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9 a.m. Session

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09:04:25 >>FRANK REDDICK: Good morning.
09:04:25 We're going to call this Council meeting to order.
09:04:28 I yield to Councilwoman Capin.
09:04:31 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Thank you, Mr. Chair.
09:04:33 Our wonderful clerk -- City Clerk, Shirley Ann
09:04:38 Foxx-Knowles, has agreed graciously to lead us in
09:04:42 our invocation this morning.
09:04:43 So please stand for that and stay standing for the
09:04:48 Pledge of Allegiance.
09:04:52 >> Thank you, and good morning.
09:04:53 Dear Heavenly Father, on this last Thursday in
09:04:56 January 2016, we would like to once again say
09:05:00 thank you for the opportunity to live, work, play,
09:05:05 and serve in our great city.

09:05:07 Thank you for your grace and mercy and for all the
09:05:10 wonderful gifts you have provided.
09:05:11 Thank you for the police officer and firefighter
09:05:15 being honored today for their extraordinary
09:05:19 service.
09:05:20 Continue to bless them and keep them in your care
09:05:23 and make them excellent examples of Tampa
09:05:27 citizens.
09:05:27 Father, we ask that you also continue to provide
09:05:30 your protection to all of the others serving on
09:05:34 the front lines for our safety.
09:05:36 We truly thank them for their service.
09:05:39 Today, please bless the meetings throughout this
09:05:44 day as Council takes care of city matters.
09:05:48 Guide them in the decisions they will make today.
09:05:51 Let them always remember to be instruments of your
09:05:57 will.
09:05:58 These things we ask and thanks we give with humble
09:06:01 hearts, let us all say amen.
09:06:03 [Pledge of Allegiance]
09:06:17 >>FRANK REDDICK: Roll call.
09:06:25 >>CHARLIE MIRANDA: Here.
09:06:25 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Here.
09:06:27 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Present.
09:06:30 >>HARRY COHEN: Here.

09:06:31 >>GUIDO MANISCALCO: Here.
09:06:31 >>LISA MONTELIONE: Here.
09:06:32 >>FRANK REDDICK: Here.
09:06:33 All right.
09:06:34 It is time to go to ceremonial activities.
09:06:37 I yield to Mr. Miranda.
09:06:58 >>CHARLIE MIRANDA: Honorable members of Tampa City
09:07:01 Council, honorable Chairman Reddick, it's my
09:07:03 pleasure this morning to be here this morning with
09:07:05 Deputy Chief O'Connor to make the presentation of
09:07:09 the Police Officer of the Month.
09:07:10 The officer of the month this month is Jefferey A.
09:07:15 Bartlett.
09:07:16 I had a veterinarian named Bartlett at the
09:07:29 racetrack.
09:07:29 Hope you're not related to him.
09:07:31 He cost me a lot of money.
09:07:33 [ LAUGHTER ]
09:07:33 Is your father here?
09:07:37 I remember you, sir.
09:07:40 You were the captain of Donald Miller.
09:07:44 You were his captain.
09:07:45 I believe also -- I know this is your day -- but
09:07:48 your father one of the outstanding officers when I
09:07:53 was here and he worked on --

09:07:59 Officer, this is your month for what you have done
09:08:05 for the citizens of the City of Tampa and your
09:08:09 outstanding services.
09:08:10 Being a police officer is not easy.
09:08:12 You have to make decisions that are split second,
09:08:14 and then you get criticized but you have done a
09:08:23 wonderful thing for life.
09:08:25 It is very difficult to do, and to protect the
09:08:27 citizens and at the same time protect the rights
09:08:28 of the innocent.
09:08:29 You have a great responsibility and you have done
09:08:32 an outstanding job for the citizens of the City of
09:08:34 Tampa, and we honor you for everything that you
09:08:37 have done.
09:08:37 Chief O'Connor will make that statement known of
09:08:42 what you got the officer of the month for.
09:08:44 Thank you for what you do.
09:08:46 The whole department.
09:08:47 When you are here, you're representing not only
09:08:49 yourself, your family, the officers, but the whole
09:08:52 City of Tampa.
09:08:53 Really, the whole nation.
09:08:55 Thank you for what you do.
09:08:57 >> Good morning, Council.
09:08:58 As you've already heard, we are here with officer

09:09:00 Jefferey Bartlett this morning.
09:09:02 He is an 11-year veteran.
09:09:04 He has seamlessly stepped into the big shoes to
09:09:07 fill of his dad, as you know.
09:09:09 Captain Brett Bartlett retired after many, many
09:09:13 years of service.
09:09:14 It's hard to believe his son now has 11 years on.
09:09:21 Jeff is a well-rounded veteran of the department.
09:09:23 He is a member of our honor guard, and he serves
09:09:27 the department selflessly.
09:09:29 He is also very, very active in training of our
09:09:31 officers.
09:09:31 He is a firearms instructor.
09:09:34 On his off time, he's constantly helping out at
09:09:37 the academy and making sure that our officers are
09:09:39 shooting well.
09:09:39 He's trained in all aspects of firearms training.
09:09:45 He's well-rounded and we rely on him heavily.
09:09:49 But that's not why we're here today.
09:09:51 We're here today because he is a field officer.
09:09:53 He has a big responsibility on his shoulder of
09:09:56 making sure the newest recruits are trained to be
09:09:58 professional, hardworking Tampa police officers
09:10:00 that we want them to be.
09:10:02 He takes his investigations very seriously.

09:10:04 He takes his training very seriously.
09:10:06 He makes sure that his expertise is passed on to
09:10:09 the expertise of the recruits that he's training.
09:10:11 He had two very significant cases in October of
09:10:15 this year.
09:10:16 He investigated a cab -- at a local motel which
09:10:21 does seem relatively simple.
09:10:23 But after he was done unraveling the mess it
09:10:26 turned out to be, it ended up being a large
09:10:29 counterfeit ring of credit cards.
09:10:31 Him working with other officers, of course, they
09:10:35 ended up filing 50 charges on the defendants,
09:10:38 including possession of methamphetamine and
09:10:41 several counts of fraudulent credit card usage.
09:10:44 In October of last year, he also investigated an
09:10:46 aggravated assault that was very dangerous.
09:10:49 There were two vehicles with their windows down
09:10:51 shooting at each other, realized that this was --
09:10:55 you know, the threat of violence was continuing
09:10:58 throughout the city, he jumped on social media
09:11:00 which is obviously a very important aspect of our
09:11:03 investigations these days.
09:11:04 Was able to make an identification of one of the
09:11:07 suspects through Facebook but didn't end at that
09:11:10 point where so many of our officers in the past

09:11:12 would end it at that point and let the detectives
09:11:14 pick it up in the morning.
09:11:16 He took it to the next level and he made sure a
09:11:18 warrant was executed that night for the defendant
09:11:21 and got the dangerous defendant off the street.
09:11:23 Obviously, in the times that we're in, we want to
09:11:28 take firearm violence very seriously and officer
09:11:32 Bartlett was able to get a very dangerous person
09:11:35 off the street quickly.
09:11:37 He is truly what a TPD officer should be.
09:11:39 Again, extremely hardworking, professional, and he
09:11:42 takes the safety of our citizens as job number
09:11:44 one.
09:11:45 For that, we proudly recognize him as officer of
09:11:48 the month for January 2016.
09:11:50 Thank you.
09:11:51 [ APPLAUSE ]
09:11:59 >>CHARLIE MIRANDA: Officer, it's our pleasure to
09:12:01 present you this commendation of Police Officer of
09:12:03 the Month.
09:12:04 As Chief O'Connor said, I echoed earlier, very
09:12:07 difficult to be a police officer and you have to
09:12:09 make split-second decisions.
09:12:11 You've done an outstanding job.
09:12:12 >> Thank you, sir.

09:12:13 Appreciate it.
09:12:14 [ APPLAUSE ]
09:12:22 >> Good morning, Council.
09:12:27 Vinny Gericitano, president of the Tampa PBA.
09:12:38 Joining me is Gene Haines, secretary and treasurer
09:12:42 of the PBA.
09:12:43 We're proud to say Jeff is a member of the Tampa
09:12:47 PBA, made up of approximately 1,000 City of Tampa
09:12:52 police officers.
09:12:52 We can see that Jeff is certainly following the
09:12:58 footsteps of his dad.
09:13:00 His dad was actually one of my first supervisors
09:13:05 on the job here when I first came to Tampa.
09:13:07 His dad affectionately calls me and used to call
09:13:10 me the rabble-rouser.
09:13:12 Hopefully you're following in the steps of your
09:13:16 dad, and it appears that way.
09:13:17 We would like to present to you, Jeff, a token of
09:13:22 our appreciation for you being such a good member
09:13:26 and a City of Tampa police officer.
09:13:27 >> Thank you, sir.
09:13:28 Appreciate it.
09:13:33 >> Good morning, Council, honorable Chairman
09:13:35 Reddick, Dan Mathis from Straz Center, chief of
09:13:38 security.

09:13:39 The thing I want to point out and make light of is
09:13:43 the fact that you use social media.
09:13:46 Like the chief said, a lot of officers these days
09:13:49 wouldn't take that extra step, and I think that's
09:13:52 an important tool for law enforcement to use that
09:13:56 and be aware of all those things that you can use
09:13:59 out there and criminals can't hide on social
09:14:00 media.
09:14:01 So that was very impressive.
09:14:02 I want to give you two tickets to opera season.
09:14:05 This is the first performance in our opera season.
09:14:09 So you and yours go and enjoy on behalf of the
09:14:12 Straz Center.
09:14:13 >> Thank you very much, sir.
09:14:17 >> Good morning, Council.
09:14:19 Mike with Stepp's Towing service.
09:14:23 Congratulations on a job well done.
09:14:25 Like to offer you a $50 gift card to bass pro
09:14:29 shops.
09:14:29 Maybe to get you to the Straz Center, take you and
09:14:31 your family, a night out on the company limousine
09:14:35 for you and eight of your friends.
09:14:37 I hope everybody enjoys it and thank you for
09:14:39 everything that you do for us.
09:14:40 Job well done.

09:14:45 >> Good morning, Council.
09:14:48 Joe Durkin on behalf of Bright House Networks.
09:14:51 Jeff, I had the pleasure of working with your dad
09:14:54 for many years.
09:14:54 Very proud of you.
09:14:55 >> Thank you.
09:14:56 >> All your friends at Bright House Networks
09:14:59 present you one month of our services
09:15:04 complimentary.
09:15:05 Make your life a little easier.
09:15:07 >> Thank you.
09:15:07 >> Good morning, Council, Jim Carson, Bill Currie
09:15:10 Ford.
09:15:11 We see many of you officers come into our
09:15:13 dealership day after day.
09:15:14 All of you guys do a great job, but you stood out
09:15:17 this month.
09:15:18 We'd like to give you a brand-new 2015 customized
09:15:23 die cast Mustang.
09:15:24 [ LAUGHTER ]
09:15:24 Congratulations.
09:15:27 >> Thank you, appreciate it.
09:15:34 >> Good morning, Council.
09:15:35 Gerard Hoeppner with Busch Gardens and Adventure
09:15:40 Island.

09:15:41 This is our first month participating in this
09:15:42 great program.
09:15:43 Officer, we want to thank you for your bravery,
09:15:45 your great work and honor the work of all the men
09:15:47 and women that do this kind of service on our
09:15:50 behalf.
09:15:50 You are a brave guy.
09:15:52 I would like you to invite you and your family to
09:15:54 drop down 300 feet on our new drop coaster.
09:15:57 If that's not your thing, we have a food and wine
09:16:00 festival coming up with signature concerts in a
09:16:02 couple of weeks.
09:16:03 If that's not your thing, we have a family coaster
09:16:06 opening up in May.
09:16:07 Tickets in there for your family.
09:16:09 Your family is bigger than what's in there, give
09:16:13 us a call and we'll be happy to make
09:16:15 accommodation.
09:16:15 Thank you very much.
09:16:16 >> Thank you.
09:16:18 >> Good morning, Council.
09:16:20 Lindsey Walters with Tampa Theater.
09:16:21 We would like to offer you a dual membership for
09:16:24 you and your wife and your family and a little of
09:16:27 bucket of treats.

09:16:28 Thank you so much.
09:16:29 >> Appreciate it.
09:16:29 Thank you.
09:16:32 >> Good morning, everyone.
09:16:33 My name is -- Thomas.
09:16:35 I'm with the Doubletree Tampa Airport Westshore.
09:16:37 We would like to offer you and your family a
09:16:39 weekend stay.
09:16:40 And there is a ton of cookies in here, so if he
09:16:43 wants to share.
09:16:44 Congratulations and thank you for everything that
09:16:46 you do.
09:16:46 >> Thank you very much.
09:16:50 >> Good morning, City Council, my name is Linda
09:16:52 Hyde.
09:16:53 I am the office manager for the Brandon unit of
09:16:56 the Diversity Initiative.
09:16:57 On behalf of the diversity initiative, we would
09:16:59 like to present you tickets to the Tampa Bay
09:17:01 Lightning game on February 14th.
09:17:02 Thank you for your service and everything that you
09:17:04 do.
09:17:05 >> Thank you, ma'am.
09:17:06 Thank you very much.
09:17:09 >> Good morning, Council.

09:17:10 Steve Stickley representing Crockett's Towing and
09:17:14 transport.
09:17:15 On behalf of Scotty Crockett, Kirby Crockett and
09:17:18 Crockett family, we have a small token of our
09:17:20 appreciation.
09:17:21 We'd like to thank you for a job well done.
09:17:23 You can add this $50 gift card to bass pro shop.
09:17:27 Thank you very much and keep up the good work.
09:17:29 >> Thank you, sir.
09:17:31 >> Good morning.
09:17:32 You got 20 minutes?
09:17:35 >> Sure.
09:17:35 [ LAUGHTER ]
09:17:36 >> Well, because the Council has such a light
09:17:38 agenda today, I thought I would read the entire
09:17:41 history of the police department.
09:17:43 [ LAUGHTER ]
09:17:43 We got time for that?
09:17:45 How about a gift certificate for you and your
09:17:49 family to have your portraits taken from prestige
09:17:52 photos?
09:17:53 How about lunch or dinner at Byblos?
09:18:08 Do you like Middle Eastern food?
09:18:10 >> Sure.
09:18:10 >> And then your choice of, what do you want,

09:18:13 breakfast, lunch, dinner, at any of the Ciccio's
09:18:15 restaurant group restaurants.
09:18:18 >> Thank you very much, sir.
09:18:19 >> Enjoy yourself.
09:18:20 The history comes later.
09:18:24 >> First, I would like to thank the Council.
09:18:26 It's an honor to be recognized by you all.
09:18:29 I love this city.
09:18:30 You all are our leaders.
09:18:31 Thank you.
09:18:32 All these folks that presented me and my family
09:18:34 these great gifts, thank you very much.
09:18:36 It's humbling.
09:18:36 Chief O'Connor, Captain Flynn, I work for a
09:18:41 fantastic chain of command.
09:18:43 My chain of command, they support us in our
09:18:45 mission to make the city safer, and it's good to
09:18:47 have leadership like that.
09:18:48 Last but not least, my family.
09:18:51 I couldn't do what I do and have the motivation
09:18:53 and drive to do it without their support.
09:18:55 My mother, my grandmother, my father, my lovely
09:18:59 wife and the loud one is my kid.
09:19:01 Without them, I couldn't do it.
09:19:03 From the bottom of my heart and my family, thank

09:19:05 you very much, Council.
09:19:06 [ APPLAUSE ]
09:19:26 >>CHARLIE MIRANDA: Honorable chair and honorable
09:19:28 members of the Tampa City Council, it's my
09:19:29 pleasure this morning to be here to make a
09:19:31 presentation to the Firefighter of the Quarter.
09:19:33 This quarter it goes to captain Todd Alt.
09:19:37 And Chief Forward is here.
09:19:42 Like I always said, Chief, with the name of
09:19:44 Forward, you can never go backwards.
09:19:47 Captain Alt, it's my pleasure to be here this
09:19:50 morning for Firefighter of the Quarter.
09:19:51 When I first came in, I asked the Chief, I see all
09:19:54 this white.
09:19:55 Is it snowing in Tampa?
09:19:57 You guys do an outstanding job, all the men and
09:20:00 women of the Tampa firefighters.
09:20:02 And it's in recognition for your dedication of
09:20:04 exemplary services that you're here today.
09:20:07 And Chief Forward would make recognition of that.
09:20:11 Honored to be here on behalf of Tampa City Council
09:20:13 and all the citizens of the City of Tampa.
09:20:15 Chief?
09:20:16 >> Yes, sir.
09:20:17 Good morning, Council and thank you, Councilman

09:20:21 Miranda.
09:20:22 It gives us great pleasure to come before you on
09:20:26 this day, Council, to present to you the City of
09:20:29 Tampa fire rescue's Firefighter of the Quarter for
09:20:32 the first quarter of 2016.
09:20:33 It's a great honor to present to you the
09:20:39 accomplishments of this great captain that I have
09:20:42 here to my left.
09:20:44 Captain Alt is a 14-year veteran with the City of
09:20:46 Tampa fire rescue.
09:20:47 And he has held various ranks during those 14
09:20:52 years.
09:20:52 He's been an extremely busy and ambitious
09:20:55 firefighter and fire professional with the ranks
09:20:57 of firefighter, paramedic, driver engineer, rescue
09:21:01 lieutenant, and now his present position as
09:21:04 captain at fire station 21 in New Tampa.
09:21:06 But during that tenure and during along those
09:21:09 lines, he also has accomplished and achieved so
09:21:12 many different areas and special -- in our
09:21:18 emergency response platform.
09:21:20 Captain Alt, he is a state certified fire
09:21:23 instructor 3.
09:21:24 He's also a live fire training instructor.
09:21:26 And one of the significance of the live fire

09:21:30 training instructor, when he's training our own
09:21:32 firefighters and brand-new recruits that are
09:21:34 entertaining the idea of becoming firefighters,
09:21:36 that live fire training instructor is inside those
09:21:40 extremely hot environments and temperatures that
09:21:43 exceed 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit.
09:21:47 It's either to consider that a firefighter does
09:21:50 well in that portion of the fire service, but once
09:21:53 they get exposed to the real fires and the real
09:21:56 hazards and those very, very toxic smokes and
09:21:59 incomplete products of combustion, which he is
09:22:04 actively engaged in those, it gives a whole
09:22:07 different parameter and a different viewpoint with
09:22:09 respect to that this is a profession that these
09:22:12 young folks would like to entertain.
09:22:14 Additional to that, he is also our fire safety
09:22:16 inspector.
09:22:17 He is also a hazardous materials specialist.
09:22:20 One of our urban search-and-rescue members
09:22:23 deploying all over the state and the member of
09:22:25 Florida task force three.
09:22:27 And he also, if that's not enough, coupled with
09:22:32 all of his professional education, he's also gone
09:22:36 on and taken care of his formal education as well.
09:22:38 He was just recently awarded a doctorate from the

09:22:44 Nova southeastern university in organizational
09:22:47 leadership and human resources development.
09:22:49 And that's a testimony to the type of emergency
09:22:53 response professional and the first responders
09:22:56 that the City of Tampa has in this community.
09:22:59 Not only are we looking at the concerns of how to
09:23:02 do our job better, but also how to manage the
09:23:05 resources and to manage our workforces better as
09:23:07 well.
09:23:08 So those things he's achieved as well.
09:23:10 In addition to those things, captain Alt also,
09:23:14 he's currently serving as a TFR, a Tampa fire
09:23:17 rescue safety committee member.
09:23:19 He's also on the Tampa fire rescue sick bank
09:23:22 committee, and he's also a member of this year's
09:23:25 leadership Tampa group as well.
09:23:27 Again, broadening his prospective of what it takes
09:23:31 to continue to make the City of Tampa the best in
09:23:34 the business.
09:23:35 He just recently, if he had any additional time,
09:23:41 just recently, our person that has always
09:23:43 coordinated for the past 20 years, the sincerely
09:23:47 santa program.
09:23:48 Many of you know that sincerely santa program
09:23:51 reaches out to those young kids and young children

09:23:53 who but for that program would not realize and
09:23:56 enjoy Christmas type of celebration or get the
09:23:58 first toy.
09:23:59 Even though he is involved in all these other
09:24:03 things, he took on that program as well to make
09:24:06 certain that children in our community realize and
09:24:09 had a very decent Christmas as well.
09:24:11 So that's an additional thing that captain Alt
09:24:16 does.
09:24:16 Captain Alt is very busy.
09:24:18 He's also invested countless hours.
09:24:20 He's also a member teaching at Hillsborough
09:24:22 Community College.
09:24:23 He also teaches in the Columbia southern
09:24:26 university safety program as well, and he's a
09:24:29 member of Tampa fire rescue's training division
09:24:33 teaching staff as well.
09:24:34 He's joined every day with his lovely wife,
09:24:40 Stephanie, and his two daughters Katlyn and Colby.
09:24:45 These are a few of the things that captain Alt
09:24:49 does in the tenure of the department and what he
09:24:51 does in the community.
09:24:54 Councilman Miranda, he plays a mean bass guitar as
09:24:57 well.
09:24:58 Led Zeppelin would be pleased with him strumming

09:25:04 those.
09:25:04 This and so many other reasons is why captain Todd
09:25:08 Alt has been selected as Tampa fire rescue's
09:25:10 Firefighter of the Quarter.
09:25:12 [ APPLAUSE ]
09:25:28 >> Good morning, Steve Suarez, president, local
09:25:31 754 Tampa firefighters along with
09:25:33 Secretary-Treasurer Bill Mann -- Bill Townsend,
09:25:37 excuse me.
09:25:38 Got that wrong.
09:25:39 He was going to hit me on the shoulder if I messed
09:25:42 up.
09:25:42 On behalf of your brothers and sisters of local
09:25:44 754, we are honored to offer you this plaque.
09:25:48 Congratulations to Firefighter of the Quarter
09:25:50 along with a gift certificate to the Outback
09:25:52 Steakhouse for you and your wife and kids to
09:25:55 enjoy.
09:25:55 >> Appreciate it.
09:25:56 Thank you.
09:26:01 >> Good morning, again, Council, captain, thank
09:26:05 you.
09:26:06 It's always an honor and a privilege to stand
09:26:09 before you and also your colleagues to say thank
09:26:14 you once again.

09:26:15 Worked side by side with you guys for many years,
09:26:18 but never had the opportunity to stand before you,
09:26:21 hear some of the awards and accolades that you
09:26:23 have done for our community.
09:26:25 Once again, you can join our brother police
09:26:28 officer at the first opera performance of the year
09:26:30 at the Straz Center.
09:26:32 Hopefully you'll get another limo ride.
09:26:34 But on behalf of the Straz Center.
09:26:36 Thank you.
09:26:36 >> Thank you very much.
09:26:37 Thank you.
09:26:41 >> Good morning, Council.
09:26:42 Joe Durkin on behalf of Bright House Networks.
09:26:45 Congratulations.
09:26:47 Normally we give three months complimentary
09:26:50 service of all Bright House services.
09:26:52 You don't live in our area.
09:26:53 You have two options.
09:26:54 You can either move --
09:26:56 [ LAUGHTER ]
09:26:56 Or we can have a conversation and see what we can
09:27:00 do for you and the crew at station 21.
09:27:04 >> Great.
09:27:04 Appreciate it.

09:27:08 >> Good morning, Council.
09:27:10 Frank representing Bill Currie Ford and the Currie
09:27:13 family.
09:27:14 It's our pleasure to take part in the ceremony
09:27:16 that honors a captain like yourself who does so
09:27:20 much for the City of Tampa.
09:27:21 We'd like -- first responder, this is a first
09:27:26 response Mustang.
09:27:27 And it's all ready to go.
09:27:29 Thank you so much for everything you do.
09:27:33 >> Appreciate it.
09:27:34 Thank you.
09:27:36 >> Good morning again, City Council.
09:27:38 Linda Hyde from the diversity initiative.
09:27:40 Sir, on behalf of the diversity initiative, we
09:27:43 would like to present you some Tampa Bay Lightning
09:27:46 ticket games for the game of February 23rd.
09:27:48 Thank you for your service and thank you for
09:27:50 everything that you do.
09:27:51 >> Thank you.
09:27:51 Appreciate it.
09:27:54 >> Good morning, captain.
09:27:55 Well, if I would have known how busy you were, I
09:27:58 would have gotten her a gift card.
09:28:00 So maybe she can take a limo to the Straz Center,

09:28:05 but enjoy our limo -- a night in our company limo
09:28:09 on behalf of Stepp's Towing service and the
09:28:12 Stepp's family and make some time for yourself.
09:28:14 Go to bass pro, find something cool for yourself
09:28:17 and just enjoy it.
09:28:19 >> Thank you very much.
09:28:19 Thank you.
09:28:22 >> Good morning again, Council, Gerard Hoeppner,
09:28:25 Busch Gardens.
09:28:26 Captain Alt, I appreciate and honor your service
09:28:28 and invite you and your beautiful family out to
09:28:32 Busch Gardens.
09:28:33 Tampa fire rescue is important to us.
09:28:35 Great partner for many, many years.
09:28:36 I know we serve as a base for fast-water rescue in
09:28:40 our Congo River Rapids, and you have helped us
09:28:42 also with high-altitude evac.
09:28:45 We can't operate a safe park and host the millions
09:28:50 of guests without the partnership of Tampa fire
09:28:51 rescue.
09:28:52 We hope you come out and enjoy the day.
09:28:55 >> Thank you very much.
09:28:58 >> Good morning.
09:28:59 Doubletree Tampa airport Westshore.
09:29:01 Your certificate is coming and your cookies are

09:29:04 coming.
09:29:05 I will bring enough cookies.
09:29:08 Here is your card.
09:29:10 Make sure you e-mail me the contact information.
09:29:12 I'll make sure by tomorrow you have enough for
09:29:14 everybody.
09:29:15 >> Thank you.
09:29:24 >> I can tell you, you know, the camera for this
09:29:28 family portrait is kind of big, but it's not big
09:29:30 enough for this whole line.
09:29:32 It's good that they are out here supporting you.
09:29:36 Prestige portraits is going to provide with you a
09:29:39 family portrait for you and your family.
09:29:40 Ciccio's restaurant group is providing you with
09:29:44 your choice of breakfast, lunch or dinner.
09:29:47 I can guarantee, I know about firefighters, and I
09:29:49 know that they love to eat, but they are not going
09:29:52 to feed all of you.
09:29:54 You can have some guests but not the whole team.
09:29:56 And then from Byblos cafe, they'll provide you
09:30:03 with your choice of lunch or dinner.
09:30:04 You can go and enjoy yourself if you can get
09:30:07 everybody in the limousine.
09:30:09 Congratulations.
09:30:10 >> Thank you.

09:30:10 Thank you very much.
09:30:14 >>CHARLIE MIRANDA: Now it's your turn to speak.
09:30:17 Again, here is your commendation presented by the
09:30:21 Tampa City Council, signed by all seven Council
09:30:23 members of how appreciative we are for everything
09:30:25 you have done and you and your whole department.
09:30:29 Thank you very much for your services.
09:30:32 Men and women of the city and the whole state.
09:30:34 Thank you.
09:30:35 >> Thank you.
09:30:35 I'd like to say I'm humbled.
09:30:37 I'm very proud.
09:30:38 Taken back actually for being nominated because I
09:30:45 don't stop and reflect on that I guess.
09:30:47 I would like to thank the people that I work with
09:30:49 day in and day out for their professionalism and
09:30:52 their support and for nominating me.
09:30:55 This is impressive here.
09:30:58 Whoo!
09:30:59 I believe in surrounding yourself with good
09:31:04 people.
09:31:04 All those people I work with day in and day out.
09:31:07 The professionalism that they display.
09:31:09 Even the firefighter or the Police Officer of the
09:31:11 Month.

09:31:12 I actually was at their wedding and they were just
09:31:16 at my house a few weeks ago for Christmas.
09:31:18 So you surround yourself with good people and
09:31:20 that's how that comes into play there, I guess.
09:31:23 My family, I was actually thinking on the way here
09:31:26 today, the last time I was at a ceremony getting
09:31:29 recognition was when I was promoted to captain.
09:31:31 And this one was just a baby at the time.
09:31:34 And she was trying to steal the thunder from Mayor
09:31:38 Iorio at the time.
09:31:40 Luckily Mayor Iorio has a daughter named Katlyn as
09:31:44 well so she was understanding.
09:31:46 Thank you very much.
09:31:46 My parents are here, and my sister.
09:31:49 Thank them.
09:31:54 [ LAUGHTER ]
09:31:54 Basically, I mean, everything I do, I do for them.
09:31:58 My work ethic and everything like that.
09:32:04 I'm sorry I'm getting all choked up.
09:32:07 All right.
09:32:10 Thank you very much.
09:32:11 Thank you.
09:32:11 I'm proud to work for the City of Tampa, and I'm
09:32:14 grateful to be a member of Tampa fire rescue.
09:32:16 Thank you.

09:32:16 [ APPLAUSE ]
09:32:21 >>FRANK REDDICK: Mr. Suarez.
09:32:25 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Captain, you're not going to get
09:32:28 off that easy.
09:32:28 Can I ask you a question.
09:32:30 A couple of things, one, what did you get your
09:32:32 doctorate in?
09:32:33 >> Education with major in organizational
09:32:35 leadership.
09:32:36 >>MIKE SUAREZ: What comes first?
09:32:38 Is it you having organizational skills to do all
09:32:40 the stuff you do in addition to getting a Ph.D.,
09:32:44 or does the Ph.D. help for you to do all the
09:32:46 other stuff?
09:32:47 >> Definitely is a time management thing and
09:32:49 balancing everything.
09:32:50 >>MIKE SUAREZ: There's no doubt, the balancer is
09:32:53 here.
09:32:54 She's balancing two children and making sure that
09:32:55 everything runs smoothly.
09:32:57 Congratulations.
09:32:58 You are a wonderful testament to the hard work
09:33:00 that you've put in and a great symbol of Tampa
09:33:03 fire rescue.
09:33:04 We really appreciate everything you've done.

09:33:06 >> Thank you, sir.
09:33:06 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Thank you.
09:33:08 [ APPLAUSE ]
09:33:20 >>FRANK REDDICK: All right, at this time we'll go
09:33:41 to public comments.
09:33:43 We'll go to public comments at this time.
09:33:45 Anyone wishing to speak, please come forward.
09:34:40 >> Okay.
09:34:45 I'm Ed Tillou, Sulphur Springs.
09:34:48 Something I forgot to mention at the last meeting,
09:34:50 which was two weeks ago because of the county is
09:34:53 this.
09:34:56 Here's the problem.
09:34:57 There was a meeting about four or five weeks ago,
09:35:04 and the chairperson had to sit through items 1, 3,
09:35:11 and 4 and then appended items 9 and 10.
09:35:15 So those of us waiting to speak, we were about
09:35:19 till 11:15 or so.
09:35:21 But it's good that the chairperson did that
09:35:25 because items 1, 3, and 4 were just blabber.
09:35:28 Blab, blab, blab, blab.
09:35:30 And items 9 and 10.
09:35:32 And, in fact, so much blabber that two of you got
09:35:34 up and left and didn't listen to us during public
09:35:38 comment.

09:35:38 9 and 10, 10 was Tampa police.
09:35:43 And Tampa police identified that 18 pedestrians
09:35:46 have died in Tampa.
09:35:47 This is the Hillsborough County figure.
09:35:49 So in other words, 18 of them they said it will
09:35:54 probably be 20 by the end of the year, which you
09:35:56 can check.
09:35:57 But there was no answer to what the problem was,
09:36:00 and that's because you didn't ask the right
09:36:03 questions.
09:36:04 In the same way you're not alone.
09:36:06 Here was the byline on this article.
09:36:11 Katlyn Johnson, I have a cousin Katlyn, never
09:36:14 heard of it now, but now everyone seems to be
09:36:16 named Katlyn.
09:36:18 And she says something about there's no pattern to
09:36:22 the carnage.
09:36:23 But there is a pattern.
09:36:25 You see, she was totally lacking in investigative
09:36:29 journalism and here's what it is.
09:36:30 Transportation engineer.
09:36:32 And I'm a pedestrian.
09:36:37 Now, if you can find somebody other than one in a
09:36:40 million who is a transportation engineer and also
09:36:42 a pedestrian, great, because I don't think you

09:36:45 can.
09:36:46 And here's what the problem is.
09:36:48 The problem is turning cars, turning cars, turning
09:36:52 cars.
09:36:52 It was turning cars that killed Admiral Colins and
09:36:56 it's turning cars that I think if you ask Tampa PD
09:36:59 to come up with the figures, I think 10 or 12 of
09:37:03 those pedestrians that were killed were killed by
09:37:05 turning cars.
09:37:06 I saw it so bad that a car making a turn off bird
09:37:12 drifted across three lanes and hit a car on
09:37:15 Nebraska.
09:37:15 That's how bad this problem is.
09:37:17 So you've got to do something about this.
09:37:20 The other stuff, this was a wonderful article, so
09:37:25 I ran it off for you, because this, I think, gets
09:37:28 to the truth of the thing, which actually by her
09:37:36 following up on the Democrat, Barack Obama's
09:37:41 concerns, about guns, kids being killed, something
09:37:45 did seem to get done.
09:37:47 But anyway, here are these articles, and you can
09:37:50 read them at your leisure.
09:37:52 >>FRANK REDDICK: Thank you very much.
09:37:53 >> Get to Patrick Henry next and militias.
09:37:56 >>FRANK REDDICK: Thank you very much.

09:37:58 >> Not Patrick Henry -- I gave you a handout on
09:38:03 that.
09:38:03 >>FRANK REDDICK: Next speaker.
09:38:13 >> Derek Chamblee.
09:38:15 Google D-E-R-E-K-C-H-A-M-B-L-E-E.
09:38:21 Google Derek Chamblee federal lawsuit.
09:38:26 Google Derek Chamblee new city.
09:38:29 Google Derek Chamblee Jeb Bush, Prescott Bush,
09:38:36 Adolf Hitler, Nazi party, Republican party,
09:38:40 derogatory.
09:38:43 On my walk into downtown today on west Kennedy
09:38:48 Boulevard over the Kennedy bridge, over the river,
09:38:54 beautiful view, beautiful view.
09:38:58 Of course, being careful to listen behind me for
09:39:07 bicyclists that might come pretty close to me,
09:39:11 skateboarders, but not usually in the morning.
09:39:13 And I was thinking and, of course, crossing any
09:39:18 intersections to watch out for turning cars, as ed
09:39:22 was speaking of.
09:39:25 And to be dutiful to check the lights that I'm not
09:39:30 walking against a red light.
09:39:34 A couple of weeks ago, I observed and questioned
09:39:40 Major Rocky Ratliff, who is a major over downtown
09:39:43 and Ybor City in the midst of a whole group walk
09:39:48 against the red light on Franklin and Madison.

09:39:51 And I ran after them.
09:39:55 I guess I do that kind of thing.
09:39:56 I said Mr. Major, is this the new policy?
09:40:02 You walked against a red light.
09:40:03 He said, well, I looked and there were no cars
09:40:06 coming.
09:40:06 When I was organizing in Milwaukee and Mayor Henry
09:40:13 Myer and police chief briar were there, one thing
09:40:17 you'll notice, you'll have to go back in the
09:40:20 tunnel of time, they were so disciplined that the
09:40:22 people, the pedestrians observed the walk signals.
09:40:28 It would have been very, very difficult for the
09:40:32 Milwaukee police to issue, for instance,
09:40:35 jaywalking ticket or something of that sort.
09:40:38 At any rate, there seems to be a point where we
09:40:45 should look at limiting automobile traffic in
09:40:49 parts of downtown, because the people that work
09:40:52 downtown and live downtown and whatnot are not
09:40:55 observing these red light, don't walk signs.
09:40:58 Nor are the motorists observing the proper rules.
09:41:05 As I was walking over the bridge, I thought about
09:41:12 Councilman Miranda once again, that when he was
09:41:14 Chairman, he gave me one right, and that was the
09:41:16 right to remain silent.
09:41:18 Thank you very much.

09:41:23 >>FRANK REDDICK: Thank you.
09:41:23 Information reports?
09:41:25 Ms. Montelione.
09:41:28 >>LISA MONTELIONE: Thank you.
09:41:29 I would have one thing.
09:41:30 I would like to ask Council for permission to use
09:41:32 the city seal and materials for an upcoming town
09:41:36 hall meeting that I'm having in February.
09:41:42 >> Second.
09:41:43 >>LISA MONTELIONE: Thank you.
09:41:45 >>FRANK REDDICK: Got a motion from Ms. Montelione.
09:41:48 Second by Mr. Cohen.
09:41:50 Any discussion of the motion?
09:41:52 >> What will it be used for?
09:41:54 I'm kidding.
09:41:55 >>LISA MONTELIONE: Mailings and invitations and
09:41:57 such.
09:41:57 Promotional materials.
09:41:59 >>FRANK REDDICK: All those in favor of the motion,
09:42:01 aye.
09:42:01 Opposed?
09:42:02 Anything else?
09:42:03 >>LISA MONTELIONE: No, sir.
09:42:05 >>FRANK REDDICK: Maniscalco.
09:42:06 >>GUIDO MANISCALCO: Today is the 30th

09:42:08 anniversary of the Challenger Space Shuttle
09:42:10 disaster so we remember those who perished, and I
09:42:13 think it's also the Skyway Bridge, 1980.
09:42:19 Same day.
09:42:24 >>FRANK REDDICK: Mr. Cohen.
09:42:25 >>HARRY COHEN: Nothing now.
09:42:27 Will we have new business again tonight?
09:42:29 Okay.
09:42:29 Thank you.
09:42:29 >>FRANK REDDICK: Ms. Capin.
09:42:30 >>YVONNE CAPIN: The pirates are in town, and I
09:42:34 understand they went and tried to kidnap our
09:42:38 Mayor, but they brought him back.
09:42:42 I think it's thank you maybe.
09:42:47 >> I didn't mean to laugh so loud.
09:42:49 >> We all got a kick out of that one.
09:42:51 >>FRANK REDDICK: What a way to go to workshop.
09:42:54 >>MIKE SUAREZ: To reiterate what Ms. Capin said,
09:42:58 the parade is on Saturday for Gasparilla.
09:43:04 It is a very large parade.
09:43:06 There are places in which drinking is allowed.
09:43:08 There are places in which drinking is tolerated.
09:43:09 Just remember, it's not a drinking contest.
09:43:11 So be careful out there whenever you're having
09:43:11 fun.

09:43:12 Enjoy Gasparilla.
09:43:17 Thank you.
09:43:18 >>FRANK REDDICK: Mr. Miranda.
09:43:19 >>CHARLIE MIRANDA: I just want to say the rocket
09:43:21 concert was on Saturday.
09:43:22 I saw a couple of Council members there doing the
09:43:26 rock 'n' roll.
09:43:27 Councilman Harry Cohen and our lady Councilman
09:43:33 Capin, and I saw them dance.
09:43:37 Let me tell you, they still got some moves on
09:43:40 them.
09:43:40 I danced a couple of fast songs with Pat Frank,
09:43:48 and she can outdance me.
09:43:49 >>FRANK REDDICK: Thank you.
09:43:50 If there is no other business, we stand adjourned.
09:43:53 >> Move to receive and file.
09:43:59 >>FRANK REDDICK: Did we receive anything?
09:44:03 >> Yes, we did.
09:44:04 >>FRANK REDDICK: All in favor of the motion say
09:44:05 aye.
09:44:05 We stand adjourned.