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JANUARY 14, 2016

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05:35:05 >>FRANK REDDICK: Good evening.
05:35:07 We're going to call this meeting to order.
05:35:08 Roll call.
05:35:09 >>CHARLIE MIRANDA: Here.
05:35:09 >>THE CLERK: Suarez? Capin?
05:35:12 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Present.
05:35:12 >>HARRY COHEN: Here.
05:35:19 >>GUIDO MANISCALCO: Here.
05:35:21 >> Montelione? And Reddick?
05:35:21 >>FRANK REDDICK: Here. 5:30.
05:35:23 Public hearing, items 1 through 3.
05:35:25 We've got a motion to open the public hearing from
05:35:30 Mr. Miranda.
05:35:30 Seconded by Mr. Cohen.

05:35:32 All in favor of the motion, aye.
05:35:33 Opposed.
05:35:34 Item number one.
05:35:35 >>GLORIA MOREDA: Gloria Moreda, Land Development.
05:35:38 The item is for a text amendment to chapter 27.
05:35:41 It's an amendment to the use table involving the
05:35:45 office professional district OP-1.
05:35:49 They are adding commercial uses as well as some
05:35:52 entertainment uses.
05:35:53 It also includes amendments to the special use
05:35:56 criteria involving S-1 in the OP-1 district.
05:36:01 This application has been privately initiated.
05:36:07 City Council did have a workshop and Planning
05:36:11 Commission staff is here to report.
05:36:20 They want me to tell you the Planning Commission
05:36:22 found them consistent.
05:36:29 >> Good evening, Mr. Chairman.
05:36:30 My name is David -- and Council members.
05:36:33 My name is David Mechanik.
05:36:34 305 South Boulevard, Tampa, Florida.
05:36:37 I'm here on behalf of RS Westshore LLC, which is a
05:36:42 property owner having quite a few properties along
05:36:47 the east side of Westshore Boulevard between
05:36:51 Cypress Street and Laurel Street.
05:36:52 We are proposing, as Gloria indicated, we are

05:36:59 proposing to add uses, permitted uses to the OP-1
05:37:04 zoning district, which my client's property is
05:37:07 designated.
05:37:08 These are mostly what you would call limited or
05:37:15 low intensity site retail uses as well as some
05:37:19 entertainment uses, alcoholic beverage sales.
05:37:22 We have added as part of the proposal restrictions
05:37:26 for the alcoholic beverage sales, which include
05:37:30 the fact that these uses can only be established
05:37:34 on an arterial road and may only be established if
05:37:38 they are greater than 250 feet away from a
05:37:42 single-family residence, a school or a church.
05:37:46 And there are other restrictions that we've
05:37:48 included in the proposed text amendment.
05:37:51 The rationale for this change is that the OP-1
05:37:56 district, which is -- can't really see this too
05:38:02 well on the ELMO.
05:38:04 In fact, Ms. Montelione pointed out at the
05:38:06 workshop, since we're showing the entire city,
05:38:13 it's sort of difficult to see where you are, but
05:38:16 I'll try and pinpoint the areas.
05:38:17 The areas in hatch mark are the OP-1 zoning in the
05:38:24 entire city.
05:38:25 And you can see that there are very few of those
05:38:27 designated parcels.

05:38:29 Now, what is shown in the red is the regional
05:38:34 mixed use land use category in the comprehensive
05:38:38 plan.
05:38:38 And the reason I'm showing that is because the
05:38:41 OP-1 is only allowed within the regional mixed use
05:38:46 category.
05:38:47 You can see these areas are limited to the
05:38:54 urbanized areas of the city and include Westshore,
05:38:58 the Channel District, Harbour Island, Tampa
05:39:01 Heights and a few isolated other urban areas of
05:39:05 the city.
05:39:06 The reason I make this point is because we're not
05:39:09 talking about adding these uses in neighborhood
05:39:12 areas.
05:39:12 Certainly with the restriction on the
05:39:17 establishments being located on an arterial road
05:39:21 would limit the effect of these uses and not
05:39:24 impact particular neighborhoods.
05:39:27 The other important point to consider is that the
05:39:35 regional mixed use category is a mixed use
05:39:39 category and the comp plan assumes that we will
05:39:42 promote the regional mixed use areas for mixed use
05:39:47 projects.
05:39:48 The OP-1 category without these amendments does
05:39:50 not really allow a true mix of uses, so with the

05:39:54 addition of these uses that we are proposing, it
05:39:56 would allow for a true mixed use type of project
05:40:00 that you would hope to see, for example, along
05:40:03 Westshore Boulevard and that type of thing.
05:40:06 So with that, I will be happy to answer any
05:40:09 questions.
05:40:10 Sorry.
05:40:10 I'm a little out of breath.
05:40:12 I got caught in a traffic jam, and I sort of had
05:40:14 to run about six blocks to get here on time.
05:40:18 >> That makes three of us today.
05:40:23 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Because they opened the new lanes.
05:40:25 >> There were a lot of things going on.
05:40:32 >>FRANK REDDICK: Any questions from Council?
05:40:34 Anyone in the public wish to speak on item number
05:40:36 1?
05:40:36 >> Move to close.
05:40:38 >>FRANK REDDICK: Got a motion from Mr. Miranda,
05:40:40 seconded by Mr. Cohen.
05:40:41 All in favor of the motion, aye.
05:40:42 Opposed?
05:40:43 Mr. Miranda.
05:40:46 >>CHARLIE MIRANDA: Chairman, move an ordinance
05:40:48 presented for first reading, file number E2015-8
05:40:56 CH 27.

05:40:57 On ordinance of the City of Tampa, Florida,
05:40:57 related to office districts, office professional
05:40:59 uses and regulations, making certain revisions to
05:41:02 the City of Tampa Code of Ordinances, chapter 27,
05:41:05 zoning and Land Development, amending section
05:41:08 27-132 regulations governing individual special
05:41:14 uses, amending section 27-156, official schedule
05:41:17 of district regulations and schedule of permitted,
05:41:21 accessory, and special uses by district.
05:41:24 Repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in
05:41:27 conflict therewith, providing for severability,
05:41:29 providing an effective date.
05:41:31 >> Second.
05:41:31 >>FRANK REDDICK: Got a motion from Mr. Miranda.
05:41:33 Seconded by Mr. Suarez.
05:41:35 Any discussion on the motion?
05:41:36 All those in favor of the motion, aye.
05:41:38 Opposed?
05:41:40 >>THE CLERK: Motion carried unanimously.
05:41:41 Second reading and adoption will be on February 4
05:41:44 at 9:30 a.m.
05:41:46 >>FRANK REDDICK: Item number 2.
05:41:56 >> Randy Goers, the city's planning and
05:41:59 development department.
05:42:00 I'm here to handle item number 2.

05:42:02 This illustration should look familiar to you.
05:42:05 This is the plan amendment that you approved in
05:42:07 October/November for the area in West Tampa, the
05:42:11 area that we called the West River area.
05:42:14 At that time, you approved the plan amendment
05:42:15 designating the area in salmon color neighborhood
05:42:19 mixed use-35.
05:42:20 And the lower left corner, the sort of pinkish
05:42:24 color, CMU-35.
05:42:26 While this plan amendment was in process, we were
05:42:28 working with the Tampa Housing Authority and
05:42:31 development in updating what the West River master
05:42:34 plan.
05:42:34 And what we began to realize was the area that is
05:42:38 in the community mixed use area, the CMU-35 wasn't
05:42:42 the most appropriate planned category for what was
05:42:46 being planned.
05:42:47 That was because they were moving the residential
05:42:49 areas off and creating some different types of
05:42:52 intensity in that area.
05:42:53 What we determined, better served by NMU-35,
05:43:00 basically taking the whole area and making it a
05:43:02 plan category of NMU-35.
05:43:04 Under state law, though, or procedures for plan
05:43:07 amendments, the city has the option when we

05:43:11 proffer a plan amendment to either adopt as
05:43:13 recommended, withdraw, or adopt with changes
05:43:15 before it's transmitted.
05:43:16 So what we're coming back to you with a change to
05:43:21 basically adopt with changes.
05:43:23 The ordinance in front of you would make
05:43:25 everything that you see, except the blue, all
05:43:28 neighborhood mixed use-35.
05:43:29 And that would allow us to move forward on a plan
05:43:33 amendment that would be consistent with the plan
05:43:35 and what we're trying to do is prepare for the
05:43:37 Choice Neighborhood Grant this spring and make
05:43:40 sure that that our plan -- that our regulations
05:43:42 are consistent -- or the development is consistent
05:43:44 with the regulations that we're proposing.
05:43:46 So if there are any questions, I would be happy to
05:43:50 answer those questions.
05:43:50 >>FRANK REDDICK: Any questions from Council?
05:43:52 Anyone in the public wishing to speak on item
05:43:54 number 2?
05:43:56 >>CHARLIE MIRANDA: Move to close.
05:43:57 >> Second.
05:43:57 >>FRANK REDDICK: Motion from Mr. Miranda.
05:43:59 Seconded by Ms. Montelione.
05:44:00 All those in favor of the motion say aye.

05:44:02 Opposed?
05:44:03 Mr. Suarez, care to read number 2?
05:44:05 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Thank you, chair.
05:44:06 I present an ordinance for first reading and
05:44:09 consideration, an ordinance amending the Tampa
05:44:11 comprehensive plan future land use element future
05:44:13 land use map for the property located in the
05:44:15 general vicinity south of the Hillsborough River,
05:44:17 west of North Boulevard, north of interstate 275
05:44:21 and east of North Rome Avenue from residential 35,
05:44:25 R-35, public/semi public and recreational/open
05:44:30 space, R/OS, to neighborhood mixed use-35, NMU-35,
05:44:37 providing for repeal of ordinance number 2015-112,
05:44:42 providing for repeal of all ordinances in
05:44:44 conflict.
05:44:45 Providing for severability.
05:44:46 Providing an effective date.
05:44:48 >> Second.
05:44:48 >>FRANK REDDICK: Motion by Mr. Suarez.
05:44:50 Seconded by Mr. Cohen.
05:44:51 Any discussion of the motion?
05:44:53 All those in favor of the motion say aye.
05:44:55 Opposed?
05:44:57 >>THE CLERK: Motion carried unanimously.
05:44:59 Second reading and adoption will be on

05:45:00 February 4th at 10:30 a.m.
05:45:04 >>FRANK REDDICK: Item number 3.
05:45:05 >> Good evening, Council members.
05:45:06 David Hay with your Planning Commission staff.
05:45:09 I'm here to basically fill in the doughnut of that
05:45:12 plan amendment you just had.
05:45:16 Tonight it's 15-12.
05:45:18 That's the next amendment.
05:45:20 It is publicly initiated by the City of Tampa.
05:45:25 It is approximately 3.59 acres of an overall
05:45:30 5.47-acre parcel.
05:45:33 Again, the property is owned by the City of Tampa
05:45:35 also.
05:45:36 And the request is to amend the currently adopted
05:45:40 future land use category of the site, which is the
05:45:43 public/semi-public, to that neighborhood mixed
05:45:44 use-35.
05:45:45 We're familiar with the area.
05:45:49 It's within the Central Tampa planning district.
05:45:54 It's just outside of the West Tampa Urban Village.
05:45:58 The West Tampa Urban Village is just to the west
05:46:01 of the subject site.
05:46:02 Here is a better picture of the subject site.
05:46:09 It's right in the middle of all that that you just
05:46:13 approved to the neighborhood mixed use-35.

05:46:15 Move on with some pictures.
05:46:22 This is the subject site looking southwest across
05:46:26 the subject site.
05:46:27 This is looking southeast across the subject site.
05:46:35 You can see downtown Tampa in the distance there.
05:46:38 Now we move internal to the site, we're looking
05:46:44 north.
05:46:44 This is the city property up there.
05:46:48 I think it's the wastewater department facility
05:46:51 that's up there that's going to be relocated under
05:46:57 the plan.
05:46:58 Here we have looking southeast again from the
05:47:01 subject site.
05:47:03 Internal, looking southeast toward downtown.
05:47:04 And again, this is looking from Oregon onto the
05:47:12 subject site.
05:47:13 You can see the pool and everything in that photo.
05:47:16 Skip this, because since you just approved 1503,
05:47:24 this is how the map currently looks.
05:47:27 This is all that neighborhood mixed use-35 and the
05:47:30 school property is to the south.
05:47:32 This is the subject site right here.
05:47:34 It's one of the last public, quasi-public pieces
05:47:37 in the West River front area besides the school.
05:47:42 Once adopted, it will change to that neighborhood

05:47:47 mixed use-35, similar to what was approved
05:47:50 surrounding the subject site.
05:47:52 On that subject site under the
05:47:56 public/quasi-public, the existing entitlements --
05:48:02 not entitlements, but under the future land use
05:48:05 category, there's zero residential units, and
05:48:08 there is no floor area ratio.
05:48:10 Uses are guided by compatibility with surrounding
05:48:13 uses.
05:48:13 Under the neighborhood mixed use 35, you would go
05:48:16 to a two-tiered floor area ratio, under the -- all
05:48:20 nonresidential uses are capped at a 1.0 floor area
05:48:24 ratio.
05:48:24 So that would give you 156,380 square feet.
05:48:28 Mixed use or residential projects are at 1.5, and
05:48:32 they can go up to 234,570 square feet.
05:48:36 Or you could have 125 residential units.
05:48:39 Again, under the category residential can either
05:48:42 be guided by floor area ratio or unit count,
05:48:45 whichever is more appropriate.
05:48:48 During the review process, the Planning Commission
05:48:54 requested review by outside agencies.
05:48:56 The only one that expressed any concern was the
05:48:58 School Board.
05:49:00 Currently, the elementary and high school, Blake

05:49:03 High School and Just Elementary do not have
05:49:08 capacity but they do plan to have capacity by
05:49:11 2019-2020 school year.
05:49:14 The Planning Commission has found that the
05:49:18 proposed request is consistent with a number of
05:49:21 policies.
05:49:22 Those policies include policies related to the
05:49:25 encouraging of a vibrant central area.
05:49:28 Other policies include the promotion of mixed uses
05:49:31 on vacant or underutilized sites.
05:49:34 Compatibility surrounding development, both
05:49:37 existing and planned, and locating new medium
05:49:40 density housing near transit service.
05:49:42 It was found consistent with all those policies.
05:49:45 Therefore, the Planning Commission does recommend
05:49:48 to you this evening that the proposed map
05:49:50 amendment be found consistent with the goals,
05:49:53 objectives and policies of the comprehensive plan.
05:49:55 And that concludes my presentation.
05:50:00 Do you have any questions?
05:50:01 >>FRANK REDDICK: Questions from Council?
05:50:02 Anyone in the audience wishing to speak on item
05:50:04 number 3.
05:50:06 >>CHARLIE MIRANDA: Move to close.
05:50:07 >>FRANK REDDICK: Motion from Mr. Miranda.

05:50:11 Second by Mr. Cohen.
05:50:13 Any further discussion of the motion?
05:50:14 All those in favor of the motion say aye.
05:50:16 Opposed?
05:50:17 Ms. Capin.
05:50:21 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Thank you, Mr. Chair.
05:50:22 An ordinance being presented for first reading
05:50:26 consideration.
05:50:26 An ordinance amending the Tampa comprehensive plan
05:50:29 future land use map, for the property located at
05:50:31 2200 North Oregon Avenue from public/semi public
05:50:38 to neighborhood mixed use-35, NMU-35; providing
05:50:45 for repeal of all ordinances in conflict;
05:50:48 providing for severability; providing an effective
05:50:51 date.
05:50:51 >>FRANK REDDICK: Motion from Ms. Capin.
05:50:53 Seconded by Mr. Maniscalco.
05:50:54 All those in favor of the motion say aye.
05:50:56 Opposed?
05:50:58 >>THE CLERK: Motion carried unanimously.
05:50:59 Second reading and adoption will be on
05:51:00 February 4th at 9:30 a.m.
05:51:03 >>CHARLIE MIRANDA: Mr. Chairman, move to open 4
05:51:05 through 13.
05:51:09 >>FRANK REDDICK: 6:00.

05:51:09 >>CHARLIE MIRANDA: Oh, 6:00.
05:51:10 >>FRANK REDDICK: We stand in recess for 10
05:51:12 minutes.
05:51:13 >>CHARLIE MIRANDA: Oh, that's wonderful.
05:51:23 >> Mr. Chairman, thank you for the recognition.
05:51:26 Tony Garcia, Planning Commission staff.
05:51:28 My request before is you I would like for Council
05:51:31 to consider taking up a motion to set a public
05:51:35 hearing for February 2015 cycle of plan amendments
05:51:41 for February 25th of 2016 at 5:30 p.m.
05:51:46 I would request a motion setting that.
05:51:48 >> So moved.
05:51:49 >>FRANK REDDICK: Motion from Mr. Cohen.
05:51:50 Seconded by Ms. Montelione.
05:51:52 Any discussion of the motion?
05:51:53 All those in favor, say aye.
05:51:55 Opposed?
05:51:56 >> Aye.
05:51:56 >>FRANK REDDICK: All right.
05:51:57 We stand in recess for nine minutes.
05:51:59 [Recess]
06:04:45 [ SOUNDING GAVEL ]
06:04:49 >>FRANK REDDICK: We'll call this meeting back into
06:04:51 session.
06:04:51 Roll call.

06:04:54 >>CHARLIE MIRANDA: Here.
06:04:55 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Here.
06:04:57 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Present.
06:04:58 >>HARRY COHEN: Here.
06:05:00 >> Maniscalco?
06:05:01 Montelione.
06:05:02 >>LISA MONTELIONE: Here.
06:05:03 >>FRANK REDDICK: Here.
06:05:05 >>CHARLIE MIRANDA: Move to open items 4 through --
06:05:08 >>FRANK REDDICK: Motion by Mr. Miranda and second
06:05:10 by Mr. Suarez to open items 4 through 13.
06:05:13 All in favor, aye.
06:05:14 Opposed?
06:05:21 >>MARY SAMANIEGO: Mary Samaniego, Land Development
06:05:22 Coordination.
06:05:23 Number 4 on the agenda, which is SU-215-06 cannot
06:05:29 be heard.
06:05:29 No affidavit filed, so notice was not perfected.
06:05:32 So would be heard at a later date.
06:05:35 >> I motion to remove number 4 from the agenda.
06:05:37 >>FRANK REDDICK: Motion from Mr. Cohen.
06:05:39 Seconded by Ms. Capin.
06:05:40 All in favor of the motion, aye.
06:05:42 Opposed?
06:05:43 >>MARY SAMANIEGO: Thank you.

06:05:44 Number 12 on your agenda, REZ 15-83, the applicant
06:05:48 has requested a continuance to the March 10, 2016
06:05:52 evening session.
06:05:52 I have the letter for your record and he's
06:05:56 present.
06:05:56 >>FRANK REDDICK: Okay.
06:05:57 The applicant wish to say anything?
06:06:01 >> Good evening, Mr. Chairman, members of Council.
06:06:03 My name is Mark Bentley.
06:06:04 21 North Franklin representing the applicants in
06:06:07 connection with 12 and 13 which are both related.
06:06:11 This is our first request for continuance.
06:06:13 It's to make some changes to the plan as suggested
06:06:15 by the staff.
06:06:16 >>FRANK REDDICK: Anyone in the public want to
06:06:17 speak on item number 12?
06:06:22 >> Move to continue to March 10, 2016, evening
06:06:28 session.
06:06:28 >>FRANK REDDICK: Motion from Ms. Capin.
06:06:30 Seconded by?
06:06:35 >> 6 p.m.
06:06:36 >>FRANK REDDICK: Motion by Ms. Capin.
06:06:38 Seconded by --
06:06:40 >>HARRY COHEN: Second.
06:06:41 Does that include item number 13 as well?

06:06:45 >>YVONNE CAPIN: We should, yes.
06:06:46 We move to continue -- we move to continue item 12
06:06:58 and item 13 to March 10 at 6 p.m.
06:07:06 >>FRANK REDDICK: Motion by Ms. Capin.
06:07:08 Seconded by Mr. Cohen to move item -- continue
06:07:11 items 12 and 13 to March the 10th at 6 p.m.
06:07:17 >>MARTIN SHELBY: Ms. Kert brought to my attention,
06:07:21 if you can just do item 12 because item 13
06:07:24 requires the resolution, which, if you turn the
06:07:26 page, it moves -- moving the resolution to --
06:07:32 >>FRANK REDDICK: We were doing that at the
06:07:34 beginning.
06:07:36 >>YVONNE CAPIN: We were doing 12 and then we added
06:07:39 13.
06:07:41 >>FRANK REDDICK: We'll go back to 12.
06:07:44 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Move to continue item 12 to
06:07:47 March 10, 2016, evening session, 6 p.m.
06:07:50 >>FRANK REDDICK: Motion from Ms. Capin.
06:07:53 Seconded by Mr. Cohen.
06:07:54 All in favor of the motion say aye.
06:07:56 Opposed?
06:07:57 All right.
06:07:57 Do item 13?
06:08:05 >>YVONNE CAPIN: I thought Mr. Cohen would do it
06:08:07 since he was so interested in item 13.

06:08:10 >>HARRY COHEN: I just knew they were companions.
06:08:14 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Okay.
06:08:14 What are we doing?
06:08:18 Removing the resolution.
06:08:20 March 10 -- move the resolution.
06:08:28 Thank you.
06:08:31 >>FRANK REDDICK: Before we do that, anyone in the
06:08:33 audience wish to speak on item number 13 being
06:08:36 continued?
06:08:37 At this time, anyone that going to speak on the
06:08:47 remaining items on the agenda, 4 through 13,
06:08:52 please stand up to be sworn.
06:08:55 >>THE CLERK: Mr. Chairman, Jim Crew, the motion
06:08:57 was not voted on.
06:08:58 >>FRANK REDDICK: We know.
06:09:01 >>THE CLERK: Thank you.
06:09:07 >> You have to raise your right hand to be sworn
06:09:10 in.
06:09:11 [Oath administered]
06:09:14 >>FRANK REDDICK: All right.
06:09:15 Anyone wishing to speak on item number 13?
06:09:26 >> I'll attempt to tell the truth.
06:09:29 In politics, you know --
06:09:31 Derek Chamblee, Google D-E-R-E-K-C-H-A-M-B-L-E-E
06:09:37 St. Paul.

06:09:38 Derek Chamblee, Google federal lawsuit Derek
06:09:43 Chamblee.
06:09:44 Google new city.
06:09:45 I spoke before about the crosswalks on Kennedy
06:09:53 Boulevard that are -- need to be located by this
06:10:01 coming development that you're considering on --
06:10:07 just north of Kennedy off of Oregon.
06:10:09 And these crosswalks need to be put in once again
06:10:14 from Oregon to Dakota to Rome.
06:10:20 And there's a Walmart, a big Walmart right there
06:10:24 on Dakota between Dakota and Oregon.
06:10:28 There is a Wendy's.
06:10:30 There is a Kentucky Fried Chicken.
06:10:33 Across the street, there's a McDonald's, and
06:10:37 also, next to the McDonald's, there is a
06:10:39 Starbucks and just opened in December, they built
06:10:44 a Dunkin' Donuts building there, a new Dunkin'
06:10:47 Donuts there.
06:10:49 Right next to the Dunkin' Donuts across Rome right
06:10:52 there is a day care school.
06:10:58 As a matter of fact, this past month, I got hit by
06:11:04 a Tampa General Hospital shuttle van in a cross
06:11:09 street.
06:11:09 It was probably Delaware.
06:11:12 He was looking to get on to Kennedy Boulevard.

06:11:15 The line of vision for the motorist is cut off to
06:11:19 where they have to come up and block the side
06:11:22 crosswalks.
06:11:23 And I waited a long time to see if he would
06:11:25 recognize me.
06:11:25 And then I started, and he put the accelerator on
06:11:31 and he hit me.
06:11:34 I managed to walk away unhurt.
06:11:38 Two days ago, there was another bad accident just
06:11:44 west of willow and Kennedy.
06:11:48 There are no crosswalks, again, between the
06:11:52 stoplight at willow and Kennedy and Howard and
06:11:56 Kennedy.
06:11:57 It's approximately pretty close to a mile without
06:12:02 crosswalks.
06:12:03 And the workers are behind this.
06:12:05 There's quite a few UT students.
06:12:08 And the demographics of the neighborhood have
06:12:10 changed in terms of these apartments going in, and
06:12:14 there's just -- there are tremendous parking
06:12:17 problems.
06:12:18 So on this particular item, again, I'm really
06:12:22 expecting you to put those crosswalks in there out
06:12:28 of consideration for this development as well.
06:12:32 And I thank you very much.

06:12:37 >>FRANK REDDICK: All right.
06:12:38 Anyone else wishing to speak on item number 13?
06:12:43 Okay.
06:12:44 We go to number 5.
06:12:45 >>THE CLERK: Was there a vote on the resolution,
06:12:47 sir?
06:12:49 >>FRANK REDDICK: Ms. Capin --
06:12:50 >>YVONNE CAPIN: I did move it.
06:12:52 >>FRANK REDDICK: We have a motion from Ms. Capin.
06:12:54 Seconded by Mr. Suarez.
06:12:56 All in favor of the motion, aye.
06:12:57 Opposed?
06:12:57 Yes, sir.
06:13:02 >>MARTIN SHELBY: Mr. Chairman, just a request by
06:13:04 Mr. Garcia.
06:13:05 He had asked that Council ensure that the motion
06:13:09 that was made to set the public hearings on
06:13:17 February 25th at 5:30 p.m. be reflective of the
06:13:20 fact that it is for the November 2015 cycle.
06:13:24 If you could just make a motion to amend that to
06:13:29 make sure that's the case.
06:13:30 He might have, I believe, stated February
06:13:33 incorrectly, but he wanted to ensure that it does
06:13:35 reflect November 2015 in the Council's motion.
06:13:38 Is that by unanimous consent then?

06:13:40 Yes, thank you.
06:13:43 >>FRANK REDDICK: Item 5.
06:13:45 >>MARY SAMANIEGO: Mary Samaniego, Land Development
06:13:47 Coordination.
06:13:48 Item number 5 in your agenda is REZ 15-77.
06:13:52 It's a rezoning request for the property at 5417
06:13:55 North Lois Avenue.
06:13:56 It's a request from RS-50 single-family
06:14:01 residential and commercial intensive zoning to
06:14:04 commercial intensive zoning.
06:14:09 >> Good evening, Council members.
06:14:10 David Hay with your Planning Commission staff.
06:14:12 I have been sworn.
06:14:14 Our first case actually begins in the university
06:14:18 planning district.
06:14:19 It's way, way down here in the lower left.
06:14:22 What's in that little arm down there.
06:14:25 It is located within the vicinity of the
06:14:29 intersection of West Hillsborough Avenue and North
06:14:32 Lois Avenue.
06:14:33 It is a .97-acre subject site.
06:14:38 It is within a mixed use corridor as defined by
06:14:41 the Tampa comprehensive plan.
06:14:43 There is transit on Hillsborough Avenue that
06:14:45 connects the subject site to downtown Tampa and

06:14:48 the West Tampa Transfer Center.
06:14:50 And the subject site is not located within an
06:14:52 evacuation zone.
06:14:53 On to the aerial, you can see West Hillsborough
06:14:58 Avenue to the south.
06:15:00 This is Lois Avenue running north-south.
06:15:04 You have Alexander Elementary School.
06:15:08 Across the street, this is the Walgreens.
06:15:09 We've got single-family detached residential to
06:15:12 the north.
06:15:13 And then you're all aware, Hillsborough Avenue has
06:15:16 a lot of heavy commercial uses along the segment.
06:15:18 Dale Mabry is over here to the east.
06:15:20 On to the future land use map, you can see that
06:15:27 the subject site and all these properties within
06:15:30 the red are all that community commercial 35.
06:15:33 You've got the light industrial uses down in Drew
06:15:36 Park to the south, and then you've got the
06:15:40 residential 10 to the north and then
06:15:41 unincorporated county a little farther to the
06:15:45 north.
06:15:45 Currently, a majority of the subject site is
06:15:48 currently zoned commercial intensive.
06:15:50 The proposed rezoning would rezone the remaining
06:15:53 portion located along that north portion right up

06:15:56 near the residential 10.
06:15:59 Overall, the proposed plan development would allow
06:16:01 for the redevelopment of the subject site in
06:16:03 keeping with the commercial character found along
06:16:05 this portion of west Hillsborough Avenue, while
06:16:09 also be sensitive to the residential uses found
06:16:11 just to the north.
06:16:11 So, therefore, based on those findings and the
06:16:14 goals, objectives and policy of the comprehensive
06:16:16 plan, the Planning Commission staff finds the
06:16:19 proposed rezoning consistent with the Tampa
06:16:20 comprehensive plan.
06:16:21 Thank you.
06:16:26 >>MARY SAMANIEGO: Mary Samaniego.
06:16:27 Again, this is a rezoning request.
06:16:31 Really it's a small strip of property from RS-50,
06:16:38 commercial intensive.
06:16:38 Here is the zoning map.
06:16:41 As you can see, here's the zoning boundary line
06:16:44 between the RS-50 and commercial intensive.
06:16:47 As you can see, there is a strip of land within
06:16:50 this lot that is still in the RS-50.
06:16:52 The applicant, the property owners would like to
06:16:55 exercise full use of the entire property for CI
06:16:57 uses.

06:16:58 Here's an aerial photograph of the subject
06:17:04 property.
06:17:04 Here's the subject property.
06:17:10 It's currently vacant.
06:17:12 Here's a picture within the site.
06:17:16 Currently vacant with some old asphalt.
06:17:20 To the north is a Walgreens.
06:17:22 Across the street being across Lois, there is the
06:17:34 entrance.
06:17:34 This is directly across from the site, the
06:17:36 entrance for the elementary school, which is
06:17:38 Alexander Elementary School.
06:17:40 Back on the same side of Lois, further north
06:17:44 across Comanche from the application site is a
06:17:48 place of religious assembly.
06:17:51 Directly across Comanche from the application site
06:17:54 is a single-family house.
06:17:56 I'm going down this street and back.
06:17:59 Day care.
06:18:04 Coming back to the application site, series of
06:18:10 one-story single-family lots.
06:18:11 And then this is directly south, a small vacant
06:18:14 lot to the application site.
06:18:17 Again, the majority of the site is currently
06:18:21 already zoned CI.

06:18:23 This is just to bring the entire site into one
06:18:25 zoning district so it can exercise development.
06:18:28 The minimum site requirements for the CI zoning
06:18:31 district is a 10,000-square-foot minimum lot area.
06:18:35 The subject lot is almost an acre.
06:18:38 It's .97 acres.
06:18:40 Setbacks are 10 for the front, 10 for the corner.
06:18:44 0 for side, 0 for rear.
06:18:46 The maximum height is 45 feet.
06:18:48 Any future development, when and if the rezoning
06:18:51 is approved, would have to comply with the
06:18:54 requirements of the CI zoning through permitting.
06:18:58 The development review and compliance staff has
06:19:00 reviewed the application and found it consistent
06:19:03 with the City of Tampa Code of Ordinances.
06:19:05 Do you have any questions for me?
06:19:08 >>FRANK REDDICK: Any questions from Council.
06:19:10 Mr. Miranda.
06:19:10 >>CHARLIE MIRANDA: Yes, ma'am.
06:19:11 I would like to ask a couple -- I know you
06:19:13 mentioned consistent with the building that's in
06:19:17 front of it, consistent -- and I know this has
06:19:21 very little, nothing to do with it, but the same
06:19:24 subject matter was received calls to my office for
06:19:27 years.

06:19:28 What they had back there was an old vegetable
06:19:31 stand creating chaos.
06:19:32 Is that going to be the same we'll have there,
06:19:35 this is rezone, or will this be some new building
06:19:38 coming up?
06:19:39 >>MARY SAMANIEGO: The applicant can speak to that.
06:19:41 There was a code enforcement case back in 2013 for
06:19:44 illegal land uses for business on part of the lot
06:19:48 that was zoned residential.
06:19:49 >>CHARLIE MIRANDA: I understand.
06:19:50 Thank you.
06:19:51 >>FRANK REDDICK: Any questions from staff?
06:19:52 Petitioner?
06:19:58 >> Good morning, Council.
06:20:00 Jeremy Couch, 5289 Ehrlich road, here representing
06:20:04 the landowner.
06:20:06 Council member Miranda, in the past, the landowner
06:20:09 leased to the vegetable stand operator.
06:20:13 In the past, he leased -- the owner is an older
06:20:21 lady.
06:20:21 >>CHARLIE MIRANDA: So am I.
06:20:22 Not an older lady, but an older man.
06:20:26 Let me clarify that just in case --
06:20:28 >> In the past, her tenant was the vegetable
06:20:31 stand.

06:20:32 Because of their noncompliance with the code, they
06:20:36 shut down and moved over to another location on
06:20:40 Hillsborough Avenue, MD fruit market.
06:20:44 Essentially, she would like to clean up the
06:20:47 entitlement.
06:20:47 There is a small strip of land that's about
06:20:50 15-foot zoned RS --
06:20:52 >>CHARLIE MIRANDA: I know it very well.
06:20:54 Took many pictures of the property.
06:20:56 >> Yes, sir.
06:20:56 So the zoning request would strictly just to
06:21:00 extend the zoning north to the northern property
06:21:03 line.
06:21:03 That area would then in the future development
06:21:06 would be a buffer with the masonry wall with
06:21:08 anything they did do there.
06:21:10 There's no application that I know of to open the
06:21:13 fruit stand back up there.
06:21:15 I think it's been closed for three or four years
06:21:18 now.
06:21:18 >>CHARLIE MIRANDA: Let me ask, if I may,
06:21:20 Mr. Chairman, one question.
06:21:21 If this goes through, does the zoning change,
06:21:25 giving anybody a right to put a fruit stand back
06:21:27 there and any chaos like we had before?

06:21:31 Took years to close it down.
06:21:33 >> No, sir.
06:21:33 Any use would have to comply with the current
06:21:35 code, with required buffering to residential
06:21:38 structures, landscaping, parking lot.
06:21:40 It would have to be a full development, not
06:21:43 someone just setting up.
06:21:44 >>CHARLIE MIRANDA: Both of you didn't answer the
06:21:47 question.
06:21:48 You can put, yes, a vegetable stand, yes or no?
06:21:55 >> In CI, yes.
06:21:58 >> I have three letters of support from neighbors
06:22:00 that I would like to submit to the clerk.
06:22:03 My client has expressed to me that they believe
06:22:14 the property has greater value.
06:22:17 They were the original owners of the Walgreens
06:22:20 parcel to the south.
06:22:23 They believe this zoning will help attract a
06:22:27 permanent user to the site.
06:22:28 Thank you.
06:22:29 >>FRANK REDDICK: Any questions for the petitioner?
06:22:31 Anyone in the audience wishing to speak on item
06:22:34 number 5?
06:22:34 Anyone in the audience wishing to speak on item
06:22:37 number 5?

06:22:37 Got a motion to close?
06:22:42 >> So moved.
06:22:43 >> Second.
06:22:43 >>FRANK REDDICK: Got a motion from Ms. Montelione.
06:22:46 Seconded by Mr. Maniscalco.
06:22:47 All in favor of the motion, aye.
06:22:49 Opposed?
06:22:49 Ms. Montelione.
06:22:53 Read item number 5.
06:22:57 >>LISA MONTELIONE: Certainly sir.
06:22:58 I move an ordinance presented for first reading
06:23:01 consideration.
06:23:01 An ordinance rezoning property in the general
06:23:03 vicinity of 5417 North Lois Avenue in the City of
06:23:05 Tampa, Florida and more particularly described in
06:23:08 section 1 from zoning district classifications
06:23:10 RS-50 residential, single-family and CI commercial
06:23:13 intensive, to CI commercial intensive; providing
06:23:15 an effective date.
06:23:16 >>FRANK REDDICK: Motion from Ms. Montelione.
06:23:18 Seconded by Mr. Maniscalco.
06:23:19 All in favor of that motion, say aye.
06:23:21 Opposed?
06:23:22 >>CHARLIE MIRANDA: Nay.
06:23:24 >>THE CLERK: Motion carried with Miranda voting

06:23:27 no.
06:23:27 Second reading and adoption February 4th at
06:23:29 9:30 a.m.
06:23:30 >>FRANK REDDICK: All right.
06:23:30 We go to item number 6.
06:23:33 >>MARY SAMANIEGO: Item number 6 on your agenda is
06:23:35 REZ 15-80.
06:23:39 Application for properties at 6522 and 6514 North
06:23:42 43rd Street from RS-50 and planned development
06:23:46 to RM-18.
06:23:48 >> Good evening, Council members.
06:23:50 David Hay with your Planning Commission staff.
06:23:52 I have been sworn.
06:23:54 First, we'll make a correction on the Planning
06:23:58 Commission staff report.
06:24:00 It says this is located in the central Tampa
06:24:02 planning district.
06:24:03 It is not.
06:24:03 It's in the university planning district.
06:24:05 So that's the first correction.
06:24:07 The subject site is located within the vicinity of
06:24:12 the intersection of East Sligh Avenue and North
06:24:16 43rd Street.
06:24:17 It is a 3.26-acre subject site.
06:24:20 There is transit that runs -- the route 41 runs

06:24:24 along this portion of North 43rd Street connecting
06:24:28 the subject site to Netpark and the West Tampa
06:24:31 Transfer Center.
06:24:32 Since it is a residential zoning district, the
06:24:36 closest public recreational facility would be
06:24:38 Nuccio Recreation Center, which is located
06:24:40 approximately 2,500 feet to the east-northeast in
06:24:43 unincorporated Hillsborough County.
06:24:45 And the subject site is located within a level E
06:24:48 evacuation zone.
06:24:49 On to the aerial, the subject site is right here.
06:24:55 Here is North 43rd Street which turns into East
06:25:01 Sligh.
06:25:01 Up here, we have the River Oaks Apartments.
06:25:03 We have a mix of single-family and vacant.
06:25:06 To the south, we have the Trinity Gospel Church
06:25:10 down here and their lot is mostly vacant, and then
06:25:13 we have Robles Elementary up kind of toward the
06:25:17 northeast of the subject site.
06:25:18 On to the future land use map, part of the subject
06:25:24 site is the residential 20.
06:25:27 There's also another part that this darker brown
06:25:30 is residential 35.
06:25:32 We've got residential 10 further to the west and
06:25:36 then some community mixed use 35 over on North

06:25:40 40th Street and unincorporated county is
06:25:43 directly to the east.
06:25:44 Currently, the subject site does house a religious
06:25:47 establishment and a single-family detached
06:25:49 residential use.
06:25:50 The applicant is requesting a rezoning to the
06:25:52 RM-18.
06:25:53 The RM-18 zoning category would allow for an
06:25:57 overall development of the site that would be
06:25:59 comparable and compatible with that surrounding
06:26:03 development pattern within this portion of the
06:26:04 northeast community neighborhood.
06:26:06 Therefore, based on those findings and the goals,
06:26:10 objectives, and policies of the comprehensive
06:26:11 plan, the Planning Commission staff finds the
06:26:14 proposed rezoning consistent with the Tampa
06:26:16 comprehensive plan.
06:26:24 >>MARY SAMANIEGO: Mary Samaniego, for the record.
06:26:26 David just showed you an aerial photograph of the
06:26:33 application site.
06:26:34 It currently holds a place of religious assembly,
06:26:37 a day care and a single-family house.
06:26:42 The zoning map for the area, across 43rd is
06:26:53 Hillsborough County jurisdiction.
06:26:53 The subject property is zoned RS-50.

06:26:57 Then the southern portion is planned development.
06:27:00 That planned development was approved in 1986 for
06:27:04 16-unit apartment complex, which was never
06:27:07 developed.
06:27:08 So if this rezoning is approved, that PD will be
06:27:12 voided.
06:27:12 Here is a shot of the existing site with the day
06:27:21 care.
06:27:25 The rear of the property, there are apartments
06:27:28 behind it.
06:27:29 Here is a place of religious assembly, structure
06:27:32 on the subject property.
06:27:33 Here is the existing house.
06:27:36 Here is south of the house on 43rd.
06:27:40 Continuing, there is a large field.
06:27:42 Continuing further south across the street is that
06:27:47 vacant property that David alluded to.
06:27:52 Here is Robles elementary school.
06:27:56 And then directly to the north of the application
06:28:00 site is a pump station.
06:28:02 The existing site is 3.26 acres, and it
06:28:10 encompasses three lots.
06:28:12 As I stated, there is a place of religious
06:28:14 assembly on site constructed in 1941.
06:28:17 Approximately 6,000 square feet.

06:28:18 The day care was from 1971.
06:28:21 It's approximately 4500 square feet.
06:28:24 And the detached house is from 45 and it's 1100
06:28:28 square feet.
06:28:28 If this was to be rezoned to RM-18, minimum lot
06:28:34 size is 5,000 square feet with 50-foot lot width.
06:28:37 Setbacks are 25 front, 7 sides, 15 rear.
06:28:41 Maximum height is 35 feet.
06:28:45 The development review compliance staff has
06:28:48 reviewed this application and found it consistent
06:28:49 with the Land Development code.
06:28:51 Do you have any questions for me?
06:28:52 >>FRANK REDDICK: Any questions from Council?
06:28:54 Petitioner?
06:29:10 >> Good evening, once again, Mr. Chairman, members
06:29:13 of Council.
06:29:13 My name is Mark Bentley, 201 North Franklin
06:29:16 Street, Tampa, 33602.
06:29:17 I'm pleased to represent Friendship Christian
06:29:19 Academy.
06:29:20 They are the owners and operators of the private
06:29:23 school at the property, which emphasizes Christian
06:29:26 values.
06:29:26 They established the school at this location in
06:29:29 the fall of 2015.

06:29:32 It provides for K-12 for approximately at this
06:29:35 point in time a hundred students and roughly 15
06:29:38 staff members.
06:29:39 The school has been in operation since 1993 and
06:29:42 they just relocated.
06:29:43 As Mary alluded to, in 1971, actually, the City of
06:29:47 Tampa back then they had something called the
06:29:50 board of adjustment, which was a precursor to the
06:29:53 VRB, essentially, but they approved at this
06:29:56 property a kindergarten and day care along with
06:29:58 the place of religious assembly.
06:30:02 Essentially, they are just trying to expand the
06:30:05 operation that's limited right now to day care and
06:30:08 kindergarten.
06:30:08 I'd just like to briefly elaborate on a couple of
06:30:12 points that Mary made.
06:30:13 If you look at the overhead aerial, you can see
06:30:18 directly to the east in unincorporated
06:30:21 Hillsborough County is Robles elementary.
06:30:23 Then where I'm pointing to right here is another
06:30:27 church.
06:30:28 Place of religious assembly.
06:30:31 This portion of the property that Mary told you
06:30:33 about that was zoned I think in 1986 to PD for 16
06:30:38 townhomes, that would be past the area,

06:30:42 approximately 1 acre and serve as buffer to the
06:30:46 scattered single-family homes to the south.
06:30:48 Directly to the west is high density multifamily,
06:30:50 and you can see here, there is a significant
06:30:53 buffer between this school and the multifamily.
06:30:55 And directly to the north, the City of Tampa lift
06:30:59 station, wastewater.
06:31:01 On the zoning map, you can see here, the request
06:31:06 once again is RM-18.
06:31:08 It's really not to develop multifamily at 18 units
06:31:13 per acre.
06:31:14 Actually, for what it's worth, the comp plan would
06:31:16 allow roughly 60 to 65 units on the property, if
06:31:20 it was developed residential.
06:31:22 RM-18 allows a school, K-12 as of right.
06:31:27 And that's the intent of what we're trying to
06:31:28 accomplish tonight.
06:31:29 But you can see to the west, it's all RM-24.
06:31:35 I think Mary covered that territory.
06:31:37 And here's a Google Earth from the prior user of
06:31:41 the property.
06:31:42 It was a Haitian Christian church.
06:31:46 Since then, the client went in and made
06:31:50 substantial renovations.
06:31:51 And here is the exterior of the church I just

06:31:54 showed you.
06:31:54 All new windows, roof, et cetera, and just totally
06:31:57 gutted the interior not only of this building, but
06:32:00 there is a classroom just located adjacent to it
06:32:04 roughly 6,000 square feet.
06:32:05 So there have been no objections from any review
06:32:13 agency.
06:32:14 Absolutely none.
06:32:15 There are no waivers requested.
06:32:17 It's a great use in a very appropriate location,
06:32:20 and we would respectfully request that City
06:32:23 Council approve this petition.
06:32:24 Naturally, if you have any questions, I'll attempt
06:32:26 to answer them.
06:32:27 Thank you.
06:32:28 >>FRANK REDDICK: Any questions for the petitioner?
06:32:29 Anyone in the audience wishing to speak on item
06:32:32 number 6?
06:32:32 Anyone in the audience wishing to speak on item
06:32:35 number 6?
06:32:35 Please come forward.
06:32:49 >> Good evening.
06:32:49 My name is Amaris Padgett.
06:32:51 I live at 1913 East Jean Street.
06:32:53 I'm a resident of that East Tampa area.

06:32:56 My son has been going to the school for the past
06:32:59 year.
06:33:00 He has learned a lot.
06:33:01 He's in his second year.
06:33:02 He's in kindergarten.
06:33:03 He's reading on a first-grade level, as well as
06:33:05 his math.
06:33:06 Not only does the school have good curriculum, it
06:33:10 has good values.
06:33:12 I remember riding through there on a bus myself
06:33:15 almost 20 years ago.
06:33:17 I did not attended Robles but attended Sligh.
06:33:19 Coming from Thonotosassa, that area has not come
06:33:21 up very much since then.
06:33:23 So I do see that this school being there would be
06:33:25 a positive thing for the community.
06:33:27 There are many things that we do have planned.
06:33:29 We're starting a parent-teacher organization again
06:33:31 to not only get the school involved but the
06:33:34 community involved as well.
06:33:36 If you noticed other schools in the community have
06:33:40 fairs and other things that they would love for
06:33:42 the community to come out and give support, we
06:33:45 want to do things with Robles as well.
06:33:47 We're open-minded.

06:33:48 We want to be involved in the community.
06:33:50 We're located right behind Lowry Park.
06:33:53 We did a lot there.
06:33:54 We want to come to this side of town and do just
06:33:56 as much as well and get more people to see that
06:33:59 the east side of Tampa is not a bad place to be
06:34:02 anymore.
06:34:02 I just hope that you do consider that.
06:34:05 It will make an impact on the students that are
06:34:07 there and the students that are there to come and
06:34:10 we also have dual enrollment now.
06:34:12 With only a hundred students, that's a lot to say
06:34:15 that HCC looked at us and thought that we would be
06:34:17 a school they want to get involved in.
06:34:19 So we are making a positive impact in the
06:34:21 community.
06:34:21 >>FRANK REDDICK: Anyone else wishing to speak on
06:34:24 item number 6?
06:34:34 >> Good evening.
06:34:35 My name is Zena.
06:34:37 I am a member of the community.
06:34:40 My children both attend Friendship Christian
06:34:43 Academy.
06:34:45 They have learned many things and their morals and
06:34:48 standards have been kept in great standard.

06:34:50 I have a 24-year-old daughter who's in college,
06:34:54 and she's learned so much through this Christian
06:34:57 academy.
06:34:57 And I just want it to be available for other
06:35:01 children in this community.
06:35:02 I believe it would be a great asset to the
06:35:04 community.
06:35:04 We've been going to this school from 2009.
06:35:10 So we were in Lowry Park, as she stated.
06:35:13 And now we're wanting to come into this community
06:35:15 and be a benefit.
06:35:18 I also can speak as a parent with a child with
06:35:22 disabilities, it would make available somewhere in
06:35:25 the community that a child or a family that has
06:35:30 child with disabilities, where they will be
06:35:32 treated fair and equally.
06:35:34 And they have taught at this school to one of the
06:35:39 values, that everyone is a friend.
06:35:42 And there's no cruelty or disrespect to any
06:35:47 children that have disabilities.
06:35:48 That's all I have to say.
06:35:49 >>FRANK REDDICK: Thank you.
06:35:50 Anyone else wish to speak on item number 6?
06:35:53 >>CHARLIE MIRANDA: Move to close.
06:35:55 >> Second.

06:35:55 >>FRANK REDDICK: All right.
06:35:56 Before we vote, let me just say that I hope that
06:36:03 this church will reach out to the neighborhood
06:36:07 association who is doing great things in that
06:36:11 particular area of the community.
06:36:12 Since you're new and going into that area, I hope
06:36:16 you reach out to that neighborhood association and
06:36:18 be a part of that group, because I think you would
06:36:20 benefit from it.
06:36:22 Motion from Mr. Miranda.
06:36:23 Seconded by Mr. Cohen.
06:36:25 Any further discussion?
06:36:26 All those in favor, aye.
06:36:28 Those opposed?
06:36:29 Mr. Maniscalco, will you read the motion?
06:36:41 >>GUIDO MANISCALCO: Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
06:36:43 I have an ordinance being presented for first
06:36:45 reading consideration.
06:36:46 An ordinance rezoning property in the general
06:36:48 vicinity of 6514 and 6522 North 43rd Street in
06:36:52 the City of Tampa, Florida and more particularly
06:36:54 described in section 1 from zoning district
06:36:57 classification RS-50, residential single-family
06:36:59 and PD planned development, residential,
06:37:01 multifamily, to RM-18, residential, multifamily.

06:37:04 Providing an effective date.
06:37:06 >> Second.
06:37:06 >>FRANK REDDICK: Got a motion from Mr. Maniscalco.
06:37:09 Seconded by Ms. Montelione.
06:37:10 All those in favor of the motion say aye.
06:37:12 Those opposed?
06:37:14 >>THE CLERK: Motion carried unanimously.
06:37:16 Second reading and adoption will be on
06:37:18 February 4th at 9:30 a.m.
06:37:20 >> Thank you very much.
06:37:20 Have a good evening.
06:37:21 Take care.
06:37:22 >>FRANK REDDICK: All right.
06:37:23 Item number 7.
06:37:25 >>MARY SAMANIEGO: Mary Samaniego.
06:37:27 Item number 7 is REZ 15-76, rezoning request for
06:37:31 the property located at 1120 and 1208 East Kennedy
06:37:35 Boulevard.
06:37:36 It is a rezoning request from CD-3 to CD-2.
06:37:43 >> Good evening, Council members, David Hay with
06:37:46 your Planning Commission staff.
06:37:47 I have been sworn.
06:37:48 Our next case lies within the central Tampa
06:37:51 planning district.
06:37:52 It's located at the northeast corner of North

06:37:54 Meridian Avenue and West Kennedy Boulevard.
06:37:57 It's a 4.34-acre subject site.
06:38:00 It is located within the Channel District urban
06:38:06 village.
06:38:07 Hartline does have a number of routes that run by
06:38:09 the site, the number 8 and number 46 that connect
06:38:12 it to a number of major activity centers,
06:38:15 including downtown, Brandon, Palm River area, and
06:38:19 Ybor City.
06:38:21 It's also within proximity of the TECO streetcar
06:38:24 line.
06:38:24 It is classified as a mixed use corridor village
06:38:28 as defined by the comprehensive plan.
06:38:30 The closest public recreational facility is
06:38:33 Washington square park, which is located
06:38:35 approximately 175 feet to the south of the subject
06:38:37 site.
06:38:38 And it is located within a level B evacuation
06:38:41 zone.
06:38:41 On to the aerial, you can see the subject site is
06:38:47 right here.
06:38:47 We're all familiar with the Channel District.
06:38:49 A lot of urban development.
06:38:52 Downtown is over here.
06:38:56 To the west we have the Crosstown expressway,

06:38:58 Meridian and Channelside Drive.
06:39:01 On to the future land use map, the subject site
06:39:06 and all these parcels in this reddish color are
06:39:10 all that regional mixed use 100.
06:39:12 We've got the downtown and the CBD future land use
06:39:16 category to the west, and we have some remaining
06:39:20 heavy industrial land uses up near the Crosstown
06:39:25 in Brandon.
06:39:26 The map isn't reflective of the gas works site.
06:39:30 Overall, the purpose of this request is to
06:39:33 recognize an existing approved mixed use
06:39:35 development and to allow for an outdoor plaza
06:39:38 within a portion of the right-of-way of 11th
06:39:40 Avenue.
06:39:41 Outdoor spaces are highly encouraged by the Tampa
06:39:44 comprehensive plan as they are an important
06:39:46 component of a vibrant built environment.
06:39:48 Outdoor plazas serve as gathering places for the
06:39:51 public and help to make neighborhoods a desirable
06:39:54 place to live.
06:39:55 Therefore, based on those findings and the goals,
06:39:57 objectives, and policies of the comprehensive plan
06:39:59 that are outlined in the staff report, Planning
06:40:01 Commission staff finds the proposed rezoning
06:40:03 consistent with the Tampa comprehensive plan.

06:40:06 Thank you.
06:40:15 >>MARY SAMANIEGO: Mary Samaniego.
06:40:17 I'm here -- here is the zoning map for the
06:40:22 application.
06:40:22 It's currently zoned CD-3.
06:40:27 Request to be CD-2.
06:40:29 The greater channel side area, older developments
06:40:34 you'll see three.
06:40:35 Newer developments, a project currently under
06:40:40 construction.
06:40:40 Here is the subject property.
06:40:42 I'm sure you're all familiar with.
06:40:44 Been in Channelside for about ten years now.
06:40:50 Here is the subject property looking into the main
06:40:55 driveway off of Kennedy Boulevard.
06:40:56 Looking at one of the entries to the existing
06:41:07 parking garage, and here is the existing plaza in
06:41:15 between the two buildings.
06:41:16 If I may, let me back up a moment.
06:41:20 Give you an idea of what this application is
06:41:22 really for.
06:41:24 When this planned development was approved in
06:41:26 2003, there were the two buildings, which were
06:41:30 constructed as planned.
06:41:31 And then this main drive aisle was to go between

06:41:35 Madison Street and Kennedy Boulevard.
06:41:37 Here it comes in ingress and egress off of
06:41:41 Kennedy.
06:41:42 These are the two entrances to the garages for
06:41:46 both of the buildings.
06:41:47 It was to continue through with several parallel
06:41:49 parking spaces.
06:41:50 At some point in 2012, that area that had been
06:41:58 developed according to PD plan was converted to an
06:42:03 outdoor plaza.
06:42:05 Let me go back to the pictures.
06:42:06 Now it's outdoor plaza with some seating.
06:42:12 Looking at it from Madison Avenue.
06:42:15 The driveway access, there is no driveway access
06:42:18 for the project on the Madison Street anymore.
06:42:21 The only access for the entire development is onto
06:42:24 Kennedy.
06:42:25 Across the street from Madison looking to the west
06:42:29 on Madison, to the east.
06:42:33 This is the existing development directly to the
06:42:35 east of the subject property.
06:42:38 Here across Channelside is the port, the training
06:42:44 center, the gas station that is located on the
06:42:48 corner of Channelside at Kennedy.
06:42:50 This is the Amazon hose project, rezoning for

06:42:55 which was approved last year.
06:42:56 And again, existing Channelside developments.
06:43:00 This is what the subject property looks like from
06:43:06 down Channelside -- I'm sorry, Meridian.
06:43:09 The only changes being proposed is to recognize
06:43:18 the creation of that plaza.
06:43:20 The applicant, the property owner came into the
06:43:25 Land Development office and applied for a
06:43:29 non-substantial change review, which is a
06:43:31 staff-level review, which allows for a small --
06:43:35 allows for small changes to occur to a planned
06:43:38 development at staff level.
06:43:39 Because of the changes to the overall traffic
06:43:41 pattern, there were two access points to Kennedy
06:43:44 Boulevard and Madison Street into the development
06:43:48 in the two garages.
06:43:49 Now there is only one access point.
06:43:51 That was determined to be a substantial change.
06:43:54 That's why it's before City Council tonight.
06:43:56 Do you have any questions for me?
06:43:59 >>FRANK REDDICK: Any questions?
06:44:00 Petitioner?
06:44:02 >>MARY SAMANIEGO: Thank you.
06:44:06 >> Good evening, Mr. Chairman, members, Andy Mayts
06:44:10 with GrayRobinson, 401 East Jackson Street, 33602.

06:44:15 I have been sworn.
06:44:16 The rezoning here is essentially to just bring
06:44:21 into effect the plaza that's been in existence
06:44:24 since about 2010.
06:44:25 In the spring of 2010, Grand Central Kennedy
06:44:30 was -- put in the pavers, so it's just all
06:44:36 horizontal, to create that outdoor space.
06:44:37 This was talked with, with the city in 2010.
06:44:41 There were plans that were prepared, and those
06:44:44 were provided, and it wasn't thought at that time
06:44:47 that there was any additional permitting that was
06:44:49 necessary.
06:44:50 And so the pavers were put in.
06:44:52 Somewhere in about 2014, there were some issues
06:44:56 with a tenant that were really part of an
06:44:59 underlying Circuit Court litigation,
06:45:02 landlord/tenant dispute.
06:45:04 Suspicions were raised about whether or not the
06:45:07 pavers in the plaza were actually in conformance.
06:45:13 When that came up as was stated, the change
06:45:16 determination was requested because of the
06:45:18 elimination of the access point, change
06:45:20 determination was not deemed to be the proper
06:45:24 venue for handling the courtyard, hence the
06:45:26 rezoning application.

06:45:27 All private funds were used for the pavers and the
06:45:34 improvement.
06:45:36 It's consistent with the comp plan.
06:45:41 There are a couple of waivers that were existing
06:45:44 on the original rezoning that will be added
06:45:46 between first and second reading along with some
06:45:49 issues with regards to location of some fire
06:45:53 hydrants on the plan.
06:45:55 Link & Associates was hired by the owners to
06:46:02 perform a traffic study.
06:46:04 That traffic study was approved as to methodology.
06:46:08 The traffic study showed that the elimination of
06:46:10 that access point had no impact on the flow and
06:46:17 determined that the level of service as a result
06:46:19 of the courtyard and that elimination access point
06:46:22 is acceptable.
06:46:23 We would ask that you favorably consider this
06:46:28 rezoning request.
06:46:30 Again, just a couple of photos.
06:46:34 I think you are very well familiar with the
06:46:35 general nature of the project.
06:46:37 Just a little bit of an overview as to what the
06:46:43 courtyard looks like.
06:46:44 I'd be happy to answer any questions.
06:46:57 >>FRANK REDDICK: Any questions from Council?

06:46:59 Anyone in the audience wishing to speak on item
06:47:02 number 7?
06:47:02 Please come forward.
06:47:11 >> Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.
06:47:12 Again, I'm Vance Arnett.
06:47:15 I live at 1120 East Kennedy Boulevard, number 733.
06:47:19 I'm here tonight once again representing the
06:47:21 Channel District Community Alliance.
06:47:22 I wanted to let you know that we strongly support
06:47:25 this application.
06:47:28 Whether by design or by accident, sometimes
06:47:30 place-making becomes one of the best things that
06:47:33 can happen in a community.
06:47:34 This has become one of those collection points in
06:47:36 the north end of the Channel District that has
06:47:40 generated so much interest that I think we had a
06:47:42 large group of people turn out for the planning of
06:47:44 the Madison park largely because we have an
06:47:47 opportunity to come down out of our homes and
06:47:49 communicate with each other, recreate with each
06:47:51 other, have meals together.
06:47:52 Have a couple of adult beverages sometimes
06:47:54 together.
06:47:55 And it's just one of those facets that has become
06:47:58 a very important aspect of our community, so we in

06:48:02 the CCAC would urge you, please strongly support
06:48:06 this application.
06:48:07 Thank you.
06:48:07 >>FRANK REDDICK: Anyone else wishing to speak on
06:48:09 item number 7?
06:48:11 >> Move to close.
06:48:12 >>FRANK REDDICK: Got a motion to close by
06:48:13 Mr. Miranda.
06:48:14 Seconded by Mr. Cohen.
06:48:15 All those in favor of the motion, say aye.
06:48:17 Opposed?
06:48:19 Mr. Cohen, would you read number 7.
06:48:21 >>HARRY COHEN: Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
06:48:23 I move an ordinance being presented for first
06:48:25 reading consideration.
06:48:25 An ordinance rezoning property in the general
06:48:28 vicinity of 1120 and 1208 East Kennedy Boulevard
06:48:33 in the City of Tampa, Florida, more particularly
06:48:35 described in section 1 from zoning district
06:48:38 classifications CD-3, Channel District, to CD-2,
06:48:42 Channel District, providing an effective date.
06:48:45 >>FRANK REDDICK: Motion from Mr. Cohen.
06:48:46 Seconded by Mr. Maniscalco.
06:48:47 Any discussion?
06:48:49 All those in favor of the motion, say aye.

06:48:51 Opposed?
06:48:53 >>THE CLERK: Motion carried unanimously.
06:48:54 Second reading and adoption will be on
06:48:56 February 4th at 9:30 a.m.
06:48:58 >>FRANK REDDICK: Okay.
06:48:59 Thank you.
06:49:04 >>CHARLIE MIRANDA: Don't leave.
06:49:05 We won't have anyone here.
06:49:07 >> Fine with me.
06:49:11 >>FRANK REDDICK: Item number 8.
06:49:15 >>MARY SAMANIEGO: REZ 15-74.
06:49:18 Mary Samaniego.
06:49:19 It's a rezoning request for the property at 1001
06:49:22 North Dale Mabry Highway from PDA planned
06:49:25 development alternative to planned development.
06:49:28 Gasoline and convenience goods with accessory car
06:49:33 wash.
06:49:36 >>DAVID HAY: Good evening, Council members.
06:49:38 David Hay with your Planning Commission staff.
06:49:39 I have been sworn.
06:49:41 And we move over to the Westshore planning
06:49:43 district for this next case located at the
06:49:45 northeast corner of North Dale Mabry Highway and
06:49:48 West Cypress Street.
06:49:50 It is a .97-acre subject site.

06:49:53 It is located within the Westshore business
06:49:55 center.
06:49:56 It is also on Dale Mabry, on one of our transit
06:50:02 emphasis corridors.
06:50:03 Hart group 10 and 36 run adjacent to the subject
06:50:08 site connecting the site to a number of the
06:50:10 region's major activity centers between downtown
06:50:13 Tampa, the University of South Florida and MacDill
06:50:16 Air Force Base.
06:50:17 It is in a mixed use corridor, as defined by the
06:50:22 comprehensive plan, and it's a level D evacuation
06:50:25 zone.
06:50:25 On to the aerial, you can see the subject site
06:50:31 right here.
06:50:31 We've got West Cypress Street running east-west.
06:50:35 North Dale Mabry Highway.
06:50:37 We've probably all been stuck in traffic right
06:50:39 here trying to get on the highway.
06:50:41 This is the interchange with 275.
06:50:43 We've got Walmart.
06:50:45 We've got the target and J. Alexander, the
06:50:50 important restaurant in the south there.
06:50:51 On to the future land use map, you can see that
06:50:56 the subject site and really the whole area
06:50:59 surrounding it is also in that regional mixed use

06:51:02 100 future land use category.
06:51:05 There is some red, which represents the community
06:51:07 commercial 35.
06:51:09 And then we've got the residential 10 and the
06:51:12 residential 35 to the south.
06:51:15 The request, if approved, would allow for the
06:51:20 development of a 4,604-square-foot convenience
06:51:23 store with gasoline sales.
06:51:24 The proposed development will maintain the
06:51:27 commercial character of the area.
06:51:28 The applicant has made an attempt to address
06:51:31 several objectives and policies of the
06:51:34 comprehensive plan with regard to pedestrian and
06:51:35 bike circulation, more specifically the plan shows
06:51:38 that the building will have a customer entrance on
06:51:40 the west elevation that will encourage pedestrian
06:51:43 connectivity as well as partial building
06:51:46 orientation toward the street in line with
06:51:52 policies within the mixed use corridor villages.
06:51:55 Therefore, based on those findings and the goals,
06:51:57 objectives and policies of the comprehensive plan,
06:52:00 the Planning Commission staff finds the proposed
06:52:02 rezoning consistent with the Tampa comprehensive
06:52:03 plan.
06:52:04 Thank you.

06:52:12 >>MARY SAMANIEGO: Mary Samaniego, for the record.
06:52:14 David just showed you an aerial.
06:52:15 Here's the subject property currently zoned PDA,
06:52:25 planned development alternative.
06:52:26 They are requesting to be rezoned to planned
06:52:29 development.
06:52:30 There is commercial intensive across the street,
06:52:32 across Cypress and across Dale Mabry.
06:52:34 There is a photograph of the subject property.
06:52:41 It's currently a gas station with a car wash.
06:52:46 This sign is being requested to be retained with
06:52:52 the current planned development.
06:52:54 Here is a photograph of the subject property from
06:52:59 Gray Street.
06:53:04 Up and down Gray Street and then down Dale Mabry
06:53:06 and then to Cypress.
06:53:07 This is looking down towards the dead end of Gray
06:53:13 Street.
06:53:13 There is a large office across the street on Gray
06:53:16 Street.
06:53:16 The restaurant, looking down Gray Street towards
06:53:22 Dale Mabry.
06:53:22 This is looking -- excuse me, on Cypress Street to
06:53:30 the south is a large parking lot and then a vacant
06:53:33 lot.

06:53:33 This is the parking lot and then a vacant lot
06:53:38 currently.
06:53:38 Across Cypress is a different gas station, and
06:53:42 then across -- sorry, these photographs aren't too
06:53:45 good.
06:53:45 Construction on Dale Mabry, several commercial and
06:53:52 restaurant uses.
06:53:53 The applicant is proposing a completely new gas
06:54:07 station, Circle K, with a completely new car wash
06:54:10 with the existing large --
06:54:15 I'm going to hand out revised revision sheet.
06:54:20 After the staff report, amended revision sheet.
06:54:22 After the staff report came out, the applicant
06:54:25 worked with staff to try to remedy some of the
06:54:28 situations, so I'll hand those out.
06:54:30 It includes revisions to occur --
06:54:43 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Ingress still is on Dale Mabry --
06:54:46 no, that's Cypress.
06:54:48 >>MARY SAMANIEGO: Yes, ingress on Cypress Street
06:54:49 and Dale Mabry.
06:54:51 On Gray Street, it's just access for the garbage
06:54:54 trucks.
06:54:55 As far as revisions between first and second
06:55:02 reading, waivers shall read, waiver to section
06:55:05 13-165 to allow contribution into the tree trust

06:55:08 fund for mitigation trees.
06:55:10 Section 27-285, to reduce -- greenspace from 20%
06:55:16 to 15% with payment of fee in lieu.
06:55:21 The last waiver would be to section 27-283-2a,
06:55:25 increase the setback for the fuel canopy from a
06:55:28 maximum building setback of 20 feet to 50 feet on
06:55:31 Dale Mabry Highway.
06:55:34 Again, that is a requirement of the Westshore
06:55:36 overlay district.
06:55:37 There is a small correction from urban design to
06:55:45 be done between first and second reading in
06:55:47 relationship to how the sidewalks are illustrated
06:55:49 on the plan.
06:55:50 And then there are revisions to the tree table as
06:55:55 well as tree preservation that are indicated on
06:55:59 the site plan that I provided.
06:56:01 It was the easiest way -- the whole tree table was
06:56:05 redone.
06:56:06 >>FRANK REDDICK: Mr. Cohen.
06:56:07 >>HARRY COHEN: We have had some gas stations in
06:56:09 the Westshore overlay district before, and I
06:56:12 believe that we've allowed them to move back,
06:56:16 namely because of security reasons and wanting to,
06:56:21 you know, like the area and different things like
06:56:23 that.

06:56:23 Is this a similar type of situation?
06:56:28 >>MARY SAMANIEGO: Yes, sir.
06:56:29 And just for the canopy, the building, as you can
06:56:33 see, is -- for the canopy.
06:56:39 The functionality of the gas station, the trucks
06:56:43 that deliver gas, they have to get around the
06:56:45 canopy.
06:56:46 So they need a large swath in that area.
06:56:48 Let me back up.
06:56:59 So with the amended revision sheet, the
06:57:03 development review and compliance found it
06:57:07 consistent.
06:57:07 Natural resources division removed their
06:57:10 inconsistency and found it consistent provided
06:57:13 these changes on the amended revision sheet are
06:57:15 done.
06:57:16 Do you have any questions for me?
06:57:21 >>LISA MONTELIONE: Yes, thank you.
06:57:21 A fairly simple one because I think I know the
06:57:24 answer.
06:57:24 On the first elevation sheet that was provided to
06:57:28 us, the bottom photograph, I'm assuming that
06:57:34 rendering number 4, which says side elevation,
06:57:38 that is the side facing Dale Mabry.
06:57:41 >>MARY SAMANIEGO: A-4?

06:57:43 >>LISA MONTELIONE: No.
06:57:44 You had the right one up in the first place.
06:57:46 >>MARY SAMANIEGO: Okay.
06:57:46 I gotcha.
06:57:48 >>LISA MONTELIONE: Down on the bottom.
06:57:49 So one has fenestration on it and one does not.
06:57:53 I'm guessing the one is the fenestration is the
06:57:56 Dale Mabry side.
06:57:56 >>MARY SAMANIEGO: Yes.
06:57:57 It is a requirement of the Westshore overlay to
06:57:59 have pedestrian access, so there is the door.
06:58:04 >>LISA MONTELIONE: Thank you.
06:58:05 It's just it wasn't labeled north, south, east or
06:58:07 west.
06:58:08 It's just labeled "side."
06:58:12 >>FRANK REDDICK: Any other questions from Council?
06:58:13 Petitioner?
06:58:31 >> Good evening, Council members.
06:58:32 I've not been sworn in.
06:58:35 >>FRANK REDDICK: All right.
06:58:37 Anyone else out in the audience who has not been
06:58:39 sworn, please stand if you plan to speak.
06:58:43 [Oath administered]
06:58:53 >> I have a presentation, a PowerPoint that I'd
06:58:56 like to share.

06:59:04 >>FRANK REDDICK: Mr. Shelby, do we have a time
06:59:07 frame?
06:59:14 >>MARTIN SHELBY: Are you intending to use the
06:59:15 overhead?
06:59:16 >> I can.
06:59:17 I also have printed out.
06:59:18 >>MARTIN SHELBY: But it's not electronic.
06:59:20 You don't have it on a computer.
06:59:21 You just have it on the overhead?
06:59:24 >> Correct.
06:59:24 >>MARTIN SHELBY: That would be within his
06:59:26 15-minute presentation.
06:59:27 You'll ask that these be passed out?
06:59:30 >> Please.
06:59:31 >>MARTIN SHELBY: Thank you.
06:59:32 Is there a copy for the clerk as well?
06:59:33 Thank you.
06:59:36 And please put your name on the record when you
06:59:38 begin.
06:59:43 >> My name is Andrew Marchetti.
06:59:46 I'm a real estate analyst, Florida business unit.
06:59:49 Our Florida headquarters is located at 12911 North
06:59:52 Telecom Parkway here in Florida or here in Tampa,
06:59:55 excuse me.
06:59:55 I also have our director of real estate, Edward

06:59:58 Giunta, our property manager RoseAnn Hammock, and
07:00:01 our engineer, Mark Sullivan from Florida
07:00:04 Engineering.
07:00:04 First, I would like to discuss who we are at
07:00:07 Circle K.
07:00:08 We are the world's preferred destination for
07:00:11 convenience and fuel.
07:00:12 And we've backed it up by saying that we are
07:00:14 actually the largest operator gas stations in the
07:00:18 world.
07:00:19 That gives us 18,000 locations worldwide.
07:00:22 We are actually also the largest operator of
07:00:24 convenience store gas stations in the State of
07:00:26 Florida as well.
07:00:27 A lot of that has to do with City of Tampa.
07:00:33 We have 31 locations here within the city.
07:00:35 I attached a data chart here detailing the -- each
07:00:43 location in the city.
07:00:43 The next page, you'll see a summary of the 31
07:00:46 stores.
07:00:46 We have 31 stores within the city, and they help
07:00:48 us employ 287 people within the stores alone.
07:00:52 That does not include our headquarters.
07:00:53 The 31 stores also contributed last year over
07:00:56 $19 million in taxes.

07:00:59 Seeing as this is a redevelopment of an existing
07:01:04 gas station, previously about 18 months ago, we
07:01:07 redeveloped the northeast corner of Dale Mabry and
07:01:09 Euclid.
07:01:10 There's an aerial right there of the corner.
07:01:18 Here's what it looked like prior to our
07:01:21 redevelopment.
07:01:22 One of our aged assets.
07:01:25 We call them our heritage Circle K's.
07:01:29 Nice way of putting it.
07:01:30 Here's what the store looked like after
07:01:31 redevelopment.
07:01:32 Obviously, a brand-new prototype, new design.
07:01:35 And with the redevelopment comes an economic
07:01:37 impact.
07:01:38 So I have detailed in the next slide, economic
07:01:40 impact of the redevelopment at Euclid.
07:01:44 So we have nearly doubled the amount of employees
07:01:46 at the location.
07:01:47 It's also nearly doubled the amount of taxes the
07:01:51 store contributes.
07:01:52 So now on our subject site, the northeast corner
07:01:56 of Dale Mabry and cypress.
07:02:01 Here's an existing store view from Dale Mabry
07:02:05 Highway.

07:02:07 And from the same view, this is what we're
07:02:11 proposing to build.
07:02:12 This gives you a better look of the side entrance
07:02:15 on the west.
07:02:18 Again, a picture from cypress.
07:02:27 And here's what we'd like to build.
07:02:29 I have a bird's-eye view as well.
07:02:40 That will allow you to see more details of the
07:02:42 site plan.
07:02:42 I wanted to reiterate some of the highlights from
07:02:44 the staff report.
07:02:45 In the report summary of the request, the property
07:02:48 is located within the Westshore overlay district.
07:02:51 In the proposed site configuration and associated
07:02:54 elevations are consistent with the design
07:02:56 deadlines.
07:02:56 With the exception of the setback of the fuel
07:02:59 canopy.
07:03:00 To which we also have a requested waiver for.
07:03:03 Setback from 20 feet to 50 feet.
07:03:06 Urban design staff has reviewed the rezoning
07:03:08 application and finds it consistent with section
07:03:10 27-238, the Westshore overlay district development
07:03:14 standards.
07:03:15 I wanted to make note of policy 13.1.3 and policy

07:03:19 13.3.6 of the comprehensive plan.
07:03:21 Policy 13.1.3 reads, "New buildings and
07:03:26 developments in context with the neighborhood and
07:03:28 community."
07:03:29 Policy 13.3.6 reads, "Appropriate urban areas,
07:03:33 buildings shall be located close or adjacent to
07:03:35 the sidewalk."
07:03:36 Reading from the requirements of the code and
07:03:38 staff findings.
07:03:39 The subject property is currently a gas station
07:03:42 and the redevelopment of the site per the proposed
07:03:44 site plan will allow for the development
07:03:47 appropriate in character and compatible with the
07:03:50 surrounding area.
07:03:51 The new design is consistent with the Westshore
07:03:53 overlay district and has -- and the proposed
07:03:56 convenience store at the northwest corner of the
07:03:58 property with a main entrance on North Dale Mabry
07:04:01 Highway.
07:04:02 We feel our site plan and building design adheres
07:04:05 to both the intent of the comprehensive plan and
07:04:07 the intent of the Westshore overlay district.
07:04:10 We feel we are within the context of the
07:04:12 community.
07:04:13 We are located at the last intersection before the

07:04:16 on/off ramp of interstate 275.
07:04:19 We feel that our location is a prime location for
07:04:22 a modern convenience store and gas station.
07:04:24 Finally, I'd like to read an excerpt from the
07:04:27 staff analysis of our proposal.
07:04:28 It reads the following: Proposed redevelopment
07:04:31 will not only be compatible with the existing
07:04:33 neighborhood, but it will also implement many
07:04:36 pedestrian connectivity elements encouraged in the
07:04:40 Tampa comprehensive plan.
07:04:41 Also, the Planning Commission staff found our
07:04:44 proposed planned development consistent with the
07:04:47 plan -- excuse me, the Tampa comprehensive plan.
07:04:50 I now would like to turn it over to our engineer,
07:04:52 Mark Sullivan.
07:04:54 He will describe what we have done to mitigate
07:04:56 natural resource impacts and various other
07:04:58 details.
07:05:05 >> Good evening, Council.
07:05:08 I'm Mark Sullivan.
07:05:09 I'm with Florida engineering environmental
07:05:10 services, 4519 George road, suite 130, Tampa,
07:05:14 33634.
07:05:16 I just wanted to touch on a few site engineering
07:05:20 items.

07:05:20 Point out about the difference between the
07:05:23 existing site and what we're proposing, what's
07:05:25 before you tonight.
07:05:27 With regard to vehicular access, the existing site
07:05:30 driveway onto the site, Dale Mabry Highway is
07:05:33 under the jurisdiction of F.D.O.T.
07:05:35 The proposed side driveway that you're looking at
07:05:40 almost exactly replicates what is there today.
07:05:43 We've had preliminary discussions with F.D.O.T.
07:05:47 They are fully in acceptance of what you see in
07:05:51 front of you today.
07:05:52 With regard to Cypress Street, that's under the
07:05:54 jurisdiction of the city.
07:05:56 The location of the driveway on the proposed land
07:06:01 has been reviewed and matches very well with the
07:06:05 Cypress Street improvements that the city is
07:06:08 currently having designed.
07:06:10 And just to point out the location of the driveway
07:06:13 onto cypress provides for greater clearance from
07:06:17 the corner at Dale Mabry, which is a really safety
07:06:20 upgrade.
07:06:21 With regard to pedestrian access, you'll note on
07:06:26 the plan that, of course, we do comply with the
07:06:28 Westshore overlay with regard to wider sidewalks
07:06:31 on both cypress and on Dale Mabry.

07:06:36 And pedestrian access from the front of the store
07:06:38 is directly to the sidewalk along Dale Mabry.
07:06:42 We're fully ADA compliant from both that access
07:06:46 point as well as the one that goes up to west side
07:06:49 store entrance.
07:06:49 Again, this goes towards safety upgrades from what
07:06:54 is existing today to what is proposed.
07:06:56 With regard to landscaping, proposed improvements
07:07:04 going to enhance the landscape features of the
07:07:06 site or what is there today.
07:07:08 This will include on-site plantings, trees and
07:07:12 hedges, and any required contributions to the tree
07:07:16 trust fund that will be worked out with staff
07:07:19 during the permitting process.
07:07:20 And that's provided for as part of the waiver
07:07:26 request as far as the -- contribution.
07:07:28 With regard to the utilities, the site is
07:07:30 currently served by water and wastewater.
07:07:32 The city facilities.
07:07:34 The services will be continued with adjustments as
07:07:38 needed based on the building locations.
07:07:40 Any upgrades -- enhancements will be pursuant to
07:07:45 city policy.
07:07:45 Locations, meter size, things like that, that will
07:07:45 all be worked out during the permitting process.

07:07:52 With regard to stormwater, the site will be
07:07:56 undergoing permitting through the city F.D.O.T.
07:07:58 and S.W.F.W.M.D.
07:07:59 In compliance with the requirements of all the
07:08:02 agencies is going to certainly enhance the
07:08:05 stormwater treatment and attenuation
07:08:07 characteristics of what is there today.
07:08:09 Positive in all respects from the -- standpoint.
07:08:13 I'm happy to answer any questions you have.
07:08:15 >>FRANK REDDICK: Any questions from Council?
07:08:16 All right.
07:08:19 >> Turn it back over to Andrew.
07:08:23 >> Important to note we received no opposition
07:08:26 regarding our petition.
07:08:27 Also, I wanted to thank staff on their efforts the
07:08:31 last few months working with what we feel is an
07:08:33 agreeable site plan.
07:08:34 I also want to personally thank staff.
07:08:36 This is my first project, so I apologize if I ask
07:08:40 questions two or three times.
07:08:41 Thank you.
07:08:43 >>FRANK REDDICK: Thank you.
07:08:44 Anybody in the audience wishing to speak on item
07:08:53 number 8?
07:08:54 >> Move to close.

07:08:55 >>FRANK REDDICK: Got a motion by Mr. Miranda.
07:08:57 Seconded by Ms. Montelione.
07:09:00 All in favor, aye.
07:09:01 All right.
07:09:03 I'm going to ask Mr. Miranda, would you read
07:09:05 number 8?
07:09:06 >>CHARLIE MIRANDA: Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
07:09:07 Move file REZ 15-74, ordinance presented for first
07:09:11 reading, an ordinance rezoning property in the
07:09:16 general vicinity of 1001 North Dale Mabry Highway
07:09:19 in the City of Tampa, Florida and more
07:09:21 particularly described in section 1 from zoning
07:09:23 district classification PD-A planned development
07:09:26 alternative to PD planned development, retail
07:09:29 sales, gasoline and convenience goods with
07:09:32 accessory car wash.
07:09:33 Providing an effective date.
07:09:34 >>FRANK REDDICK: Motion by Mr. Miranda.
07:09:35 Seconded by Mr. Cohen.
07:09:36 All in favor, aye.
07:09:38 Opposed.
07:09:38 >>THE CLERK: Motion carried with Suarez being
07:09:40 absent at vote.
07:09:40 Second reading and adoption will be on
07:09:42 February 4th at 9:30 a.m.

07:09:44 >>FRANK REDDICK: All right.
07:09:45 Go to item number 9.
07:09:46 >>MARY SAMANIEGO: Mary Samaniego, item number 9 is
07:09:49 REZ 15-78.
07:09:52 It's for Jesuit High School rezoning from RS-60
07:09:59 and planned development to planned development to
07:10:01 add one additional lot ...
07:10:04 >> Good evening, Council members.
07:10:05 David Hay with your Planning Commission staff.
07:10:08 I have been sworn.
07:10:09 We're in the central Tampa planning district for
07:10:11 the next one.
07:10:11 We all know where Jesuit High School is.
07:10:15 The southeast corner of West Osborne and North
07:10:18 Himes Avenue.
07:10:19 It is within the plaza terrace neighborhood.
07:10:21 The whole site total is about 34 acres.
07:10:25 There is transit out on Himes, and it's not within
07:10:29 an evacuation zone.
07:10:30 On to the aerial, the property that's being added
07:10:34 is up in the -- probably the northeast kind of
07:10:38 corner of the subject site.
07:10:39 As you can see, the neighborhood is basically
07:10:43 single-family detached.
07:10:44 We have Himes Avenue on the west, Al Lopez park,

07:10:50 and then we have the Tampa Bay Park, which is an
07:10:54 office park to the south and St. Joseph's.
07:11:01 Overall, schools are recognized use within all the
07:11:05 future land use categories.
07:11:07 The PD -- helps if I put up the future land use
07:11:12 map.
07:11:13 It is under that public/quasi-public category, so
07:11:18 it is a recognized use.
07:11:19 There are no real changes occurring within the PD,
07:11:22 except to add that property.
07:11:23 So, therefore, based on those findings and the
07:11:26 goals, objectives and policies of the
07:11:28 comprehensive plan, Planning Commission staff
07:11:29 finds the proposed rezoning consistent with the
07:11:31 Tampa comprehensive plan.
07:11:32 Thank you.
07:11:35 >>MARY SAMANIEGO: Thank you, David.
07:11:36 Mary Samaniego.
07:11:37 I'll make this quick.
07:11:44 The only changes to the previously approved plan
07:11:49 development which was REZ 14-23, is the -- this
07:11:54 one house, purchased by Jesuit High School and is
07:12:03 being incorporated into the overall planned
07:12:05 development.
07:12:05 Because the boundary of the planned development is

07:12:07 expanding, it has to come back before you.
07:12:10 No other changes to the planned development are
07:12:13 occurring.
07:12:14 Beyond what it says in your staff report.
07:12:17 The Development Review Compliance staff finds it
07:12:21 consistent, and there are no revisions between
07:12:23 first and second reading.
07:12:24 There are no new waivers and the previously
07:12:28 approved waivers, the two of them will continue
07:12:31 forward.
07:12:32 Do you have any questions?
07:12:34 >>FRANK REDDICK: You say you found it consistent.
07:12:36 >>MARY SAMANIEGO: Yes, sir.
07:12:37 Consistent, no waivers, no changes.
07:12:39 >>FRANK REDDICK: Thank you.
07:12:40 Any questions from Council?
07:12:41 Petitioner.
07:12:46 >> I just have one question for the petitioner.
07:12:48 Is this such a simple change that you didn't even
07:12:50 bring us a book?
07:12:52 [ LAUGHTER ]
07:12:54 >> I was going to say, look, no book.
07:12:56 No book.
07:12:59 >> The trees thank you, Ms. Grimes.
07:13:04 >> Ms. Montelione pointed out to me she thought I

07:13:08 was being excessive as far as killing trees.
07:13:11 But I saw your book for your Council meeting.
07:13:14 I think you got me beat.
07:13:16 >> Touché.
07:13:17 [ LAUGHTER ]
07:13:20 >>LISA MONTELIONE: If we had the technology, I
07:13:22 would be using it.
07:13:23 We seem a little behind in that department.
07:13:26 >> Gina Grimes with the law firm of Hill Ward
07:13:28 Henderson, 101 East Kennedy Boulevard here tonight
07:13:31 representing Jesuit High School.
07:13:33 And staff has been accurate and succinct so I'm
07:13:36 not going to add any more to it other than to say
07:13:39 this one lot along Osborne, this is Himes down
07:13:43 here, Himes Avenue down at the bottom here.
07:13:49 This is Osborne.
07:13:51 This area is proposed to be a parking lot.
07:13:55 Staff has found it consistent.
07:13:59 I also want to put into the record a letter from
07:14:01 the president of the Neighborhood Association,
07:14:03 plaza terrace, saying that they have no opposition
07:14:05 to the request and they are in support.
07:14:15 >>FRANK REDDICK: Any questions from Council?
07:14:17 Mr. Suarez.
07:14:19 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Ms. Grimes, that space there, is

07:14:21 that going to additionally be parking or is that
07:14:24 just going to be more for setback for the building
07:14:27 use and stuff?
07:14:28 >> This space right here?
07:14:29 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Yeah.
07:14:30 The space that's being acquired and put in there.
07:14:32 >> This whole area here was designated back in
07:14:35 June when you approved the overall PD as a parking
07:14:38 area, but it's just that this lot was not yet
07:14:41 owned by Jesuit.
07:14:43 We're just adding it to --
07:14:46 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Not changing it at all.
07:14:49 Just added on to the parking lot.
07:14:50 >> Right.
07:14:51 And all kind of buffering and fencing that go
07:14:53 along Osborne when that parking lot is
07:14:56 constructed.
07:14:56 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Thank you very much.
07:14:57 And thank you for not bringing a book and killing
07:14:59 more trees.
07:15:01 >>FRANK REDDICK: Any additional questions from
07:15:03 Council?
07:15:03 Seeing none, anyone in the audience wishing to
07:15:07 speak on item number 9?
07:15:08 >> Move to close.

07:15:09 >>FRANK REDDICK: We got a motion from Mr. Miranda.
07:15:11 Seconded by Mr. Cohen.
07:15:12 All in favor of the motion, aye.
07:15:15 Mr. Suarez, would you read number 9.
07:15:20 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Thank you, chair.
07:15:21 I present an ordinance for first reading
07:15:23 consideration.
07:15:23 An ordinance rezoning property in the general
07:15:25 vicinity of 4701 North Himes Avenue, 3320, 3322,
07:15:30 3402, 3404, 3406, and 3408 west Osborne Avenue and
07:15:38 4612 and 4616 North Emerald Avenue in the City of
07:15:42 Tampa, Florida, and more particularly described in
07:15:45 section 1 from zoning district classification
07:15:48 RS-60, residential single-family, and PD, planned
07:15:51 development, school, to PD planned development
07:15:54 school, providing an effective date.
07:15:56 >>FRANK REDDICK: Motion by Mr. Suarez.
07:15:58 Seconded by Mr. Maniscalco.
07:16:00 Any discussion?
07:16:01 All in favor of the motion, aye.
07:16:03 Any opposed?
07:16:04 >>THE CLERK: Motion carried unanimously.
07:16:06 Second reading and adoption will be on
07:16:07 February 4th at 9:30 a.m.
07:16:10 >>FRANK REDDICK: Item number 10.

07:16:11 >>MARY SAMANIEGO: Item number 10 is REZ 15-79, a
07:16:14 rezoning request for the property located at 3006
07:16:21 North 50th Street from RM-16, multi-family
07:16:22 residential 16, to planned development for retail
07:16:26 sales, shopper's goods.
07:16:31 >>DAVID HAY: Good evening, Council members.
07:16:33 David Hay with your Planning Commission staff.
07:16:35 We move over to the central Tampa planning
07:16:36 district for the next case.
07:16:39 It is -- the subject site is located in the East
07:16:42 Tampa urban village.
07:16:44 It's a .86-acre subject site.
07:16:47 It's located at the northwest corner of North
07:16:50 50th Street and Melbourne Boulevard.
07:16:53 It is located within the Highland Pines
07:16:56 Neighborhood.
07:16:57 The site is located on a mixed use corridor as
07:17:00 defined by the comprehensive plan.
07:17:03 There is transit service along this portion of
07:17:05 North 50th Street and Melbourne, the route
07:17:09 number 6 connecting the subject site to downtown
07:17:12 Tampa Netpark and the university area.
07:17:14 And there is -- it is not located within an
07:17:17 evacuation zone.
07:17:18 Here we have the aerial, the subject site is in

07:17:22 the middle.
07:17:22 We've got North 50th Street running north-south.
07:17:26 Melbourne Boulevard kind of veers off to the west.
07:17:30 We've got interstate 4 to the south and old
07:17:34 Columbus Drive and Columbus Drive intersection
07:17:38 that's further to the south.
07:17:39 In the area, this part of North 50th Street,
07:17:43 there are a number of hotel uses.
07:17:45 There is a Days Inn directly across the street.
07:17:49 There are heavy commercial uses.
07:17:51 You have the auto auction here, facility up there
07:17:55 kind of to the northeast.
07:17:57 And then back adjacent to the site along North
07:18:01 49th Street, there are a number of single-family
07:18:03 and duplex uses.
07:18:05 On to the future land use site, the front part of
07:18:12 the site located on North 50th Street is running
07:18:16 right here, that is the community mixed use-35
07:18:19 future land use category.
07:18:20 It runs along North 50th Street.
07:18:22 In the back, we've got the residential -- I
07:18:28 believe category.
07:18:29 Residential 10 further back, the red is the
07:18:40 community commercial 35.
07:18:41 Overall, the petitioner's request, if approved,

07:18:48 would allow for the development of a
07:18:50 7,381-square-foot retail store.
07:18:54 The petitioner's application does provide a
07:18:57 sensitive transition to the adjacent neighborhood
07:18:59 while maintaining the character of the area.
07:19:02 The petitioner has made an attempt to implement
07:19:06 policy 16.1.2 by placing the building close to the
07:19:10 roadway and orienting parts of the entrance toward
07:19:13 street.
07:19:13 The redevelopment of the site provides for a
07:19:16 stable neighborhood and continued economic
07:19:19 vitality along the 50th Street corridor.
07:19:21 Therefore, based on those findings and the goals,
07:19:24 objectives and policies of the comprehensive plan,
07:19:26 the Planning Commission staff finds the proposed
07:19:28 rezoning consistent with the Tampa comprehensive
07:19:30 plan.
07:19:30 Thank you.
07:19:35 >>MARY SAMANIEGO: Thank you.
07:19:36 Mary Samaniego.
07:19:42 Here is the zoning map for the subject property.
07:19:47 The subject property is in green.
07:19:49 It's currently zoned RM-16.
07:19:52 One lot to the north is commercial general and
07:19:55 then further to the north is a recently approved

07:20:04 Dollar General which I'll show you pictures of.
07:20:07 This property is owned by D.O.T.
07:20:10 And then across 21st is commercial general
07:20:18 property.
07:20:18 There are two houses on the subject property which
07:20:25 will be demolished.
07:20:26 Here's one of the houses that faces 50th Street.
07:20:29 And then the other house that faces 50th Street,
07:20:37 all that will be removed.
07:20:39 This is looking down Melbourne Avenue.
07:20:41 I'm going to go around the block.
07:20:43 This is utility station on Melbourne and 19th,
07:20:49 49th.
07:20:50 Across 49th is a small grocery store.
07:20:52 This is looking northward up 49th Avenue.
07:20:58 I'll go up here and then come around the block.
07:21:01 There are a couple of duplexes on 49th.
07:21:08 A series of single-family houses up and down the
07:21:10 street.
07:21:11 Here is the Dollar General.
07:21:18 It was recently constructed.
07:21:20 Again, it's right here, this planned development
07:21:22 on 23rd and 50th.
07:21:24 I will note that this site, the application site
07:21:28 as well as the Dollar General site is located in

07:21:31 the East Tampa overlay district.
07:21:33 One of the overriding concepts of that overlay
07:21:36 district as well as many of our other overlay
07:21:39 districts is to try to bring the buildings
07:21:41 forward.
07:21:41 As you can see, this building is forward with the
07:21:43 sidewalk and then the road.
07:21:44 This is between the Dollar General and application
07:21:49 site a single-family house.
07:21:50 And then myriad of office and light manufacturing
07:21:54 uses across 50th Street and a hotel.
07:21:56 The applicant is proposing an AutoZone.
07:22:07 Specialty retail store.
07:22:11 Here is the site plan.
07:22:13 There is an access, dual access ingress and egress
07:22:16 off of 50th Street.
07:22:17 They have worked with D.O.T. to get that as far
07:22:22 north as possible, away from the intersection of
07:22:24 50th and Melbourne.
07:22:27 They are also asking for a second two-way access
07:22:29 onto 49th Street, which is a local road and
07:22:33 which requires a waiver.
07:22:34 The building area is approximately 7400 square
07:22:43 feet.
07:22:44 There's a series of parking, solid waste

07:22:45 dumpsters.
07:22:46 They are providing pedestrian connections within
07:22:49 the site.
07:22:50 Both sides of the building, as well as connecting
07:22:52 into the pedestrian network for the rights-of-way.
07:22:57 There are four waivers being requested to 2728312j
07:23:07 for access to a local 49th Street.
07:23:10 27284 to revise the UC use buffer on the north.
07:23:23 It should say the north, not the west.
07:23:25 On the north from 15 feet with six-foot high
07:23:30 concrete masonry wall to six-foot high PVC fence.
07:23:34 Asking to put a PVC fence instead of the concrete
07:23:40 masonry wall.
07:23:41 To relocate the building signage from the west
07:23:43 side of the building on 49th Street to the south
07:23:46 side of the building.
07:23:46 Because there is D.O.T.-owned property, it's not
07:23:51 right-of-way.
07:23:52 It's property owned by D.O.T. and utility, they
07:23:55 aren't eligible for wall signs on this part of the
07:23:58 building because they don't have street frontage.
07:24:00 But they are eligible for street wall signs on
07:24:03 this side, 49th Street because, again, it has
07:24:07 direct street frontage.
07:24:08 This is kind of a residential area.

07:24:10 They are asking for a waiver to move the sign that
07:24:12 they could put here to this outside.
07:24:16 The last waiver they are requesting is from 1349 G
07:24:20 6 to remove three non-hazardous grand trees
07:24:23 on-site.
07:24:24 And that's to be revised between first and second
07:24:27 reading.
07:24:27 As you can see, the existing site with the two
07:24:31 older single-family houses has significant trees
07:24:35 kind of dotted throughout the site.
07:24:37 I do know the applicant has worked closely with
07:24:39 natural resources to try to protect the best trees
07:24:44 on-site.
07:24:45 There are revisions between first and second
07:24:47 reading to revise the waiver table.
07:24:52 Urban design just had a couple of notes that they
07:24:55 wanted to add and natural resources just a note to
07:25:09 add to identify all the grand trees specifically.
07:25:11 Because of the access to the local street being
07:25:16 49th, transportation did find this inconsistent.
07:25:19 All the other agencies did find it consistent.
07:25:23 However, the overall plan is inconsistent because
07:25:25 of transportation.
07:25:26 But should it be the pleasure to approve the
07:25:30 waivers, adopt the revisions as stated in the

07:25:33 report.
07:25:33 Do you have any questions?
07:25:36 >>FRANK REDDICK: Any questions from Council?
07:25:37 Petitioner?
07:25:50 >> Hello.
07:25:50 Jason Kinney, Kinney engineering, 2573 74th
07:25:55 Avenue, St. Petersburg, Florida.
07:25:56 I'd like to start off by thanking staff for their
07:25:58 time and assistance on this project.
07:26:00 They have been very helpful, and we appreciate
07:26:01 that.
07:26:02 Basically, just as Ms. Samaniego summarized, we
07:26:06 are proposing to bring in a new retail
07:26:09 development.
07:26:10 It is an AutoZone store, as shown on your
07:26:13 packages.
07:26:15 I do not believe that they put up the building
07:26:22 elevations, so I would like to show that, if I
07:26:24 may.
07:26:25 I do like this elevation, and I think it falls
07:26:31 pretty consistent with the area.
07:26:32 The building elevation was prepared by AutoZone.
07:26:55 They've included some architectural enhancements
07:26:57 so that it would fall within the nature of the
07:26:59 neighborhood.

07:26:59 The building has also been placed up along the
07:27:02 50th Street corridor to make it more urban and
07:27:04 pedestrian friendly.
07:27:05 And as well as that includes some of the facade
07:27:09 enhancements, such as the -- I'm sorry, parapet
07:27:17 walls and the stucco and the brick textures.
07:27:21 As shown on the bottom elevation here, this is the
07:27:25 sign that we are requesting the waiver for.
07:27:27 The sign would be allowed along this rear wall
07:27:31 here.
07:27:31 We're simply requesting to move it over to the
07:27:34 south wall.
07:27:35 The front entranceway is along -- is up here, and
07:27:40 that is the one that is along 50th Street.
07:27:43 The waivers that we are requesting include the
07:27:48 removal of three grand trees.
07:27:51 We have worked with the natural resources with the
07:27:54 city along with our arborist.
07:27:57 We've gone through to identify upwards of 11 grand
07:28:01 trees on-site.
07:28:03 Two of which were deemed hazardous so that leaves
07:28:07 us with nine that we were working with.
07:28:09 What we did is we maneuvered the site plan around
07:28:13 a little bit in order to preserve the best quality
07:28:17 trees that we could, as well as sometimes that did

07:28:21 come at the expense of another, for example, one
07:28:23 of the trees is almost dead center in the middle
07:28:26 of the site.
07:28:27 But we found that by moving that one, that allowed
07:28:30 us to move the building further to the south and
07:28:33 maintain some trees along the north property line
07:28:35 that are grand trees.
07:28:38 The same thing along the west property line, there
07:28:42 are a series of six oak trees along there, five of
07:28:47 which are the grand.
07:28:49 Of those six there, one was a hazardous.
07:28:52 That was removed out.
07:28:54 One was an undesirable, and then three -- I'm
07:28:58 sorry -- one is desirable, someone hazardous, and
07:29:03 that left three trees that we could keep by
07:29:06 putting the driveway in a location that eliminated
07:29:09 one.
07:29:09 And the one that was eliminated was the one that
07:29:11 was next to the undesirables and hazardous trees.
07:29:15 We did try to locate things as well as possible to
07:29:20 incorporate and to preserve the other remaining
07:29:24 trees on-site.
07:29:25 The other waivers there, the wall, request a
07:29:30 waiver to go from a wall to a fence along the
07:29:32 north property line.

07:29:33 This is solely for the purpose of the protection
07:29:35 of the trees that are along that property line.
07:29:37 The fence would be less likely to impose on the
07:29:39 roots.
07:29:39 And then the last waiver is for the commercial
07:29:42 traffic access onto a local roadway.
07:29:44 This waiver, if granted, would allow a driveway
07:29:49 onto 49th Street.
07:29:52 That we feel this driveway is important for the
07:29:55 circulation on the on-site retail, mainly to allow
07:29:58 for larger vehicles, delivery vehicles, if
07:30:02 necessary, to make maneuvering to back up into the
07:30:07 loading area and exit the site.
07:30:09 I do want to note that the driveway at that
07:30:14 location, the parcel across 49th street is, in
07:30:16 fact, a commercial zoned parcel, CG zoning, and
07:30:21 that's the neighborhood market that is right there
07:30:25 at the rear portion.
07:30:26 So that driveway would not be adjacent to the
07:30:28 actual residential zoning.
07:30:30 With that, I'm happy to answer any questions you
07:30:33 might have.
07:30:34 >>FRANK REDDICK: Any questions from Council?
07:30:35 Anyone in the audience wish to speak on item
07:30:39 number 10?

07:30:41 >> Move to close.
07:30:42 >>FRANK REDDICK: Got a motion to close from
07:30:45 Mr. Miranda.
07:30:46 Second by Ms. Montelione.
07:30:47 To the petitioner, because I didn't hear anything
07:30:50 about part of the presentation, are you aware that
07:30:54 this project that you're working on is within the
07:30:57 boundaries of the CRA?
07:30:58 For East Tampa?
07:31:02 >> I was not, no.
07:31:04 >>FRANK REDDICK: Okay.
07:31:05 The boundary ends south of Columbus Drive.
07:31:11 So you're within the boundaries of the CRA for the
07:31:13 East Tampa project.
07:31:14 >> Oh, yes, yes.
07:31:15 >>FRANK REDDICK: Okay?
07:31:17 All right.
07:31:18 >> Repeat the thing about the trees again.
07:31:20 >>CHARLIE MIRANDA: I'm just joking with you.
07:31:23 [ LAUGHTER ]
07:31:24 >>FRANK REDDICK: Got a motion from Mr. Miranda.
07:31:28 Seconded by Montelione.
07:31:31 Okay.
07:31:31 All those in favor of the motion, aye.
07:31:33 Those opposed?

07:31:33 Okay.
07:31:34 Ms. Montelione.
07:31:38 Would you read number 10?
07:31:44 >>LISA MONTELIONE: I move an ordinance being
07:31:47 presented for first reading consideration, an
07:31:50 ordinance rezoning property in the general
07:31:52 vicinity of 3006 North 50th Street in the City
07:31:55 of Tampa, Florida, and more particularly described
07:31:58 in section 1 from zoning district classification
07:32:01 RM-16, residential, multifamily, to PD, planned
07:32:04 development, retail sales, shopper's goods,
07:32:06 providing an effective date.
07:32:08 >> Second.
07:32:11 >>LISA MONTELIONE: And any revisions presented by
07:32:13 Ms. Samaniego.
07:32:13 >>FRANK REDDICK: Motion from Ms. Montelione --
07:32:17 >>MARY SAMANIEGO: Mary Samaniego.
07:32:18 As well as the revision to the waiver for the PVC
07:32:22 fence on the north side, not the west side.
07:32:25 >>LISA MONTELIONE: Right.
07:32:26 That would have been included in all the revisions
07:32:29 presented by Ms. Samaniego.
07:32:31 >>FRANK REDDICK: Motion from Ms. Montelione.
07:32:33 Seconded by Mr. Maniscalco.
07:32:34 Any further discussion of the motion?

07:32:36 All those in favor of the motion, aye.
07:32:37 Opposed?
07:32:38 >>THE CLERK: Motion carried unanimously.
07:32:40 Second reading and adoption will be on
07:32:41 February 4th at 9:30 a.m.
07:32:43 >>FRANK REDDICK: All right.
07:32:44 Our final, last item of the night.
07:32:47 Number 11.
07:32:49 >>MARY SAMANIEGO: Mary Samaniego.
07:32:51 Item 11, REZ 15-81, rezoning request from
07:32:55 commercial general to planned development for all
07:32:58 commercial general uses at property at 4015, 4017,
07:33:02 4023, 4027, and 4055 South Dale Mabry.
07:33:09 >>DAVID HAY: Good evening, Council members.
07:33:10 David Hay with your Planning Commission staff.
07:33:12 I have been sworn.
07:33:13 Our last case, we travel down to South Tampa
07:33:16 Planning District.
07:33:16 It is a 3.5-acre subject site.
07:33:19 It's located in the vicinity of the southwest
07:33:21 corner of South Dale Mabry Highway and west of Bay
07:33:25 Vista Avenue.
07:33:26 It is located on a transit emphasis corridor, Dale
07:33:30 Mabry Highway.
07:33:30 It is also located on a mixed-use corridor as

07:33:33 defined by the comprehensive plan.
07:33:35 There is transit on that portion of Dale Mabry
07:33:38 connecting the subject site to MacDill Air Force
07:33:40 Base and up to the Carrollwood area and over to
07:33:44 the Britton Plaza transfer center, which is
07:33:46 directly kind of to the northeast of the subject
07:33:49 site.
07:33:50 And the subject site is located within that level
07:33:53 C evacuation zone.
07:33:54 On to the aerial, the subject site is right here
07:34:00 as usual, right in the middle.
07:34:01 Got Dale Mabry Highway, Bay Vista, Euclid is up
07:34:05 here.
07:34:05 Britton Plaza is to the northeast.
07:34:09 We've got the Selmon Expressway, the Lowe's.
07:34:14 The Grand Key Condos directly to the south.
07:34:19 And then we've got single-family detached
07:34:23 residential basically to the west.
07:34:26 Directly to the north is a bank and American
07:34:30 Legion Post 139.
07:34:32 On to the future land use map, you can see that
07:34:36 the subject site kind of makes up a larger
07:34:40 activity center near the interchange of Selmon
07:34:44 expressway and Dale Mabry highway and Gandy.
07:34:48 The subject site is that community mixed use-35.

07:34:53 Future land use category, which is in the pink,
07:34:55 directly across the street is that community
07:34:57 commercial 35.
07:34:59 That allows up to CI uses.
07:35:01 And then the tan that basically surrounds the area
07:35:04 is that residential 10 land use category.
07:35:08 The proposed rezoning would allow for the
07:35:11 redevelopment of existing strip shopping center.
07:35:14 The existing buildings, which recently were
07:35:16 demolished was set to the rear of the subject site
07:35:20 within mixed use corridors, buildings are
07:35:22 encouraged to be located adjacent to public
07:35:25 rights-of-way.
07:35:25 Though the proposed buildings are separated from
07:35:27 the public right-of-way by one row of parking, the
07:35:30 proposed location of the buildings are an
07:35:32 improvement over existing conditions and would
07:35:35 further a number of comprehensive plan goals,
07:35:37 objectives and policies regarding development
07:35:40 along mixed use corridors.
07:35:41 They have also included direct pedestrian
07:35:44 connections between the building entrances and the
07:35:47 public sidewalks, which there's policy language
07:35:49 that supports that within the comprehensive plan.
07:35:52 Overall, the proposed planned development would

07:35:54 provide for a development that is comparable and
07:35:57 compatible with the existing development pattern
07:35:59 found along this portion of South Dale Mabry
07:36:01 highway.
07:36:02 Therefore, based on those findings and the goals,
07:36:04 objectives and policies of the comprehensive plan,
07:36:07 the Planning Commission staff finds the proposed
07:36:09 rezoning consistent with the Tampa comprehensive
07:36:11 plan.
07:36:12 Thank you.
07:36:19 >>MARY SAMANIEGO: Thank you.
07:36:19 Mary Samaniego.
07:36:20 Here's the aerial photograph of this site.
07:36:28 Again, as David stated, it's kind of a much older
07:36:33 development, strip commercial shopping center,
07:36:38 like an L shape and miscellaneous retail building,
07:36:42 which have all been demolished.
07:36:44 The application site is in a large commercial
07:36:50 general area.
07:36:51 So it's already zoned commercial general.
07:36:53 They are asking for all commercial general uses.
07:36:55 Commercial general for Britton Plaza across the
07:36:58 street, and then it goes back into a
07:37:03 long-established residential neighborhood, RS-60
07:37:06 down Bay Vista.

07:37:08 Here is the subject property currently under
07:37:13 construction.
07:37:14 Let me give you a brief history on this site.
07:37:18 The applicant came in to pull building permits,
07:37:22 and it was determined that even though -- this is
07:37:31 the planned development site.
07:37:32 This access point to Bay Vista has existed since
07:37:37 the '80s, because they are completely
07:37:39 redeveloping that site, they have to ask for that
07:37:42 access to the local again.
07:37:44 So that's why the planned development is before
07:37:47 you.
07:37:47 And that's one of the waivers to access to a local
07:37:51 west Bay Vista Avenue.
07:37:52 Because of that, they elected to get a building
07:37:58 permit just for this property without that.
07:38:03 So it's currently under construction.
07:38:06 If the application tonight is denied, then they
07:38:09 would just use the two access points onto Dale
07:38:11 Mabry however they like to retain the Bay Vista
07:38:15 access point.
07:38:16 So they filed for a plan development, and they are
07:38:18 before you tonight.
07:38:19 We have reviewed the site plan again.
07:38:24 To review codes beyond what was reviewed with the

07:38:30 building permit.
07:38:30 The building permit did include this one-acre
07:38:32 site.
07:38:33 We did not include it in the planned development
07:38:35 because they had no building plans for it at the
07:38:35 time.
07:38:39 This is the driveway in question that accesses Bay
07:38:50 Vista.
07:38:50 The local driveway.
07:38:52 Part of the American Legion angled parking is off
07:38:56 of this.
07:39:01 >> On the corner there is a Walgreens, right?
07:39:04 They already have access to Bay Vista from
07:39:10 commercial.
07:39:10 >>MARY SAMANIEGO: Directly across the street is
07:39:13 access to Walgreens, across the street from this
07:39:15 proposed driveway.
07:39:16 Here is the driveway, and then it goes back into
07:39:22 the residential neighborhood.
07:39:25 A house, catty-corner.
07:39:26 This is directly to the south.
07:39:29 This is the American legion parking lot that uses
07:39:31 that driveway for part of their angled parking.
07:39:36 This is looking north.
07:39:38 There is a light at the corner of Bay Vista and

07:39:41 Dale Mabry.
07:39:41 So traffic coming out of this development
07:39:46 professionally would say would go north to the
07:39:48 light as opposed to cutting back in the
07:39:50 neighborhood.
07:39:51 This is the intersection of Dale Mabry and Bay
07:39:52 Vista.
07:39:53 Looking at Britton Plaza.
07:39:56 As far as waivers being requested, again access to
07:40:06 the locals from Bay Vista.
07:40:10 Along the same lines, to reduce the required use
07:40:13 buffer on the west from 50 feet with six-foot high
07:40:16 masonry wall to five feet with six-foot high
07:40:20 masonry wall.
07:40:21 They are in compliance with most of the site.
07:40:23 It's just for where the driveway is.
07:40:26 This distance is not 15 feet.
07:40:28 They can't make it 15 feet and not violate the
07:40:31 driveway width requirements.
07:40:32 So that's a waiver.
07:40:33 The last waiver, which I'm going to verbally
07:40:37 amend, is to 1345 G 6 to reduce the required tree
07:40:42 retention from 50% to 28%, which is a 72% removal
07:40:49 with fee in lieu payment paid at the time of
07:40:52 permitting.

07:40:52 There are several trees on-site.
07:40:58 Let me show you an aerial.
07:40:59 That kind of were the function of landscape
07:41:05 islands for the older 80s development and then
07:41:08 some along the property.
07:41:10 Because of the new configured site plan, they are
07:41:13 completely redoing the parking lot as well.
07:41:15 Many of the trees are requested to be removed.
07:41:18 So that's the nature of that waiver request.
07:41:21 There are modifications to the waiver table to be
07:41:27 done between first and second reading as well as a
07:41:32 couple of notes as far as greenspace, impervious
07:41:35 area, stormwater just had one note to correct.
07:41:39 Transportation found it inconsistent for the
07:41:42 access to the locals.
07:41:44 Natural resources found it inconsistent because of
07:41:47 removing more than 50% of the trees on-site.
07:41:50 And we're still waiting for written confirmation
07:41:57 from EPC as to possible wetland to the south of
07:42:00 the property.
07:42:01 Other than that, they are requesting a total three
07:42:10 building pads.
07:42:17 One to the south.
07:42:18 This is not in an overlay, but they did try to
07:42:22 move some of the buildings forward.

07:42:24 This large building to the south would be a
07:42:26 fitness center, and then two buildings built,
07:42:31 suites to be rented out for any commercial general
07:42:34 uses further to the east.
07:42:36 In the surrounding parking lots.
07:42:39 Because of the inconsistent finding from natural
07:42:46 resources and transportation, the development
07:42:47 review and compliance staff did find it
07:42:50 inconsistent, however, if the City Council chooses
07:42:55 to approve the plan, the revisions -- on the
07:42:58 revision sheet as well as verbally change
07:43:01 revisions can be done.
07:43:04 Do you have any questions for me?
07:43:06 >>FRANK REDDICK: Any questions from Council?
07:43:08 Petitioner?
07:43:16 >> Good evening, Gregory Roth from Bohler
07:43:18 Engineering.
07:43:19 3820 Northdale Boulevard.
07:43:24 I have been sworn in.
07:43:25 I appreciate your time this evening, and I greatly
07:43:26 appreciate Ms. Samaniego and Mr. Hay's report.
07:43:29 I find it accurate.
07:43:30 We have been working very closely with staff for
07:43:33 what feels like a year now.
07:43:35 I appreciate the patience.

07:43:36 What seemed to be an easy CG building permit and
07:43:39 site redevelopment for a commercial center, which
07:43:41 when presented seemed to be a good upgrade and
07:43:44 redevelopment came along with a little bit of
07:43:47 hair, but that's all redevelopment processes these
07:43:49 days.
07:43:50 So, again, staff being patient, worked with us.
07:43:52 We looked at a few different options of how to
07:43:55 address a small sliver of property that's only
07:43:58 30 feet wide that has an existing access to a
07:44:01 local collector.
07:44:02 Looked at a couple of different options of whether
07:44:04 we would deed the property over to American
07:44:06 legion.
07:44:06 For whatever reason, they are not in the process
07:44:08 of acquiring and obtaining property.
07:44:11 I don't blame them.
07:44:12 We didn't want to adversely impact the American
07:44:15 legion by removing the access because they do back
07:44:18 out onto it.
07:44:19 After much head scratching, we decided the best
07:44:22 route was go down the PD process and ask for a
07:44:25 rezone.
07:44:26 We do agree with the changes that Mary had
07:44:29 mentioned throughout her report, and we will be

07:44:31 making those between first and second reading.
07:44:33 With that, I will keep it brief and open it up to
07:44:36 any questions you may have.
07:44:37 >>FRANK REDDICK: All right.
07:44:37 Any questions from Council?
07:44:38 Anyone in the audience wishing to speak on item
07:44:42 number 11?
07:44:44 >> Move to close.
07:44:45 >> Second.
07:44:46 >>FRANK REDDICK: Motion by Mr. Miranda.
07:44:48 Seconded by Mr. Cohen.
07:44:50 All in favor of the motion, aye.
07:44:52 Opposed?
07:44:52 All right.
07:44:54 Mr. Maniscalco, would you read item number 11.
07:44:56 >>GUIDO MANISCALCO: Thank you very much,
07:44:57 Mr. Chairman.
07:44:58 I have an ordinance being presented for first
07:45:00 reading consideration.
07:45:01 An ordinance rezoning property in the general
07:45:04 vicinity of 4015, 4017, 4023, 4027, and 4055 South
07:45:11 Dale Mabry highway in the City of Tampa, Florida,
07:45:13 and more particularly described in section 1, from
07:45:16 zoning district classifications CG commercial
07:45:19 general to PD planned development, all CG uses,

07:45:23 providing an effective date.
07:45:25 >> Second.
07:45:25 >>FRANK REDDICK: All right.
07:45:27 Got a motion from Mr. Maniscalco.
07:45:28 Seconded by Mr. Suarez.
07:45:30 All in favor of the motion say aye.
07:45:31 Opposed?
07:45:34 >>THE CLERK: Motion carried unanimously.
07:45:35 Second reading and adoption will be on
07:45:37 February 4th at 9:30 a.m.
07:45:39 >>FRANK REDDICK: All right.
07:45:39 Information and reports?
07:45:40 Mr. Miranda.
07:45:41 >>CHARLIE MIRANDA: Thank you much, Chairman.
07:45:44 Requesting a commendation to be presented to
07:45:46 Richard S. Caldevilla, Senior at the annual George
07:45:50 Guida Memorial Outstanding Citizen of West Tampa
07:45:52 Award on February 11, the year 2016.
07:45:55 >>FRANK REDDICK: Motion from Mr. Miranda.
07:45:57 Seconded by Mr. Maniscalco.
07:45:58 All in favor, aye.
07:45:59 Mr. Suarez.
07:46:02 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Thank you, chair.
07:46:03 The only thing I have to say is Monday is MLK day,
07:46:06 and just, please, remember the ideals that he

07:46:09 embodied and lived for, eventually died for.
07:46:13 And that we do something good in the community.
07:46:15 I know we have a heritage celebration at Curtis
07:46:17 Hixon Park this weekend.
07:46:20 And a parade that I think, if not all of us, most
07:46:22 of us are going to be in.
07:46:23 I hope everyone enjoys the holiday on Monday.
07:46:26 Thank you.
07:46:28 >>FRANK REDDICK: Mr. Miranda, bring the cigars.
07:46:30 [ LAUGHTER ]
07:46:31 Ms. Capin.
07:46:35 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Yes, I'd like to make a motion for
07:46:37 a five-minute presentation by Dale Gordon, the
07:46:43 Tampa-Hillsborough Film Commission -- from the
07:46:44 Tampa-Hillsborough film commission, regarding the
07:46:47 state of filming industry in the State of Florida.
07:46:50 And I'd like that five-minute presentation to be
07:46:53 on January 21 at 9 a.m.
07:46:56 >> Second.
07:46:57 >>FRANK REDDICK: Motion by Ms. Capin.
07:46:59 Seconded by Mr. Suarez.
07:47:00 All in favor of the motion, aye.
07:47:03 >>YVONNE CAPIN: I would also like to put on the
07:47:05 record that the next Cultural Assets Committee
07:47:08 report to City Council is May 12th at 5:45.

07:47:16 >>FRANK REDDICK: p.m.
07:47:19 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Oh, p.m.
07:47:20 Yes.
07:47:21 >>FRANK REDDICK: Motion by Ms. Capin.
07:47:23 Second by Mr. Cohen.
07:47:26 All in favor of the motion, aye.
07:47:28 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Thank you.
07:47:29 >>FRANK REDDICK: I'm requesting a commendation to
07:47:34 be presented to the Annual Tampa Organization of
07:47:36 Black Affairs (TOBA) Breakfast on January 18,
07:47:39 2016.
07:47:41 >> We have a motion from Chairman Reddick.
07:47:43 Seconded by Councilman Maniscalco.
07:47:45 All those in favor, please indicate by saying aye.
07:47:48 Opposed?
07:47:48 All right.
07:47:49 >>FRANK REDDICK: I'm requesting commendation to be
07:47:54 presented to the City of Tampa Black History Month
07:47:58 Committee to be presented at their program on
07:48:00 February the 8th, 2016.
07:48:04 >>HARRY COHEN: We have a motion from Councilman
07:48:06 Reddick, seconded by councilwoman Montelione.
07:48:11 All in favor, aye.
07:48:12 >>FRANK REDDICK: The next item is to request
07:48:14 Celeste Gibbons Peoples, Chairman of the City of

07:48:18 Tampa Black History Committee, to be scheduled to
07:48:21 come before Tampa City Council 9:00 a.m.
07:48:26 January 21st to provide an overview of City of
07:48:28 Tampa Black History Month Program to be held on
07:48:31 February 8.
07:48:32 >> Motion by Councilman Reddick.
07:48:34 Seconded by councilwoman Montelione.
07:48:37 All in favor, aye.
07:48:38 Opposed?
07:48:39 >>FRANK REDDICK: The final item is a motion to
07:48:42 request the Legal Department to prepare a
07:48:44 resolution granting permission to use the Official
07:48:47 Seal of the City of Tampa on programming
07:48:49 materials, digital print, broadcast advertisements
07:48:51 as it relates to the Black History Month
07:48:53 activities hosted by the City of Tampa Black
07:48:56 History Committee during the month of February,
07:48:58 which are as follows: The 28th Annual City of
07:49:01 Tampa Black History Celebration; and also
07:49:02 requesting permission to use the seal of City of
07:49:05 Tampa for programming materials and advertisements
07:49:08 related to City of Tampa Black History Committee
07:49:10 Scholarship Awards Ceremony scheduled for May of
07:49:15 2016.
07:49:15 >> Second.

07:49:17 >>HARRY COHEN: We have a motion from Councilman
07:49:18 Reddick.
07:49:19 Seconded by Councilwoman Montelione.
07:49:21 All those in favor, please indicate by saying aye.
07:49:24 Opposed?
07:49:26 >>FRANK REDDICK: That's it.
07:49:28 >>HARRY COHEN: None for me.
07:49:29 Thank you.
07:49:30 But I'll be in the parade.
07:49:33 >>FRANK REDDICK: Mr. Maniscalco.
07:49:39 >>GUIDO MANISCALCO: Visit Tampa Bay is in the
07:49:40 process of bidding for the 2018 Annual Meeting of
07:49:43 the National Society of Hispanic MBAs.
07:49:47 And I'd like to make a request that we as Tampa
07:49:50 City Council do send a letter of moral support, if
07:49:55 that's all right with you.
07:49:56 >> Second.
07:49:57 >>FRANK REDDICK: Motion from Mr. Maniscalco.
07:50:00 Seconded by Ms. Capin.
07:50:02 All in favor of the motion, aye.
07:50:04 Opposed?
07:50:04 Okay.
07:50:05 >>GUIDO MANISCALCO: As Councilman Suarez has
07:50:07 already mentioned, Monday we honor the legacy and
07:50:11 remember Dr. Martin Luther King, and I would like

07:50:13 to leave everybody with what I think is one of his
07:50:19 best quotes:
07:50:19 Darkness cannot drive out darkness.
07:50:22 Only light can do that.
07:50:23 Hate cannot drive out hate.
07:50:25 Only love can do that.
07:50:26 That's it.
07:50:29 >>FRANK REDDICK: Thank you. Ms. Montelione.
07:50:30 >>LISA MONTELIONE: Yes, sir.
07:50:31 I'll make up for some of the days that I said I
07:50:34 had nothing.
07:50:34 I would like to have a status report from the
07:50:38 Tampa Police Department on the Department of
07:50:40 Justice Community Policing Report that we expected
07:50:45 to have sometime the end of December.
07:50:47 So as we are nearing the end of January, I would
07:50:50 like to find out if they know where that report
07:50:53 is.
07:50:54 So if we hear that, have that item on February
07:51:00 4th at 9 a.m.
07:51:01 >>FRANK REDDICK: We have a motion by
07:51:03 Ms. Montelione.
07:51:04 Seconded by Mr. Suarez.
07:51:06 All in favor of the motion, aye.
07:51:09 >>LISA MONTELIONE: I would also like to have TPD

07:51:12 give us a status of the outreach programs that
07:51:14 were discussed during our discussion of the
07:51:17 bicycle ticketing issues.
07:51:21 I guess the same day.
07:51:22 February 4th, 2016 at 9 a.m.
07:51:25 >>FRANK REDDICK: All right.
07:51:26 Motion from Ms. Montelione.
07:51:28 Seconded by Mr. Suarez.
07:51:29 All in favor of the motion say aye.
07:51:31 Opposed?
07:51:32 Okay.
07:51:32 >>LISA MONTELIONE: Thank you.
07:51:33 I would like to have Vanessa McCleary from
07:51:37 Affordable Housing give us a report on the
07:51:41 estimates of affordable housing shortages within
07:51:44 the city limits for low and very low income
07:51:48 citizens and the impacts of the North Boulevard
07:51:51 Homes residents' relocation by the Tampa Housing
07:51:55 Authority on their waiting list.
07:51:57 And I would also request the Tampa Housing
07:51:59 Authority be present for that.
07:52:02 I would also request a report from her regarding
07:52:06 the same topic from the Affordable Housing
07:52:08 Advisory Board.
07:52:11 >> When do you want that?

07:52:13 >>LISA MONTELIONE: Oh, let's have that -- the
07:52:16 18th looks pretty packed.
07:52:18 How about March 3rd at 9 a.m.?
07:52:21 >>FRANK REDDICK: All right.
07:52:22 Got a motion from Ms. Montelione.
07:52:24 Seconded by Mr. Maniscalco.
07:52:26 All in favor of the motion, aye.
07:52:27 Opposed?
07:52:29 >>LISA MONTELIONE: I would, lastly, like to
07:52:32 request the Tampa Hillsborough Homeless Initiative
07:52:36 to be present and give a report and ten-minute
07:52:42 presentation after the "Point in Time Homeless
07:52:45 Count" is completed.
07:52:46 The date for the homeless count is
07:52:48 February 25th, so if they could appear
07:52:53 March 17th at 9 a.m.
07:52:56 >>FRANK REDDICK: All right.
07:52:57 Motion from Ms. Montelione.
07:52:59 Seconded by Mr. Maniscalco.
07:53:00 All in favor of the motion say aye.
07:53:01 Opposed?
07:53:02 All right.
07:53:03 >>LISA MONTELIONE: And I would like to announce
07:53:05 that they are looking for volunteers for the
07:53:08 homeless point in time count that will take place.

07:53:12 Unfortunately for us, it's hard for us to
07:53:14 participate because they do it on a Thursday.
07:53:17 Thursday, February 25th, 2016.
07:53:19 If you would like to offer your hands in
07:53:23 volunteering, it is a 24-hour process, and you can
07:53:27 visit for more information on
07:53:32 volunteering.
07:53:32 Thank you very much, sir.
07:53:33 >> But we will be here both morning and night on
07:53:36 that day.
07:53:36 >>LISA MONTELIONE: On that day, yes.
07:53:38 It makes it very difficult for us, unless we want
07:53:40 to go three or four in the morning.
07:53:43 I'm not sure what kind of shape we'll be in at 9.
07:53:46 >>FRANK REDDICK: Motion to receive and file by
07:53:48 Mr. Miranda.
07:53:48 Seconded by Ms. Capin.
07:53:50 All in favor of the motion say aye.
07:53:51 Opposed?
07:53:51 Thank you.
07:53:52 We stand adjourned.