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City of Tampa
January 28, 2016
6:00 p.m. Session

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06:04:35 >>FRANK REDDICK: Good afternoon.
06:04:35 We're going to call this evening meeting to order.
06:04:38 Roll call.
06:04:42 >>CHARLIE MIRANDA: Here.
06:04:43 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Here.
06:04:45 >> Capin?
06:04:46 >>HARRY COHEN: Here.
06:04:50 >>GUIDO MANISCALCO: Here.
06:04:51 >> Montelione?
06:04:53 Reddick?
06:04:53 >>FRANK REDDICK: Here.
06:04:54 Anyone going to speak on items 1 through 3 please
06:04:58 stand to be sworn.
06:05:00 [Oath administered]

06:05:02 >> -- open the public hearings.
06:05:02 >>FRANK REDDICK: Motion by Mr. Suarez, seconded by
06:05:11 Mr. Miranda.
06:05:11 All in favor of the motion, aye.
06:05:13 All right.
06:05:14 We go to item number 1.
06:05:18 >> Gloria Moreda, Land Development.
06:05:20 This is AB2-16-02, concerns property at 6312 North
06:05:23 Armenia Avenue involving La Pequena Columbia
06:05:28 Restaurant.
06:05:29 The site is currently approved for alcohol
06:05:32 beverage sales.
06:05:34 It was approved in 2013 for a restaurant, beer,
06:05:38 wine, liquor, on-premise consumption only.
06:05:41 The request today is really keeping the same size.
06:05:47 It's currently approved for 5,283 square feet
06:05:52 inside.
06:05:53 No outside area.
06:05:55 47 parking spaces are provided.
06:05:59 They are asking for an extension of their hours.
06:06:01 The current proposal or the current approved AB
06:06:06 sales is Monday through Saturday from 7 a.m. to
06:06:08 11 p.m.
06:06:09 Sunday from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m.
06:06:12 They are now asking for Sunday 11 a.m. to 1 a.m.,

06:06:17 Monday through Wednesday, 7 a.m. to 10 p.m., and
06:06:21 then Thursday through Saturday 7 a.m. to 3 a.m.
06:06:25 There are waivers associated with the request that
06:06:33 were approved in the original petition.
06:06:35 They reduced the distance separation from other
06:06:41 establishment from 250 to 185 feet.
06:06:45 And the residential distance separation from 250
06:06:48 to 133 feet.
06:06:52 They reduced the required parking from 71 to 43.
06:06:56 The drive aisle dimensions from 24 to 12,
06:07:01 reduction in the loading and unloading from 1 to
06:07:05 0.
06:07:05 They are maneuvering into the Armenia Avenue
06:07:08 right-of-way as well as access to Fern and Jean
06:07:15 Street.
06:07:15 They are in a mixed use corridor village.
06:07:20 The nearest AB sales location is La Pequena
06:07:24 Express at 6202 North Armenia Avenue and the
06:07:29 nearest residential is at 2510 West Fern Street,
06:07:35 which is zoned RS-60.
06:07:37 I have an aerial that shows the location.
06:07:42 It is in the shopping center, the restaurant in
06:07:45 question is on the north side of that shopping
06:07:47 center.
06:07:48 They do have access to Jean Street and they have

06:07:55 parking in the back.
06:07:56 A photograph of the existing center from view of
06:08:01 Armenia.
06:08:04 This is the back of the shopping center and then
06:08:08 some of the residential areas off of Jean Street.
06:08:17 >>FRANK REDDICK: Any questions from Council?
06:08:18 All right.
06:08:19 Petitioner.
06:08:24 >>GLORIA MOREDA: Oh, I did want to say there were
06:08:25 some minor site plan modifications that were
06:08:27 needed.
06:08:27 They actually did revise the site plan
06:08:30 accordingly, so I'll have that ready for Council
06:08:33 at second reading, if Council approves.
06:08:35 >>HARRY COHEN: Gloria, just to be clear, there are
06:08:37 no waivers that we're approving associated with
06:08:41 this that are different from the first time
06:08:42 around.
06:08:42 >>GLORIA MOREDA: They are asking for exactly the
06:08:46 same.
06:08:46 >>FRANK REDDICK: Petitioner?
06:08:47 >> Good evening.
06:08:53 Jonathon Baker with The Tiller Law Group in Tampa
06:08:56 for La Pequena Colombia.
06:08:59 Ms. Moreda summed it up pretty well.

06:09:02 Like you said, no extra waivers.
06:09:04 Just the extension of hours.
06:09:06 Just to recap, it's Sunday from 11 a.m. to 1 a.m.
06:09:09 Monday through Wednesday, 7 a.m. to 10 p.m., and
06:09:11 Thursday through Saturday 7 a.m. to 3 a.m.
06:09:14 If you're not familiar with the location, La
06:09:16 Pequena is a bakery and a restaurant.
06:09:20 It's Colombian food.
06:09:22 They offer genuine Colombian cuisine, full
06:09:26 breakfast, lunch and dinner options as well as an
06:09:27 extensive and unique bakery section.
06:09:31 I have some pictures that show some of the menu
06:09:36 items.
06:09:36 dinners.
06:09:53 The restaurant has been in place since 2001 with
06:10:08 no complaints.
06:10:11 As Ms. Moreda stated alcohol license granted in
06:10:14 2013.
06:10:15 There's been no complaints.
06:10:16 And like she said, we received the staff report
06:10:19 and had the civil engineer make the requested
06:10:22 changes already.
06:10:22 I do have a full-size copy here as well.
06:10:27 >>FRANK REDDICK: Any questions from Council?
06:10:29 Mr. Suarez.

06:10:29 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Yes, thank you.
06:10:30 Mr. Baker, did you represent the applicant the
06:10:33 first time in 2013 when they came before?
06:10:35 >> No, sir.
06:10:38 >>MIKE SUAREZ: I'm curious as to why the hours
06:10:40 weren't tried to be done at that time when we did
06:10:42 the first rezoning.
06:10:44 Do you have any idea why that is?
06:10:46 >> I do not.
06:10:47 Sorry.
06:10:48 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Yeah, I wasn't sure if you had been
06:10:50 the person that was representing the applicant
06:10:52 before.
06:10:52 >> No, I'm not sure who did it back then.
06:10:57 >>FRANK REDDICK: Mr. Miranda.
06:10:57 >>CHARLIE MIRANDA: Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
06:10:59 I'm not speaking on behalf of the petitioner, but
06:11:01 I've been there many times.
06:11:03 They have a great operation.
06:11:04 That's the one you walk in.
06:11:05 You see the cooler there with the desserts and all
06:11:07 that.
06:11:08 You want to eat them before you have dinner.
06:11:10 It's a nice run restaurant.
06:11:13 The real manager there is the wife.

06:11:17 The guy thinks he runs it, but the wife runs the
06:11:19 register.
06:11:20 The northern part, there is a little lounge area.
06:11:24 >> Yes, sir.
06:11:25 >>FRANK REDDICK: Any other questions from Council?
06:11:27 Anyone in the audience wishing to speak on item
06:11:29 number 1?
06:11:30 >>CHARLIE MIRANDA: Move to close.
06:11:32 >>FRANK REDDICK: Motion by Mr. Miranda, seconded
06:11:33 by Mr. Cohen.
06:11:34 All in favor of the motion, aye.
06:11:36 Mr. Miranda, would you like to read number 1?
06:11:39 >>CHARLIE MIRANDA: Thank you very much.
06:11:39 Chairman, move file AB2-16-02, an ordinance
06:11:46 presented for first reading consideration,
06:11:50 ordinance 2013-149 approving special use permit
06:11:52 S-2 for alcoholic beverage sales, restaurant
06:11:55 consumption on premises only and making lawful the
06:11:58 sale of beverages regardless of alcoholic content,
06:12:01 beer, wine and liquor, on that certain lot, plot
06:12:04 or tract of land located at 6312 North Armenia
06:12:08 Avenue, Tampa, Florida, as more particularly
06:12:10 described in section 3, that all ordinances or
06:12:12 parts of ordinances in conflict are repealed.
06:12:15 Providing an effective date.

06:12:16 >>FRANK REDDICK: Motion by Mr. Miranda.
06:12:18 Seconded by Mr. Maniscalco.
06:12:20 Any discussion?
06:12:21 All in favor?
06:12:22 Opposed?
06:12:22 >>THE CLERK: Motion carried with Capin absent at
06:12:25 vote.
06:12:25 Second reading and adoption on February 18 at
06:12:28 9:30 a.m.
06:12:29 >>FRANK REDDICK: Thank you, sir.
06:12:30 >> Thank you.
06:12:31 >>FRANK REDDICK: Item number 2.
06:12:33 >>GLORIA MOREDA: Gloria Moreda, Land Development.
06:12:35 This is concerning AB2-16-03, property at 18002
06:12:43 Highwoods Preserve Parkway.
06:12:47 It is a planned development district.
06:12:49 The proposal before you is for AB sales, large
06:12:52 venue beer and wine, on-premise consumption only.
06:12:57 The property is developed with the Muvico Movie
06:13:00 Theater.
06:13:00 And they are requesting to allow for 83,603 square
06:13:07 feet inside area.
06:13:09 There is no outside area.
06:13:11 The entire building would be approved for AB sales
06:13:15 with this approval.

06:13:16 They have 985 off-street parking spaces.
06:13:19 They are asking for consistency with chapter 14.
06:13:27 The property is within the mixed use land use
06:13:30 corridor village, which requires a distance
06:13:33 separation of 250 feet from residential and other
06:13:37 AB establishments.
06:13:40 If you all are familiar with this site, Bruce B.
06:13:46 Downs, the movie theater is tucked back.
06:13:50 There is really surrounded by nothing, except the
06:13:56 movie theater.
06:13:57 Here is a picture of the movie theater.
06:14:00 There is a sort of mixed-use office development
06:14:04 across the street.
06:14:06 A view from Bruce B. Downs.
06:14:08 You can hardly see it really.
06:14:11 And this is a residential apartment complex down
06:14:16 the road.
06:14:16 But they are asking for the large venue request.
06:14:24 There are some very minor changes to the site plan
06:14:26 that need to be corrected.
06:14:29 Other than that, staff finds this consistent.
06:14:31 >>FRANK REDDICK: Any questions from Council?
06:14:33 All right.
06:14:34 Petitioner?
06:14:38 >> Thank you.

06:14:38 Good evening.
06:14:39 Clayton Bricklemyer, 400 North Ashley Drive, Suite
06:14:44 1100.
06:14:44 I've been sworn.
06:14:45 One correction from Gloria's, Carmike Theaters, in
06:14:50 case you can't tell from the handout, actually
06:14:53 purchased this from Muvico.
06:14:55 Still the Starlight 20 but now operated by Carmike
06:14:57 Theaters.
06:14:58 I'll give you a quick spiel.
06:15:00 We've had all positive feedback.
06:15:04 I don't feel that I need to drone on.
06:15:06 Just briefly, and I know you all have been
06:15:08 introduced to the concept, but movie theaters in
06:15:10 general have had to do some things to compete with
06:15:14 your couch and Netflix.
06:15:16 >>HARRY COHEN: The couch is big competition.
06:15:19 >> Right, I know.
06:15:20 I know mine is.
06:15:22 They improved their food and done better seats and
06:15:25 added 3D.
06:15:26 It needs to be more of a night-out experience to
06:15:29 be competitive.
06:15:29 One of those factors has been alcohol.
06:15:33 I know that this group has approved a number of

06:15:35 other theaters to do this sort of sales.
06:15:39 We're only asking for beer and wine in this
06:15:41 request.
06:15:42 This is not trying to establish a bar.
06:15:46 We actually pulled numbers today, and I wrote down
06:15:50 less than 5% of concession sales at Carmike's 39
06:15:55 nationwide theaters.
06:15:56 No, that was the one in Florida.
06:15:58 17 theaters in Florida with wet zonings.
06:16:00 It makes up less than 5% of their concession
06:16:03 sales.
06:16:04 So it's not a bar.
06:16:06 The usual M.O. here is that someone will come.
06:16:09 They will have a glass of wine.
06:16:10 They will take it to their seat.
06:16:13 They will drink it, and then they will go home at
06:16:15 the end of the movie.
06:16:16 It's not like a baseball game where there is a
06:16:19 break and you get up and go.
06:16:21 You generally want to stay and watch the movie.
06:16:23 I've spoken to some folks in Tampa, really got not
06:16:29 a lot of interest in the deal.
06:16:30 The folks that I have spoken to, the general
06:16:33 consensus was we want this here.
06:16:35 Everybody else gets to have it.

06:16:38 South Tampa has it; Pasco County has it;
06:16:39 University area has it; all those theaters have
06:16:41 the ability, and one of the guys who is here
06:16:44 tonight from Carmike was telling me that somebody
06:16:46 came up to him the other day and said, you know,
06:16:48 why don't we have a MacGuffin's like AMC?
06:16:51 I want that.
06:16:53 I don't want to have to drive to Veterans to have
06:16:54 that experience.
06:16:55 If you look at the packet, there obviously are
06:17:00 concerns about movie theater wet zonings.
06:17:02 The alcohol control plan is in the packet I handed
06:17:04 you.
06:17:05 I can walk through it as much or as little as
06:17:08 you'd like.
06:17:09 The general gist of it is, everyone is ID'd.
06:17:14 There are theater sweeps.
06:17:15 There are cameras in the concession area.
06:17:19 The concession area, the cash registers that are
06:17:22 selling alcohol will have -- everybody will be 21
06:17:25 and up there.
06:17:26 I think those are probably the highlights.
06:17:29 And you may have some questions about that.
06:17:31 And there are operations people here from Carmike
06:17:35 that can speak to the particulars of how they do

06:17:39 it.
06:17:39 Real quick, the corporate sheet, Carmike is the
06:17:44 fourth largest exhibitor in the country.
06:17:46 They do have almost 40 of these nationwide, so
06:17:50 they've had practice.
06:17:51 17 of them in Florida.
06:17:53 Their record is impeccable.
06:17:55 Having served on those for a while.
06:17:57 To circle back to the staff report, staff finds
06:18:01 this consistent.
06:18:01 We're not asking for any waivers at all, and we
06:18:07 think we meet all the standards in 27129.
06:18:12 You'll see the site plan changes, there's some
06:18:15 weirdness about the address.
06:18:16 I don't know why.
06:18:18 For some reason, property appraiser has it one
06:18:22 way.
06:18:22 Various maps have it another way.
06:18:24 That is a change we're happy to make between
06:18:26 readings.
06:18:27 We would like your support, and we're here for
06:18:29 questions.
06:18:29 >>FRANK REDDICK: Any questions from Council?
06:18:31 Ms. Montelione.
06:18:33 >>LISA MONTELIONE: Thank you.

06:18:33 Thank you, Mr. Bricklemyer.
06:18:36 I distinctly remember this hearing the last time
06:18:39 around.
06:18:41 We had a packed house, and there were a lot of
06:18:46 parents concerned about minors, because this
06:18:48 particular movie theater draws a very young crowd,
06:18:51 people dropping their kids off to go have a fun,
06:18:54 safe time at the movies and then circle around and
06:18:57 pick them up.
06:18:57 Now, whether or not those children actually stay
06:18:59 at the movie theater after they are dropped off is
06:19:02 questionable.
06:19:03 But that was a lot of the concern.
06:19:07 And what was expressed then from what I recollect
06:19:14 was they would prefer to have a separate area for
06:19:16 the alcohol beverage.
06:19:17 We just have the interior site plan.
06:19:26 This is the parking out front.
06:19:30 So what's the interior plan for the beverage
06:19:35 sales?
06:19:36 >> So what I've been told, and you guys jump in if
06:19:40 I'm getting it wrong.
06:19:41 The interior site plan is not a completed process
06:19:45 at the moment, but in general, their business
06:19:48 model is that they are selling at the concession

06:19:52 counter.
06:19:53 So it's one long counter like you would see, and
06:19:55 it would be there.
06:19:56 Now, it is going to be dedicated registers manned
06:20:01 by 21-year-old people taking and checking IDs.
06:20:07 >>LISA MONTELIONE: Staffed by 21-year-old people.
06:20:09 We had a conversation earlier about gender-neutral
06:20:15 language.
06:20:15 Staffed by 21-year-olds.
06:20:18 Studio Movie Grill, which is at University Square
06:20:26 Mall, opened up and they have the bar area
06:20:31 separate.
06:20:31 It's up front right after you enter the space.
06:20:34 MacGuffin's you mentioned is another separate
06:20:40 space.
06:20:40 My concern is that you're going to have one
06:20:43 counter with lots of people lined up and there's
06:20:50 opportunity to err.
06:20:54 I know that underage drinking happens even in bars
06:21:05 where they are not supposed to even be in the
06:21:08 premises, and people who are serving see their
06:21:12 friends, and they will serve their friends even
06:21:15 though they are not supposed to.
06:21:16 So my personal preference would be reflective of
06:21:22 what the comments were of the community at large

06:21:26 is to have a separate area.
06:21:28 Now, I know all the people who sent in the
06:21:30 e-mails, and I respect them, and they're right.
06:21:34 People will drive, like Ms. Carothers, over the
06:21:38 Pasco County line to go to another movie theater
06:21:41 that offers beverage service.
06:21:46 But I would be more comfortable if we were shown a
06:21:57 floor plan that showed a separate area, not having
06:22:00 alcohol sales at the same counter that you're
06:22:02 selling all your other soft drinks and popcorn.
06:22:05 >> Instead of me conferring with the client now,
06:22:07 is that something that you would be okay with us
06:22:10 sort of producing between now and second reading?
06:22:13 Is that a better way to handle?
06:22:15 >>LISA MONTELIONE: Yes, I would be okay with that.
06:22:18 >> Let us go to the drawing board and see --
06:22:20 >>LISA MONTELIONE: I also had to laugh at item
06:22:24 number 3, there will be no open spaces within
06:22:26 theater auditorium allowing for patron standing or
06:22:29 dancing during film showing.
06:22:31 >> Apparently that was at issue at some Carmike
06:22:34 Theaters.
06:22:34 >>LISA MONTELIONE: I'm showing my age.
06:22:36 I guess no midnight showings of rocky horror
06:22:43 theater show.

06:22:45 >>GUIDO MANISCALCO: Thank you very much.
06:22:46 I frequent AMC theaters out of convenience, and
06:22:49 they have their MacGuffin's there.
06:22:52 And you can't miss it.
06:22:53 It's either right at the entrance at Westshore.
06:22:56 You have to pass the bar.
06:22:58 At veterans, you have to pass the bar.
06:23:00 That's a full liquor establishment there.
06:23:02 I never see kids congregating.
06:23:05 I don't know, because I was a teenager not long
06:23:10 ago.
06:23:10 I don't know, I don't see the issue with it.
06:23:14 >>FRANK REDDICK: Mr. Suarez.
06:23:15 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Mr. Bricklemyer, let me ask you a
06:23:19 quick question.
06:23:20 Is it Carmike?
06:23:27 >> Carmike.
06:23:28 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Other Carmike theaters have this
06:23:30 concept already in terms of serving beer and wine?
06:23:35 >> Yes.
06:23:35 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Do they have a process in terms of
06:23:38 inventory control, in terms of people actually
06:23:40 getting it who are of age, they have like bands or
06:23:45 colored cups?
06:23:46 What is it that they use.

06:23:49 What is their process?
06:23:55 >> I actually had them bring cups.
06:23:58 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Is that filled with alcohol at this
06:23:59 time?
06:23:59 >> No, I'm sorry.
06:24:05 Paper cup for nonalcoholic.
06:24:08 That's your beer glass.
06:24:11 That's your wine glass.
06:24:14 It's going to be clear.
06:24:15 That's for the monitoring after the fact.
06:24:17 Monitoring from the cameras.
06:24:18 The monitoring from the sweeping through the
06:24:20 theaters, all that sort of stuff.
06:24:26 >>MIKE SUAREZ: There will be a check for every
06:24:30 single time you go ahead and purchase.
06:24:32 So if I come back a second time, and obviously
06:24:34 they are going to have training, they'll make sure
06:24:40 when somebody is oversold and you can't sell them
06:24:43 anymore, that type of thing, but in terms of when
06:24:46 they go, they'll be carded each and every time.
06:24:49 >> They will.
06:24:50 That and the training are both in that alcohol
06:24:53 control.
06:24:53 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Really, for us, the process of how
06:24:55 you control the alcohol is really the biggest

06:24:58 issue.
06:24:58 I think what you mentioned with Ms. Mons is not a
06:25:01 bad idea to give us a floor plan and the way this
06:25:05 is set up.
06:25:06 I think we all have a little bit of apprehension
06:25:10 not having it separate.
06:25:11 Obviously the first time this came before us, this
06:25:13 particular location, there was a lot more
06:25:16 discussion about how people can avoid having
06:25:18 teenagers get the alcohol.
06:25:20 And now with our subsequent hearings that we've
06:25:24 had, and you pointed out MacGuffin, and that's a
06:25:29 different setup, obviously, hard liquor, too, not
06:25:34 that you can't get drunk on beer and wine, but at
06:25:37 the same time, there is a different type of
06:25:38 control.
06:25:38 We just want to make sure that the controls are
06:25:40 going to be in place so we feel comfortable going
06:25:44 forward with these types of decisions.
06:25:47 Thank you.
06:25:49 Thank you, chair.
06:25:52 >>FRANK REDDICK: Can't get drunk off of beer and
06:25:54 wine?
06:25:57 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Oh, absolutely.
06:25:58 Don't deny -- in years past, done that before.

06:26:06 >>HARRY COHEN: Thank you very much.
06:26:07 Two quick points.
06:26:08 First of all, if I remember correctly, the first
06:26:12 time around, Councilwoman Capin and I actually
06:26:16 voted for this.
06:26:17 I would say that from my point of view I'm fine
06:26:20 with it.
06:26:20 I respect Councilwoman Montelione's concerns and
06:26:24 what Councilman Suarez said, but I think a little
06:26:27 closer to Councilman Maniscalco's view.
06:26:30 I think the clear cups are fine.
06:26:34 And I'm in support of the application.
06:26:38 >>FRANK REDDICK: Ms. Montelione.
06:26:40 >>LISA MONTELIONE: Again, I'm not against having
06:26:42 the beer and wine at the theater.
06:26:43 I'm for that because I do enjoy a beverage when I
06:26:50 go to the place closest to my home.
06:26:58 It is a concern.
06:26:58 Behind the same counter is really my consternation
06:27:01 point because with even the different cups, you
06:27:05 know, if you're somebody behind the counter and
06:27:09 you want to serve one of your friends, it's pretty
06:27:13 easy to pick up a paper cup rather than a plastic
06:27:17 cup and fill that cup.
06:27:18 So having that distinct separation, I mean, as you

06:27:23 pointed out, the MacGuffin's concept, it is a
06:27:27 separate area.
06:27:29 So there isn't the chance that you can slip a cup
06:27:36 under a different tap than the beer and wine.
06:27:40 Or the Pepsi and mountain DEW.
06:27:49 >>MARTIN SHELBY: Just a reminder, Council, this is
06:27:51 a new application.
06:27:52 It has to be based on competent, substantial
06:27:55 evidence --
06:28:03 But I would recommend, Council, that you raise
06:28:13 your issues in the form of questions to the people
06:28:17 who are offering testimony.
06:28:20 >>LISA MONTELIONE: I'll stick to what I said the
06:28:22 first time.
06:28:23 >> We'll take time to try to get you operationally
06:28:28 comfortable.
06:28:31 >>FRANK REDDICK: Would there be a limitation on
06:28:33 the number of beer and wine drinks that you can
06:28:36 request?
06:28:36 >> You'll notice that there is not one on the
06:28:39 alcohol control plan.
06:28:40 >>FRANK REDDICK: Correct.
06:28:40 >> I actually asked that question beforehand.
06:28:45 I think that is something that could be discussed.
06:28:48 Not a happy face back there.

06:28:53 We will address that question, I think, along with
06:28:55 the operational thing.
06:28:56 How about that?
06:28:58 Let me have that discussion with them and we'll be
06:29:01 back at second hearing with an answer, operational
06:29:05 separation or not and a number or not.
06:29:08 >>FRANK REDDICK: Only position you put me in is
06:29:11 you asked me to make a decision tonight without
06:29:15 having --
06:29:15 >> That's true.
06:29:16 What is in the alcohol control plan is that no one
06:29:19 is going to be served that is over-served, and
06:29:22 there's going to be specific training to make sure
06:29:24 that no one is over-served.
06:29:25 I guess if I were making a general argument, it's
06:29:29 that three beers on me and three beers on my wife
06:29:32 look different.
06:29:32 So I don't have an answer right this second to
06:29:39 that, but I guess I would argue.
06:29:41 >>FRANK REDDICK: Well, that's an area you just
06:29:43 used.
06:29:44 If your wife is a nondrinker and order alcohol,
06:29:50 suit your flavor, does that mean you get more.
06:29:53 Minimum of two, that means you get two more, plus
06:29:55 you can order yours for you.

06:29:57 Order hers for you.
06:30:01 >> I see your point.
06:30:06 I'm not sure how I would legislate against that.
06:30:09 We could talk about a limit per person.
06:30:11 I'm not sure, unless you have an idea, I don't
06:30:14 know that I have an idea.
06:30:16 >>FRANK REDDICK: Well, I hope, I think we had a
06:30:19 discussion about this before.
06:30:22 That was one of the issues I raised about the
06:30:25 limitation.
06:30:27 Any limitation on how many drinks a person can go
06:30:31 back and forth and receive?
06:30:35 That is my concern.
06:30:36 If I support it today, I won't support it at
06:30:40 second reading if you haven't put a limitation on
06:30:41 there.
06:30:42 My second question, item 10, you said alcohol
06:30:45 would be sold no later than a half hour before the
06:30:49 end of the last movie.
06:30:50 What time is the last movie on average?
06:30:53 >> Latest showing is a midnight movie, and that's
06:31:02 Friday and Saturday they will have a midnight
06:31:05 movie.
06:31:05 Sales stop at 11:30.
06:31:11 30 minutes --

06:31:14 >>FRANK REDDICK: Before the last movie.
06:31:16 >> End or beginning, actually?
06:31:17 Oh, the end.
06:31:28 >>FRANK REDDICK: If it's the end and the movie is
06:31:30 starting at 11:30 --
06:31:34 >> If the movie starts at 12 and it's the end of
06:31:34 the movie, then if the movie ends in two hours,
06:31:36 it's 1:30.
06:31:37 Sorry.
06:31:39 >>FRANK REDDICK: Well, I'm going to suggest that
06:31:46 between first and second reading that you have
06:31:49 some discussion with your client and see about the
06:31:52 limitation on the number of drinks a person can
06:31:56 receive.
06:31:56 Like to have it documented before it has my
06:32:01 support.
06:32:02 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Please help me here with the
06:32:05 limitation of drinks.
06:32:09 We do this with what other permit do we limit the
06:32:13 drinks?
06:32:14 >>MARTIN SHELBY: That is a question you can ask
06:32:16 staff.
06:32:16 They would have that information based on --
06:32:18 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Staff?
06:32:19 I have not heard that in five years I've been

06:32:28 here.
06:32:28 >>GLORIA MOREDA: I have not either.
06:32:31 >>YVONNE CAPIN: This is the first I've heard limit
06:32:33 of drinks on an establishment we're looking at
06:32:36 permitting.
06:32:37 I understand.
06:32:37 >>FRANK REDDICK: Only difference, this is -- we're
06:32:39 not talking about a bar or a lounge.
06:32:43 We're talking about a movie theater.
06:32:45 That's why the question is being raised.
06:32:47 >>YVONNE CAPIN: We're talking about a movie
06:32:49 theater, a restaurant, you know, children go into
06:32:52 restaurants.
06:32:55 >>FRANK REDDICK: No, no.
06:32:56 We're specifically talking about this particular
06:32:57 item here, a movie theater, correct?
06:33:01 >>GLORIA MOREDA: I don't recall.
06:33:03 I'd have to research the petitions that came
06:33:05 before you relating to AMC theaters, but I don't
06:33:07 remember there being a limitation on drinks.
06:33:13 >>MIKE SUAREZ: If I may, I think the difference
06:33:15 between some of the other things we've done, this
06:33:17 is considered a large venue.
06:33:19 We would treat it the same way we do any large
06:33:22 venue.

06:33:23 The difference most large venues we deal with are
06:33:27 nightclubs, other types of bars so we're more used
06:33:29 to that.
06:33:30 Most of those types of operations and you can
06:33:33 correct me if I'm wrong, have certain limitations,
06:33:36 not limitations, but how service is done by virtue
06:33:39 of state statutes and other requirements that they
06:33:42 may have in terms of serving.
06:33:43 And that also goes back to the requirements for
06:33:49 their insurance and all these other things.
06:33:51 So there is going to be some idea of control from
06:33:54 other factors, not necessarily from us.
06:33:56 And I think that when we talk about it, the
06:33:59 difference is that we haven't done a lot of large
06:34:02 venues and we pretty much know at the bar and we
06:34:06 pretty much know those bartenders are trained.
06:34:09 That's one of the reasons why one of the first
06:34:12 questions, would they be tips trained, which is
06:34:15 tolerance for alcohol, they go to a training to
06:34:19 make sure they know when not to serve someone.
06:34:21 Again, I based it based on what he has told us,
06:34:26 that they are going to have that kind of training
06:34:29 there.
06:34:29 And he said it publicly, he's put it on the
06:34:32 record, and that's kind of the way I was looking

06:34:34 at it and going forward from there.
06:34:41 >>SHAUN AMARNANI: I would need to research this a
06:34:43 little more.
06:34:43 I would venture from terminology of alcohol, this
06:34:45 would fall under operations.
06:34:46 And we wouldn't be able to limit the drinks to a
06:34:51 certain number.
06:34:52 >>YVONNE CAPIN: We would not.
06:34:53 Because Westshore, did we limit drinks at
06:34:58 Westshore theater?
06:35:01 >>GLORIA MOREDA: I don't recall.
06:35:02 I'd have to research it, but I don't recall that
06:35:05 being part of the conditions.
06:35:06 >>FRANK REDDICK: Well, if you recall, they
06:35:08 volunteered to do it.
06:35:11 >>GLORIA MOREDA: My recollection is that they did
06:35:15 have a similar security or operational plan.
06:35:17 >>FRANK REDDICK: They volunteered to put a limit.
06:35:20 >>GLORIA MOREDA: I'll have to look it up.
06:35:22 >>FRANK REDDICK: Yes, because we had a discussion
06:35:24 about it.
06:35:24 Mr. Maniscalco.
06:35:24 >>GUIDO MANISCALCO: Recently, we approved liquor
06:35:28 sales for Raymond James Stadium, and they on their
06:35:31 policy I think had for liquor, it was a two-drink

06:35:35 limit, something like that.
06:35:37 But they brought their proposed rules.
06:35:40 Maybe that's something to look at between now and
06:35:42 second reading going by that kind of policy, even
06:35:44 though you're doing just beer and wine.
06:35:47 So working with that.
06:35:49 >> We will research the issue before the second
06:35:52 reading.
06:35:56 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Can I make one more point to
06:35:58 Ms. Capin's point?
06:36:00 The applicant brought to us the alcohol control
06:36:03 plan.
06:36:04 So the discussion was broad forward by them, and
06:36:06 that's why the discussion item opened up.
06:36:08 But I agree with you, which is we don't typically
06:36:11 look at how you're served.
06:36:13 We base our land use on them as being
06:36:18 professionals at the service of alcohol or --
06:36:24 >>YVONNE CAPIN: I understand.
06:36:25 But I just heard our attorney tell us that we
06:36:28 cannot limit the drinks.
06:36:29 >>MIKE SUAREZ: No, no.
06:36:30 I don't think any of us are saying that.
06:36:32 >>YVONNE CAPIN: We're saying, guess what, we want
06:36:34 to you limit the drinks.

06:36:36 And that to me is not acceptable.
06:36:38 It's not acceptable at this term.
06:36:41 >>MIKE SUAREZ: I think you're pointing to a
06:36:44 different direction.
06:36:44 The question was, and I can follow -- and anybody
06:36:47 else will tell me if I'm wrong about this, which
06:36:51 is, not to control it, but that some members might
06:36:53 not want to vote in favor of it without knowing
06:36:56 what the alcohol control plan is in the way that
06:36:59 it's served.
06:37:00 It doesn't mean that they are required to do it.
06:37:03 It's just whether or not they'll vote for it.
06:37:06 I perceive based on what they told us that they'll
06:37:10 do a professional way of dealing with it, and
06:37:12 that's good enough for me.
06:37:13 I think we can go forward and whoever wants to
06:37:15 vote for it, vote against it.
06:37:20 Thank you, chair.
06:37:22 >>FRANK REDDICK: All right.
06:37:22 Anyone in the audience wish to speak on item
06:37:25 number 2?
06:37:26 Anyone in the audience wish to speak on item
06:37:28 number 2?
06:37:29 >> Move to close.
06:37:30 >>FRANK REDDICK: Motion by Mr. Cohen, seconded by

06:37:32 Mr. Maniscalco.
06:37:33 All in favor of the motion, aye.
06:37:34 Opposed?
06:37:35 All right, Mr. Suarez.
06:37:37 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Thank you, chair.
06:37:38 I move an ordinance being presented for first
06:37:39 reading consideration.
06:37:40 An ordinance approving a special use permit S-2
06:37:43 for alcoholic beverage sales -- large venue,
06:37:47 consumption on premises only, and making lawful
06:37:50 the sale of beer and wine at or from that certain
06:37:52 lot, plot, or tract of land located at 18002
06:37:56 Highwoods Preserve, Tampa, Florida, as more
06:37:59 particularly described in section 2; that all
06:38:01 ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict are
06:38:03 repealed; providing an effective date.
06:38:06 >>FRANK REDDICK: Got a motion by Mr. Suarez.
06:38:08 Seconded by Mr. Maniscalco.
06:38:09 All in favor of the motion, aye.
06:38:11 Opposed?
06:38:11 All right.
06:38:13 >>THE CLERK: Motion carried unanimously.
06:38:14 Second reading and adoption will be on
06:38:16 February 18th at 9:30 a.m.
06:38:18 >>FRANK REDDICK: Item number 3.

06:38:21 >>GLORIA MOREDA: Gloria Moreda, Land Development.
06:38:23 This is item AB2-16-04.
06:38:31 It involves property at 4116 Boy Scout Boulevard,
06:38:33 suites 1 and 2.
06:38:35 The applicant is Corona Cigar Company.
06:38:37 They are asking for a large venue beer, line,
06:38:40 liquor, on premise consumption only.
06:38:43 The establishment is 5,059-square-feet inside
06:38:48 area.
06:38:49 1,071 square feet outside area, for a total of
06:38:54 6,130 square feet for a total AB sales area.
06:38:58 This is a large development.
06:39:02 It's a planned development district, part of the
06:39:07 met life development.
06:39:08 I have the aerial here that shows the property.
06:39:11 In terms of the existing alcohol beverage sales
06:39:17 when met life developers came in, they actually
06:39:21 designated pretty much the entire PBA for COP-R.
06:39:31 It was back in 2008.
06:39:32 The effect of the alcohol beverage sales will be
06:39:34 basically to exclude this part of that original AB
06:39:39 sales and establish a new large venue designation
06:39:43 for this area.
06:39:44 There's over 2,541 parking spaces on-site.
06:39:50 Their request is asking for hours of operation

06:39:54 that are consistent with chapter 14.
06:39:58 There is a distance separation waiver being
06:40:01 requested from 250 square feet to 50 to other AB
06:40:08 sales establishments.
06:40:10 The proposal is for a cigar bar lounge.
06:40:15 The occupant load being projected is 442 persons.
06:40:23 They do have substantial parking in the overall
06:40:26 development and are complying with that
06:40:29 requirement.
06:40:29 There are some minor site plan modifications that
06:40:36 are needed.
06:40:37 The others, there are two other AB establishments
06:40:41 also within the 250 feet, but in terms of waivers,
06:40:44 this is a mixed-use corridor, and it is the other
06:40:50 AB establishment distance separation, 250 is the
06:40:53 one provision that they are asking for an
06:40:56 exception of.
06:40:56 If you have questions, I'm available.
06:41:01 >>FRANK REDDICK: Any questions from Council?
06:41:04 >>GUIDO MANISCALCO: Is this the Davidoff store
06:41:12 on Boy Scout?
06:41:12 It is.
06:41:13 Okay.
06:41:14 >>FRANK REDDICK: Petitioner?
06:41:20 >> Jonathon Baker with The Tiller Law Group in

06:41:23 Tampa.
06:41:23 15310 Amberly Drive, Suite 180.
06:41:26 To touch on Gloria's point, we did actually
06:41:31 receive the staff report with the recommended
06:41:32 changes that we had.
06:41:35 Our civil engineer update those as well as the
06:41:38 previous one.
06:41:39 I'm not sure if the most recent one is here, but I
06:41:42 do have copies.
06:41:44 Like Gloria said, it's for a cigar bar and lounge.
06:41:48 The owner has three other stars throughout the
06:41:51 state.
06:41:51 It's mostly for cigar sales.
06:41:55 Alcohol accounts for about 30% of the sales.
06:41:57 Remaining 70% is from the sale of cigars.
06:42:02 They don't offer any kind of happy hour.
06:42:04 Indoor/outdoor smoking is fine.
06:42:07 They are requesting for the -- I'm sorry, the
06:42:09 hours just to be to code.
06:42:13 Like Gloria said, the only waiver is -- I believe
06:42:16 there are three restaurants within 250 feet that
06:42:20 also serve alcohol.
06:42:21 They have cigars ranging from anywhere from
06:42:27 $2.50 to $300, as Councilman Maniscalco pointed
06:42:33 out.

06:42:33 They have a luxury global brand.
06:42:36 Several selections of Scotches, cognacs, bourbons
06:42:40 is what they will stock.
06:42:43 They are an established cigar lounge.
06:42:46 Three other locations -- in downtown Orlando, Sand
06:42:46 Lake, and Lake Mary.
06:42:48 They attract typically a high-end clientele.
06:42:52 Come from all over the county to experience the
06:42:54 unique atmosphere they offer.
06:42:55 Recent reviews, Steve Harvey and George Lopez
06:43:03 appeared at the Orlando location recently.
06:43:04 We're in Forbes magazine as best of the web and
06:43:07 top five Internet cigar retailer as well as Cigar
06:43:10 Aficionado Magazine wrote that Corona Cigar
06:43:13 Company has the largest, best stocked cigar shops
06:43:15 in America.
06:43:16 Our client is excited to bring his cigar lounge to
06:43:19 the Tampa area, and we're hoping for your support.
06:43:22 >>FRANK REDDICK: Any questions from Council?
06:43:24 Anyone in the audience wishing to speak on item
06:43:29 number 3?
06:43:30 >> Move to close.
06:43:31 >>FRANK REDDICK: Motion from Mr. Miranda.
06:43:34 Seconded by Mr. Maniscalco.
06:43:36 All in favor of the motion, aye.

06:43:38 Opposed?
06:43:39 All right.
06:43:39 Ms. Capin, care to read item number 3?
06:43:42 >>YVONNE CAPIN: I will.
06:43:44 Thank you.
06:43:44 An ordinance being presented for first reading
06:44:09 consideration.
06:44:10 An ordinance approving a special use permit S-2
06:44:13 for alcoholic beverage sales, large venue,
06:44:16 consumption on premises only and making lawful the
06:44:19 sale of beverages regardless of alcoholic content,
06:44:22 beer, wine, liquor, on that certain lot, plot, or
06:44:25 tract of land located at 4116 Boyscout Boulevard,
06:44:29 suite 1 & 2, Tampa, Florida, as more particularly
06:44:33 described in section 2, that all ordinances or
06:44:36 parts of ordinances in conflict are repealed.
06:44:38 Providing an effective date.
06:44:39 >>FRANK REDDICK: Got a motion from Ms. Capin.
06:44:42 Seconded by Mr. Maniscalco.
06:44:43 All those in favor of the motion say aye.
06:44:45 Opposed?
06:44:48 >>THE CLERK: Motion carried unanimously.
06:44:49 Second reading and adoption will be on
06:44:51 February 18th at 9:30 a.m.
06:44:53 >>FRANK REDDICK: Thank you.

06:44:54 >> Thank you.
06:44:56 >>FRANK REDDICK: All right.
06:44:58 Information and reports, Mr. Miranda?
06:45:01 >>CHARLIE MIRANDA: No, sir.
06:45:02 >>FRANK REDDICK: Mr. Suarez?
06:45:04 >>MIKE SUAREZ: No, sir.
06:45:04 >>FRANK REDDICK: Ms. Capin?
06:45:06 >>YVONNE CAPIN: None, sir.
06:45:08 >>FRANK REDDICK: Mr. Cohen.
06:45:09 >>HARRY COHEN: I do have one item I'd like to
06:45:12 bring up.
06:45:13 I'm not really sure whether or not I should make
06:45:15 this motion in the form of a resolution or ask for
06:45:20 a letter to be written under the Chairman's
06:45:22 signature.
06:45:22 So I'll describe what I'd like to ask Council for
06:45:25 and perhaps whatever your pleasure is.
06:45:27 We received the presentation not too long ago on
06:45:30 the ferry proposal between St. Petersburg and
06:45:33 Tampa.
06:45:35 Mayor Kriseman has met with Mayor Buckhorn, but
06:45:38 there has not been as of yet any movement toward
06:45:41 any kind of joint agreement in terms of going
06:45:46 forward with the project.
06:45:47 And I would like Council to encourage the Mayor to

06:45:51 work with Mayor Kriseman to come up with a plan to
06:45:55 actually get this ferry proposal started.
06:45:57 There are a lot of people in the area that would
06:45:59 really like this form of transportation to be an
06:46:03 alternative.
06:46:05 And you know, before anything would be done
06:46:08 between the City of Tampa and the city of
06:46:11 St. Petersburg, obviously we would need to know
06:46:13 the cost and we would have to pass on the
06:46:15 expenditure of whatever funds were necessary.
06:46:17 But I would like us to encourage the Mayor to work
06:46:23 with the city of St. Petersburg to make this a
06:46:25 reality.
06:46:26 >>FRANK REDDICK: Got a motion from Mr. Cohen.
06:46:32 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Second.
06:46:34 >>CHARLIE MIRANDA: Thank you.
06:46:35 Mr. Chairman, I understand what Mr. Cohen just
06:46:37 presented, however, being very conservative with
06:46:40 money, especially my own and taxpayers' money,
06:46:43 which we all are, I have never seen a pro forma
06:46:47 given to us by the company.
06:46:49 All I seen was a gentleman come up and say they
06:46:51 would handle the operational cost of the operation
06:46:54 of the ferries.
06:46:55 And I would assume, then, if that's all they want

06:46:59 to do, that the physical vessels themselves and
06:47:02 the boating docks and whatever goes along with it,
06:47:06 it's our responsibility.
06:47:08 It was not an exploratory thing where everything
06:47:12 has come up.
06:47:13 I don't know this company.
06:47:14 I think it has three letters in the name, if I
06:47:16 recall.
06:47:17 I never saw a profit-and-loss from them.
06:47:20 Let me say this.
06:47:21 When I look at something nationwide, and I know a
06:47:23 lot of people are behind this and I'm not against
06:47:26 this concept, but the people of the United States
06:47:30 are getting sick and tired of financing private
06:47:33 enterprise with their money.
06:47:36 And what's wrong with Hartline creating their own
06:47:39 vessels on the bay.
06:47:42 If we're going to take a risk, let's take the
06:47:44 whole risk, but I don't think that I want to
06:47:46 supplement income for a company and all they are
06:47:49 going to handle is the operational cost of that
06:47:52 company when the investment of the vessel, which I
06:47:55 guess large investments.
06:47:56 I don't know how much, but I guess it's in the
06:47:59 millions, what happens if they walk away.

06:48:04 If it's so good, take so many people off the road,
06:48:08 I've never been told how many people would be
06:48:11 taken off the road.
06:48:12 I'm not against it, Mr. Cohen, but I don't know
06:48:15 enough to tell this Mayor or any other Mayor what
06:48:17 he or she should do.
06:48:20 It is a troublesome thing, and this is only the
06:48:22 beginning.
06:48:23 When you start these kind of conversations,
06:48:24 Mr. Chairman, the greatest thing we have in front
06:48:28 of us today to do is to have a transit system that
06:48:31 works for all of us.
06:48:33 And when you start breaking apart that this sector
06:48:36 wants to do this, this one wants to build a
06:48:38 stadium, nothing is going to pass.
06:48:40 The people are just sick and tired of spending
06:48:43 money, especially myself, and seeing no progress.
06:48:48 The roads in this city are clogged.
06:48:51 Yes, they are.
06:48:52 I can't get in and out of my house on Lake Avenue
06:48:55 or MacDill for a long time.
06:48:57 It's backed up four blocks, like the rest of the
06:49:00 city.
06:49:00 That's good.
06:49:01 That's progress.

06:49:02 People are staying here.
06:49:02 All my grandkids that I know of are going to live
06:49:06 here.
06:49:06 One is already out of college and living here.
06:49:08 So what I'm saying is, our own population will
06:49:11 increase by over 400,000 in this county in the
06:49:14 next 25 years.
06:49:15 The preponderance of these people will move to the
06:49:18 City of Tampa.
06:49:18 Why?
06:49:19 I'll tell you why, because we have adequate water
06:49:22 and adequate sewer capacity and we're not Flint,
06:49:24 Michigan.
06:49:25 And these are the things that are coming about
06:49:28 that the public -- and that's why these
06:49:29 individuals that are running for office, much
06:49:32 higher office than what we're talking about, for
06:49:35 president, have the great debate among themselves.
06:49:39 I've never seen an individual running for
06:49:44 president tell the TV I'm not going to debate.
06:49:48 I'm going to have my own thing.
06:49:49 The public loves that.
06:49:50 What I'm saying is, I don't have enough
06:49:50 knowledge -- and I'm not against what Mr. Cohen
06:49:53 made the motion on -- to ask the Mayor to do

06:49:55 something. I just can't do it.
06:49:57 >>FRANK REDDICK: Ms. Capin.
06:49:58 >>YVONNE CAPIN: I don't mind asking the Mayor.
06:50:00 But that's beside the point.
06:50:04 Listen, you know, I was late to City Council
06:50:08 because I went to St. Joseph's Hospital where my
06:50:13 mother-in-law is, and it took me one hour and 15
06:50:17 minutes.
06:50:17 I tried to avoid traffic, and there was no
06:50:22 avoiding it.
06:50:23 We have an expressway that cost I don't know how
06:50:26 much money and it's clogged.
06:50:27 All transportation is subsidized by public money.
06:50:33 All public transportation is subsidized.
06:50:35 None of it stands on its own.
06:50:38 I understand the thought of a private as opposed
06:50:42 to all public, but I feel that the public is not
06:50:48 moving on it, so at least we have something to go
06:50:52 on, something to look at besides being on the
06:50:59 Howard Frankland bumper to bumper or being on the
06:51:02 expressway.
06:51:02 An hour and 15 minutes from St. Joseph's Hospital
06:51:05 is insane.
06:51:06 Granted, I couldn't have taken a boat there.
06:51:12 I think we need to explore.

06:51:18 We need to ask him to explore every venue that we
06:51:22 can possibly transportation-wise.
06:51:25 That's all.
06:51:26 Thank you.
06:51:26 >>FRANK REDDICK: Mr. Maniscalco.
06:51:27 >>GUIDO MANISCALCO: I look at it as this.
06:51:31 I'm sorry that our Mayor didn't jump on this
06:51:33 before Mayor Kriseman did, because really, I think
06:51:36 it would benefit Tampa.
06:51:37 If you look at this proposed ferry project, should
06:51:39 it go from south county to MacDill Air Force Base
06:51:42 and be helpful to the people that work from south
06:51:46 county at the Air Force Base, I remember being in
06:51:49 college, taking classes at the HCC campus on the
06:51:53 Air Force Base and having to go through that gate
06:51:56 was always a disaster.
06:51:57 It was always backed up.
06:51:58 If you can have this ferry service where the folks
06:52:02 who have to drive all the way to the Air Force
06:52:03 Base, go through the gate with the congested
06:52:06 traffic, give them an alternative method and ease
06:52:09 some of that congestion, I would support it.
06:52:11 If it's something that would connect downtown
06:52:13 Tampa and downtown St. Pete and people would use
06:52:15 it instead of crossing the Howard Frankland

06:52:17 bridge, I would support it.
06:52:18 Looking at the numbers, light rail is very, very
06:52:20 expensive.
06:52:21 We talk about it, but it's in the hundreds of
06:52:23 millions of dollars.
06:52:23 The ferry project is something around, you know,
06:52:26 it could come out to costing $25 million.
06:52:28 It's very minimal.
06:52:29 It's the least amount in comparison to increasing
06:52:32 the bus service and whatnot.
06:52:34 So it's something that I would support.
06:52:35 I think it would be beneficial, and I do encourage
06:52:38 the Mayor to look at this more seriously.
06:52:43 >>FRANK REDDICK: Ms. Montelione.
06:52:46 >>LISA MONTELIONE: I support this effort with the
06:52:49 ferry.
06:52:50 I mean, we need as many options for transportation
06:52:53 as possible.
06:52:54 And at the MPO, ferry service has been included in
06:53:00 the plans that we've been looking at for years.
06:53:04 I mean, even before either of the proposals came
06:53:09 forward that was an option, because we have that
06:53:12 big body of water that separates our counties, and
06:53:16 it's fairly obvious that having a ferry would be a
06:53:20 logical step for us.

06:53:22 So having this pilot program and showing that the
06:53:28 folks in this area are not as tied to their cars
06:53:32 as people seem to purport, I think would be a
06:53:36 fabulous thing, because it's alternative
06:53:40 transportation.
06:53:40 It's not been done here before, and if this pilot
06:53:44 project actually works, then it opens up the talk
06:53:54 and the parameters to what people say about how
06:54:01 folks in Pinellas and Tampa, Hillsborough County
06:54:04 get around.
06:54:06 We will show that we're not as tied to our cars as
06:54:12 people say we are.
06:54:12 >>FRANK REDDICK: Anyone else?
06:54:13 Well, let me say this.
06:54:21 I had a conversation with the Chief of Staff
06:54:22 around 5:15 or 5:20 this afternoon prior to coming
06:54:24 here.
06:54:24 And that discussion centered around the ferry.
06:54:28 And I shared some reservations and concerns I had
06:54:31 that I was not comfortable even moving forward
06:54:36 with that.
06:54:36 We're talking about investing taxpayer money on
06:54:40 something that is only going to be regional for a
06:54:43 few months out of the year and look at the bidding
06:54:50 process.

06:54:51 One company, person with a reputation in the city
06:55:00 dealing with choo-choo trains, rail, everything
06:55:03 you can think of, I look at the process --
06:55:10 Most of the other companies said they didn't have
06:55:13 a fair opportunity, and I have a lot of
06:55:15 reservations and concerns about investing that
06:55:17 $350,000 of taxpayer money with no guarantee that
06:55:20 this is even going to work or not.
06:55:22 What I wish I had done tonight and encouraged the
06:55:26 Mayor to do, get off his bucket and let's get
06:55:29 this -- here in the City of Tampa.
06:55:37 That's what somebody needs to be making a motion.
06:55:46 [Talking over one another]
06:55:53 >> We have a resolution sitting on the desk.
06:55:58 >>FRANK REDDICK: That to me is more important than
06:56:01 investing $350,000 on a pilot program.
06:56:06 >>HARRY COHEN: Let me say I didn't suggest that we
06:56:08 put a dollar figure.
06:56:09 I just simply am suggesting that we encourage the
06:56:14 Mayor to look at this and bring us a proposal that
06:56:16 we can actually evaluate.
06:56:20 We can vote it up or down depending on if we agree
06:56:24 with the terms that are worked out, but it seems
06:56:26 to me like there needs to be movement between the
06:56:29 cities of St. Petersburg and Tampa to come to some

06:56:33 kind of an agreement to move forward on this.
06:56:35 And I think by expressing of ours, we can indicate
06:56:41 that we would be supportive if the right deal
06:56:44 could be struck.
06:56:44 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Chair, if I could, just to
06:56:46 reiterate what you had said, I actually talked to
06:56:49 the Chief of Staff earlier today, same subject
06:56:52 matter.
06:56:52 I think that most of us --
06:56:54 >>YVONNE CAPIN: I didn't talk to the Chief of
06:56:55 Staff.
06:56:56 >>MIKE SUAREZ: You were busy in traffic.
06:56:57 That was the problem.
06:56:58 >>YVONNE CAPIN: No, I was here.
06:57:00 I was told he wasn't coming.
06:57:03 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Back to what I was saying, with the
06:57:07 problems that I saw and Mr. Miranda's points are
06:57:09 well taken, which is we don't have a number.
06:57:12 We don't have a contract.
06:57:13 We don't have know what this means.
06:57:16 What we know about is there's one company that
06:57:18 made a bid.
06:57:19 No one else had the time to make that bid.
06:57:22 The city of St. Pete is the one that opened it up.
06:57:24 That was not something that we were privy to.

06:57:27 So anything that comes through, I think we'll have
06:57:29 to do our due diligence to figure out whether or
06:57:31 not we want to go forward with it.
06:57:33 Because one of the things I brought up is, what is
06:57:35 the cost to us specifically when this goes
06:57:40 forward?
06:57:40 I think Mr. Miranda's thoughts are well taken,
06:57:43 because we don't know what it's going to cost us.
06:57:46 We don't know what the amount to do it is going to
06:57:50 be other than the operation of the facility.
06:57:52 There are lots of other costs that go along with
06:57:54 it, even on a pilot project.
06:57:56 I would like to see the numbers, too, but I don't
06:57:57 have any problem at all with writing a letter
06:57:59 saying if you're going to do it, let's get
06:58:01 something before us, and let's figure out what
06:58:03 that next step is.
06:58:04 >>HARRY COHEN: That is all I'm asking.
06:58:07 Actually, I do think in the form of a letter would
06:58:10 be -- and under the chair's signature would be a
06:58:13 fine way to go about doing it.
06:58:14 So that's the motion.
06:58:14 >>FRANK REDDICK: Any other comments?
06:58:15 Motion from Mr. Cohen.
06:58:21 Second by Ms. Capin, right?

06:58:23 >>YVONNE CAPIN: I did.
06:58:24 >>FRANK REDDICK: All in favor of the motion, aye.
06:58:26 Opposed?
06:58:27 >> Aye.
06:58:28 >>THE CLERK: Motion carried with Miranda voting
06:58:30 no.
06:58:31 >>FRANK REDDICK: All right.
06:58:32 Mr. Maniscalco?
06:58:35 >>GUIDO MANISCALCO: No, I do not.
06:58:36 >>FRANK REDDICK: Ms. Montelione?
06:58:38 >>LISA MONTELIONE: No, sir.
06:58:39 >>FRANK REDDICK: All right.
06:58:40 Motion to receive and file?
06:58:41 >> File all the documents.
06:58:42 >>FRANK REDDICK: Motion by Mr. Miranda.
06:58:43 Seconded by Mr. Cohen.
06:58:44 All in favor of the motion, aye.
06:58:46 Opposed?
06:58:46 All right, we stand adjourned.
06:58:48 Thank you.
06:58:50 >> Have a fun Gasparilla, everybody.