49 >>CHARLIE MIRANDA: Here.
09:09:49 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Here.
09:09:50 >>FRANK REDDICK: Here.
09:09:52 >>HARRY COHEN: Here.
09:09:58 >>GUIDO MANISCALCO: Here.
09:09:59 >> Montelione? And Capin?
09:10:11 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Present. Thank you.

09:10:15 Monthly report, Owen LaFave, Downtown CRA.
09:10:18 >>OWEN LaFAVE: It's great to be in front of you
09:10:19 again.
09:10:20 Our Chairman actually had a conflict.
09:10:22 They went to the bench and asked me to speak and
09:10:24 just give a quick update on the downtown CRA.
09:10:26 I'm happy to report that the state of the downtown
09:10:28 CRA is strong.
09:10:30 The SPC, Mr. Vinik's development group, recently
09:10:37 broke ground on the USF Morsani School of
09:10:40 Business.
09:10:40 The 42-story Bank of America tower sold in
09:10:42 December for 195 million.
09:10:45 What made that pretty exceptional is that was the
09:10:46 largest sale of an office building in the entire
09:10:49 state of Florida since 2012.
09:10:50 Demolition on 915 Franklin began to make way for
09:10:54 Carter & Associates' 23-story tower they have
09:10:55 planned for that site.
09:10:57 Larry Feldman closed on the purchase of the
09:11:02 CapTrust building and the former Trump Tower site
09:11:04 where he plans to build a 52-story mixed use
09:11:07 building with retail on the bottom, office in the
09:11:09 middle, and condo on top and actually build an
09:11:11 eight-story adjacent parking structure attached to

09:11:14 that.
09:11:15 Bike paths on Jackson Street are being explored by
09:11:18 the F.D.O.T.
09:11:19 The community was asked to look at the logistics
09:11:20 of making that happen, so that is likely to come
09:11:24 to the commission soon.
09:11:25 And lastly, many of these downtown CAC members
09:11:31 were not at the last CRA meeting, but we did watch
09:11:34 the video at our last meeting.
09:11:37 And specifically discussion about transferring the
09:11:39 TECO property from the downtown CRA to the Ybor
09:11:42 CRA.
09:11:43 As a volunteer advisory committee to the CRA
09:11:47 board, we understand it's within your power to
09:11:50 make a decision without consulting with us.
09:11:53 We kindly ask the board to withhold making a final
09:11:57 decision until the additional research has been
09:11:59 procured, we have a chance to review it, and then
09:12:02 render opinion to you allowing us basically just
09:12:05 to fulfill our obligation to the position and to
09:12:07 the community.
09:12:08 That's my update for the downtown CRA.
09:12:10 Thank you all very much.
09:12:13 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Thank you very much.
09:12:15 >>HARRY COHEN: Mr. Territo, when will we be

09:12:19 hearing about that?
09:12:22 The key question is really what happens at the old
09:12:27 site.
09:12:27 Contemplated -- [INAUDIBLE] -- there is no answer.
09:12:33 We just don't want to take a chance without having
09:12:36 a $7 million hit to the downtown -- make wrong
09:12:40 decision.
09:12:41 [not speaking into a microphone]
09:12:46 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Okay.
09:12:46 With that, so there is no idea when it's coming
09:12:49 back.
09:12:53 >>SAL TERRITO: I said we're looking.
09:12:54 As far as I know motion made report back to the
09:13:00 City Council.
09:13:00 You made a recommendation to have it done.
09:13:04 Council has to make a decision moving forward.
09:13:07 [not speaking into a microphone]
09:13:09 Simply research the key question.
09:13:14 Even though done before, never been any challenge
09:13:16 or case law to say proper to do it and no impact
09:13:20 on remaining property.
09:13:21 [not speaking into a microphone]
09:13:25 -- that property gets -- we don't know what
09:13:29 happens to the other -- hasn't had an impact.

09:13:34 If it goes to the Attorney General for that
09:13:42 answer, again, not a binding decision.
09:13:44 Still somewhat up in the air.
09:13:47 May take a few months for that decision to come
09:13:49 back.
09:13:50 [not speaking into a microphone]
09:13:53 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Appreciate your hard work.
09:13:55 We move on to a monthly report.
09:13:57 >>BOB McDONAUGH: Bob McDonaugh.
09:14:00 A couple of quick notes.
09:14:01 We have a lot of appointments to make today, so
09:14:03 I'll try to make this as quick as possible.
09:14:05 Saturday and Sunday in the Curtis Hixon Park, we
09:14:09 have the black heritage festival.
09:14:11 I think that is the third or fourth year for that.
09:14:13 I believe that was a project that Mr. Reddick
09:14:15 stole from St. Petersburg and brought over here.
09:14:17 So thank you very much.
09:14:25 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Yes, he acquired.
09:14:28 >>BOB McDONAUGH: Excuse me.
09:14:29 I misspoke.
09:14:29 Encouraged them.
09:14:31 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Made a deal he couldn't refuse.
09:14:33 [ LAUGHTER ]
09:14:38 >>BOB McDONAUGH: A note that some people have been

09:14:40 waiting for I know for a while.
09:14:43 But "Lion King" starts this month at Straz.
09:14:46 If you haven't lined up your tickets, it would be
09:14:48 a good thing to do.
09:14:49 We have the Gasparilla parade at the end of the
09:14:52 month which is certain to add mayhem to our
09:14:56 downtown market.
09:14:56 In the Channel District, we're doing some spending
09:14:58 of TIF money on infrastructure.
09:15:00 We should begin work shortly on a wastewater lift
09:15:03 station, which increases the capacity with that in
09:15:07 the district, encouraging more development.
09:15:09 We are looking at building some more sidewalks.
09:15:11 Again, for pedestrian safety, looking at, again,
09:15:15 adding another segment of burying power lines
09:15:18 below 12th street.
09:15:19 Again, part of the master plan that's been
09:15:21 envisioned for years now.
09:15:23 And the project by Florida crystals continues, the
09:15:26 300 unit mid-rise.
09:15:27 I believe they are up on the fourth floor now.
09:15:30 In Ybor, you should be receiving an invitation
09:15:33 shortly.
09:15:34 Bainbridge capital will be doing a groundbreaking,
09:15:36 I believe in the beginning of March on the Ybor

09:15:39 City urban flats.
09:15:40 That's 240 units.
09:15:42 You'll recall, that was City of Tampa land that we
09:15:45 sold behind our lady of perpetual health.
09:15:49 Much-needed rental units for the Ybor markets.
09:15:53 We should have an invitation on that shortly.
09:15:56 There has been a submittal to the barrio Latino
09:16:00 for the Marti, which is the project --
09:16:04 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Mr. McDonaugh, I just want to
09:16:06 say thank you for bringing back the timeline on
09:16:14 that sale of the property.
09:16:15 I just want to reiterate that it was brought up
09:16:17 and it was presented here at CRA.
09:16:19 Thank you.
09:16:20 >>BOB McDONAUGH: Yes, ma'am.
09:16:21 The Marti has now submitted plans to the Barrio
09:16:26 Latino.
09:16:27 That, again, was land that we did an RFP for
09:16:30 Nuccio Parkway and 7.
09:16:32 That's a hundred residential units and some
09:16:36 commercial space on the ground floor, so that
09:16:38 should be moving forward in the not-too-distant
09:16:42 future.
09:16:42 We are working in the permitting section for the
09:16:44 improvements to the Oliva tobacco building.

09:16:46 We visited there last week and met with the
09:16:48 developers.
09:16:49 The building has been stripped and is ready for
09:16:51 them to begin the improvements.
09:16:52 It's an amazing amount of work.
09:16:54 An old building that they are really doing a
09:16:56 restoration with a lot of heartfelt enthusiasm.
09:16:59 It's going to be a great addition to Ybor.
09:17:03 In the heights, I think you need to keep your eyes
09:17:07 peeled because I think we'll be seeing invitations
09:17:09 there shortly as well for a groundbreaking.
09:17:11 We've been working, as you know, for quite a while
09:17:13 with SoHo Capital on a number of projects, and I
09:17:17 believe they will be moving forward in the
09:17:19 not-too-distant future.
09:17:21 West Tampa, something that I believe you were sent
09:17:25 under separate cover.
09:17:27 Last month, if you recall, the CRA board approved
09:17:31 a position for an ex officio in the West Tampa
09:17:34 Civic Association.
09:17:35 So West Tampa has selected Manuel Bobby Wilson to
09:17:41 be their representative.
09:17:42 And so while we're doing elections, I will bring
09:17:46 that up again and ask you to confirm Bobby Wilson
09:17:49 for them.

09:17:50 That concludes my report.
09:17:52 Does anyone have any questions I can answer?
09:17:56 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Any questions?
09:17:57 No.
09:17:58 Thank you.
09:17:58 >>BOB McDONAUGH: Yes, ma'am.
09:18:00 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Moving on.
09:18:02 >>BOB McDONAUGH: We have our financial report.
09:18:04 And if I could have that received and filed.
09:18:07 Or if you have any questions, I'll be happy to
09:18:09 answer them.
09:18:09 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Any questions on the TIF report?
09:18:12 >> Move to receive and file.
09:18:14 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Second.
09:18:15 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Moved by Chairman Reddick.
09:18:19 Second by Mr. Suarez.
09:18:21 All in favor?
09:18:22 Opposed?
09:18:23 Hearing none, it passes.
09:18:25 You have a question.
09:18:26 >>HARRY COHEN: Just before we move on to the other
09:18:30 items, Mr. Lafave mentioned the old trump tower
09:18:36 cap trust site.
09:18:37 Is that something that is going to come in front
09:18:41 of City Council, or is that already entitled?

09:18:44 >>BOB McDONAUGH: It's already entitled.
09:18:46 This building is a little bit shorter, less square
09:18:49 footage, and the transportation corridors,
09:18:52 exits/entrances are consistent with what was
09:18:55 approved prior.
09:18:56 I believe a letter of no substantial change has
09:18:58 been issued for that process.
09:19:00 >>HARRY COHEN: It's not something we should expect
09:19:02 to see.
09:19:03 >>BOB McDONAUGH: Only when they are ready to come
09:19:05 in for building permits.
09:19:07 His concept is really exciting.
09:19:13 Again, what we see a lot of times, a garage
09:19:19 podium, the difference is that he has retail space
09:19:22 on the back side which opens up to the Riverwalk.
09:19:24 He's proposing the top of the garage, not to park
09:19:28 cars but to actually have park space.
09:19:30 And that would, again, look out over the river and
09:19:33 would have retail opportunities up there.
09:19:35 Then a portion of office, and then the building
09:19:41 rotates and have residential above it.
09:19:44 >>HARRY COHEN: I would just say that given it
09:19:47 won't be coming here for the usual zoning and land
09:19:50 use discussion that we normally have with these
09:19:53 type developments it might be good to give us a

09:19:56 briefing on what is actually going to be going on
09:19:59 the site so we're aware of it.
09:20:02 >>BOB McDONAUGH: I will be happy to do that.
09:20:04 Again, in order to get a determination in
09:20:07 unsubstantial change, it was more of a massing
09:20:12 plan than an actual set of building plans.
09:20:14 But I would be happy to spend some time with you
09:20:17 and share what they have shared with us.
09:20:18 >>YVONNE CAPIN: We appreciate it because we will
09:20:20 get questions on it.
09:20:22 It helps.
09:20:22 Did we vote on the last motion?
09:20:25 >>BOB McDONAUGH: Receive and file.
09:20:26 >>YVONNE CAPIN: We did.
09:20:27 Okay.
09:20:27 Thank you.
09:20:27 Thank you, Mr. McDonaugh.
09:20:35 Now we go to public comments.
09:20:36 Three minutes per speaker on any matter on the
09:20:40 agenda.
09:20:40 Thank you.
09:20:41 Welcome.
09:20:44 >> Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.
09:20:45 I'm Vance Arnett.
09:20:50 I live at 1120 East Kennedy Boulevard, number 733,

09:20:51 in the beautiful Channel District.
09:20:53 I'm here to thank you.
09:20:55 In October, the Channel District community
09:20:58 Alliance, I am vice president of that
09:20:59 organization, came before the CAC with a request
09:21:02 for funds to help support the inaugural holiday
09:21:06 home tour in the Channel District.
09:21:08 That was a very successful application.
09:21:11 You guys supplied us with the money.
09:21:13 Anytime somebody gives me something, I like to say
09:21:16 thank you.
09:21:16 In this case, the gift was to a major area of the
09:21:19 city, and it turned out to be a massive success.
09:21:22 Next Wednesday, our president will supply
09:21:26 Stageworks with a check for over $2,000.
09:21:28 It's a noncommitted gift.
09:21:31 They can use it any way they want.
09:21:33 We attracted over -- about 320 people into the
09:21:37 neighborhood, so we have new friends and 12
09:21:40 individuals in the neighborhood, all the way from
09:21:41 the towers to bell Channelside opened their homes.
09:21:45 It was just a great way to kick off and answer the
09:21:48 question, what's it like to live in the Channel
09:21:50 District?
09:21:51 So thank you very much.

09:21:52 I will give the clerk, with your permission,
09:21:55 copies of the program.
09:21:56 Much of the money that you supplied us went into
09:21:58 the development and distribution of this thing, so
09:22:01 people could get around safely in the Channel
09:22:02 District.
09:22:03 Thank you very much.
09:22:03 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Thank you.
09:22:04 Excellent job.
09:22:05 And anytime we get thanked, us guys appreciate it.
09:22:11 [ LAUGHTER ]
09:22:32 >> Ed Tillou, Sulphur Springs.
09:22:34 What I'm circling around is actually advance
09:22:42 reading for next week because I won't be able to
09:22:45 come tonight.
09:22:45 I lost sight that it was a CRA meeting.
09:22:48 So this is advance reading for next time.
09:22:51 With respect to the items brought up, the CRA
09:22:53 items, I guess I'm talking to item 2 and item 5.
09:22:57 With respect to a 52-story office building, this
09:23:03 is over building.
09:23:04 You know, you really have to look at what happens
09:23:08 when cities overbuild.
09:23:10 And 52 stories is just -- it's like the world
09:23:15 trade center.

09:23:15 People don't realize who didn't grow up and live
09:23:19 in New York that the world trade center was not
09:23:21 like the -- was not liked in New York.
09:23:24 It was hated.
09:23:25 It only became a thing when it was blown up and
09:23:28 gone.
09:23:28 You might say it was a step toward urban
09:23:30 beautification.
09:23:31 But any case, they seem to have learned their
09:23:34 lesson, what's replacing it is a lot scaled down
09:23:38 and a lot nicer.
09:23:39 So the thing is, that's got to be considered as
09:23:42 well as an eight-story parking garage.
09:23:44 Now, why is a transportation hub being built out
09:23:49 at international village, International Mall or
09:23:53 something out by the airport instead of downtown?
09:23:57 That's what you need.
09:23:58 This little trolley back and forth is being run in
09:24:05 a way that's sabotaging its usefulness for the
09:24:08 city.
09:24:09 Only certain hours in the morning, certainly hours
09:24:11 at night.
09:24:12 It should be around the clock almost.
09:24:14 The thing is, that is a very valuable kind of
09:24:17 thing to have.

09:24:17 It could hub at this 52-story office building that
09:24:24 hopefully will become 30 or 35 stories, and
09:24:30 eight-story downtown transportation hub thing.
09:24:33 Because a person that seems to have vision, and
09:24:36 this is Vinik, and now somebody spoke about the
09:24:39 Channelside District and he's hit a couple of key
09:24:42 points.
09:24:42 First of all, sedentary lifestyle is really one of
09:24:46 the reasons, the main reason probably you have
09:24:49 these three and four-hundred pound people.
09:24:52 The other thing is, you've got to increase the
09:24:57 downtown density, which is to say, you need
09:25:00 smaller apartments.
09:25:01 You've got to get more people into these
09:25:03 buildings.
09:25:03 Okay.
09:25:04 Hold it at 30 or 35 stories, but then puts lots of
09:25:07 people in it so you're not dealing with urban
09:25:09 sprawl.
09:25:10 It's the same ol' same ol' same ol'.
09:25:16 You're in denial about global warning.
09:25:18 You keep following the same patterns.
09:25:20 Actually, it's county commission that is -- late
09:25:28 '60s and early '70s.
09:25:30 And the thing is, that's got to be changed.

09:25:33 I mean, the poles are melting.
09:25:37 How much signal do people need?
09:25:39 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Thank you.
09:25:40 Next.
09:25:46 Thank you.
09:25:50 >> Good morning.
09:25:51 I'm Bobby Wilson, a resident of West Tampa and a
09:25:55 member of the West Tampa Neighborhood Association.
09:26:00 They would like for me to add their representative
09:26:02 to sit on the CRA, the advisory committee member.
09:26:05 I chose to live in West Tampa because I always
09:26:08 wanted to live in an urban setting that provided a
09:26:11 commute to work, shopping, and entertainment.
09:26:14 West Tampa provides this for me.
09:26:16 I tell people all the time that I do the majority
09:26:19 of my day-to-day living within 15 minutes of my
09:26:23 home.
09:26:23 However, there are tremendous opportunities for
09:26:25 West Tampa for increased work, housing, shopping,
09:26:30 and entertainment to make it a more walkable
09:26:33 neighborhood like we see in cities like New York,
09:26:35 Chicago, and Washington, D.C.
09:26:37 I am originally from Spartanburg, South Carolina,
09:26:39 and a proud graduate of the University of South
09:26:41 Carolina.

09:26:41 I work for Bank of America.
09:26:43 My office is here in downtown Tampa.
09:26:45 I've held multiple positions within the bank,
09:26:49 supporting business banking, home loans, servicing
09:26:51 fulfillment, treasury services, and marketing.
09:26:54 My current role is supporting strategic change
09:26:57 initiatives for the commercial bank.
09:26:58 My passion for West Tampa and my corporate skills,
09:27:01 I think it would be my goal to be very effective
09:27:03 and impactful for the committee to help drive
09:27:07 development within West Tampa so it could be
09:27:11 beneficial for current residents and business
09:27:13 owners and making it an extremely attractive
09:27:15 neighborhood for new residences, entrepreneurs,
09:27:17 and visitors, and making it that thriving economic
09:27:20 engine for Tampa again.
09:27:21 Thank you so much.
09:27:25 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Thank you.
09:27:26 We'll move on.
09:27:33 Anyone else?
09:27:34 Public comment?
09:27:35 No.
09:27:36 All right.
09:27:36 We move on to the required approvals.
09:27:41 >> May I ask a favor of the board, please?

09:27:44 Again, the reason that Mr. Miller was not on the
09:27:50 agenda was because the West Tampa Civic
09:27:51 Association gave us his application after we had
09:27:55 already formatted it.
09:27:57 If it was okay with you, could you please agree to
09:28:00 appointing Mr. Miller?
09:28:03 >>YVONNE CAPIN: We do have a vote thing on him,
09:28:06 but he's not on the agenda.
09:28:08 Ballot.
09:28:10 That's what they call it nowadays.
09:28:16 >>HARRY COHEN: Can we move ratification of that
09:28:16 without the ballot?
09:28:17 Let's go ahead and move it.
09:28:18 I move it.
09:28:19 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Moved by Councilman Cohen.
09:28:23 Second by Chairman Reddick.
09:28:25 All those in favor.
09:28:27 Opposed, none.
09:28:28 Passes unanimously.
09:28:30 Welcome.
09:28:32 >>BOB McDONAUGH: One other thing before you start
09:28:34 your voting process, I want to point out that you
09:28:36 have a person that has applied to two of the
09:28:39 CRAs.
09:28:39 Both to Tampa Heights and Drew Park, so just to be

09:28:42 aware of that.
09:28:43 Thank you.
09:28:54 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Are they here?
09:28:57 >>BOB McDONAUGH: I believe, if the first one we're
09:28:59 doing is the Channel District, there are a number
09:29:00 of people here from the Channel District.
09:29:03 >>YVONNE CAPIN: We'll start with the first name,
09:29:05 Nicholas Buchanan.
09:29:11 Thank you.
09:29:14 >> Good morning, City Council.
09:29:17 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Two minutes each.
09:29:19 >> My name is Nick Buchanan.
09:29:20 I'm a resident of Channelside at 101 South 12th
09:29:23 Street.
09:29:24 I've been in the city since 2010.
09:29:26 I embody what it means to be a Channelside
09:29:27 District resident.
09:29:29 I truly live, work, and play in the district.
09:29:31 I'm with Keller Williams, located in the Grand
09:29:35 Central building on the north side of the
09:29:37 Channelside.
09:29:38 As a resident and businessman of the district, I
09:29:41 would bring an objective set of eyes and ears to
09:29:44 the CRA board.
09:29:45 As a businessman, I understand the importance to

09:29:49 foster a dynamic and vibrant commercial and
09:29:54 residential demographic.
09:29:55 I would bring diversification to the board to help
09:30:01 address unique issues of the district and its
09:30:03 residents.
09:30:03 I'm involved in many groups and events, one being
09:30:12 the Urban Professional Society.
09:30:14 I've created art on 12th.
09:30:17 Two times.
09:30:19 Basically, it brings the residents out of their
09:30:21 homes, down to the streets.
09:30:23 It gets them to meet and greet.
09:30:25 And also embraces the local artists.
09:30:30 The last one is like $10,000 of artwork that goes
09:30:35 to the residents and/or the local artists.
09:30:39 Also, created another event, ice cream Sundays.
09:30:44 It's a local event at the dog park that brings
09:30:47 residents again out of their homes and down to the
09:30:52 street and keeps everyone here and kind of our
09:30:54 money in the district.
09:30:54 These events help show the dedication I have to
09:30:59 the district and how much it means to me.
09:31:01 And other residents appreciate this as well.
09:31:05 I do appreciate your consideration, and thank you
09:31:09 very much.

09:31:09 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Thank you very much.
09:31:10 We have Lauren Campbell.
09:31:20 >> We're already lined up.
09:31:21 Good morning.
09:31:22 My name is Lauren Campbell.
09:31:23 I am a recent expatriate of the Channel District.
09:31:26 I currently live at 701 grand court in Temple
09:31:28 Terrace.
09:31:29 However, I'm still the active community
09:31:34 neighborhood president for that area of the
09:31:36 Channel District Community Alliance.
09:31:38 I'm a previous graduate of the Mayor's
09:31:42 Neighborhood University.
09:31:42 I previously sat on the Historic Preservation
09:31:43 Commission with Owen, and I am also a board member
09:31:48 of walk, bike Tampa.
09:31:51 I'm currently on the CAC for Channel District.
09:31:55 I'm asking to be reappointed this morning.
09:31:56 Some reasons why I feel like I would continue to
09:31:58 be an asset is my position as the president of
09:32:03 Channel District community alliance I have a very
09:32:06 unique relationship with our community, both the
09:32:09 business owners and the residents of the Channel
09:32:11 District.
09:32:11 My affiliation with walk bike Tampa allows me to

09:32:15 have an insightful conversation about
09:32:20 transportation, walkability, and pedestrian and
09:32:22 bike safety in our neighborhood which is a major
09:32:24 concern, especially noting the high construction
09:32:28 projects that we have going on in the district,
09:32:30 both current and future projected.
09:32:32 I currently work in commercial real estate, and I
09:32:35 work a lot in the downtown and Channel District
09:32:38 area, so I'm very well versed in the real estate
09:32:40 market down there and what's up and coming and
09:32:42 what's going to affect which projects and
09:32:45 communities.
09:32:45 I'd also like to add that since my appointment to
09:32:49 the board or to the committee and my position as
09:32:52 president of CDCA, I've managed, along with Vance
09:32:58 Arnett and a few of our board members, bring the
09:33:01 community to our CAC meeting.
09:33:03 Before we were on the committee ourselves, there
09:33:05 was not a lot of public involvement.
09:33:08 Since then, we have some of the highest rates of
09:33:10 community involvement at our CAC.
09:33:13 Thank you, and have a nice morning.
09:33:14 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Thank you.
09:33:15 James Englert.
09:33:25 >> Good morning.

09:33:25 My name is James Englert, 1120 East Kennedy
09:33:29 Boulevard, number 1114 in the Channel District.
09:33:32 I'm a structural engineer with a major engineering
09:33:35 company here in Tampa.
09:33:37 I've lived here for 25 years.
09:33:39 The last 10 years have been in the Channel
09:33:41 District.
09:33:42 Like Lauren, I'm also currently serving on the
09:33:45 Channel District CAC, and I'm asking you to
09:33:49 reappoint me for another two-year term.
09:33:52 As Lauren said, it's been an exciting two years
09:33:56 for our CAC because we really have seen a lot of
09:33:59 involvement from the community, which is different
09:34:01 from previous years.
09:34:03 One of the first things we did when I was first
09:34:06 appointed to the board two years ago, we had a
09:34:08 large meeting with the community and we
09:34:10 brainstormed a list of ideas, kind of a wish list
09:34:13 of things we wanted to do or see happen in the
09:34:16 Channel District.
09:34:17 A lot of it involves pedestrian safety or bicycle
09:34:20 safety and crosswalks, but it was a pretty diverse
09:34:23 list, including things like the Madison Street
09:34:25 Park, which we've gone through the public meetings
09:34:30 for.

09:34:31 I'm happy to say that a lot of the items we had on
09:34:34 our wish list, we've actually accomplished, and at
09:34:36 our last meeting, we talked about early next year
09:34:39 or at our next meeting, having another kind of
09:34:42 open session with the community to put together
09:34:45 another list of activities for the next two years
09:34:48 going forward.
09:34:49 I've been very excited to be a part of the Channel
09:34:53 District CAC and I'm looking forward to another
09:34:56 two years.
09:34:57 I hope you'll reconsider my appointment.
09:35:00 Thank you.
09:35:00 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Thank you.
09:35:01 We have Arthur Miksis.
09:35:09 Is he here?
09:35:10 No.
09:35:12 All right.
09:35:12 We move on to John Muller.
09:35:22 >> Good morning.
09:35:23 My name is John Muller.
09:35:24 This is actually my second time in Tampa.
09:35:26 I live in Seffner, though I would strongly argue,
09:35:31 as some of you may know, I spend most of my time
09:35:34 in the Channel District working at the Florida
09:35:36 Aquarium.

09:35:37 I am the vice president of the operations and
09:35:39 engineering there.
09:35:39 I graduated from the military academy west point
09:35:43 and then went on later on to get an MBA degree.
09:35:46 I've spent quite a bit of my career managing
09:35:50 people, business, and with some experience in
09:35:53 development stages as well.
09:35:55 The aquarium, it's really truly, it's been
09:35:58 described as the linchpin of the Channel District,
09:36:01 and I truly believe that.
09:36:03 We're participating in sharing in the vision of
09:36:05 the future for that.
09:36:07 So we would greatly want to participate in the CRA
09:36:12 to assist that process.
09:36:15 We have strong relationships with both our
09:36:17 neighbors at the port.
09:36:18 The Vinik group, not only the arena folks but the
09:36:22 strategic planning partners group as well in
09:36:26 sharing all these visions.
09:36:27 And then collaborating and going in step with
09:36:30 them.
09:36:30 On some of the reports, you know, you'll hear some
09:36:33 of the things that are going on in the Channel
09:36:35 District, but I think we've got to remember and as
09:36:38 vice president of engineering there, I'm running

09:36:40 the projects.
09:36:41 We actually have $8 million going into the Channel
09:36:43 District in the next year, starting right now with
09:36:45 the Mosaic Center, the new park.
09:36:48 All these things, they are not designed just for
09:36:50 the visitors, but we also have to keep in mind the
09:36:53 community that lives there, because they are
09:36:55 members.
09:36:56 And they will, especially with the young influx,
09:36:59 those individuals will also be coming to the
09:37:03 aquarium for it.
09:37:04 So, in closing, I just want to say I'm excited for
09:37:07 the opportunity and look forward to hopefully
09:37:12 participating on it.
09:37:13 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Thank you, Mr. Muller.
09:37:15 I apologize for mispronouncing your name.
09:37:17 But I have a Cuban friend who has the same name
09:37:20 and he pronounces it "Mueller."
09:37:23 German descent.
09:37:27 Cuban.
09:37:28 Thank you.
09:37:31 Vincent Pawlowski.
09:37:35 Not here.
09:37:36 Okay.
09:37:36 Meaghan Scalise.

09:37:46 >> Good morning.
09:37:46 My name is Meaghan Scalise.
09:37:48 I'm a current resident and business owner of the
09:37:52 downtown Tampa Channel District.
09:37:54 My specialized art business is Tada! Traditional
09:37:58 & Digital Arts.
09:38:01 I'm one of the few artists actually residing in
09:38:05 the Channel District.
09:38:05 First, let me say thank you to my husband and
09:38:08 colleagues for their support today and on all
09:38:11 days.
09:38:11 A few of my fellow Channel District Community
09:38:13 Alliance founding board members are here as well.
09:38:17 Working with them the past year as parliamentarian
09:38:21 and as cocommittee members has been a great
09:38:25 learning experience.
09:38:26 I'm looking forward to continuing the momentum of
09:38:29 our young neighborhood association and our growing
09:38:31 district.
09:38:32 Thank you, also, to the Council Chairman and the
09:38:35 City Council for having me.
09:38:36 The vision that will guide my position is that the
09:38:41 CRA CAC deliver efficient, effective decisions to
09:38:46 all stakeholders.
09:38:47 The collaboration of both the district board and

09:38:51 committees is crucial to the growing success.
09:38:53 Providing efficient and effective services means
09:38:56 that this board has to be ethical and open with
09:39:00 taxpayers about all decisions and goals we have
09:39:02 been appointed to do.
09:39:03 Providing these services also means that everyone
09:39:10 feels they can walk the district streets safely
09:39:12 and with a sense of pride in our unique community.
09:39:16 To achieve this vision, we will all have to work
09:39:19 together.
09:39:20 Government simply cannot do this alone.
09:39:23 We need businesses, our residents, our
09:39:26 universities, property owners, even our adjacent
09:39:31 neighbors to all be rowing in the same direction.
09:39:33 This kind of unity is not impossible.
09:39:36 There are so many in the city already doing it.
09:39:39 The community activists, volunteers, development
09:39:42 corporations, and so many others that have
09:39:45 inspired me to stand before you today.
09:39:47 A small business owner of an art studio.
09:39:51 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Thank you very much.
09:39:53 >> Thank you.
09:39:56 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Katherine O'Donniley.
09:40:03 >> Katherine O'Donniley.
09:40:06 I'm a land use attorney with the law firm of

09:40:07 Singer and O'Donniley.
09:40:12 I'm very pleased to be here before you seeking
09:40:13 reappointment as Downtown Partnership ex officio
09:40:16 member to the Channel District CAC.
09:40:17 As you all are very aware, it's been quite an
09:40:21 exciting two years.
09:40:23 Lots of growth, development and planning.
09:40:26 But I think you also got a little flavor in
09:40:29 listening to some of the folks who also sat on the
09:40:31 committee with me that in the last few years,
09:40:33 we've seen a real uptick in community engagement
09:40:36 and organization.
09:40:36 And I think that's very exciting for our
09:40:39 committee, and I look forward to continuing that
09:40:41 dialogue and momentum.
09:40:43 I think our committee over the last two years has
09:40:46 really balanced, you know, keeping in mind the
09:40:50 greater vision for the Channel District, but also
09:40:52 listening closely when community members and come
09:40:56 and tell us about sort of microlevel issues that
09:40:59 are affecting quality of life, do have the ability
09:41:03 to help fix.
09:41:04 With that, I appreciate your consideration in
09:41:07 confirming the partnership decision to proceed
09:41:11 with me for another two years.

09:41:13 Thank you.
09:41:14 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Thank you.
09:41:14 And that's the last of the applicant names.
09:41:18 So we will go ahead and vote.
09:41:22 >>FRANK REDDICK: Madam Chair --
09:41:24 >>CHARLIE MIRANDA: I was going to bring up, I
09:41:26 don't know if you were.
09:41:27 There is one individual on two ballots.
09:41:31 I think he should only be elected to one.
09:41:34 No, not this one.
09:41:36 He's on Tampa Heights and he's on Drew Park.
09:41:43 If he's here, he can tell us which one he wants.
09:41:46 >>YVONNE CAPIN: If he's here -- I don't know if he
09:41:49 has to tell us which one he wants.
09:41:51 We just have to vote for one.
09:41:53 >>BOB McDONAUGH: He has expressed an interest this
09:41:56 morning that his preference would be Drew Park,
09:41:57 please.
09:42:02 >>FRANK REDDICK: I'm going to move that we ratify
09:42:05 Ms. O'Donniley for the Channel District.
09:42:09 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Moved by Chairman Reddick,
09:42:11 seconded by Councilman Maniscalco.
09:42:13 All those in favor.
09:42:16 Opposed.
09:42:16 Passed unanimously.

09:42:17 Welcome, Ms. O'Donniley.
09:42:24 While he's catching up, can we move on -- downtown
09:43:01 CRA.
09:43:01 We have three applicants and three positions.
09:43:06 They may want to speak.
09:43:13 First, Abbey Ahern.
09:43:29 >> Good morning.
09:43:32 Abbey Ahern.
09:43:34 I reside in Tampa Heights, 306 East Ross Avenue.
09:43:37 In the evenings I reside downtown Tampa.
09:43:39 During the day at 518 North Tampa Street.
09:43:42 We've had our business in downtown for, I guess,
09:43:44 about 25 years.
09:43:47 Building owner and business owner.
09:43:50 I also would like to say thank you for having me
09:43:53 on the Channel District CRA CAC for the last
09:43:56 several years.
09:43:57 As I term limit out, I would like to represent the
09:44:00 interests of downtown.
09:44:01 We've seen a lot of great improvement with the
09:44:06 Channel District.
09:44:07 I have remained involved with downtown and would
09:44:10 love that opportunity to continue to serve the
09:44:13 CAC.
09:44:14 Thank you.

09:44:16 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Thank you, Ms. Ahern.
09:44:18 Danielle Joyce.
09:44:26 >> Hello.
09:44:27 I'm Danielle Joyce.
09:44:28 I want to thank you, the Council, for having me
09:44:31 today.
09:44:32 I am a traffic engineer for GPI, which is located
09:44:36 at 1000 North Ashley Street.
09:44:39 I'm also the secretary of the transportation of
09:44:43 the Tampa Bay transportation engineers.
09:44:47 And I serve on the Hillsborough County community
09:44:49 traffic safety team.
09:44:51 I am a member of the American planning
09:44:53 association.
09:44:53 I'm a member of young professionals in
09:44:56 transportation.
09:44:56 I'm also actively involved in the bike walk of
09:44:59 Tampa Bay regional coalition.
09:45:01 I actually am here today because I essentially I
09:45:06 want to replace my colleague currently on -- or
09:45:09 who had served a term on the advisory committee.
09:45:12 You may know him as skip Harvey, also known as
09:45:15 Elton Harvey.
09:45:17 He actually recently retired and had advocated
09:45:22 that I replace his position on the advisory

09:45:25 committee.
09:45:25 I basically have a very vested interest in
09:45:29 business and development within the city because
09:45:32 business directly impacts our region in many
09:45:35 levels, including transportation and ultimately
09:45:40 quality of life.
09:45:40 I have a strong interest in safety engineering,
09:45:44 especially pedestrian and bicycle.
09:45:45 And I'm very satisfied to hear of the elevated
09:45:49 interests that we've already heard from some of
09:45:50 the applicants today.
09:45:51 Because I believe that it's making an impact here
09:45:55 in our region.
09:45:56 I live in south county and Apollo Beach.
09:46:00 So business development in the City of Tampa
09:46:02 directly impacts me both in my daily and home
09:46:05 activities.
09:46:06 Many of the south county residents commute daily
09:46:09 into this profit center that we call downtown
09:46:14 Tampa.
09:46:15 And I look forward to the opportunity to serve the
09:46:19 CRA with my professional, passionate expertise and
09:46:24 make connections with all of the other
09:46:25 organizations that I belong to.
09:46:27 So I appreciate your time.

09:46:29 Thank you.
09:46:32 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Thank you.
09:46:33 Ramon Wong.
09:46:38 Not here.
09:46:38 All right.
09:46:39 We have three applicants.
09:46:45 >> Move approval.
09:46:47 >> Second.
09:46:48 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Moved to approve by Councilman
09:46:52 Cohen.
09:46:52 Seconded by Councilman Maniscalco.
09:46:56 All in favor.
09:46:59 Opposed none.
09:47:00 Passes.
09:47:01 Thank you.
09:47:01 You're welcome.
09:47:07 [ LAUGHTER ]
09:47:07 All right.
09:47:09 We go to Drew Park.
09:47:12 In Drew Park, we have vote for four but there are
09:47:22 three applicants and two to ratify.
09:47:25 Are you Mr. Beal?
09:47:37 Do you want to come up and talk to us?
09:47:39 >> Good morning, thank you.
09:47:40 My name is Damien Beal.

09:47:42 I am employed with the Tampa Housing Authority as
09:47:44 case manager running the youth program, which is a
09:47:47 Department of Labor program for low-income youth
09:47:51 16 to 24.
09:47:57 All been in touch with the justice system one form
09:48:00 or flags.
09:48:01 I would like to join the Drew Park CRA because my
09:48:05 interest would be job training, jobs, and
09:48:08 services.
09:48:09 In dealing with the public that I deal with, I
09:48:13 understand the need for job training, jobs, and
09:48:16 services which could not only help these youth,
09:48:21 but also help the city as well.
09:48:22 Just give you a quick quote, we met with the
09:48:30 police athletic league and speaking with one of
09:48:33 their policemen, they said their job is take the
09:48:37 dots off the board.
09:48:38 Job training I believe we'll be able to take some
09:48:42 of those dots off the board.
09:48:45 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Councilman Suarez.
09:48:51 >>MIKE SUAREZ: I notice you applied for two
09:48:54 different boards.
09:48:55 We're not going to put you on both boards.
09:48:56 You made it an interest known that you want to go
09:48:59 on the Drew Park board.

09:49:00 I'm going to ask you, the Tampa Heights board,
09:49:03 because of -- I mean, you live in Ridgewood Park.
09:49:08 >> Yes, sir.
09:49:08 >>MIKE SUAREZ: And you're on the Tampa Housing
09:49:10 Authority.
09:49:11 Obviously, you know there's a lot of activity
09:49:14 going on there that would affect the Tampa Heights
09:49:17 community and you're right next to it.
09:49:19 Why wouldn't you want to serve on the Tampa
09:49:20 Heights CRA considering everything you just
09:49:22 mentioned about your job and the disruption that's
09:49:26 going to happen with Tampa Housing Authority, why
09:49:28 wouldn't you want to be on that board as opposed
09:49:30 to Drew Park?
09:49:32 >> Drew Park I think has just as much opportunity
09:49:34 as Tampa Heights.
09:49:35 The thing with Drew Park is I'm more about
09:49:40 diversity.
09:49:41 I want the youth to have more opportunity at
09:49:44 different things, give them more, avenues.
09:49:49 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Mr. Beal, do you understand what
09:49:51 the CRA does and what the CAC does in relation to
09:49:54 CRA?
09:49:55 >> Community redevelopment, yes, sir.
09:49:57 >>MIKE SUAREZ: The redevelopment is for

09:49:58 infrastructure projects, things like that.
09:50:00 That's what we spend our money on primarily.
09:50:02 >> Exactly.
09:50:02 >>MIKE SUAREZ: The only reason I was suggesting
09:50:04 Tampa Heights is that you have an intimate
09:50:07 knowledge by virtue of where you live and by
09:50:09 virtue of your employment to effect quite a bit of
09:50:13 change within that particular CRA.
09:50:15 >> I do understand that.
09:50:17 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Okay.
09:50:18 I just wanted to make sure you understood.
09:50:23 >>FRANK REDDICK: Let me follow up because when you
09:50:26 were making your comments, I was sitting here and
09:50:29 just thinking out loud that also with CRA, there
09:50:35 are service-oriented projects as well.
09:50:38 When you look at the demographic in Tampa Heights,
09:50:47 the youth, unemployment, the lack of job training
09:50:54 and the population that is higher than what you've
09:50:57 got in Drew Park, especially with unemployed
09:51:02 youth.
09:51:05 The premise that you said to us today, that's what
09:51:08 you want to do, I just can't see that there is a
09:51:16 balance there.
09:51:17 I just can't see where, if this is your job as
09:51:23 part of the housing authority, that the housing

09:51:26 authority -- Drew Park versus Tampa Heights.
09:51:31 It just raised my eyebrow when you were speaking.
09:51:37 I'm not trying to convince you to go either way.
09:51:40 But I think you need to reevaluate the services
09:51:46 program that is likely.
09:51:48 In Tampa Heights.
09:51:53 And if you understand that we're trying to
09:51:59 establish a facility over there in Tampa Heights,
09:52:09 which they have lost that and they have all these
09:52:11 kids that are not going to have that program over
09:52:14 there in Tampa Heights.
09:52:16 What it was doing at the church.
09:52:19 You're familiar with that.
09:52:21 >> I'm not familiar with that, but I did have a
09:52:23 meeting with Jerome Wise about the two different
09:52:27 CRAs I should join.
09:52:28 Part of my decision was based on the meeting I had
09:52:32 with him.
09:52:35 >>FRANK REDDICK: Okay.
09:52:36 I just wanted to point that out.
09:52:37 There's a lot of young folks that would need the
09:52:43 service that you were speaking of.
09:52:47 >> I understand what you're saying.
09:52:50 If there is a need for me, because my interest,
09:52:53 like I said, is to serve the community.

09:52:55 If there is a bigger need for me to serve the
09:52:58 community at the Seminole Heights CRA, I don't
09:52:59 have a problem with that.
09:53:01 My biggest interest is to develop these kids and
09:53:04 give them job opportunities and skills and
09:53:06 services.
09:53:07 That's my goal in order to enhance the community
09:53:11 as a whole.
09:53:12 >>FRANK REDDICK: Is it also your goal just to be
09:53:14 on the CRA board?
09:53:16 >> No, no.
09:53:17 My goal is to be a part of something, a CRA where
09:53:21 we can provide services, job opportunities and
09:53:23 skills to those disadvantaged, those low income.
09:53:27 >>FRANK REDDICK: Just make me wonder because when
09:53:29 you apply for more than one, that tells me you
09:53:33 want to be on a board.
09:53:34 >> I applied for the West Tampa one as well.
09:53:37 >>FRANK REDDICK: I know you did.
09:53:38 That backs up my point.
09:53:40 >> My office is in West Tampa.
09:53:42 That's why.
09:53:43 >>FRANK REDDICK: Thank you.
09:53:46 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Thank you.
09:53:46 Are we ready?

09:53:48 I'm sorry.
09:53:51 Alford Poole, junior.
09:53:57 Not here.
09:53:57 Michael Martinez.
09:53:59 Not here either.
09:54:00 We need four.
09:54:06 I'm sorry, William Forister, not here.
09:54:14 And Ann Kulig.
09:54:17 >> Move to ratify.
09:54:21 >>CHARLIE MIRANDA: All the applicants and the
09:54:24 ratification of the two seats, Hillsborough County
09:54:28 aviation and Westshore alliance.
09:54:31 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Thank you for the motion, Chairman
09:54:33 Reddick.
09:54:33 Second by Councilman ...
09:54:41 >>FRANK REDDICK: Are we going to vote on this.
09:54:43 >>YVONNE CAPIN: ... Miranda.
09:54:44 I couldn't remember.
09:54:51 >>FRANK REDDICK: We just ratified all of them.
09:54:53 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Well, we have to vote on the
09:54:55 motion.
09:54:55 So all in favor.
09:54:57 Opposed none.
09:54:58 Seeing none, passes unanimously.
09:55:01 Again, you're welcome.

09:55:02 Thank you and you're welcome.
09:55:08 Yes, ma'am, thank you.
09:55:13 >> Good morning.
09:55:13 Shirley Foxx-Knowles, City Clerk.
09:55:16 I want to report on Channel District CRA community
09:55:19 advisory committee.
09:55:21 We have three individuals selected, and there is a
09:55:26 tie between Lauren Campbell and John Muller.
09:55:32 The individuals selected include Nicholas
09:55:38 Buchanan, James Englert and Meaghan Scalise.
09:55:47 If we can vote again.
09:55:48 That would be between Lauren Campbell and John
09:55:51 Muller.
09:56:08 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Before we move forward, I would
09:56:10 suggest that remove -- that we remove Mr. Beal's
09:56:15 application of the Tampa Heights community
09:56:17 advisory committee and to ask the clerk to
09:56:21 readvertise for applicants.
09:56:24 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Okay.
09:56:25 Moved by Councilman Suarez.
09:56:26 Second by Chairman Reddick.
09:56:28 All in favor?
09:56:29 Opposed?
09:56:31 None.
09:56:31 Passes unanimously.

09:56:32 Tampa Heights has been withdrawn, and we'll
09:57:35 readvertise.
09:57:38 We have West Tampa and we've done that.
09:57:40 So we're waiting for the vote on ...
09:59:02 >> Good morning again.
09:59:03 Shirley Foxx-Knowles, City Clerk.
09:59:05 The last individual selected for the Channel
09:59:09 District CRA community advisory committee is
09:59:14 Mr. John Muller.
09:59:16 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Thank you.
09:59:17 And you're welcome.
09:59:18 We move on.
09:59:21 Information, reports, and new business.
09:59:30 We'll start with Ms. Montelione.
09:59:34 Nada.
09:59:35 Councilman Maniscalco.
09:59:38 >>GUIDO MANISCALCO: Nope.
09:59:40 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Councilman Cohen.
09:59:42 Chairman Reddick?
09:59:43 Councilman Suarez?
09:59:46 >>MIKE SUAREZ: No, ma'am.
09:59:47 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Wow.
09:59:48 Councilman --
09:59:49 >>CHARLIE MIRANDA: None.
09:59:50 And motion to receive and file the documents.

09:59:51 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Thank you.
09:59:53 Moved by Councilman Miranda.
09:59:54 Second by Montelione.
09:59:56 All those in favor?
09:59:59 Passes.
09:59:59 We are adjourned.
10:00:00 Thank you, everyone, really.
10:00:03 Thank you very much.