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Tampa City Council

Special call meeting

Thursday, June 16, 2016

11:00 a.m.


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11:02:57 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Roll call.

11:09:31 >>GUIDO MANISCALCO: Here.

11:09:38 >>LISA MONTELIONE: Here.

11:09:39 >>FRANK REDDICK: Here.

11:09:41 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Here.

11:09:41 Mrs. Mandell.

11:09:43 >>JULIA MANDELL: City attorney.

11:09:47 We started this special call session, discussing an

11:09:51 opportunity of changes as it relates to the audit process, I

11:09:59 provided you information as to strong mayor form of

11:10:01 government and where those functions lie.

11:10:03 Right now you have three items in front of you.

11:10:05 The first is a general discussion as the internal audit

11:10:08 process.

11:10:08 The second was a report back from me which I had given you a

11:10:14 written report relating to whether or not if the draft

11:10:20 internal audit was provided to the mayor for our current

11:10:23 process, as you requested, would also go to City Council at

11:10:28 the same time as the mayor receives the draft audit, whether

11:10:31 or not that would retain protections under the public

11:10:34 records law exemption for draft audit.

11:10:36 I researched that issue.

11:10:38 As indicated in the memo, I also had opportunity to have

11:10:44 discussion was the city of Miami and city of Jacksonville

11:10:45 and city of Orlando, and it is very clear both in the case

11:10:50 law, the statute and also with those conversations that

11:10:53 regardless of whether or not the internal audit function

11:10:56 falls under the legislative branch or under the executive

11:10:58 branch, at the moment in time that draft audit is given to

11:11:02 the legislative body, in this case City Council, that no

11:11:06 longer retains the exemption under public records law.

11:11:10 So that is answering the question and the issue that I

11:11:13 raised at the last proceeding in which we spoke about this.

11:11:16 In addition I provided late yesterday a memorandum under

11:11:20 which per your motion I am providing you language relating

11:11:24 to City Council having the right to require internal auditor

11:11:30 to do an internal audit on the basis of age, super majority

11:11:36 vote of council.

11:11:37 I have also provided within that language some bracketed

11:11:40 language, and I have also provided some additional options

11:11:43 per other motions of council which did not seem to fall

11:11:46 under this agenda but I figure that it would be more

11:11:50 appropriate for us to discuss everything together versus

11:11:53 piecemealing the conversation.

11:11:56 You will see within the body of that memorandum, I have the

11:11:59 underlined language under which I add the language that City

11:12:04 Council has requested, and I have bracketed language that

11:12:08 says as provided pursuant to ordinance.

11:12:12 In addition I have provided the language that would be

11:12:14 necessary for your other motion which includes the internal

11:12:17 auditor shall provide the City Council on a yearly basis

11:12:21 it's scheduled audit which schedule shall include expected

11:12:23 start dates.

11:12:25 Number 2, all final internal audits must be delivered to

11:12:28 City Council within so many days -- and I left that blank

11:12:31 per your previous motion, any draft audit presented to the

11:12:37 mayor, and third which is part of the discussion you had but

11:12:40 I put it in here for your continuing discussion the number

11:12:43 of internal audits that can be provided by City Council is

11:12:47 limited to blank per year, and I didn't put a number in,

11:12:50 because I thought it was more appropriate for you to

11:12:54 continue to have that part of the discussion.

11:12:57 I should explain the reason why I put in that bracketed

11:13:00 language.

11:13:01 After discussing this matter with individual council members

11:13:05 and with Mr. Shelby, the thought is that you have the

11:13:11 option -- and this would be your option -- to instead of

11:13:14 putting in the one, two and three, directly within your

11:13:18 charter, you could put language in there as I suggested

11:13:22 which would allow you to provide the process for you to seek

11:13:27 your internal audits as you put within your charter, would

11:13:31 have the right to do.

11:13:33 The process within ordinance.

11:13:35 And then as part of that, you could delineate the number of

11:13:39 audits you can request, the process that you receive, the

11:13:44 schedule for the internal audits, in order to make

11:13:46 additional requests for audit.

11:13:49 It would probably be appropriate for you to know the audit

11:13:52 is coming down the line before you make those requests.

11:13:55 And while I understand that information is online, I

11:13:58 understood from council that you wanted to have that

11:14:00 directed towards you at the beginning of the process, as

11:14:04 well as what the number of days is, time frames, and those

11:14:09 types of things.

11:14:09 So that language would give you flexibility to put in your

11:14:13 audit -- I'm sorry, in your ordinance, issues related to

11:14:17 audit that would allow you to delineate the process without

11:14:22 putting that directly in your charter.

11:14:24 So those are the options that I am promulgating to you.

11:14:27 I know it's a little bit more than you had placed in the

11:14:29 motion for today's meeting.

11:14:31 However I thought as I said it would be more appropriate to

11:14:34 discuss this all together, because as you know, if you do

11:14:39 decide that you want to put something on the ballot for this

11:14:42 year as it relates to a charter amendment, that has to be --

11:14:46 the process needs to be completed and to the supervisor of

11:14:49 elections at the date of the primary, which I believe is

11:14:53 August 31st, and Mr. Shelby -- I'm sorry, 30th --

11:14:58 will correct me if I am wrong.

11:14:59 So you will need an ordinance in order to put this towards

11:15:04 the ballot, on the ballot, as part of the general election

11:15:09 in November, which you need time to be able to go through

11:15:12 the ordinance process properly, and to go ahead and get this

11:15:17 accomplished.

11:15:17 So that's really all I have for you today.

11:15:21 I would encourage you to discuss the process that you would

11:15:24 like to see.

11:15:26 And I also know that you do have a charter review commission

11:15:28 that's coming up as well that's not part of your

11:15:31 conversation today.

11:15:31 But I did want to remind council of that.

11:15:34 Thank you.

11:15:34 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Thank you.

11:15:37 Mr. Cohen.

11:15:38 >>HARRY COHEN: Just to get the conversation going I think

11:15:39 90 or 120 days is a reasonable amount of time.

11:15:44 I am open to whatever council's pleasure is in terms of

11:15:48 limiting the number of audits either in the charter language

11:15:52 or by ordinance.

11:15:53 But I think it's important that the reason you limit the

11:15:56 number of audits that could be called for in any one year is

11:15:59 just because for budget reasons the audit department has to

11:16:03 be -- you can't give them ten audits in a year.

11:16:06 They just don't have the ability, I think, to do it.

11:16:09 So-so I thought the number maybe was three.

11:16:12 But I'm open to other people's comments on that.

11:16:16 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Any other discussion?

11:16:19 Mrs. Montelione.

11:16:20 >>LISA MONTELIONE: I agree with Councilman Cohen, 90 days

11:16:26 is a reasonable time frame.

11:16:30 I think that puts some structure.

11:16:34 It's not too much to ask.

11:16:36 And the number of audits, three sounds reasonable.

11:16:45 Maybe four.

11:16:46 Either one.

11:16:48 A quarter.

11:16:51 So three or four.

11:16:52 We have the ability once a quarter to ask for a special

11:16:55 audit.

11:16:55 That doesn't mean we are going to.

11:16:57 It just gives us opportunity to.

11:16:59 So I would go with four.

11:17:03 By charter, by ordinance, I would say, you know, charter is

11:17:07 permanent.

11:17:08 Ordinances can be changed.

11:17:10 So my preference would be to go the charter route so that it

11:17:19 is a permanent fixture and could not be easily changed by an

11:17:25 incoming council.

11:17:26 >>MIKE SUAREZ: If I could in terms of the charter, I think

11:17:29 what Mrs. Mandell was trying to say to us is that you put

11:17:32 the power of ordering the audits within the charter and then

11:17:35 within the ordinance charter language would refer to the

11:17:38 ordinance for the specifics, meaning the time frame, the

11:17:43 numbers, that type of thing.

11:17:45 So what I would probably do with the ordinance language --

11:17:49 I'm excuse me, the charter language, would be you are

11:17:51 allowed to do this, and those specifics are within the

11:17:54 ordinance.

11:17:54 So that I think is what Mrs. Mandell was discussing.

11:17:58 So Mr. Miranda is next.

11:17:59 >>CHARLIE MIRANDA: I agree with your assessment,

11:18:03 Mr. Chairman.

11:18:03 I believe if you are looking for something like this you

11:18:06 have the power to do it and then whoever is deciding the

11:18:09 fact, which would be, I guess, us at some point, to discuss

11:18:12 how many.

11:18:13 I certainly don't want -- but remember with this comes a

11:18:16 responsibility.

11:18:17 If you ask for it, then it's up to you to interpret it and

11:18:20 what are you going to do with it once you interpret it and

11:18:23 how you are going to carry out, which has been a tremendous

11:18:25 responsibility up to now.

11:18:26 And there is an election coming up in 2019 for some office

11:18:29 called mayor, and I don't know how many of you are

11:18:31 interested in it, but whatever you vote for, you can divide

11:18:39 it by 7, and you look at it --

11:18:42 >> Depends on how things start out.

11:18:44 >> The first three months, a week and a half.

11:18:48 It's not a joking matter but it is at this point in the

11:18:51 discussion, anyway.

11:18:52 And it is that whatever you do, it's your responsibility to

11:18:58 ask, and that's all I am going to say.

11:19:01 Because God bless you if you come back with something you

11:19:04 don't like, then you are going to want -- you wanted it, you

11:19:08 got it, handle it.

11:19:09 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Mrs. Capin.

11:19:12 >>YVONNE CAPIN: [Off microphone.] as to the four, would you

11:19:17 limit that to one per quarter?

11:19:21 Let's say one at throw months and not more than --

11:19:25 >>LISA MONTELIONE: Yeah, I would just say four a year. We

11:19:28 might ask for two.

11:19:29 But that might run simultaneously.

11:19:32 They might start a month apart from each other.

11:19:35 I wouldn't want to limit -- to restrict, let's put that the

11:19:39 way.

11:19:39 >>JULIA MANDELL: The only comment I was going to make is if

11:19:43 you choose to have the simplified language that just

11:19:48 provides that you will determine how you are going to

11:19:50 process your ability to request internal audits per

11:19:55 ordinance, that is not something that you need to decide

11:20:00 today.

11:20:01 I will also tell you that in terms of how, and one a

11:20:07 quarter, that really does need to be a discussion that

11:20:10 relates to the schedule of audits and within the internal

11:20:13 auditor at the time the request is made, because the

11:20:15 internal auditor from the way I understand the process, the

11:20:18 beginning of the year, comes up with a schedule, and that

11:20:20 schedule typically includes some form of a start date, and

11:20:25 so I think that the best process for you would be to, when

11:20:30 you do an ordinance for this, is to have input from the

11:20:33 internal auditor as to how they would like to see any audit

11:20:38 that City Council might request pursuant to a super majority

11:20:42 involved in the schedule which is one of the reasons I think

11:20:44 it was important, and it's going to be important if you have

11:20:48 an ordinance that comes after the charter amendment, that

11:20:53 you also have that opportunity to see the schedule prior to

11:20:56 making whatever motion you want to add to it.

11:20:59 >>YVONNE CAPIN: And when you mentioned the schedule, we

11:21:04 talked about that.

11:21:05 And I remember the last auditor saying that to me and how

11:21:10 that worked.

11:21:11 And so when we look at the schedule, because of this one or

11:21:18 two by super majority, we could actually look at the

11:21:22 schedule and feel that maybe one of the not choices of the

11:21:28 mayor is one that we want to look at.

11:21:31 >>JULIA MANDELL: And again I think that's why in talking to

11:21:36 council, I felt that possibly doing it this way where you

11:21:39 can set this up in ordinance that would allow you that

11:21:44 opportunity to delineate the best process.

11:21:46 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Right.

11:21:48 I understand that.

11:21:49 So what we want to do now is decide to move on the charter,

11:21:56 voting if we want to move it --

11:21:59 >>JULIA MANDELL: What I would like -- what I think would be

11:22:02 the best approach today, since we are in a special called

11:22:05 session, but I don't have an ordinance that I am presenting

11:22:07 to you, is to request the legal department to come back

11:22:11 where an ordinance, and to utilize the underlying language

11:22:19 including that bracketed language, I will take the brackets

11:22:22 out, as the basis of that ordinance.

11:22:24 I can come forward with an ordinance with the correct

11:22:28 language for the ballot for you to review and have your

11:22:33 first reading on, and given the time frame, I can make my

11:22:36 best effort to try to get that to you by next week.

11:22:39 I don't know that it would be that complicated.

11:22:41 But I am not the expert on writing ballot language.

11:22:44 So we'll need to look towards others in that regard.

11:22:47 But at least I can promulgate something to you by either the

11:22:50 next meeting or I don't know what the meeting is after that.

11:22:55 >>MIKE SUAREZ: The 14th.

11:22:56 >>JULIA MANDELL: I can absolutely do it by the 14th.

11:22:59 >>YVONNE CAPIN: If that's the case, I would like to move

11:23:02 for that, for that motion, to bring that ordinance or that

11:23:06 language for the ballot.

11:23:10 And if it comes back next week is fine.

11:23:12 I will not be here, but I will probably see it -- I'm sure I

11:23:17 will see the ordinance.

11:23:18 And if there's any issues, I can get with you.

11:23:21 But otherwise, I'm fine if it comes back next week and vote

11:23:26 on it.

11:23:27 >>HARRY COHEN: Can I ask for clarification of the details?

11:23:30 We are going to go with 90 days?

11:23:35 Oh, super majority is going to be part of it?

11:23:39 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Not now.

11:23:41 When we bring the ordinance --

11:23:44 >>JULIA MANDELL: The language that I promulgated --

11:23:46 (Overlapping conversations).

11:23:48 >>YVONNE CAPIN: I don't have my glasses on.

11:23:53 >>JULIA MANDELL: I am going read the whole thing. This is

11:23:55 the existing language in the charter.

11:23:57 And I will let you know the additional language.

11:24:00 It's the section under the internal audit department,

11:24:05 internal auditing for the city, the internal auditor shall

11:24:08 the head of the department and shall be the duty of the

11:24:10 internal auditor to audit for each fiscal year all records

11:24:15 of the city and all accounts in which the city has an

11:24:18 interest.

11:24:18 The auditor shall perform what other audits as may be

11:24:22 required by the mayor and the City Council shall have the

11:24:24 right to require the internal auditor to perform additional

11:24:28 internal audits with a super majority vote of City Council

11:24:30 as provided for pursuant to ordinance -- I'm sorry, that's

11:24:34 in addition, the language there, the "in addition" language.

11:24:38 So what that would do, you would put that in your charter,

11:24:41 and then assuming we get through the entire process, and

11:24:45 this gets placed within your charter, then we will come back

11:24:48 and we will -- you will need to make more significant

11:24:52 decisions as to the process under which City Council will

11:24:57 ask for additional internal audits.

11:25:00 And I think at that point in time when that process is

11:25:03 delineated, it's within your ordinance, you can have greater

11:25:06 conversations about how many you think you should be able to

11:25:08 request.

11:25:09 What the process is for requesting those, and have some

11:25:13 additional input as it relates to those things from your

11:25:16 internal auditor, because keeping in mind -- and I think

11:25:19 anytime you ask for an audit, whether it's the mayor asks

11:25:22 for an audit or if this were to pass, you ask for an audit,

11:25:26 there is a budgetary and resource portion of that, and I

11:25:30 think that having the input on a more specific basis will be

11:25:35 important.

11:25:35 >>MIKE SUAREZ: We have our motion by Mrs. Capin, a second

11:25:39 from Mr. Cohen.

11:25:41 Can I make a suggestion?

11:25:44 Mrs. Mandell, if you can answer this question for me.

11:25:46 The July 14th date -- and I would suggest July 14th

11:25:49 because we do have an incredibly full schedule next week,

11:25:53 and you won't be here.

11:25:54 So if we could ask for July 14th.

11:25:56 But where does that put us in terms of time frame to put it

11:26:00 before voters?

11:26:03 >>JULIA MANDELL: When would we have second reading, I guess

11:26:06 would be the question.

11:26:06 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Because that's still not a public hearing

11:26:09 yet.

11:26:09 >>JULIA MANDELL: That's two readings, one public hearing,

11:26:14 and you need ten days in between.

11:26:15 >>MARTIN SHELBY: The calendar has August 4th.

11:26:18 >>MIKE SUAREZ: So we would have to have -- you would bring

11:26:23 back the ordinance.

11:26:26 Mrs. Mandell?

11:26:27 >>JULIA MANDELL: I'm sorry.

11:26:28 >>MIKE SUAREZ: You would bring back the ordinance.

11:26:30 Then we would have to have two public hearings prior to that

11:26:33 during a regular session, correct?

11:26:35 >>JULIA MANDELL: That's correct.

11:26:36 >>MIKE SUAREZ: If we look at our calendar --

11:26:40 >>JULIA MANDELL: You can have those -- as long as those two

11:26:42 readings -- as long as there's two readings are ten days

11:26:46 apart in terms of our notice, that's the legal requirement.

11:26:50 So if you had -- if you needed to do --

11:26:53 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Do the 14th and then August 4th.

11:26:57 I just want to make sure.

11:26:58 >>MARTIN SHELBY: I'm sorry, not to complicate things, but

11:27:09 just so you are informed, you also have to allow for the

11:27:11 possibility -- and I say that would be the case of

11:27:14 possibility of mayoral veto, in which case there is a

11:27:17 process and time frame to come back to you.

11:27:22 >>MIKE SUAREZ: And to go to that point, the administration

11:27:27 has been notified, we have talked about this.

11:27:30 There's not been any discussion during any of our reviews

11:27:35 and discussion about this item to show that there is any

11:27:37 pushback from the mayor.

11:27:39 Now, having said that, that doesn't mean that he's not going

11:27:41 to veto it.

11:27:42 But we still have to work with our calendar as we have here.

11:27:45 Whether or not he vetoes it is up to him.

11:27:48 We have to go based on what we have gotten and the calendar

11:27:51 we have in front of us.

11:27:52 So I am going to prepare as if the mayor is going to sign it

11:27:57 which I think he will.

11:27:59 Okay.

11:27:59 >>FRANK REDDICK: [Off microphone.]

11:28:07 >>MARTIN SHELBY: Yes, every ordinance that may be passed by

11:28:10 council shall be presented before becoming measure.

11:28:15 If not he shall return it with objections to council and

11:28:18 such objections shall be acted upon and the council

11:28:21 thereupon shall proceed to reconsider the ordinance at the

11:28:24 next regular meeting after which there is a quorum.

11:28:27 After reconsideration, it shall be passed by two-thirds of

11:28:31 all members.

11:28:32 A vote shall be passed and it shall become law F.knot any in

11:28:37 accordance not returned to the council after 14 days after

11:28:40 presented to the mayor the same shall become effective in

11:28:42 like manner as if he had signed it.

11:28:45 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Language on, before we go forward, we have a

11:28:49 motion on the floor before we continue with that particular

11:28:52 motion.

11:28:53 Hang on, Mrs. Montelione.

11:28:55 I want to make sure we are straight because I am looking at

11:28:57 our will calendar. If we go to August 4th as the second

11:29:01 reading that gets passed that day, he will have then from

11:29:04 that point forward how many days?

11:29:08 14?

11:29:09 >>JULIA MANDELL: 14 days.

11:29:11 And respond within 14 days, it becomes law.

11:29:19 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Within that 14-day period.

11:29:21 So we are looking at the 25th is, you know, still 21

11:29:26 days.

11:29:26 So we would still have time to override that veto at that

11:29:29 time, and still meet our requirements to be able to put it

11:29:33 on the ballot.

11:29:34 Correct?

11:29:35 >>JULIA MANDELL: That's correct.

11:29:36 >>MIKE SUAREZ: I want to make sure there's a time frame.

11:29:38 Does everyone understand the time frame that we have?

11:29:42 Any other discussion on the motion?

11:29:43 Mrs. Montelione.

11:29:44 >>LISA MONTELIONE: [Off microphone.]

11:29:50 >>JULIA MANDELL: I'm sorry,.

11:29:53 >>LISA MONTELIONE: I mean, we have on the 23rd, we have

11:30:00 morning regular session.

11:30:02 And we have an evening session.

11:30:05 We have -- and then the July 14th meeting.

11:30:08 We don't have -- between the 23rd and the 14th, we

11:30:13 won't have it any meetings.

11:30:14 So could we take that first vote after the -- or during the

11:30:22 evening session?

11:30:24 >>JULIA MANDELL: If you don't have any 5:00.

11:30:26 >>LISA MONTELIONE: We have City Council evening session at

11:30:28 5:30 on the 23rd.

11:30:30 We have got a text amendment.

11:30:31 The action plan.

11:30:32 >>HARRY COHEN: But she's still not here.

11:30:39 That's the point.

11:30:39 >>LISA MONTELIONE: But didn't we talk about voting by

11:30:41 electronic --

11:30:44 >>YVONNE CAPIN: I did talk about it but I can't.

11:30:53 They may frown upon me.

11:30:56 (Laughter)

11:31:03 (multiple conversations).

11:31:06 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Mrs. Montelione.

11:31:08 It.

11:31:08 >>LISA MONTELIONE: Did I hear you say that had you were

11:31:11 okay were taking the vote if you are not being here?

11:31:14 >>YVONNE CAPIN: I did.

11:31:15 But, you know, my colleagues have put forth that they prefer

11:31:20 that we have -- that I be here, and if the time frameworks,

11:31:27 I didn't think the time frame was going to work.

11:31:29 That's why I agreed.

11:31:30 But apparently the time frameworks.

11:31:31 So I'm okay with -- if you want me to put the July 14, if

11:31:39 that time frameworks I'm okay.

11:31:41 I didn't think it was going to work.

11:31:43 >>LISA MONTELIONE: I'm just, you know, leaving it till the

11:31:47 last possible day and time.

11:31:51 I mean, they could come up with something, come back with

11:31:55 something, and I'm really, really hesitant to cut it down to

11:32:01 the wire.

11:32:02 >>MIKE SUAREZ: We still have the motion on the floor that

11:32:05 is set for July 14th.

11:32:12 Let's clear the -- you know, if you have a question of Mrs.

11:32:16 Mandell?

11:32:17 >>LISA MONTELIONE: Well, there seems to be a lot of

11:32:19 discussion so I want to know what they are talking about

11:32:21 that they might have concerns about.

11:32:23 There's a lot of discussion, it means something.

11:32:25 >>JULIA MANDELL: It was just going back and forth on the

11:32:28 number of days and Marty clarified that.

11:32:30 So in terms of mayor veto, and that's clarified.

11:32:35 And we just were making sure that we didn't think there was

11:32:38 going to be an issue with notice and we don't think there

11:32:40 will be.

11:32:42 All that being said if you like I can bring it back 5:01 on

11:32:45 the evening agenda.

11:32:46 That would give me enough time to make sure you got it with

11:32:49 enough time to review it.

11:32:50 Otherwise the 14th I think would work in terms of

11:32:53 procedurally getting you where you want to be, and from a

11:32:56 time frame perspective.

11:32:58 So either one at the pleasure of council.

11:33:09 If I find out I'm wrong on this, I will make sure that you

11:33:13 are aware of that at your next meeting.

11:33:15 But there is an additional notice requirement should -- I

11:33:19 mean, newspaper notice requirement should the mayor veto it,

11:33:23 and it needs to come back to you.

11:33:25 >>LISA MONTELIONE: And that's what I am afraid of.

11:33:27 Because you and I have been -- that's usually where things

11:33:33 go wrong.

11:33:34 >>JULIA MANDELL: That is the only issue and I'm not even

11:33:37 sure that would be a problem.

11:33:38 And so if you want to leave the schedule for the 14th, I

11:33:41 can always make sure you are aware of it.

11:33:49 I think you have enough time either way.

11:33:52 >>MIKE SUAREZ: We have a motion on the floor.

11:33:54 The maker of the motion still wants it on the 14th?

11:33:59 >>JULIA MANDELL: In the event -- I'm sorry, let me

11:34:02 interrupt.

11:34:02 In the event I do find out throws a notice issue, I will be

11:34:05 prepared to walk it on on the 23rd.

11:34:07 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Okay.

11:34:09 Mr. Reddick, any questions?

11:34:10 All right.

11:34:11 I have a motion by Mrs. Capin.

11:34:12 I have a second by Mr. Cohen.

11:34:14 Yes, ma'am?

11:34:15 >>LISA MONTELIONE: Can we amend the motion to say what Mrs.

11:34:18 Mandell just said, that if there is an issue with the

11:34:22 notice, that if this will be a walk-on item at 5:01 on June

11:34:29 23rd?

11:34:30 >>MIKE SUAREZ: A friendly amendment.

11:34:32 >> I accept it.

11:34:33 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Motion by Mrs. Capin.

11:34:35 Second by Mr. Cohen with a friendly amendment by Mrs.

11:34:39 Montelione.

11:34:40 All in favor?

11:34:41 Any opposed?

11:34:42 Thank you very much.

11:34:42 >>FRANK REDDICK: And have the legal department walk over to

11:34:45 the mayor and ask him if he's going to veto it or not.

11:34:48 (Laughter).

11:34:52 >> We can pass it unanimously.

11:34:54 >>MIKE SUAREZ: I think Mr. Cohen makes a joke of it but

11:34:57 that is actually the main factor we are going to deal with,

11:35:00 which is if we pass it unanimously, I think he's going to

11:35:03 know that if he vetoes it, it's still going to get passed.

11:35:07 All right.

11:35:07 Any other issues concerning this particular item during our

11:35:10 special call are? Any other discussion item?

11:35:13 Can I have a motion to receive and file?

11:35:16 I have a motion by Mr. Maniscalco.

11:35:18 Second by Mr. Reddick.

11:35:19 All in favor of that motion?

11:35:20 Any opposed?

11:35:21 Thank you.

11:35:22 We are adjourned.



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