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Tampa City Council - CRA Meeting

Thursday, August 11, 2016

9:00 a.m.


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09:05:32 [Sounding gavel]

09:05:35 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Good morning.

09:05:36 I call this meeting to order.

09:05:38 We ask Shirley Foxx-Knowles to come up.

09:05:43 Did you want to --

09:05:47 >> It's my pleasure to introduce our city clerk for a number

09:05:49 of years, has done an outstanding job along with our staff,

09:05:53 makes sure that whatever we say gets recorded properly.

09:05:56 Sometimes that's kind of difficult.

09:05:57 And I want to introduce to all of you Shirley Foxx-Knowles,

09:06:02 the young lady who is a great person besides being city

09:06:05 clerk and we really admire you and thank you for what you do

09:06:08 for us, Shirley.

09:06:12 And please after the invocation we do the pledge of

09:06:18 allegiance to the flag.

09:06:20 >>SHIRLEY FOXX-KNOWLES: Thank you.

09:06:23 Let us pray.

09:06:24 Father, thank you once again for this beautiful morning here

09:06:27 in the City of Tampa.

09:06:29 We are so grateful for living in this great city.

09:06:33 Thank you for your grace and your mercy.

09:06:36 And for all the wonderful gifts that you have provided.

09:06:40 Continue to bless our CRA members and give them the wisdom

09:06:44 they need to make the best decisions for us all.

09:06:49 Please continue to give the gift of understanding to the

09:06:52 individuals who will come before this board.

09:06:56 As you bless our state and this country, please remember the

09:07:00 City of Tampa, our mayor, the administration, the employees,

09:07:06 and our wonderful citizens.

09:07:08 Keep us all in your care.

09:07:10 And now as we go about the worldly matters of this city, we

09:07:14 again say thank you for everything and ask that you continue

09:07:18 to bless and guide us in your way.

09:07:23 Make us shining examples of your love.

09:07:26 These things we ask with humble hearts.

09:07:29 Let us all say amen.

09:07:30 [ Pledge of Allegiance ]

09:07:51 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Thank you, Ms. Knowles, and thank you

09:08:00 Councilman Miranda.

09:08:01 Roll call.

09:08:05 >>CHARLIE MIRANDA: Here.

09:08:06 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Present.

09:08:09 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Here.

09:08:10 >>HARRY COHEN: Here.

09:08:12 >>GUIDO MANISCALCO: Here.

09:08:13 >>YVONNE CAPIN: We start the meeting now with Ed Busansky,

09:08:21 Channel District Advisory Committee chair.

09:08:23 >> good morning.

09:08:25 How is everybody doing today?

09:08:27 I think things are going really well in our CRA.

09:08:29 I think one of the most exciting things that's happened this

09:08:31 year is I think the whole point of the CRA is to kind of

09:08:35 bring the community together, and I think it's not just

09:08:38 Channelside, but kind of brought together the Ybor, the

09:08:45 downtown partnership and Channelside, and we now have

09:08:48 monthly meetings wherein we get together, talk about events,

09:08:51 talk about transportation, items that we really share in

09:08:53 common, because we really are a small part of a bigger

09:08:57 community and when you look at all of downtown, the core and

09:09:00 downtown, it's really not that big of an area.

09:09:02 So I am excited about that and I think Sean and Courtney

09:09:07 have done a great job and I hope we will connect people and

09:09:10 get people together and hopefully maybe even there will be

09:09:13 an open meeting.

09:09:13 We are thinking about maybe sometime in the fall of having a

09:09:16 network meeting whereby we get all the CRAs together so

09:09:19 everybody can meet each other.

09:09:20 I think through that great ideas will follow up and help our

09:09:24 community.

09:09:24 So I am very excited about that.

09:09:27 I know it was a little controversial but I was disappointed

09:09:30 that we not get the tiger grant, away to get some federal

09:09:35 money to really help out Channelside drive so hopefully in

09:09:38 the near future we'll continue to work on ways that we can

09:09:41 help out with your guidance and our advice to make that a

09:09:45 nicer street.

09:09:47 It was kind of an underutilized street as a result of the

09:09:50 streetscape.

09:09:53 I always go toward Riverwalk and that was so much prettier.

09:09:57 So it's one of the things up that kind of forget about.

09:10:00 On that note, I think the other thing that's great that's

09:10:02 going around the community that's great for Channelside is

09:10:05 the transportation.

09:10:06 We are very excited to support the electronic vehicle

09:10:09 shuttle which you all know is going to come out in August or

09:10:12 September.

09:10:12 We are very excited to see that which allows to us get

09:10:15 around downtown easier.

09:10:16 We are very excited about the zip cars, put one ment in

09:10:19 Skyhouse in Channelside so I think a lot of people are using

09:10:22 that.

09:10:23 That's a nice addition there.

09:10:25 We are excited the streetcar is extending their morning

09:10:28 hours sometime in September, so that hopefully will help

09:10:31 people decide to take it so they can get to work and get

09:10:34 home from work.

09:10:35 So we applaud that.

09:10:36 Then also the connection of the ferry.

09:10:39 Really you guys know better than me.

09:10:44 This great transportation, the water taxi, it's making

09:10:46 downtown so much more vibrant.

09:10:48 I moved to Channelside in 2011 and it's amazing how far we

09:10:53 have gone.

09:10:54 And it's so lively.

09:10:56 And I look forward to.

09:10:57 That just on the new construction side, we have a channel

09:11:00 club which we have been patiently waiting inform that to get

09:11:02 built and I think most of the residents are more excited

09:11:05 with the public.

09:11:06 So hopefully from talking to Ross, getting an easement done

09:11:12 and permit and maybe start in the fall.

09:11:14 So that will be exciting.

09:11:16 Then also as you know the properties that now have been

09:11:18 named the Fitzgerald on Kennedy, that is going along well.

09:11:22 It looks like they have pretty much completed the shell and

09:11:26 starting to put some stucco on the exterior.

09:11:31 Just an interesting point.

09:11:32 We really see ourselves as an advisory council, and she came

09:11:39 out and talked to us about the art, and that's a really

09:11:42 important thing.

09:11:42 She talked about how to tighten up the percentage that they

09:11:45 pay and really making sure that a lot of those buildings do

09:11:47 the arc they are supposed to, because I know back in 2007 a

09:11:54 lot of them didn't do it because the bankruptcies and other

09:11:57 issues and stuff like that, but she showed us the art and

09:11:59 the art is beautiful on the Fitzgerald, but one of the nice

09:12:01 things, we do kind of in the Channelside have an artistic

09:12:04 community, and it would be nice if -- we don't want to make

09:12:07 the decision, but you don't want us picking art.

09:12:15 That's what my girlfriend tells me.

09:12:17 And maybe we need to speak to Robin, instead of Robin just

09:12:21 making the decision, and I think she is the right person to

09:12:24 make the decision, but she came with us with the options, we

09:12:26 have a chance to take a look at them and then advise what we

09:12:31 thought was best for our community.

09:12:32 So we are always looking for ways that we can advise the

09:12:36 council and make sure that our community is kind of built

09:12:40 the way we like to.

09:12:41 That's really all I have.

09:12:42 Happy to answer any questions.

09:12:43 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Besides Robin, there's the Public Art

09:12:48 Committee.

09:12:49 And I serve on it.

09:12:51 So there's more than one person.

09:12:52 But yes, I think that's a great idea to bring it up to the

09:12:56 advisory board.

09:12:57 >> We'll let you know what we think would look nice in our

09:13:04 neighborhood and you can agree or disagree, and I'm fine

09:13:07 with that.

09:13:07 So thank you.

09:13:07 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Any questions?

09:13:10 >>HARRY COHEN: One suggestion on that point.

09:13:11 You might want to have the board write the public arts

09:13:15 committee and Mrs. Nigh a letter to formally request to be

09:13:20 consulted, and that way it won't get lost in the shuffle.

09:13:23 >> That's great.

09:13:24 I love that.

09:13:25 We'll definitely do that.

09:13:26 Thank you.

09:13:26 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Anyone else?

09:13:28 Seeing none, thank you so much.

09:13:31 >> We appreciate it.

09:13:33 >>YVONNE CAPIN: So do we.

09:13:34 Yes, and there he is, Bob McDonaugh.

09:13:37 Feeling better today?

09:13:41 >>BOB McDONAUGH: I'm feeling better.

09:13:43 Not quite 100%.

09:13:45 >>CHARLIE MIRANDA: Madam chair, he doesn't look any better.

09:13:47 (Laughter).

09:13:48 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Councilman Miranda, I just didn't want to

09:13:49 point that out.

09:13:51 (Laughter).

09:13:52 >>BOB McDONAUGH: I am going to offer a truncated update

09:13:56 because we are going through the budget today and that will

09:13:58 take a little bit of time.

09:13:59 But some important numbers on the 29th of this month,

09:14:02 SPP is going to start roadwork downtown, and we are doing a

09:14:08 public outreach, talking to people that will be affected by

09:14:11 that and our public information officer will be putting out

09:14:16 information all the time about where we will have traffic.

09:14:29 Issues.

09:14:30 We are working on a parking plan for when we have a series

09:14:33 of large events that happen at the same time.

09:14:35 And because we have had some traffic issues.

09:14:39 And one of the steps that we have taken, we are entering

09:14:41 into a lease with the Florida Department of Transportation

09:14:46 for Channelside to develop that as a surface parking lot for

09:14:50 a temporary purpose.

09:14:51 But it's 30 parking spaces which will help alleviate some of

09:14:54 the stress.

09:14:55 I know that the Straz will have when it becomes a residence.

09:15:00 Riverwalk which is just north.

09:15:03 That's going to impact the amount of parking that's

09:15:05 available.

09:15:07 We are also going to be introducing the shuttle service on

09:15:10 the weekends wherein they have those big events because the

09:15:14 jail, structured parking lot is not used, so again, to

09:15:23 alleviate some of the pressure on the parking system,

09:15:26 because we have -- I think that the experts will tell you we

09:15:30 don't have a parking issue.

09:15:32 We have a walking issue.

09:15:33 People still want to walk.

09:15:35 And so we are going to offer some options.

09:15:37 We are working on that.

09:15:43 When we have something at the cheerleaders, the Straz, and

09:15:48 so we'll have something for the institution and the people

09:15:54 visiting.

09:15:59 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Mr. McDonaugh, I am glad you brought this

09:16:02 forward because it is an absolute mess when we have one more

09:16:06 than one or two events in the district, in downtown.

09:16:09 And what I saw, it's not only gridlock in terms of trying to

09:16:12 get in, it's the idea of where the parking is at.

09:16:15 We have a lot of people who do not live in the City of

09:16:17 Tampa, a lot that don't live in the downtown area, so they

09:16:22 are confused as to where the parking is.

09:16:24 What kind of proactive solutions are we going to have

09:16:27 besides the shuttle service to essentially identify what we

09:16:30 have closed off our parking garage to direct traffic in a

09:16:34 different way?

09:16:35 Because now that we have the parking garage, you know, the

09:16:39 Poe parking garage become, you know, because we have a

09:16:43 two-way street now, it becomes even more of a mess.

09:16:46 It's good for some aspects but now with people trying to

09:16:50 turn in and turn out, it can be extremely difficult.

09:16:58 Is there a way that we can be more proactive in terms of

09:17:02 turning people away from the parking garage or do we have so

09:17:05 of our folks in the parking division going and checking to

09:17:07 make sure these lots are full and what are they going to be

09:17:10 doing proactively to make sure that people get redirected?

09:17:13 And lastly, on our social media, we need to be able to

09:17:17 identify -- and I think that we can work with our partners,

09:17:21 the people that are actually doing the event to make sure

09:17:24 that they tweet out, they send on their social media sites,

09:17:30 all the information about parking immediately and that's

09:17:32 going to take a lot of manpower, and take a lot of effort,

09:17:35 but I think that would actually help solve some of the

09:17:38 problems.

09:17:39 Because people know going to the outlying lot is their only

09:17:43 solution, I think we'll get rid of the bottlenecks we are

09:17:46 having right near the main parking lot.

09:17:49 >>BOB McDONAUGH: Agreed.

09:17:50 Thank you very much.

09:17:51 >>MIKE SUAREZ: That was easy, wasn't it?

09:17:53 You haven't answered, though.

09:17:54 >>BOB McDONAUGH: What you are talking about is social media

09:17:57 and message boards.

09:17:59 But one of the issues that we have, and specifically

09:18:01 probably the biggest one we had recently there, was a very

09:18:04 big cheerleading function at the convention center.

09:18:07 And people at the convention center in their GPS, and drove

09:18:12 down there, and passed whatever parking was available and

09:18:15 ended up in a large gridlock.

09:18:17 So it is reaching out to those people in attendance at these

09:18:21 special things and giving them information ahead of time,

09:18:24 here are your options.

09:18:25 And part of the idea of putting people in these outlying

09:18:28 lots is to take some of the pressure off of Ashley drive as

09:18:31 well.

09:18:31 So you can come Jefferson and find these parking spaces.

09:18:34 >>MIKE SUAREZ: And that's why the issue -- bless you -- and

09:18:40 what I am talking about when we look at the transportation

09:18:42 management service that we can actually put things on

09:18:46 billboards on the interstate, as people are coming in, just

09:18:50 like we do for any other accident or anything like that.

09:18:53 But we need to have that kind of coordination between what

09:18:56 our parking division is finding out and getting directly to

09:18:59 be transportation management and then, you know, sending it

09:19:03 out along the interstate so that people know, all right,

09:19:06 don't enter along Ashley street or Tampa Street, enter on

09:19:10 Jefferson, or come around the other side so that they have

09:19:13 options.

09:19:14 Because once you are bottled in there, there ain't no way of

09:19:17 getting out and that's what makes it worse for everyone

09:19:20 else.

09:19:20 And they get frustrated and then they say I am never coming

09:19:24 back to downtown Tampa which is the biggest problem that

09:19:26 have been we want to avoid.

09:19:27 >>BOB McDONAUGH: Agreed.

09:19:29 So we are looking at all of those solutions.

09:19:31 A holistic approach to that and with the partners so they

09:19:36 supply this information to the attendees.

09:19:38 Because if we don't do it until they are on their way

09:19:41 downtown, we are already too late.

09:19:43 We need to give them options to put something in their heads

09:19:46 before they come down.

09:19:48 And so yes, we are looking at that.

09:19:49 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Thank you.

09:19:51 >>HARRY COHEN: I appreciate everything that Councilman

09:19:55 Suarez said and I want to add something to it.

09:19:59 Judy Lisi told me just last night they have been hearing

09:20:02 from people who told them after some of these evening

09:20:05 disasters they will never come back to the Straz center

09:20:09 again as a result of that.

09:20:10 And I think it's really important, particularly with an

09:20:15 organization like that, that gets tickets out to people in

09:20:18 advance, they can hand out in advance with the tickets

09:20:22 information on where people can park and find the shuttle,

09:20:25 you know, a little slip of paper with the ticket saying here

09:20:28 is where you go to park and how to get there and how much

09:20:31 time to alloy.

09:20:32 >>BOB McDONAUGH: So that is the intention of coordinating

09:20:34 with our partners to Don that.

09:20:36 >>LISA MONTELIONE: Thank you, Madam Chair.

09:20:41 A few things.

09:20:41 So you mentioned the jail site, and leasing that.

09:20:48 I drive past that several times a day.

09:20:52 And the spaces underneath the interstate are always empty.

09:20:58 I mean, a couple -- I wouldn't even say half a dozen cars

09:21:03 are under there.

09:21:04 And that's right across from the jail site.

09:21:07 So why are we spending money to lease another site when we

09:21:13 have all that parking that's not utilized?

09:21:18 >>BOB McDONAUGH: We are also working on a plan for the

09:21:20 other -- the expressway, 275.

09:21:25 Part of what the problem is right now is that it is not

09:21:29 linked to any of these trolley services, and part of that is

09:21:32 because there is no through-put for a trolley bus to be able

09:21:37 to pick people up.

09:21:39 We are working on a plan for that as well.

09:21:41 >>LISA MONTELIONE: But if it's right across the street from

09:21:44 the jail site, I'm not understanding why we don't utilize

09:21:50 what we have already, to spend money on a site?

09:21:56 >>BOB McDONAUGH: I'll give you an example.

09:21:59 The site north of the Straz is 500 parking spaces that we

09:22:02 have to replace.

09:22:03 That's 120.

09:22:04 It's not enough to function for what we need, a replacement

09:22:07 spaces.

09:22:08 >>LISA MONTELIONE: So when you pursue the jail site --

09:22:10 >>BOB McDONAUGH: Yes, we have a plan for that as well.

09:22:13 And part of that has to be the synchronization of the

09:22:16 lights.

09:22:16 Because can't run a trolley bus through there right now

09:22:20 because you can't get back out on Tampa Street certain tames

09:22:23 of the day.

09:22:24 >>LISA MONTELIONE: Well, Marion Transit Center is right on

09:22:26 the other side of that.

09:22:27 >>BOB McDONAUGH: It is.

09:22:29 So yes, we have a plan to utilize that as well, better use

09:22:32 of it.

09:22:32 >>LISA MONTELIONE: So visit Tampa Bay is another one of

09:22:35 those outlets like the Straz who they are the ones who book

09:22:40 these large conventions.

09:22:41 So making sure that they are in the loop, and distributing

09:22:45 the information to the convention schedulers and the sales

09:22:51 people who work with those conventions is going to be really

09:22:55 important, because we don't want anybody saying to visit

09:23:00 Tampa Bay we are not going coming back because of the

09:23:02 parking.

09:23:03 So they are a major player.

09:23:06 >>BOB McDONAUGH: We don't want to be a victim of our own

09:23:08 success.

09:23:09 >>LISA MONTELIONE: Right.

09:23:09 So close coordination with Visit Tampa Bay would be

09:23:12 something I would suggest.

09:23:14 And the last thing is that in Pittsburgh, I travel back and

09:23:18 forth there often, they have an app on local phones that --

09:23:27 an app on local phones called park Pittsburgh, and you can

09:23:31 do it in realtime or you can do it in advance time.

09:23:33 So if you know you are going for an event -- and, you know,

09:23:40 they have multiple events going on all the time during the

09:23:43 season -- you can look at the days you are going to travel

09:23:46 to Heinz and see where historically the parking is

09:23:52 available.

09:23:52 You can also see in realtime how many spaces are available

09:23:56 at each of the lots surrounding, and I give Heinz as an

09:24:01 example but there's Point park and all the other amenities

09:24:06 in Pittsburgh.

09:24:07 So we have -- the last one that took place was at the

09:24:17 Innovation Alliance Center.

09:24:20 It was about homelessness.

09:24:22 But I'm sure that we can get some really bright minds to

09:24:25 develop the same type of application that Pittsburgh uses.

09:24:29 I mean, we could even contact the city of Pittsburgh and

09:24:33 find out who developed theirs and what it cost and how it

09:24:36 works, and, you know, not Lee invent the wheel but utilize

09:24:40 what they are already using.

09:24:42 So for the lots that don't have, you know, a counter where

09:24:46 the gates go up and down, they know how many cars are in

09:24:49 there at any one given time, it might be a little more

09:24:52 challenging for our surface lots.

09:24:54 But at least for our parking garages, it should be fairly

09:25:00 simple for someone who does that kind of application

09:25:03 development to develop something similar to park Pittsburgh.

09:25:09 I mean, it's great.

09:25:10 I have used it a number of times.

09:25:12 And if I am going the next day down there, downtown

09:25:18 Pittsburgh, I'll look and see at that time of day what

09:25:22 typically, which lots, which garages are fairly open and

09:25:25 which ones aren't.

09:25:27 So we can plan ahead our trip and know we are going to take

09:25:31 these roads and go this direction and map that location and

09:25:35 not actually the one we are going to.

09:25:37 I'll map the garage, or I'll match where the lot faces that

09:25:42 I am heading to instead of the venue that I am heading to.

09:25:46 So it's really, really helpful.

09:25:48 >>BOB McDONAUGH: Yes, and it's part of that changing

09:25:51 behavior where we need to start having people look at it

09:25:54 ahead of time instead of when they get off the interstates

09:25:57 and find out when they are going to pull off.

09:26:01 >>LISA MONTELIONE: Like I said you can do it from home

09:26:03 before you even get in the car and you can do it a week

09:26:05 before and say I'm going next weekend, know, where am I

09:26:10 headed for those who aren't familiar and don't come downtown

09:26:12 very often.

09:26:14 But I think maybe we need to have another hack-a-thon.

09:26:17 >>BOB McDONAUGH: I believe the parking department is going

09:26:20 to work on.

09:26:21 That I'll bring you an updates on that.

09:26:23 I'll send an e-mail to all of you exactly where we are with

09:26:26 that status, and our coordination with our partners here.

09:26:29 >>LISA MONTELIONE: Because everything now, I mean, people

09:26:31 use smart phones and use apps.

09:26:34 Even grocery shopping these days.

09:26:37 Thank you.

09:26:37 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Thank you.

09:26:41 I just -- this is, as we said, an unintended consequence of

09:26:45 our burgeoning success.

09:26:47 Do we have a timeline when this mate roll out, some new apps

09:26:55 or strategy?

09:26:57 >>BOB McDONAUGH: I will research it and e-mail it back to

09:26:59 you this week.

09:27:00 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Because it is true what Councilman Cohen

09:27:04 said, and I have heard it from people in St. Pete that they

09:27:09 won't come to Tampa because of that.

09:27:11 I have heard that come to my attention.

09:27:14 And they really would love to, because we have some great

09:27:19 things happening here.

09:27:21 So I'm glad we are working on it.

09:27:24 Thank you.

09:27:27 Next.

09:27:27 >>BOB McDONAUGH: Just a couple other updates.

09:27:29 In Ybor we are working on extending the streetscape on

09:27:33 7th Avenue to 26th street.

09:27:36 They have a couple of events coming up which is FSU season

09:27:41 kickoff part on the 13th and the USF party on the

09:27:44 20th.

09:27:45 We have the Shriners twilight parade on the 17th.

09:27:48 And there's a neighborhood issue.

09:27:49 Again an unintended consequence of our success, Bainbridge

09:27:56 apartments that they are building there backing up to the

09:27:58 interstate, TECO is going to have to raise the power lines

09:28:01 to get over that.

09:28:02 And so they are relatively high.

09:28:05 So we are having neighborhood meetings about that, because

09:28:07 it's again people have a sensitivity towards these power

09:28:11 poles.

09:28:12 And an update on what Mr. Busansky was saying is that

09:28:21 building permits for the channel club and they are doing

09:28:24 soil testing this week.

09:28:25 They hope to close by the end of the month and we should see

09:28:28 overall construction next month which would include the

09:28:31 grocery store to the Channel District which we have been

09:28:33 waiting for, for quite a while.

09:28:35 And that concludes my summary.

09:28:37 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Thank you.

09:28:41 Onto item 3.

09:28:44 The community markers.

09:28:46 >>BOB McDONAUGH: If I may, I would like to have Jeanette

09:28:49 come up and talk to you a little bit.

09:28:51 It's a product she worked on for a while.

09:28:54 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Of course.

09:28:56 >>JEANETTE LARUSSA FENTON: Drew Park, West Tampa, CRA

09:29:00 manager.

09:29:01 I'm delighted to be presenting this today.

09:29:03 It's a day I thought wasn't going to come.

09:29:05 As you know, you have seen in the your monthly reports and

09:29:08 so forth.

09:29:09 And we are finally here to present.

09:29:12 And this is informational only.

09:29:13 You will be getting this at City Council for actual approval

09:29:17 at your next meeting.

09:29:18 But this is for the plate agreement that FDOT provides for

09:29:23 us to allow us to place the Drew Park community markers

09:29:29 within the FDOT right-of-way.

09:29:31 Dale Mabry is a State Road so they do not give that

09:29:34 permission lightly and we have gone through, I kid you not,

09:29:39 working with FDOT and we have finally gotten that done.

09:29:42 I am pleased to present that to you today.

09:29:44 It's for your information and open to any questions you may

09:29:46 have.

09:29:47 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Thank you.

09:29:48 Any questions?

09:29:50 >>MIKE SUAREZ: It's been so long since you started this

09:29:52 process.

09:29:53 It's been at least four years, three our four.

09:29:56 And how many markers are we going to have then?

09:30:00 >>JEANETTE LARUSSA FENTON: Four markers along Cayuga, Alva

09:30:08 and Osborne along Dale Mabry.

09:30:13 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Thank you so much for getting us to this

09:30:19 point.

09:30:22 Item 4.

09:30:22 >>BOB McDONAUGH: Again, something that she's working with,

09:30:29 which is the North Tampa strategic action plan.

09:30:33 A heads up on that.

09:30:33 >>JEANETTE LARUSSA FENTON: This again is an informational

09:30:35 item.

09:30:37 Now that the West Tampa community redevelopment area has

09:30:39 been formed and we have our community redevelopment plan,

09:30:42 our process with all the CRAs is to develop strategic

09:30:46 action plans that are more near term focused and provide

09:30:51 actual priorities of what projects and programs will be done

09:30:54 with the funding.

09:30:54 So it gives us guidance for our budgeting and so forth.

09:30:59 What we have today is the draft.

09:31:04 This is not in final form.

09:31:05 But I wanted to share it with you so that you will be aware

09:31:08 that this is what is coming down the pike.

09:31:10 We have worked with the advisory committee and are working

09:31:14 with contract admin to put out this RFQ and we expect that

09:31:19 will probably will go out sometime begun the next 30 days.

09:31:22 And this would be for a consultant to assist us with

09:31:24 creating a developing strategic action master plan.

09:31:29 >>YVONNE CAPIN: I do have something to say that came to my

09:31:33 attention this past weekend.

09:31:35 By several people in that area, was that Macfarlane Park,

09:31:41 and dealing with people without homes, and what's happening

09:31:47 there, and, you know, defecating on public property, and

09:31:55 what are we trying to do?

09:31:57 Where are we?

09:31:58 And how many people are out there?

09:32:04 I am trying to get a better grasp of this.

09:32:07 I really just heard about it.

09:32:09 I knew what was happening but I didn't know to the extent

09:32:11 that it was really coming to people's attention and to my

09:32:16 attention Saturday.

09:32:18 >>JEANETTE LARUSSA FENTON: And it has come to mine as well.

09:32:21 The Macfarlane Park neighborhood association and also the

09:32:24 West Tampa chamber are actively trying to address this

09:32:28 problem.

09:32:31 As you know the park is not within the West Tampa CRA.

09:32:33 But it doesn't mean we aren't interested in it.

09:32:36 Certainly we are interested in it.

09:32:37 So it is something we are going to become more fully engaged

09:32:40 in with that problem.

09:32:41 >>YVONNE CAPIN: It's not part of the CRA but it's very

09:32:46 important, in my opinion, my mind, Macfarlane Park and

09:32:50 Julian B. Lane are bookends to the whole West Tampa

09:32:55 redevelopment, north goes up to Howard, main street keeps

09:33:00 going.

09:33:01 So that's why I brought it up.

09:33:02 >>GUIDO MANISCALCO: Since you brought that up, about a week

09:33:08 and a half ago I had a meeting with the West Tampa chamber,

09:33:11 with Macfarlane Park association and other community

09:33:14 stakeholders at Tampa police district 1 with the major, and

09:33:20 other folks, to address this issue.

09:33:22 You know, panhandling, homelessness, specifically issues in

09:33:25 the park.

09:33:25 So we are on top of it.

09:33:28 They are on top of it.

09:33:30 We are out there.

09:33:30 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Excellent.

09:33:32 >>GUIDO MANISCALCO: It's in the works.

09:33:34 >>YVONNE CAPIN: It just occurred tore me now.

09:33:37 Thank you so much for that.

09:33:42 We don't have to move anything.

09:33:44 It's just information.

09:33:45 >>JEANETTE LARUSSA FENTON: This is just informational.

09:33:47 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Now we go to the budget.

09:33:49 Thank you.

09:33:49 >>BOB McDONAUGH: I have an update for our report.

09:33:54 I'm embarrassed to learn that we already have an app.

09:33:57 It's called Waze.

09:33:59 We have 20,000 people actually that subscribe to it.

09:34:03 And has parking information for coming to events.

09:34:07 Waze.

09:34:10 >>MIKE SUAREZ: It's national.

09:34:12 And where is the information coming from, the transportation

09:34:18 management?

09:34:19 >>BOB McDONAUGH: Transportation management, parking

09:34:22 division.

09:34:22 >>MIKE SUAREZ: And I know there is a parking app to pay for

09:34:27 things.

09:34:27 But Waze may not have everything that we need.

09:34:30 That's all I would say.

09:34:31 >>LISA MONTELIONE: Yes, and that's the direction I was

09:34:36 going to go.

09:34:37 Because I use Google maps.

09:34:41 I have tried Waze and it's okay.

09:34:43 Some people love it.

09:34:45 But I just don't know what it is about me, I have a mental

09:34:50 block against it.

09:34:51 I don't know.

09:34:52 It's not something I use.

09:34:54 But when you go to the app store and you search park Tampa

09:35:00 or Tampa parking you are going to come up with the app to

09:35:04 pay for the street parking at the meter.

09:35:07 Not everybody is going to use Waze.

09:35:10 So it's something, you know, I would prefer to see something

09:35:14 like I mentioned, Park Pittsburgh where it is specific to

09:35:18 your city.

09:35:19 I mean, Waze is great for the people who use it.

09:35:22 You know, there you go.

09:35:25 It's going to get information to those folks.

09:35:27 But it's not going to get information to people who are

09:35:31 specifically searching for Tampa.

09:35:32 >> well, the chief of staff, the chief of police, myself,

09:35:41 Brad Baird and a number of other folks meeting about this

09:35:46 perfect storm issue that comes up about 10, 12 times a

09:35:50 year --

09:35:50 >> Your name for the record?

09:35:50 >> Rob Rosner, Downtown, Channel District, and Central Park,

09:35:54 and all of them.

09:35:57 It's a long list.

09:35:59 To help with this issue, I have been meeting with Dick and

09:36:04 everybody else about this.

09:36:05 We actually subscribe to Google and we get data, share data

09:36:11 as well as with Waze.

09:36:13 Waze is ongoing.

09:36:16 We do have the City of Tampa app, having these apps where

09:36:22 you can go to City of Tampa app and get these other ones,

09:36:27 have some kind of connection to them so when somebody says I

09:36:30 am going to plan a trip to go downtown and park somewhere,

09:36:33 this whole issue has been very active.

09:36:36 We have talking about it for months about how to improve

09:36:38 that.

09:36:39 And then the other part of that is to get with some of the

09:36:44 hardware that needs to be changed out, and like some of the

09:36:47 garages that would be able to tell how many people are left

09:36:50 in that garage at a capacity.

09:36:52 So if it's 500 parking garage, there's 20 left.

09:36:57 It doesn't say where they are in the garage but there's 20

09:37:00 left based on in and outs.

09:37:02 So those kinds of things are being coordinated and there is

09:37:04 some grant funding that they are pursuing, but they are

09:37:07 doing these things in steps.

09:37:08 D.O.T. has been very open in letting us do that and now we

09:37:14 have to just get a system in place that transfers the

09:37:19 information to gets them up there in a reasonable time.

09:37:22 That's where the chief would say when people are all coming

09:37:27 down to south garage and it's already full, you know, Google

09:37:31 maps showing them, we are trying to get those other pieces

09:37:37 of information in thereby so people can make a decision

09:37:39 early.

09:37:40 And if the garage is full, the police can say change all the

09:37:44 boards to say garage full, go west on Tampa or one of the

09:37:50 other streets.

09:37:51 >>LISA MONTELIONE: But those boards seem like such an

09:37:54 old-fashioned 1950s technology.

09:37:56 >> Well, we have one that actually --

09:38:06 >>LISA MONTELIONE: 1970s technology?

09:38:08 Got it.

09:38:08 >> We are coming to agreement.

09:38:14 You drag them out there and they are on wheels, you know,

09:38:17 they are on the street.

09:38:19 >> I don't know if it can be possible or not.

09:38:22 Like an amber alert, saying someone is out there.

09:38:26 There could be a traffic alert that pops up on your phone

09:38:29 and say within a mile.

09:38:31 Just kind of an alert.

09:38:33 I know he's trying to get that.

09:38:37 >>MIKE SUAREZ: If I could, Waze does not give parking

09:38:42 information.

09:38:43 So that's why I think there's confusion.

09:38:47 There's no parking information whatsoever for the City of

09:38:49 Tampa.

09:38:50 So that's something that we wanted to do as part of our

09:38:53 city's challenge that we did not get that grant, so that

09:38:59 doesn't have that capability, at least as far as I have seen

09:39:03 now.

09:39:04 So, you know, we need to figure out.

09:39:07 So Waze is not the way, Mr. McDonaugh.

09:39:12 We have to find another way to go to the Waze, okay?

09:39:17 (Laughter).

09:39:20 >>BOB McDONAUGH: I am going to have to get some

09:39:22 technical --

09:39:23 >>MIKE SUAREZ: You were looking for ways.

09:39:24 >>BOB McDONAUGH: Good morning again.

09:39:31 This is an overview of our upcoming year's budget.

09:39:35 And we have chosen our new park as the front cover.

09:39:40 I think it's really -- words don't describe it.

09:39:44 You know, it's such a fun place to be.

09:39:48 And I think that it highlights some of the redevelopment

09:39:51 efforts that we have.

09:40:00 Excuse me for a second.

09:40:01 It's not on your screen.

09:40:08 Planning and transportation and hoping to bring this back to

09:40:42 you next month for approval so this will give you a month to

09:40:47 review and look at it.

09:40:48 Again, folks at home, our community redevelopment areas.

09:40:53 And year after year it doesn't change but I am happy to say

09:40:56 this year it has with the addition of West Tampa and that

09:40:58 large block of land.

09:41:04 Total TIF revenues.

09:41:06 And something that occurred this past year because of the

09:41:08 changes in downtown.

09:41:09 We no longer get the Port Authority or children homes fund.

09:41:14 So it was a slight difference in the parks of downtown which

09:41:20 affected the overall.

09:41:22 Again you can see healthy increases in all of the areas.

09:41:25 East Tampa has the greatest increase.

09:41:31 Again the downtown -- and that was the oh occurrence of the

09:41:34 dropping off of the children's home and the Port Authority's

09:41:38 contribution.

09:41:38 So again very healthy increases.

09:41:41 Again, where the dollars are going, and one percent is

09:41:48 charter administration.

09:41:49 Trying to keep it as lean as we possibly can but the

09:41:54 majority share on capital improvement budget.

09:41:59 Downtown.

09:42:00 Of what we are looking at in the top left corner is the

09:42:03 project that's being developed on Franklin Street, 915, by

09:42:06 Carter and Associates out of Atlanta.

09:42:08 We have our new segregated bike Lane that runs along Cass

09:42:12 Street.

09:42:12 And the Poe Garage which certainly improved the look of it

09:42:19 but doesn't make the people who are waiting to get in and

09:42:22 out any happier.

09:42:23 So we are going to find a solution.

09:42:30 We need to do a better job.

09:42:32 Some of our objectives for this year again, probably the

09:42:35 biggest overall will be the work done by SPP with our

09:42:40 assistance.

09:42:42 And the medical school.

09:42:44 We have several projects that are either getting ready to be

09:42:48 in construction or are in construction right now.

09:42:51 Support the shuttle program.

09:42:53 Again we should start seeing that next month.

09:42:55 And I think that's going to be a big addition.

09:42:58 And that last mile, which we keep talking about in public

09:43:01 transportation.

09:43:04 Whether that's the shuttle bus for the electric carts or the

09:43:07 zip car.

09:43:07 But again adding some options to people so they aren't

09:43:12 necessarily tied to their car.

09:43:17 Downtown.

09:43:18 And 15 with the county in there and 17 by itself.

09:43:23 Our upcoming budget.

09:43:28 Remaining balances.

09:43:29 A lot of that money has been spent.

09:43:31 It just has not been drawn down.

09:43:33 So those moneys are generally obligated.

09:43:40 And I should have an update for you next month on where we

09:43:43 are with the quite zone, which is something that people

09:43:46 would like to find out about with the trains.

09:43:53 The lions share of this capital improvement project money

09:43:56 will be roads and sidewalks and streets.

09:43:59 And again, that project begins or commences on the 29th

09:44:03 of this month.

09:44:04 And as City Council, you approved the ability for us to move

09:44:08 forward to start negotiations on the Cumberland crossing

09:44:12 which is again another important piece of work for our

09:44:16 downtown network.

09:44:22 The Channel District.

09:44:27 The channel club and they are doing soil borings right now.

09:44:32 You should have a groundbreaking for that early next month

09:44:35 is my hope.

09:44:37 On the bottom, that is Florida sugars project on Kennedy at

09:44:43 11th and 12th.

09:44:45 A nice addition to the Channel District.

09:44:49 Some of the key projects we have going on is 12th street

09:44:53 segment C.

09:44:54 Again almost all the infrastructure has been completed in

09:44:57 there.

09:45:03 And we have to have been take soils before we build the

09:45:06 park.

09:45:07 We will not build the park until most of the construction is

09:45:09 done on the adjacent building.

09:45:11 Don't want to get the street and the park torn up.

09:45:14 The wastewater pump station, we have those two projects --

09:45:18 the Channel Club and the Publix.

09:45:21 Continuously CRA support of our creational cultural events.

09:45:25 And coordinating with the proposed Tampa Bay Express

09:45:28 project.

09:45:32 TIF revenue.

09:45:33 And probably, as Mr. Busansky says, I think we will be

09:45:39 coming to you in the not-too-distant future to start talking

09:45:43 about plans in Channelside Drive which is in need of a face

09:45:47 lift.

09:45:48 It's time to start work on that.

09:45:49 We kind of waited until we wanted to get the Cumberland

09:45:53 thing moving along because that's an important part of that

09:45:55 network.

09:45:59 So here is our proposed budget for the Channel District.

09:46:04 Again, we have some line items there.

09:46:07 Infrastructure engineering analysis management,

09:46:09 infrastructure neighborhood improvement.

09:46:11 Those can be shifted around during the year.

09:46:14 Hopefully more money being spent on actually structure than

09:46:18 actually engineering.

09:46:19 But these are placeholders until we know exactly what we are

09:46:22 going to do.

09:46:24 The Heights.

09:46:29 I believe I have told you that those projects are in for

09:46:32 permitting right now.

09:46:34 We are already close to issuing permits for both than the

09:46:38 improvements on the armature works.

09:46:40 The Pearl we have some issues with the capacity at the

09:46:42 current lift stations so some engineering is being done.

09:46:45 And hopefully we will be able to satisfy that shortly and

09:46:48 issue those permits.

09:46:49 The structure materials are starting to show up.

09:46:56 Again we want to support SoHo capitals.

09:47:00 And again this is an important neighborhood for the

09:47:02 involvement with the Tampa Bay Express project.

09:47:06 And if I may, I will have a more thorough report to you next

09:47:10 month.

09:47:11 The CRA managers went and talked to each of the CRAs.

09:47:15 First we had a meeting with D.O.T. to find out the exact

09:47:19 impact on each of the neighborhoods if there is going to be

09:47:21 more land taken.

09:47:23 Then the CRA managers went and talked to their prospective

09:47:27 boards, and to the one most of them came back with, yes,

09:47:32 it's something we would like to support but can you give us

09:47:34 an idea of how much it's going to cost? So we are also in

09:47:37 the process of finishing writing the scope of services which

09:47:40 we'll bring back to you to be see if indeed that meets what

09:47:43 you were thinking of.

09:47:44 We'll get a rough price and then go back to the CRA boards.

09:47:47 And get their acquiescence so we can move forward with that

09:47:52 project during the economic social study on the impact of

09:47:55 these roadways on these various neighborhoods.

09:47:57 So we have the conversations with the neighborhoods.

09:48:01 We have had conversations with D.O.T.

09:48:03 We had conversations with contract management.

09:48:05 And we are going to bring it back so we can speak to you

09:48:08 with a better tie to what kind of dollars we think are going

09:48:12 to be necessary and the scope of services we are going to be

09:48:14 looking for.

09:48:15 So we are but suing that.

09:48:17 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Thank you, chair.

09:48:24 I'm not sure -- and there may be something in our budget

09:48:27 document that I haven't seen yet that takes care of this,

09:48:30 but how much dollars -- and this is for both this CRA and

09:48:34 also for West Tampa being one that is essentially

09:48:38 reactivated and one that is brand new, how much money that

09:48:41 the city is going to put in that the CRA is obligated to

09:48:45 repay as part of any activities that are put in?

09:48:49 Because obviously we don't have any money coming in yet in

09:48:52 terms of from the base year to the additional amount, very

09:48:56 small amounts, we want projects to be done, the city is

09:48:59 going to have to put that money out but we'll pay it back, I

09:49:02 assume.

09:49:02 >>BOB McDONAUGH: We have done that in the past.

09:49:04 A very good example is Curtis Hixon park.

09:49:07 And as soon as we identify certain things that have to be

09:49:10 done immediately, we'll have that conversation.

09:49:12 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Okay.

09:49:14 But there's no cost that we have already borne that are

09:49:20 pulled back by CRA?

09:49:21 >>BOB McDONAUGH: No.

09:49:22 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Because I have seen the growth.

09:49:24 I want to make sure that's a real number and not a number

09:49:27 that says deficit in terms of what we have to pay back to

09:49:31 the city.

09:49:32 >>BOB McDONAUGH: We have been very cautious about incurring

09:49:34 costs.

09:49:35 And we have had this conversation about labor and some of

09:49:36 the other things.

09:49:37 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Sure.

09:49:39 >>BOB McDONAUGH: Because I don't want to do a CRA to be

09:49:41 burdened.

09:49:42 And things like that we have done in the past.

09:49:44 I believe in pay as you go.

09:49:46 I'm a very strong proponent of that.

09:49:48 And I think we are just about have been -- the last one

09:49:51 which is Central Park still has encumbrance but the other

09:49:54 ones do not.

09:49:55 And that would be my attention.

09:49:57 >>MIKE SUAREZ: That's my point that Central Park did have

09:50:00 that and I wanted to make sure we weren't going along that

09:50:02 same line what the budget actually are so going forward we

09:50:08 nobody exactly how much money to spend in each one of those

09:50:11 districts.

09:50:11 >>BOB McDONAUGH: Correct.

09:50:13 These are not previously encumbered.

09:50:16 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Pay as you go is great but sometimes

09:50:19 leveraging for return on investment --

09:50:21 >>BOB McDONAUGH: Absolutely.

09:50:22 >>YVONNE CAPIN: So here we go.

09:50:24 Anyone else?

09:50:25 Thank you.

09:50:25 >>BOB McDONAUGH: An example, when we built the underground

09:50:29 vault in the Channel District, we went out and got a

09:50:31 commercial loan to be do that because it's then taking

09:50:34 advantage of that.

09:50:35 So yes.

09:50:36 But we are being conservative in what we are doing.

09:50:39 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Conservative is good.

09:50:41 Thank you.

09:50:42 Next.

09:50:42 >>BOB McDONAUGH: Tampa Heights again with a nominal

09:50:45 increase and I think we are going to see some tremendous

09:50:48 increase it is next few years.

09:50:49 Again hourly budget for that.

09:50:54 Central Park CRA.

09:50:57 And they had some property under contract for some

09:51:01 commercial development which did not come to fruition, and

09:51:04 they are back on the marketplace.

09:51:06 And I'm pointing some people in that direction, specifically

09:51:10 hotel and office.

09:51:11 And I think in the current market environment, I think they

09:51:14 will be successful in attracting that type of use, which

09:51:18 again will pay dividends.

09:51:31 And a nominal increase that we will see, I believe, larger

09:51:34 increases in the not-too-distant future in that market.

09:51:41 Again, I think if memory serves me correctly this is the

09:51:46 last of the encumbrance from Central Park and the strategic

09:51:50 plan.

09:51:55 Ybor City.

09:51:58 The streetscape work that we talked about, extending 7th

09:52:01 Avenue to 26th.

09:52:04 The warehouse into an office space which is going to bring

09:52:08 150 bodies to Ybor during the day, which is a great

09:52:11 infusion.

09:52:14 One of the things that I am sure City Council will be seeing

09:52:17 in the not-too-distant future is working on that a allowance

09:52:24 on 21st and 22nd.

09:52:27 It the roadway has to be completed and turned over to the

09:52:30 city before we can do that.

09:52:31 That is the last step and that I think is a real game

09:52:34 changer because it makes it more pedestrian friendly.

09:52:37 The improvements along 21 and 22, they are going to be

09:52:40 great.

09:52:40 And Richard talking about doing those two restaurants on the

09:52:44 other side of 22nd street which will again be a link to

09:52:47 pedestrians.

09:52:48 That artificial barrier which has existed for so many years

09:52:51 is going to go away, which expands the district.

09:52:59 Again we are seeing increases in both the Ybor 1 and Ybor 2.

09:53:05 Again 21st and 22nd.

09:53:16 And Sean Robinson is here to talk about something else but

09:53:22 in getting engaged and bringing that to some of the public

09:53:25 structures, adding some life to some vacant windows and

09:53:31 doors in places.

09:53:32 Ybor 2, substantial increase for them.

09:53:36 Their budget.

09:53:38 And we are pretty close, I think, to working out an

09:53:41 agreement with TECO for the replacement, restoration of the

09:53:44 historic 'n arches and the lighting.

09:53:48 And it's been a little bit of slow go.

09:53:51 There's engineering involved because again you have to meet

09:53:56 with code.

09:53:57 It was a welder, and now it has to be engineered.

09:54:00 But I think we are pretty close to an agreement so we'll

09:54:03 have the restoration of those arches which everybody really

09:54:06 seems to think is important.

09:54:09 And again, the champion for bringing the most money up, and

09:54:13 here is something that shows you why that's not a surprise.

09:54:17 There's a lot of construction going on.

09:54:18 A lot of new projects.

09:54:20 And up on the right is the community center that is being

09:54:26 built there, and that was CRA land that was put into that to

09:54:33 spur that.

09:54:34 And a couple other projects that are going on.

09:54:36 So we are going to see continuously increase in there.

09:54:43 Single-family homes.

09:54:44 >>YVONNE CAPIN: When you went back to the other photo, just

09:54:47 real quickly, one of the things that started, and I think it

09:54:50 was 2010 or sooner actually when Fifth Third Bank went in

09:54:56 there, and they discovered what everyone knew, it's a

09:55:00 working class neighborhood that works and banks and, you

09:55:05 know, spends their dollars, and that's what you are seeing

09:55:09 here, is that everyone else came along and said, oh, yeah,

09:55:13 this is a place to be.

09:55:14 >> Fifth Third all of a sudden having deposits made a heck

09:55:19 of a lot of sense.

09:55:21 Exactly.

09:55:21 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Thank you.

09:55:26 That's not a plug for Fifth Third. (Laughter)

09:55:31 >> They were there when other banks were not.

09:55:36 We will give them a plug for that.

09:55:37 They supported the neighborhood.

09:55:38 >>YVONNE CAPIN: That's right.

09:55:40 >>BOB McDONAUGH: Again from zero to a million 153 is a

09:55:45 pretty nice chunk in three years.

09:55:47 And again, you know, outside of not just neighborhood

09:55:51 infrastructure but there's a lot of programs that are

09:55:55 supported in there.

09:55:56 >>CHARLIE MIRANDA: I'll tell you one thing, madam chair.

09:55:56 The Mayor came in a couple of weeks ago, he couldn't get

09:55:56 nothing to work. Bob McDonaugh comes in, everything works,

09:56:08 so I know where the power is at now, Mr. McDonaugh.

09:56:10 >> well, no, That's because I went in and begged.

09:56:10 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Thank you.

09:56:15 >>BOB McDONAUGH: Drew Park.

09:56:17 Again we talked about those markers.

09:56:22 And, you know, we are seeing investment there because of the

09:56:25 infrastructure improvements that we have done.

09:56:29 The FDOT money, City of Tampa money, improve Wallace and a

09:56:34 couple of other streets, we are seeing a lot of things going

09:56:36 on there and this is a neighborhood that I think you can

09:56:39 readily find lots of examples of the facade improvement

09:56:41 grant.

09:56:42 It made a big difference in the neighborhood.

09:56:44 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Very good.

09:56:57 Drew Park.

09:56:59 Blowing out at the seams.

09:57:01 It's a home grown success story.

09:57:03 Nice to see.

09:57:10 Drew Park again with be a modest increase in fund.

09:57:14 All of them have been trending up which is a positive thing.

09:57:16 And then West Tampa.

09:57:19 Again, JCC which is also spurring other investment.

09:57:27 You are looking at a fairly large development.

09:57:29 You go along Cass and Cypress, all of the in-fill projects

09:57:33 that are going on there, that neighborhood in that North

09:57:37 Hyde Park is really changing dramatically.

09:57:39 You know, what was quasi industrial area we are starting to

09:57:43 see a lot more residence.

09:57:45 There was a long-standing community there, and now it's

09:57:49 being supplemented.

09:57:50 So we have the old and the young.

09:57:51 It's kind of interesting.

09:57:53 So we are seeing some retail follow in there, which hasn't

09:57:57 happened in a long time.

09:58:00 So we have the Julian Lane park, which is the big deal, West

09:58:05 River, and relocations are still going on there.

09:58:11 I believe related with the choice, a partner in that.

09:58:14 We'll find out hopefully in the next few months what the

09:58:17 federal government is going to do with the choice

09:58:19 neighborhoods grant which will help kick start that project.

09:58:28 A nice first year.

09:58:29 I like it a lot better than East Tampa's 2014 number.

09:58:33 And again, these are funds that can be invested in the

09:58:37 community.

09:58:37 The plan and other things without starting out in a negative

09:58:43 plan.

09:58:43 Again there's the bottom line.

09:58:49 And you all have more copies of this.

09:58:51 I would be more than happy to sit down and talk with you if

09:58:54 you have suggestions, changes.

09:58:56 But that is our proposed budget.

09:58:58 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Thank you for that.

09:59:00 Any questions?

09:59:06 Mrs. Montelione.

09:59:06 >>LISA MONTELIONE: My back is killing me today so I'm

09:59:09 sorry.

09:59:11 A little distracted.

09:59:16 Than the current question is the movement of the park from

09:59:21 one CRA to another.

09:59:22 >>BOB McDONAUGH: That's actually on there.

09:59:24 >>LISA MONTELIONE: Well, in discussing the budget, we

09:59:27 didn't touch on that.

09:59:28 So I want to make sure you cover the implications if there

09:59:31 are any.

09:59:31 >>BOB McDONAUGH: Right now it's $12,000.

09:59:38 Is what they are currently paying in property taxes.

09:59:40 There is actually Courtney coming up to talk about it.

09:59:46 That's actually the next agenda item to talk about.

09:59:49 Because if I recall, last month, the board asked, what is

09:59:54 the YCDC, exactly what do you want to see happen?

09:59:57 And then we take action.

09:59:59 And so that is Courtney.

10:00:06 And Mr. Robinson.

10:00:08 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Are you done?

10:00:09 >>BOB McDONAUGH: I am.

10:00:10 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Thank you so much for your presentation and

10:00:13 your hard work.

10:00:15 Is it Dr. Robinson coming up?

10:00:17 Yes, thank you.

10:00:19 For YCDC report on the CRA.

10:00:24 >> Sean Robinson, YCDC chair, and thank you very much.

10:00:31 Good morning.

10:00:31 The last time I was here, the request was made to go back to

10:00:34 YCDC to make sure that you all understood what we wanted as

10:00:38 a request from you as a CRA board.

10:00:41 Planning infrastructure committee did meet.

10:00:43 And as I told you we would.

10:00:46 And then I made a recommendation to the full board and it

10:00:48 was approved unanimously that we would request only the Gas

10:00:52 Worx parcel be transferred from the downtown CRA to Ybor 2

10:01:00 CRA.

10:01:01 And that was proposed in the motion that we made.

10:01:04 Anything additional to that, we would not favor going forth

10:01:11 with other than the request of the -- regarding the opinions

10:01:22 from the other group.

10:01:27 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Repeat?

10:01:30 Oats than?

10:01:33 >> Last time there were some discussions about expanding the

10:01:35 CRA larger than just the Gas Worx parcel.

10:01:39 The YCD voted just to go with the Gas Worx parcel out of the

10:01:44 transfer and nothing else to expand Ybor, one CRA or two

10:01:51 CRA.

10:01:51 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Okay, thank you so much.

10:01:54 Councilman Reddick.

10:01:55 >>FRANK REDDICK: Thank you, Madam Chair.

10:01:59 My question, it's my understanding the last time we had this

10:02:04 discussion was that you were supposed to send a letter prior

10:02:08 to this meeting.

10:02:10 Has that been done?

10:02:14 Is it possible that -- I haven't received a copy of it.

10:02:17 I don't know if anybody else has.

10:02:19 Is it possible that we receive a copy of that?

10:02:21 Okay.

10:02:22 How soon can we get the copy?

10:02:26 >>SAL TERRITO: You can get it today.

10:02:28 [Off microphone.]

10:02:31 I have not received a response yet.

10:02:32 >>FRANK REDDICK: Well, let me request that each council

10:02:38 member receive a copy of the letter and once you get a

10:02:41 response that we also receive a copy of the response.

10:02:45 Instead of having to hear from you when we come to a

10:02:48 meeting.

10:02:48 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Is that a motion so that we can put it on

10:02:54 the record that we want the copy?

10:02:57 >>SAL TERRITO: [Off microphone.] if you want to do it in a

10:03:00 motion it's up to you but I have direction.

10:03:06 You will get it today.

10:03:07 >>YVONNE CAPIN: We're good.

10:03:11 We're good.

10:03:11 >>FRANK REDDICK: Thank you.

10:03:13 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Anyone else?

10:03:16 Okay.

10:03:16 Seeing none, we move forward.

10:03:19 Thank you for the report.

10:03:22 And we come to public comments.

10:03:24 Three minutes per speaker.

10:03:26 On any matter on the agenda.

10:03:27 >> Okay, I'm Ed, Ed Tillou, Sulphur Springs.

10:03:53 Okay.

10:03:55 The thirst thing I want to talk about in item 6, it's about

10:03:59 the third meeting I meant to speak about it.

10:04:01 I keep forgetting it.

10:04:02 But another very important factor on this which I bring to

10:04:06 your attention as an environmental engineer, when you hear

10:04:13 Gas Worx -- by the way, I don't know, somebody was

10:04:18 mentioning soil samples being taken.

10:04:21 I looked up and it was item 2.

10:04:23 Well, you might want to take soil samples of the Gas Worx

10:04:26 site because all of a sudden it will go from being a

10:04:32 desirable thing that everybody wants to being something

10:04:35 nobody wants.

10:04:36 So, anyway, that's inserted now.

10:04:41 Okay.

10:04:42 West Tampa was mentioned.

10:04:45 And, well, I didn't want to get to that first, because here

10:04:51 is today's road rage.

10:04:55 Now why do people put up with this?

10:04:57 And the answer to this is they put up with it because of

10:05:00 Hart.

10:05:00 Hart is not aggressively marketing themselves.

10:05:03 Now, I recently learned over the Board of Trustees, but he

10:05:13 just took a powder.

10:05:15 Okay.

10:05:15 You have a saying that goes, if someone isn't part of the

10:05:19 solution they are part of the problem.

10:05:22 So maybe that's where the buck stops, because one of your

10:05:29 number uses the buses, and I do.

10:05:31 So he and I are first class citizens but the rest of you,

10:05:36 you are declared fourth class citizens because you are

10:05:38 destroying the environment.

10:05:39 You are playing Russian roulette with the climate that's

10:05:43 leading to enough food for half of the people on the planet.

10:05:48 Now it will take 50 years for it to happen but you are

10:05:51 talking about a major change in the infrastructure and

10:05:54 things like that.

10:05:54 And that takes longer than 50 years. Anyway, after 50

10:05:58 years, it will stabilize it an inch a year.

10:06:01 And Tampa has about 100 and nothing you do is going to

10:06:10 change that.

10:06:11 Tampa will be underwater in 150 years.

10:06:13 So anyway, so much for that.

10:06:15 The person who is a first class citizen and also rides the

10:06:19 buses unlike most of the people here, but here is an

10:06:24 interesting thing.

10:06:26 You give out all these little goodies to the Police Officer

10:06:29 of the Month.

10:06:31 They can ride the bus for free.

10:06:32 But none of them do.

10:06:36 Now, the thing is maybe a prerequisite for being Police

10:06:40 Officer of the Month is that he has to ride the bus in

10:06:42 uniform three oar four times a month, you know?

10:06:47 Think about be that.

10:06:47 Because there are things that happen on the buses that are

10:06:50 undesirable people don't want to use them.

10:06:52 Okay.

10:06:53 This was something that came up.

10:06:55 And it was predicted by Derek Chamblee, and he's come up

10:07:04 with actually three or four good things.

10:07:06 You need to be concerned about the global warming leading to

10:07:12 larger hurricanes.

10:07:13 But in any case, this was brought up.

10:07:16 And you really do need to get a handle on it.

10:07:22 And safety.

10:07:22 That was brought up as something that wasn't an issue.

10:07:26 (Bell sounds)

10:07:27 But now people --

10:07:29 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Thank you.

10:07:30 Thank you for your time.

10:07:33 >> It's come to an issue.

10:07:36 It really has.

10:07:37 And I say that as a safety engineer.

10:07:39 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Thank you.

10:07:41 Next, please.

10:07:49 I am sovereign citizen worldwide global prince king.

10:07:55 I am a North American native indigenous people of the land.

10:08:01 I have been doing like a lot of researching in the law

10:08:05 library, statutes and limitations and restrictions and

10:08:12 everybody's jobs in my country and stuff like that.

10:08:15 Now I understand my job a little bit more as far as

10:08:18 maintaining peace and amenity and making sure none of my

10:08:25 citizens rights are trampled over, every citizen worldwide,

10:08:30 because I happen to be a citizen of earth and happen to be

10:08:33 an ambassador of the earth and the heavens.

10:08:36 So that means I am going to be watching everything that's

10:08:38 going on on the worldwide level.

10:08:39 That means all of your governments, International, federal,

10:08:43 local and states.

10:08:45 And as I gain more comprehension and understanding on what I

10:08:51 am and what I am supposed to be do.

10:08:53 I am going to pay more attention.

10:08:55 And I am also reading up on police so I understand finance

10:09:00 you guys have a policy also.

10:09:04 That's not meaning you have to know the rules that you have

10:09:07 to follow.

10:09:09 That's not natural.

10:09:10 It's not cool at all.

10:09:11 Because we expect our positions in the right way and help

10:09:15 our country out of their little mess that they don't even

10:09:18 know they are in.

10:09:19 And that's a good situation, and we are in a bad situation

10:09:22 in another way, because we still got a lot of our public

10:09:25 that is uneducated.

10:09:26 We have got an education system but it ain't doing much if

10:09:29 anything for our children.

10:09:30 We got a policing system, but only thing the policing is

10:09:34 what do you call it?

10:09:36 Blue collar crime, white collar crime that gets brushed

10:09:39 under the rug no one hears about because you don't hear it

10:09:42 but still under the "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no

10:09:48 evil," but that doesn't work anymore.

10:09:50 And it's all around us.

10:09:52 I'm not happy with the candidates or the ones we got in the

10:09:56 white house that you keep hearing things about with all of

10:10:00 the citizens and everybody worldwide.

10:10:01 That's not cool and that's not funny at all.

10:10:04 Now, United States, you guys operate on your own without the

10:10:13 help of the people.

10:10:16 So don't put the people in trouble when we are not the ones

10:10:19 doing the dirt.

10:10:19 We are trying to make sure that we can rise the kings and

10:10:24 queens that are in America that you know this is a sovereign

10:10:27 country, and I don't blame that on the teachers.

10:10:33 The teachers are only there to provide with you the tools to

10:10:36 go into the library and educate yourself.

10:10:38 We are Americans.

10:10:39 That means we are stronger and smarter than the rest of us

10:10:42 that don't do it like that.

10:10:44 You all need to rise up.

10:10:46 (Bell sounds)

10:10:47 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Next.

10:10:50 >> [Off microphone.]

10:11:04 >> I'm Italian and Spanish.

10:11:07 My name is Rick Fernandez.

10:11:09 2906 north Elmore Avenue, Tampa 33602, Tampa Heights.

10:11:14 I'm the president of the Tampa Heights Civic Association.

10:11:18 I'm here to just offer a couple of -- Heights Civic

10:11:20 Association.

10:11:21 I'm here to offer a couple of comments on the issue that Mr.

10:11:26 McDonaugh addressed in the budget presentation.

10:11:28 This has to do with the hiring of a consultant to do a study

10:11:32 on the economic impact of TBX.

10:11:36 I personally have visited the CACs for Tampa Heights,

10:11:41 YCDC, East Tampa, downtown, and Channelside, West Tampa.

10:11:48 It will be later this month.

10:11:51 All of those except for Channelside are directly affected by

10:11:54 the TBX project, and one would assume would have some

10:11:58 financial stake in the retention decision.

10:12:04 All of them, again Tampa Heights, Ybor City, East Tampa,

10:12:07 downtown, and Channelside have all indicated their support

10:12:11 of the initiative in votes of their CAC group.

10:12:15 Actually, the interactions were certainly positive.

10:12:21 I learned a lot about the individuals the CAC is going to

10:12:24 visit and I appreciate the hospitality that was extended to

10:12:27 me.

10:12:27 At three of the meetings, fortuitously the Department of

10:12:30 Transportation through Debby Hunt was actually present, just

10:12:34 coincidental, but D.O.T. made their presentations in advance

10:12:38 of my public comment.

10:12:39 So those were Tampa Heights, downtown and Channelside.

10:12:44 So all three of those were well advised and well versed on

10:12:47 the issues regarding the TBX project at least from FDOT's

10:12:52 perspective before the presentation regarding the

10:12:54 independent consultant and economic issue was presented.

10:12:59 So I do hope that this initiative will move forward.

10:13:02 It sounds like city staff is currently involved in preparing

10:13:06 the RFP for the consultancy, and we certainly look forward

10:13:10 to seeing their work product and the consultants that might

10:13:15 be interested.

10:13:15 I have made a recommendation in writing by e-mail to each of

10:13:19 you regarding the Florida center for community design and

10:13:23 research out at USF.

10:13:25 They being the organization that actually facilitated the

10:13:29 community outreach project.

10:13:31 Regarding TBX.

10:13:34 They were very well versed on the issue and Karen Sabian in

10:13:40 particular is very well versed.

10:13:41 I have spoken to her, and I understand that they are

10:13:43 interested in the project, and I hope that they will be

10:13:46 bidding as well.

10:13:48 So that said, I appreciate again your courtesy as always,

10:13:52 and I thank you for your attention.

10:13:53 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Okay, anyone else?

10:13:58 Seeing none -- yes.

10:14:08 Councilman Reddick.

10:14:09 >>FRANK REDDICK: Mr. McDonaugh, I guess you can answer this

10:14:13 question.

10:14:13 Who is paying for the independent study?

10:14:15 >>BOB McDONAUGH: That we were talking about?

10:14:18 It was supposedly split among the various CRAs that are

10:14:22 impacted by that.

10:14:22 >>FRANK REDDICK: And the study is supposed to consist of

10:14:28 what, economic impact?

10:14:29 Is that what it is?

10:14:30 >>BOB McDONAUGH: Yes, actually writing a scope for it now.

10:14:33 But what kind of actual impacts happen to a neighborhood

10:14:36 from the widening of the interstate, whether that be

10:14:40 financial or the value of the properties, that type of

10:14:42 thing.

10:14:43 Yes, sir.

10:14:43 >>FRANK REDDICK: Do you know how much the final budget

10:14:48 total cost is?

10:14:49 >>BOB McDONAUGH: We do not.

10:14:50 As I explained earlier we are writing a scope right now and

10:14:53 we'll get an estimate from the contract management coach.

10:14:56 Because several of the CRAs said yes, sounds like a great

10:14:59 idea.

10:14:59 But before I say yes, I would like to know how much it's

10:15:01 going to cost.

10:15:02 So, yes, we want to have a ballpark.

10:15:04 First scope and then a ballpark cost.

10:15:07 And then get acquiescence of each.

10:15:12 >>FRANK REDDICK: Thank you.

10:15:14 >>SAL TERRITO: [Off microphone.] the vice chair is the last

10:15:18 person who served as chair, if you want to make a motion.

10:15:22 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Thank you.

10:15:32 Okay.

10:15:33 I am going to go back, because I am concerned that we had to

10:15:39 ask for a copy of the letter that we requested.

10:15:44 If it is not a policy I would like to make a motion that

10:15:47 anything that this body has, letter or otherwise, that

10:15:55 copies be sent to this body immediately at the same time as

10:15:58 being sent out to the entity we asked.

10:16:01 We should not have to ask.

10:16:03 And that bothered me that we had to ask for it.

10:16:07 So do I need -- I'm wondering, is that in the form of a

10:16:12 motion, or policy?

10:16:15 So I would make a motion -- I am going to make a motion that

10:16:18 we receive copies of everything, motions, and ask for

10:16:28 every -- every time, both coming and going, what's being

10:16:32 received as a response, what's being sent out on everything

10:16:35 that we ask for.

10:16:36 So that's my motion.

10:16:37 >> Second.

10:16:38 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Thank you.

10:16:40 >>FRANK REDDICK: Motion by Mrs. Capin.

10:16:42 Second by Mr. Cohen.

10:16:45 Any discussion on the motion?

10:16:46 All in favor say aye.

10:16:47 Opposed?

10:16:48 Motion carried.

10:16:48 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Thank you.

10:16:51 Yes, Mr. McDonaugh.

10:16:52 >>BOB McDONAUGH: The last piece of business, we are asking

10:16:55 for ratification of some members of the Tampa CAC.

10:17:04 They are having an election and are asking for ratification

10:17:06 of the CRA board of the people they have selected.

10:17:10 >>CHARLIE MIRANDA: So moved for the slate.

10:17:11 I looked at the applicants and they are very well suited for

10:17:14 the position.

10:17:14 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Moved by Councilman Miranda.

10:17:17 Seconded by Councilman Maniscalco.

10:17:20 All those in favor?

10:17:21 Opposed?

10:17:23 Passes.

10:17:24 Thank you.

10:17:24 >>BOB McDONAUGH: That concludes my report.

10:17:27 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Thank you, Mr. McDonaugh.

10:17:29 Thank you for coming to this meeting.

10:17:32 Information.

10:17:32 We are going to move on to information reports and new

10:17:34 business.

10:17:36 Councilman Miranda.

10:17:38 >>CHARLIE MIRANDA: None, Madam Chair.

10:17:40 >>FRANK REDDICK: None.

10:17:42 >>MIKE SUAREZ: None at this time.

10:17:43 >>HARRY COHEN: None, thank you.

10:17:46 >>GUIDO MANISCALCO: No.

10:17:47 >>LISA MONTELIONE: [Off microphone.]

10:17:57 No, ma'am.

10:17:57 Thank you very much.

10:17:58 >>YVONNE CAPIN: Well, thank you.

10:17:59 That being taken care of --

10:18:02 >>MIKE SUAREZ: Move to receive and file.

10:18:03 >> Second.

10:18:04 >>YVONNE CAPIN: All in favor?

10:18:06 We are adjourned.

10:18:09 6:00 tonight.

10:18:09 6:00.

10:19:00 (The CRA meeting adjourned.)



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