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Tampa City Council

Thursday, May 26, 2016

5:01 p.m. Session


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05:02:51 [Sounding gavel]

05:02:52 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Tampa City Council is now called to order.

05:02:54 Roll call, please.

05:02:55 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Present.

05:03:01 >>HARRY COHEN: Here.

05:03:02 >>GUIDO MANISCALCO: Here.

05:03:05 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Here.

05:03:06 Before we begin, I would just like to read into the record

05:03:09 that both Councilman Miranda and Councilman Reddick will not

05:03:12 be able to attend tonight.

05:03:16 They had some issues going on, one with illness and one with

05:03:19 something else.

05:03:20 So they are not going to be able to be here tonight.

05:03:22 Item number 1.

05:03:23 Mr. Maniscalco, will you please take that item?

05:03:27 >>GUIDO MANISCALCO: I move item number 1.

05:03:28 >> Second.

05:03:29 >>MIKE SUAREZ: A second from Mr. Cohen.

05:03:30 All in favor of that motion please indicate by saying aye.

05:03:33 Any opposed?

05:03:34 Thank you.

05:03:35 Item number 2 is an item being set for public hearing by

05:03:39 council consent.

05:03:44 I had not started yet, Mrs. Kert, but you can go ahead.

05:03:47 >>REBECCA KERT: Before you did that, I have a substitute

05:03:52 ordinance, because this is a transmittal public hearing, and

05:03:57 we have June 23rd and July 14th date and we won't

05:04:00 have the comments back from the state so we are just going

05:04:03 to set the transmittal public hearing.

05:04:05 We'll set the other one at a later date.

05:04:07 >>MIKE SUAREZ: That's okay, I think we already have the

05:04:10 copy right here.

05:04:11 Mrs. Capin.

05:04:13 No?

05:04:20 We don't have to read by title, correct, Mr. Shelby?

05:04:23 >>MARTIN SHELBY: As long as the clerk knows.

05:04:27 >>MIKE SUAREZ: If you set that for June 23rd public

05:04:33 hearing.

05:04:34 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Move for transmittal for public hearing on

05:04:36 June 23 at 5:30 p.m.

05:04:39 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Motion from Mrs. Capin.

05:04:41 Second from Mr. Cohen.

05:04:42 All in favor of that motion?

05:04:44 Any opposed?

05:04:45 Thank you.

05:04:47 Okay.

05:04:48 Now we have to open public hearings 3 through 6.

05:04:52 I have a motion by Mr. Cohen.

05:04:53 A second from Mr. Maniscalco.

05:04:55 All in favor of that motion please indicate by saying aye.

05:04:57 Any opposed?

05:04:59 Mr. Shelby.

05:05:00 >>MARTIN SHELBY: Just for clarification purposes, 5 and 6

05:05:03 cannot be open till 5:30.

05:05:06 >>MIKE SUAREZ: I don't think he said 5 through 6.

05:05:08 Did you say 5 or 6?

05:05:11 >>HARRY COHEN: I said 3 and 4. Actually, I guess --

05:05:19 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Do we need to clear the record?

05:05:21 >> I think you are okay.

05:05:22 >>MIKE SUAREZ: This is a quasi-judicial proceeding.

05:05:24 All those that are going to speak on items 3 and 4, please

05:05:27 stand and be sworn in.

05:05:29 (Oath administered by Clerk).

05:05:38 >>CATHERINE COYLE: Planning and development.

05:05:40 Item number 3 is the area rezoning for the west river zoning

05:05:44 area.

05:05:44 Going to the neighborhood mixed use 35 district.

05:05:49 In that particular district is actually the text amendment

05:05:52 of item number 4.

05:05:53 So technically I would ask you to read number 4 before

05:05:57 number 3, if possible.

05:05:59 Number 4 is the text amendment amended, neighborhood mixed

05:06:04 use, 24 and 35 categories.

05:06:12 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Is there anyone in the public that would

05:06:13 like to speak on item number 3?

05:06:15 Item number 3?

05:06:16 I see no one.

05:06:17 Go ahead, Mr. Shelby.

05:06:18 >>MARTIN SHELBY: Would you also ask if there's anybody to

05:06:23 be speak on item number 4, and close them at the same time?

05:06:27 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Anybody here to speak on number 4?

05:06:29 Neither of those items are items that you want to speak on,

05:06:32 ladies, correct?

05:06:33 Because once we close the public hearing, you cannot speak

05:06:36 then, okay?

05:06:36 All right, thank you.

05:06:37 I have a motion to close from Mr. Maniscalco.

05:06:40 I have a second from Mr. Cohen.

05:06:42 Now, before we go on with the motion, I think Mrs. Coyle

05:06:47 wanted us to read 4 first.

05:06:48 So we are closing 4 first.

05:06:51 Okay, Mr. Maniscalco, to close 3 and 4, second from Mr.

05:06:55 Cohen.

05:06:56 All in favor of that motion?

05:06:58 Any opposed?

05:06:59 Thank you.

05:07:00 Okay.

05:07:01 We will take number 4, Mrs. Capin, take number 4, please.

05:07:07 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Thank you, Mr. Chair.

05:07:09 An ordinance being presented for second reading and

05:07:11 adoption, an ordinance of the city of Tampa, Florida

05:07:14 creating neighborhood mixed use zoning district making row

05:07:17 vision to City of Tampa code of ordinances chapter 27 zoning

05:07:21 and land development, amending section 27-271, consistency

05:07:30 matrix, amending section 27-156, official schedule of

05:07:35 district regulations, creating article III, establishment of

05:07:39 zoning districts and district regulations, division 2,

05:07:43 special districts, subdivision 6, neighborhood mixed use

05:07:47 districts, sections 27-212 through 27-212.7, repealing all

05:07:54 ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict therewith,

05:07:58 providing for severability, providing an effective date.

05:07:59 >> Second.

05:08:01 >>MIKE SUAREZ: I have a motion by Mrs. Capin.

05:08:03 I have a second by Mr. Maniscalco.

05:08:05 Clerk, if you take the roll, please.

05:08:06 >>THE CLERK: Roll call vote.

05:08:15 Miranda and Reddick being absent.

05:08:17 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Yes.

05:08:19 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Yes.

05:08:20 >>HARRY COHEN: Here.

05:08:21 >>GUIDO MANISCALCO: Yes.

05:08:26 >>LISA MONTELIONE: Yes.

05:08:28 >> Motion carried with Miranda and Reddick being absent.

05:08:31 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Thank you, clerk.

05:08:32 Item number 3.

05:08:35 Mr. Cohen, take item number 3, please.

05:08:37 >>HARRY COHEN: I move an ordinance being presented for

05:08:40 second reading and adoption, an ordinance of the city of

05:08:43 Tampa, Florida relating to an area rezoning, the general

05:08:46 location of which is south of Oregon Avenue, north of

05:08:49 interstate 275, east of Rome Avenue and west of the

05:08:53 Hillsborough River and North Boulevard, in the city of

05:08:55 Tampa, Florida, from zoning district classifications RM-24

05:08:59 residential multifamily, to zoning classification NMU 35,

05:09:03 neighborhood mixed use 35, providing for notice, providing

05:09:07 an effective date.

05:09:07 >> Second.

05:09:08 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Motion from Mr. Cohen, second from Mr.

05:09:11 Maniscalco.

05:09:12 Roll call vote, please.

05:09:13 >>THE CLERK: Miranda and Reddick being absent.

05:09:16 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Yes.

05:09:22 I'm sorry.

05:09:22 >>HARRY COHEN: Yes.

05:09:25 >>GUIDO MANISCALCO: Yes.

05:09:26 >>LISA MONTELIONE: Yes.

05:09:28 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Yes.

05:09:30 >>THE CLERK: Motion carried with Miranda and Reddick being

05:09:32 absent.

05:09:33 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Thank you, clerk.

05:09:34 Our next meeting is at 5:30.

05:09:36 We have a time certain for items 5 and 6, 7 and 8.

05:09:43 We will start at 5:30.

05:09:44 So until that time, we are in recess.

05:09:47 Thank you.

05:09:51 (City Council in recess until 5:30).


05:10:00 >>MIKE SUAREZ: I call the meeting to order. Roll call

05:31:03 please.

05:31:03 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Present.

05:31:06 >>HARRY COHEN: Here.

05:31:07 >>GUIDO MANISCALCO: Here.

05:31:08 >>LISA MONTELIONE: Here.

05:31:09 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Here.

05:31:10 Thank you.

05:31:11 We need to open items 5 through 8, please.

05:31:14 >> So moved.

05:31:17 >> Second.

05:31:17 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Motion by Mr. Cohen.

05:31:19 I second by Mr. Maniscalco.

05:31:21 All in favor of that motion?

05:31:23 Any opposed?

05:31:24 Thank you.

05:31:25 First item up is number 5.

05:31:27 These are the first two, 5 and 6 are non-quasi-judicial

05:31:31 proceedings.

05:31:31 Mrs. Coyle.

05:31:34 >>CATHERINE COYLE: Planning and development.

05:31:35 Item number 5 is the addition of the use of motion picture

05:31:36 video along with the definition.

05:31:45 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Any questions, anyone, does council have any

05:31:52 questions on item number 5?

05:31:53 Is there anyone in the public that would like to speak on

05:31:55 item number 5?

05:31:56 File E 2016-8 chapter 27.

05:32:01 I see no one.

05:32:02 >>HARRY COHEN: Move to close.

05:32:04 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Motion to close by Mr. Cohen.

05:32:05 Second by Mr. Maniscalco.

05:32:07 All in favor of that motion?

05:32:08 Any opposed?

05:32:15 Maniscalco, take item number 5, please.

05:32:17 >> I have an ordinance being presented for second reading

05:32:20 and adoption, an ordinance of the city of Tampa, Florida

05:32:23 creating motion picture studio in the IH zoning district

05:32:26 with definition, making revisions to City of Tampa code of

05:32:29 ordinances chapter 27 zoning and land development, amending

05:32:32 section 27-43, definitions, amending section 27-156,

05:32:37 official schedule of district regulations, repealing all

05:32:41 ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict therewith,

05:32:44 providing for severability, providing an effective date.

05:32:45 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Motion from Mr. Maniscalco.

05:32:50 Second by Mr. Cohen.

05:32:52 Roll call vote, please.

05:32:53 >>THE CLERK: Miranda and Reddick being absent.

05:33:00 Roll call vote.

05:33:01 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Yes.

05:33:02 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Yes.

05:33:03 >>HARRY COHEN: Yes.

05:33:04 >>GUIDO MANISCALCO: Yes.

05:33:06 >>LISA MONTELIONE: Yes.

05:33:07 >>THE CLERK: Motion carried with Reddick and Miranda being

05:33:10 absent.

05:33:11 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Thank you.

05:33:12 Item number 6, we have two separate ordinances in here.

05:33:17 Mrs. Coyle, if you could take that, please.

05:33:21 >>CATHERINE COYLE: Planning and development.

05:33:23 Item number 6 -- and you will read these in order.

05:33:26 The first one of the ordinances is actually you read that

05:33:31 one first.

05:33:31 This one is repealing and creating the new CBD business

05:33:42 regulation.

05:33:43 You will be accepting a substitute, exhibit A, as the

05:33:47 document that was on file with the clerk.

05:33:52 This is the color version.

05:33:53 And I provided a digital copy to the clerk's office for

05:33:58 publication on the website.

05:34:01 Just for referential you did approve with the privately

05:34:09 initiated amendment.

05:34:14 So if you can move to adopt the substitute, however.

05:34:24 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Very well.

05:34:26 Any questions of council?

05:34:35 Is there anyone in the public to be speak on item number 6,

05:34:39 E 2016-8 chapter 27?

05:34:43 >>GINA GRIMES: Hill, Ward, Henderson, 101 East Kennedy

05:34:45 Boulevard.

05:34:46 We are representing quality dining, the applicant on this

05:34:50 privately initiated code amendment for the drive-in window.

05:34:56 At the last hearing, we said we would come back at second

05:35:00 reading and show you at least the preliminary version of the

05:35:04 site plan which I have I have for you today.

05:35:07 The site plan is in complains with the city's code

05:35:10 requirements.

05:35:11 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Would you put it up a little more?

05:35:18 >>GINA GRIMES: I wanted to show you some renderings of the

05:35:21 store that was recently built in Temple Terrace, and while

05:35:26 it won't be exactly this store, this design, it will be very

05:35:31 much like it.

05:35:32 And they had guidelines that were provided to quality

05:35:37 dining, and they actually exceeded some of the guidelines.

05:35:42 That's the front of the store.

05:35:45 Here is the side of the store with the drive-in window.

05:35:49 And here is the order board, the back of the store.

05:35:53 So we are following the design along those lines but even

05:35:57 better.

05:35:59 Hopefully upon second reading, we will be able to submit an

05:36:02 application and be back in front of you in the near future.

05:36:06 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Thank you.

05:36:07 Any questions from council?

05:36:10 Okay.

05:36:11 One more time, is there anyone in the public that would like

05:36:13 to speak on item number 6?

05:36:15 I see no one.

05:36:18 I have a motion to close from Mr. Cohen, second by Mr.

05:36:22 Maniscalco.

05:36:22 All in favor of that motion?

05:36:24 Any opposed?

05:36:25 Mrs. Montelione, would you -- would you like to take one of

05:36:29 these?

05:36:29 Is your voice strong enough or would you rather -- Mrs.

05:36:32 Capin, would you kindly take the first ordinance?

05:36:41 >>YVONNE CAPIN: An ordinance being presented for second

05:36:44 reading and adoption, an ordinance of the city of Tampa,

05:36:46 Florida repealing and replacing the central business

05:36:49 district development regulations making revisions to City of

05:36:51 Tampa code of ordinances chapter 27, zoning and development,

05:36:57 repealing and replacing section 27-181 through 27-190,

05:37:03 repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict

05:37:06 therewith, providing for severability, providing an

05:37:09 effective date.

05:37:09 >> Second.

05:37:11 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Motion from Mrs. Capin.

05:37:14 Second by Mr. Maniscalco

05:37:15 >>MARTIN SHELBY: As part of that motion to accept the

05:37:19 substitute exhibit, is that correct?

05:37:20 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Yes, thank you.

05:37:21 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Roll call vote.

05:37:22 >>THE CLERK: Miranda and Reddick being absent.

05:37:27 Roll call.

05:37:28 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Yes.

05:37:29 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Yes.

05:37:30 >>HARRY COHEN: Yes.

05:37:31 >>GUIDO MANISCALCO: Yes.

05:37:33 >>LISA MONTELIONE: Yes.

05:37:34 >>THE CLERK: Motion carried with Reddick and Miranda being

05:37:38 absent.

05:37:38 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Now we have a second part of that.

05:37:41 Would you also like to tab that, if that's okay?

05:37:44 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Sure.

05:37:45 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Thank you.

05:37:46 I appreciate it.

05:37:50 >>CATHERINE COYLE: Planning and development.

05:37:51 The simple one -- second one is simply adopting the special

05:37:54 use criteria for the drive-in restaurant.

05:37:57 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Attach it --

05:38:02 >> Just reading.

05:38:03 >>YVONNE CAPIN: An ordinance for second reading and

05:38:06 adoption, an ordinance of the city of Tampa, Florida adding

05:38:10 special use criteria for restaurant drive-in use related to

05:38:13 the central business district making revisions to City of

05:38:16 Tampa code of ordinances chapter 27 zoning and land

05:38:20 development, amending section 27-132, regulations governing

05:38:24 individual special uses, repealing all ordinances or parts

05:38:27 of ordinances in conflicts therewith, providing for

05:38:30 severability, providing an effective date.

05:38:31 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Motion by Mrs. Capin.

05:38:37 Second by Mr. Maniscalco.

05:38:38 Roll call vote, please.

05:38:40 >>THE CLERK: Miranda and Reddick being absent.

05:38:44 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Yes.

05:38:46 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Yes.

05:38:47 >>GUIDO MANISCALCO: Yes.

05:38:50 >>LISA MONTELIONE: Yes.

05:38:51 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Yes.

05:38:52 >>THE CLERK: Motion carried with Miranda and Reddick being

05:38:55 absent.

05:38:55 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Item number 7.

05:38:57 >> Tony LaColla, Planning Commission staff.

05:39:09 Tonight I am here to present two plan amendments, and they

05:39:12 are moving through together.

05:39:13 They are 16-01 A and B is the next one up.

05:39:20 16-01 A is privately initiated, and then B is publicly

05:39:25 initiated.

05:39:27 They are going together although they are separate from each

05:39:31 other.

05:39:31 The location of 1601-A is in the Westshore planning district

05:39:35 which is also the Westshore business center, International

05:39:44 airport, regional shopping mall, as well as the past decade,

05:39:51 higher intensity development.

05:40:02 Five land use categories, regional mixed use 100, community

05:40:06 commercial 35 for medium density, commercial, residential,

05:40:10 and mixed use development, while the regional mixed use 100

05:40:13 allows for high intensity, high-rise residential office and

05:40:17 regional.

05:40:23 This is located just on the site side of I-275, .49 acres.

05:40:30 It the subject site is along West Cypress street.

05:40:34 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Just a second.

05:40:36 Mrs. Coyle, I think that you are distracting some of the

05:40:39 members of council, if that's okay.

05:40:41 Thank you.

05:40:41 I apologize.

05:40:42 Go ahead.

05:40:42 Continue, sir.

05:40:43 >> No worry.

05:40:45 Again, the subject site is on the north side of Cypress

05:40:47 Street, just on the west side of Dale Mabry.

05:40:55 This is a better aerial view of the subject site.

05:40:57 It includes this building which is Office Furniture. This

05:41:01 is I-275 before reconstruction.

05:41:03 The roadway is even closer to the building now, Cypress

05:41:06 Street on the south side.

05:41:11 This is a street level view of the building and the subject

05:41:15 site.

05:41:16 Again Freeman Office Furniture.

05:41:18 This is Cypress Street on the west side looking to the west

05:41:23 and on the right side looking to the east along Cypress.

05:41:28 These are the two parcels on the east side.

05:41:30 You have Trane air conditioning warehouse as well as West

05:41:37 Marine.

05:41:42 This is the site of the subject site.

05:41:45 You have the Korean restaurant at the parking lot, west

05:41:48 side.

05:41:48 On the right side is a vacant commercial parcel.

05:41:52 This is a residential neighborhood along state street just

05:41:55 south of cypress.

05:41:57 More of what it looks like, Freeman Office Furniture, one

05:42:04 of the houses.

05:42:06 This is the adopted future land use map, the current use

05:42:09 showing the community mixed use 35 in red.

05:42:12 Regional mixed use 100 indicated at the purplish, magenta

05:42:17 color.

05:42:17 Residential 20 is in brown.

05:42:18 And residential 10 is the salmon color.

05:42:25 This is the proposed future land use map.

05:42:29 You can see the parcels changing to the residential mixed

05:42:33 use 100.

05:42:34 Again, the red is the commercial 35, along Dale Mabry you

05:42:39 have significant number of parcels which are mixed use 100.

05:42:46 So what are the impacts?

05:42:48 Currently under CC 35 the property can develop to maximum 17

05:42:53 residential units or more or less 43,000 square feet

05:42:58 commercial, F.A.R. 2.0.

05:43:00 The proposed regional mixed use 100 would allow for 45

05:43:04 residential units or about 75,000 square feet of

05:43:08 nonresidential uses.

05:43:11 There are several agencies that reviewed the plan amendment

05:43:14 there.

05:43:14 Were no objections.

05:43:15 And city staff did support the plan amendment.

05:43:19 And Planning Commission found the request consistent with

05:43:23 the following goals, objectives and poses of the

05:43:26 comprehensive plan which you see on your screen as they

05:43:29 relate to livable cities, business centers, new development,

05:43:33 redevelopment, commercial areas, and in-fill and

05:43:35 redevelopment.

05:43:38 With that the Planning Commission found the proposed map

05:43:41 amendment consistent with your comprehensive plan and will

05:43:44 recommends adoption.

05:43:45 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Thank you very much.

05:43:53 Petitioner?

05:43:53 >> Todd Pressman, East Lake Road 102 in Palm Harbor,

05:44:03 Florida.

05:44:04 Steve Freeman is the owner of the property.

05:44:07 Some of you may know him, Freeman Furniture. This comes

05:44:11 before us very positively.

05:44:12 We had no opposition from anyone in the community, supported

05:44:15 by your city staff, Planning Commission staff, no agency

05:44:18 objections, and Steve is planning a great project that we'll

05:44:23 come back in zoning.

05:44:24 We appreciate your consideration.

05:44:26 Thank you.

05:44:26 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Thank you.

05:44:28 Is there anyone in the public who would like to comment on

05:44:32 item number 7?

05:44:33 Item number 7.

05:44:35 Motion to close from Mrs. Capin, a second from Mr. Cohen.

05:44:38 All in favor of that motion indicate by saying aye.

05:44:40 Any opposed?

05:44:42 Okay.

05:44:42 Mr. Cohen, will you kindly take number 7?

05:44:45 >>HARRY COHEN: I move an ordinance being presented for

05:44:48 first reading consideration, an ordinance amending the Tampa

05:44:51 Comprehensive Plan, future land use map for the property

05:44:55 generally located at 3935 West Cypress street, from

05:44:59 community commercial 35 CC 35 to regional mixed use 100, RMU

05:45:05 100, providing for repeal of all ordinances in conflict,

05:45:08 providing for severability, providing an effective date.

05:45:10 >> Second.

05:45:11 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Motion by Mr. Cohen, I have a second from

05:45:14 Mr. Maniscalco.

05:45:15 Roll call vote, please.

05:45:16 >>THE CLERK: Mr. Chairman this is --

05:45:22 >>MIKE SUAREZ: I'm so used to doing that.

05:45:24 All in favor say aye.

05:45:25 Any opposed?

05:45:26 >>THE CLERK: Motion carried with Miranda and Reddick being

05:45:29 absent.

05:45:30 Second reading and adoption will be on June 23rd at 9:30

05:45:32 a.m.

05:45:33 >> Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

05:45:36 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Thank you, Mr. Crew, for keeping me

05:45:39 straight.

05:45:40 Item number 8.

05:45:40 >> Tony LaColla, Planning Commission staff. This is PA

05:45:51 16-01-B, again located in the Westshore planning district,

05:45:57 Westshore business center.

05:46:01 Tampa International Airport, two shopping malls, and a lot

05:46:04 of development, redevelopment over the past 20 years, and we

05:46:07 expect to the continue into the future.

05:46:11 The request is on a 1.23-acre parcel, actually two parcels,

05:46:16 publicly initiated going from community commercial 35 to

05:46:19 regional mixed use 100.

05:46:24 This is an aerial view of the subject site.

05:46:26 You can see here indicated in the magenta color.

05:46:30 Cypress Street is to the south.

05:46:31 I-275 to the north.

05:46:33 You have a Marriott courtyard on the east side, and on the

05:46:37 west side is the Freeman Office Furniture, Dale Mabry is to

05:46:41 the east, you have single-family residential neighborhood to

05:46:44 the south.

05:46:49 Another aerial view of the subject site again.

05:46:51 West Marine, and this is the Trane warehouse and the Freeman

05:46:58 Office Furniture on the west side.

05:47:03 This is a street level view of the subject site.

05:47:06 West Marine.

05:47:07 This is Church Street.

05:47:08 And then you have the Courtyard Marriott.

05:47:11 West Marine is part of the subject site and then the Trane

05:47:13 warehouse is over here on the west.

05:47:18 These are better photos of the subject site.

05:47:26 And then here is Cypress Street looking to the west, and

05:47:30 Cypress Street lag to the east.

05:47:37 This is Church Street, which leads right-of-way into I-75

05:47:42 and dead-ends into it and then tough Courtyard Marriott on

05:47:45 the east.

05:47:49 This is Office Furniture to the west.

05:47:52 Moving south of the subject site you have vacant commercial

05:47:55 parcel and you have an office building catty-corner to that,

05:47:58 to the south.

05:48:01 This is the residential neighborhood to the south which I

05:48:03 indicated earlier on the map.

05:48:06 More or less what it looks like.

05:48:10 This is future land use map showing the parcel and community

05:48:14 commercial 35.

05:48:14 And regional mixed use 100 is indicated in the magenta.

05:48:20 The brown isis residential 20, and the salmon color isis

05:48:24 residential 10.

05:48:25 Community commercial 35 along Cypress Street to the south

05:48:28 provides a little buffer and some transition into the

05:48:31 residential neighborhood.

05:48:35 This is the proposed future land use map indicated with the

05:48:38 black around it.

05:48:39 This isis the parcel.

05:48:41 You can see regional mixed use 100, and right next door.

05:48:51 Potential impact, currently the property could develop at 43

05:48:55 units per acre on these two parcels with 130 that you square

05:49:00 feet of nonresidential uses.

05:49:02 Under the proposed RMU 100, could develop to 123 residential

05:49:09 units on more or less 188,000 square feet of nonresidential

05:49:14 uses.

05:49:15 Again no objections from any of the reviewing agencies.

05:49:18 And the city staff supports the plan amendment.

05:49:21 It is city initiated.

05:49:25 The Planning Commission reviewed the proposed amendment

05:49:28 against the comprehensive plan, and based on the goals,

05:49:31 objectives and policies on the screen, found it consistent

05:49:35 related to livable cities, new development, redevelopment,

05:49:39 commercial areas, and in-fill and redevelopment.

05:49:41 And with that, Planning Commission found the proposed plan

05:49:44 amendment consistent with your comprehensive plan.

05:49:47 We recommend its adoption.

05:49:48 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Thank you.

05:49:50 I believe the petitioner left.

05:49:52 So there is no petitioner.

05:49:54 >> This isis city initiated.

05:49:57 >>MIKE SUAREZ: And the city has nothing to say because they

05:50:00 are in favor of it.

05:50:01 Is there anyone in the public that would like to comment on

05:50:04 item number 8?

05:50:04 Item number 8.

05:50:06 I see no one.

05:50:09 I have a motion to close from Mr. Maniscalco.

05:50:12 I have a second from Mrs. Capin.

05:50:13 All in favor of that motion?

05:50:16 Any opposed?

05:50:16 Okay.

05:50:17 I believe Mr. Maniscalco you are next, sir.

05:50:20 >>GUIDO MANISCALCO: Ordinance being presented for first

05:50:25 reading consideration, an ordinance amending the Tampa

05:50:27 Comprehensive Plan, future land use map, for the property

05:50:30 generally located at 3905 and 3911 West Cypress street would

05:50:35 change the future land use designation from community

05:50:39 commercial 35 CC 35 to regional mixed use 100, RMU 100,

05:50:44 providing for repeal of all ordinances in conflict,

05:50:47 providing for severability, providing an effective date.

05:50:48 >> Second.

05:50:49 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Motion from Mr. Maniscalco, second from Mr.

05:50:53 Cohen.

05:50:53 All in favor?

05:50:54 Any opposed?

05:50:54 >>THE CLERK: Motion carried with Miranda and Reddick being

05:50:58 absent.

05:50:59 Second reading and adoption will be on June 23rd at 9:30

05:51:01 a.m.

05:51:02 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Thank you.

05:51:03 We can't proceed yet to our 6 p.m. public hearing.

05:51:06 So I will go to information reports and new business from

05:51:10 our members.

05:51:10 Mrs. Capin, do you have any information or new business?

05:51:15 >>YVONNE CAPIN, no I do not.

05:51:17 >>MIKE SUAREZ: I was hoping for some.

05:51:18 >>YVONNE CAPIN: I know.

05:51:20 >>MIKE SUAREZ: We could talk about mice and houses.

05:51:26 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Mouse in the house?

05:51:29 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Mr. Cohen?

05:51:31 Mr. Maniscalco?

05:51:33 >>GUIDO MANISCALCO: This is memorial weekend coming up.

05:51:35 And just remember why we honor this day for those that made

05:51:44 the ultimate sacrifice in defending our great nation.

05:51:48 That's it.

05:51:49 >>LISA MONTELIONE: I like your tie.

05:51:54 Is that specially made?

05:51:57 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Very patriotic.

05:52:01 >>LISA MONTELIONE: I do have one item.

05:52:04 Dr. Yogi Goswami, a 2016 inductee to the Florida Inventors

05:52:12 Hall of Fame.

05:52:14 I would like to have him here to present a commendation to

05:52:17 him.

05:52:18 However, I have to schedule the date because he travels a

05:52:23 lot.

05:52:24 I have to schedule the date with him.

05:52:27 But I can come back to it.

05:52:30 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Motion from Mrs. Montelione.

05:52:33 Second from Mr. Maniscalco.

05:52:36 All in favor? Any opposed?

05:52:37 Anything else, ma'am?

05:52:38 >>LISA MONTELIONE: Public service announcement?

05:52:45 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Well, the Margarita festival which will be

05:52:48 at Curtis Hixon park and I think the sunset festival at the

05:52:51 stadium which I am sure we will be hearing a lot about next

05:52:54 week after the sunset festival is over.

05:52:56 >>LISA MONTELIONE: We usually do.

05:52:57 >>MIKE SUAREZ: We usually do.

05:53:00 We have about eight minutes until 6 p.m.

05:53:02 So let us go into recess until 6 p.m.

05:53:08 (City Council recess until 6:00 p.m.)



05:53:15 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Tampa City Council is called to order.

06:00:59 Roll call, please.

06:01:00 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Present.

06:01:04 >>HARRY COHEN: Here.

06:01:05 >>GUIDO MANISCALCO: Here.

06:01:06 >>LISA MONTELIONE: Here.

06:01:08 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Here.

06:01:09 Okay.

06:01:09 We are going to start on items 9 and 10.

06:01:12 In order to speak on items 9 and 10, those folks that are

06:01:15 here to speak on those items must be sworn in.

06:01:19 So, clerk, if you could please swear in those folks.

06:01:22 Please stand and be sworn in if you are going to speak on

06:01:25 any of those items.

06:01:26 (Oath administered by Clerk).

06:01:28 >>GLORIA MOREDA: Land development.

06:01:36 >>MIKE SUAREZ: I apologize.

06:01:38 We need to open items it and 10.

06:01:41 Motion from Mr. Cohen.

06:01:42 Second from Mr. Maniscalco.

06:01:44 All in favor of that motion?

06:01:45 Any opposed?

06:01:47 Thank you.

06:01:47 Sorry, Mrs. Moreda.

06:01:49 >> That's okay. This is AB 2-16-11.

06:01:53 The property is currently zoned PD as part of the

06:01:59 development.

06:01:59 The address of the site single-family 5315 Avion park drive.

06:02:04 I just want the note for the completion of a new restaurant

06:02:10 it is going to be addressed A at 5311 Avion park drive.

06:02:14 The proposal buff is for a large venue, beer, wine, liquor

06:02:19 on-premises consumption only.

06:02:22 The total inside area for proposed AB sales is 5,250 square

06:02:29 feet.

06:02:30 Outside area is 3,062 square feet.

06:02:34 For a total of 8,368.

06:02:43 This is a large planned development district.

06:02:45 They have large amount of parking that is associated with

06:02:49 the parking garages, and the total overall parking is 1,050

06:02:57 spaces.

06:02:57 The site plan shows the proposed hours of operation,

06:03:01 11:30 a.m. to 1 a.m. Monday through Thursday,

06:03:06 Friday-Saturday 11 a.m. to 2 a.m.

06:03:09 Sunday 11 a.m. to 1 a.m.

06:03:13 They are not asking for any waivers.

06:03:17 They meet the requirements for distance separation.

06:03:21 They are in the Westshore business district.

06:03:27 There are some minor changes to the site plan that need to

06:03:30 be provided.

06:03:34 And I'm here to answer any questions.

06:03:37 Let me quickly show you the site.

06:03:40 You probably, if you have been out, very much seen the

06:03:46 construction that's occurring here, the location of the

06:03:48 restaurant.

06:03:54 The view looking west on Boy Scout.

06:03:59 And this is the location here.

06:04:04 This is the shell of the building going, generally some of

06:04:07 the parking areas in the development.

06:04:09 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Questions from council?

06:04:16 Petitioner?

06:04:16 >> Michael Horner, 14502 North Dale Mabry highway Tampa

06:04:26 representing World of Beer.

06:04:28 This is number 2, council.

06:04:30 We did Fowler Avenue 18 months ago.

06:04:32 It's up and running.

06:04:34 Beautiful.

06:04:34 Doing very well.

06:04:36 This is at the epicenter of the Suncoast veterans expressway

06:04:41 and Spruce crossing the airport.

06:04:43 It's just an ideal location.

06:04:47 This operation is going to be similar to the Fowler Avenue

06:04:49 upscale wine, spirits, beer, upscale menu, a restaurant

06:04:55 component.

06:04:55 The footprint is only 4500 square feet.

06:04:58 Multiple levels to it.

06:05:00 Cool interactive areas for the guests.

06:05:02 There are two boutique hotels, suites, lots of parking, the

06:05:08 airport employment center, other businesses, amazing

06:05:11 exposure.

06:05:12 RMU 100 comp plan, is the intent these are scheduled to be.

06:05:18 We have in a waivers.

06:05:19 We don't have any residential uses.

06:05:21 This is a use that I think will certainly be complementary

06:05:25 to not only the area but the on-site amenities as well for

06:05:28 the hotels, and the hours of operation are exactly

06:05:32 consistent with the Fowler Avenue store.

06:05:34 Be happy to answer any questions.

06:05:35 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Any questions by council?

06:05:38 Okay.

06:05:39 Is there anyone in the public that would like to comment on

06:05:41 item number 9, file AB 2-16-11

06:05:46 Ma'am, please come to the podium.

06:05:48 State of Florida.

06:05:48 >> My name is Janice Soba.

06:05:52 I'm in the Tampa Bay area for ten years.

06:05:56 Well, good evening.

06:05:57 Sorry.

06:05:59 Council members.

06:06:01 Hope you are having a great day.

06:06:03 And ordinance AB 2-16-11, the permit for World of Beer.

06:06:10 World of Beer opened their doors in 2007, opened 55 stores

06:06:16 in the United States.

06:06:22 Tampa is the original Westchase including Brandon, and

06:06:26 hopefully this one in Avion park.

06:06:31 Many refer to World of Beer as the mecca of beer.

06:06:40 I work at the hotel at 700 North Westshore, the Holiday Inn

06:06:44 there.

06:06:45 People have a lot of staff that come into that hotel as far

06:06:50 as airport staff and other organizations, military, and they

06:07:00 always want to go somewhere to have a drink in Tampa, and

06:07:09 the airport or the hotel, restaurant is kind of boring, so

06:07:12 having another restaurant in the area will be a great place

06:07:17 to experience Tampa, get out a little bit, see what the city

06:07:20 has to offer.

06:07:21 So I'm for the AB 2-16-11.

06:07:26 Thank you.

06:07:26 >>MIKE SUAREZ: We appreciate it.

06:07:27 Is there anyone else in the audience that would like to

06:07:29 speak on item number 9?

06:07:31 >>LISA MONTELIONE: Move to close.

06:07:34 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Motion to close from Mrs. Montelione.

06:07:36 Second from Mr. Maniscalco.

06:07:38 All in favor of that motion?

06:07:40 Any opposed?

06:07:42 Mrs. Capin.

06:07:44 Number 9.

06:07:45 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Thank you, councilwoman.

06:07:52 >>LISA MONTELIONE: Being nice to me.

06:07:54 >>YVONNE CAPIN: I know.

06:07:57 You need to remember that.

06:08:03 (Laughter)

06:08:04 An ordinance being presented for first reading

06:08:06 consideration.

06:08:07 An ordinance repealing ordinance number 2008-152, approving

06:08:13 a special use permit S-2 for alcoholic beverage sales large

06:08:16 venue, consumption on premises only, and making lawful the

06:08:19 sale of beverages regardless of alcoholic content beer wine

06:08:23 and liquor on that certain lot, plot or tract of land

06:08:26 located at 5315 Avion park drive, Tampa, Florida, as more

06:08:32 particularly described in section 3, that all ordinances or

06:08:35 parts of ordinances in conflict are repealed, providing an

06:08:38 effective date.

06:08:38 >> Second.

06:08:40 >>MIKE SUAREZ: I have a motion from Mrs. Capin, second from

06:08:42 Mr. Maniscalco.

06:08:44 Mr. Shelby, you have a question?

06:08:45 >>MARTIN SHELBY: Does that include the revisions directed

06:08:48 by staff?

06:08:49 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Absolutely.

06:08:50 >>MARTIN SHELBY: Okay.

06:08:51 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Motion by Mrs. Capin.

06:08:52 Second from Mr. Maniscalco.

06:08:55 All in favor?

06:08:56 Any opposed?

06:08:56 >>THE CLERK: Motion carried with Miranda and Reddick being

06:09:00 absent.

06:09:01 Second reading and adoption will be on June 23rd at 9:30

06:09:04 a.m.

06:09:05 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Thank you for attending.

06:09:06 Next up is item number 10.

06:09:08 Mrs. Moreda.

06:09:09 >>GLORIA MOREDA: Land development.

06:09:11 This is AB 2-16-12.

06:09:16 It is in the Ybor City YC 1 district concerning property at

06:09:20 1409 East 7th Avenue.

06:09:23 The request is for a small venue, beer wine, on premises

06:09:29 consumption only.

06:09:30 The proposal is 2,240 square feet inside area, 622 square

06:09:36 feet outside area for a total of 2826 total square feet.

06:09:43 The proposed hours are 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. Monday through

06:09:48 Wednesday.

06:09:50 Thursday and Saturday, 7 a.m. to 1 a.m., and Sunday 11 a.m.

06:09:55 to 11 p.m.

06:09:58 The request is asking for a distance separation waiver from

06:10:04 250 feet to zero for another AB establishment.

06:10:10 The request is for a small venue that is for a personal

06:10:15 service, beauty salon, or hair salon, and they have no

06:10:20 on-site parking.

06:10:21 However, the Ybor City district does not require any on-site

06:10:25 parking.

06:10:25 There are some revisions to the site plan that I would ask

06:10:29 council to have done.

06:10:32 They need to indicate that the use is servicing a personal

06:10:37 service rather than a hair salon, personal services is the

06:10:40 term we use in our code, as well as to revise exhibits B-2

06:10:46 and legal description on the ordinance, that it takes both

06:10:50 the inside AB area and the outside area.

06:10:53 And then the address is on the site plan needs to be

06:10:57 corrected.

06:10:57 But this is in the Ybor City district which is an urban

06:11:02 village.

06:11:02 It's also a mixed use corridor village.

06:11:05 Ybor City is a community redevelopment area, and there are

06:11:14 two structures.

06:11:17 The nearest AB establishment is southern knights located at

06:11:22 1401 East 7th Avenue which is apparently right next door.

06:11:28 This is the map showing the location, 7th Avenue.

06:11:44 The property is located just off the intersection.

06:11:49 This is a side view of the building.

06:11:52 They are actually one unit over.

06:11:54 A look down 7th Avenue looking west.

06:11:57 And this is property that's directly across the street.

06:12:02 If you have any questions.

06:12:04 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Any questions from council?

06:12:07 Okay.

06:12:08 The applicant?

06:12:10 Yes, sir.

06:12:11 >> Patrick Thornton.

06:12:18 It is consistent with the existing fabric of Ybor City.

06:12:22 They are providing very good service as you can tell by my

06:12:25 hair cut.

06:12:27 We feel that this would be a great addition to Ybor City,

06:12:31 and we appreciate any comments and look forward to making

06:12:34 any changes and hoping you approve.

06:12:36 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Thank you.

06:12:37 I hope of that we aren't making a decision based on your

06:12:40 hair cut only.

06:12:40 We have other options of doing.

06:12:42 That is there anyone in the public that would like to speak

06:12:44 on this item, item number 10? Yes, sir, please come

06:12:49 forward.

06:12:49 >> Nicholas Underwood as you can see my hair is also done

06:12:57 here.

06:12:58 The level of service that they do provide you get a

06:13:03 complementary beer with your hair cut and there is a bar in

06:13:05 the back for you to wait and purchase alcohol in.

06:13:08 It's a very nice place, and the only barbershop that I have

06:13:13 found that has this kind of service.

06:13:15 We have clientele coming in from all over the country.

06:13:19 They are finding the company via social media, Facebook,

06:13:22 Instagram, Internet, and they are coming in because they get

06:13:26 a free beer.

06:13:28 They are in Ybor City.

06:13:29 They get to experience than the historic, get to go have a

06:13:32 Cuban, get a cold beer and have their hair cut.

06:13:35 I definitely think it would be a great addition, not only

06:13:37 bring in more business here to Tampa Bay, like I say we have

06:13:41 clients from all over the country, it is something that we

06:13:44 look forward to, and happy to answer any questions you may

06:13:47 have about that as well.

06:13:48 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Thank you.

06:13:49 Any questions from council, applicant or anyone?

06:13:53 >> How much is the men's hair cut?

06:13:55 >> You actually get a discount.

06:13:57 We have a card.

06:13:58 >>YVONNE CAPIN: You should give everybody a discount.

06:14:05 Not everybody here.

06:14:06 >> $25 for a men's cut and that includes your hair cut,

06:14:10 complimentary beer, soda, wine, you also get a style and

06:14:15 groom, all included in the $25 package.

06:14:18 Also an straight, full head shaves, you name it.

06:14:22 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Thank you so much.

06:14:26 Mrs. Capin.

06:14:27 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Well, the gentleman that spoke before you

06:14:31 and his hair cut, I noticed the beard and thought, well, I

06:14:35 won't judge it on the beard be but the hair cut.

06:14:38 >> I get it done weekly.

06:14:40 Very good service.

06:14:41 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Is there anyone else in the public that

06:14:44 would like to speak on this item, item number 10?

06:14:50 Did you say something?

06:14:52 You have to say it so we can hear it.

06:14:56 Motion to close from Mrs. Montelione.

06:14:58 Second by Mr. Cohen.

06:15:00 All in favor?

06:15:00 Any opposed?

06:15:01 Mr. Cohen, will you kindly take number 10, please?

06:15:05 >>HARRY COHEN: I move an ordinance being presented for

06:15:07 first reading consideration, an ordinance approving a

06:15:09 special use permit S-2 for alcoholic beverage sales, small

06:15:13 venue, consumption on premises only, making lawful the sale

06:15:17 of beer and wine at or from that certain lot, plot or tract

06:15:20 of land located at 1409 East 7th Avenue, Tampa, Florida,

06:15:25 more particularly described in section 2, that all

06:15:27 ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict are repealed,

06:15:31 providing an effective date.

06:15:31 >> I have a motion from Mr. Cohen.

06:15:35 I have a second from Mr. Maniscalco.

06:15:37 All in favor of that motion please indicate by saying aye.

06:15:39 Any opposed?

06:15:41 Thank you very much.

06:15:41 >>THE CLERK: Motion carried with Miranda and Reddick being

06:15:46 absent.

06:15:46 Second reading and adoption will be on June 23rd at

06:15:49 9:30 a.m.

06:15:51 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Since we have already done new business and

06:15:55 information reports, can I have a motion to receive and

06:15:57 file?

06:15:57 Motion by Mr. Cohen, second by Mr. Maniscalco to receive and

06:16:01 file all documents.

06:16:03 Anyone opposed? Is there anyone in the audience that would

06:16:06 like to speak to any item on our agenda or of snow I see no

06:16:08 one.

06:16:10 Since there is no one in the public that would like to

06:16:11 speak, is there anything that the council members, finance

06:16:14 there's no other business, we are adjourned.

06:16:17 (Meeting adjourned).



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