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Tampa City Council
September 19, 2002
9:00 a.m. Regular session
Part 1 of 2
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>>Gwen Miller: Tampa City Council is called to order.
It is my pleasure to always introduce one of our own.
And this morning, we have Mr. Joe benjamin, who is the procurement specialist with the Purchasing Department.
Would you please stand and remain standing for the Pledge of Allegiance.
>> shall we pray?
Father, we come humbly before you because you are merciful and mighty.
We boldly bring our petitions because you are faithful to hear and answer our prayers.
You are an awesome god.
Thanks for your son, who made the ultimate sacrifice and now intercedes on our behalf.
We thank you for the privilege of being able to pray to you right now.
We thank you for your blessings upon this city.
Your word tells us in roman 13 that we are to have respect for those that are placed in places of leadership and consequently I pray blessings on all of our leaders in this city, for these council members, our mayor, our department directors and each and every staff member in this city.
I pray for blessings on their families and their homes.
Father, we pray now that you would bless these proceedings, have your hand in all business conducted here today and always.
May your influence be the guide and your principles be the blueprint for the way decisions are made.
Help us to always remember that in all things, it's not who's right but what's right.
Forgive us where we fail you, lord, and help us to learn from our mistakes.
We praise you.
We thank you.
And we love you.
We pray these things expectantly and with faith because we know that you will answer our prayer for they are prayed in the precious and powerful name of jesus.
[ Pledge of Allegiance ]
>>Linda Saul-Sena: I just want to remind all of my fellow council members that we have brochures that were developed by the national conference for community and justice which have guidelines for prayer in public places like this that we can make available to all the people who provide prayers in council chambers so that they are appropriate for community settings.
Thank you.
>>Gwen Miller: roll call.
>>Linda Saul-Sena: here.
>>Shawn Harrison: here.
>>Rose Ferlita: here.
>>Bob Buckhorn: here.
>>Gwen Miller: here.
At this time, we go to our department heads.
Ms. Gina Grimes.
>>Gina Grimes: Gina Grimes, Legal Department.
Item Number 79 on the agenda is a resolution setting public hearings on the good neighbor courtesy notice ordinance.
I just need to substitute that resolution and change the dates for those hearings.
They both have to be held after the Planning Commission meeting.
>>Gwen Miller: we have a motion and second.
All in favor of the motion, aye.
[motion carried unanimously]
>>Linda Saul-Sena: I just wondered if we were going to do a good neighbor courtesy notice to all the people about the hearing on the notice.
It might be a good idea.
>>Gina Grimes: okay.
I'll work with the neighborhood liaisons and let them know.
>>Linda Saul-Sena: that would be really excellent.
I know they are all interested.
>>Gwen Miller: next, we have Mr. Sam hamilton.
>>sam hamilton: good morning, sam hamilton, Legal Department.
On Item Number 60, I request a substitution which I’ve already provided to the City Clerk.
Just a couple of technical changes to the document presented.
The taylor foundation requested a couple of last-minute changes that will just assist them from a federal tax compliant standpoint.
Basically there's just the inclusion of a couple of words, donation, donate to make it clear that although they are making a payment to the City, it is in effect from their perspective a donation so that obviously they'll receive favorable tax treatment for that.
>>Gwen Miller: need a motion.
We have a motion and second.
All in favor of the motion, aye.
[motion carried unanimously]
>> thank you.
>>Gwen Miller: next we have Mr. Jack rodriguez.
>> jack rodriguez, real estate.
I have a substitution of a document a change of date on a modification of a termination of lease agreement with hartline.
I'd like to submit.
>>Gwen Miller: we have a motion to receive and file.
All in favor of that motion, aye.
[motion carried unanimously]
>> thank you.
>>Gwen Miller: thank you.
At this time, we'll go to the presentation of our officer.
Mr. Buckhorn.
>>Bob Buckhorn: if I could have officer mike stout join us at the podium and his family.
Come on up everybody.
The whole family is here.
Lieutenant, come on up.
I want all of you.
We understand that police work is a family business, and you guys sacrifice as much as the folks who actually wear the uniform so we appreciate this.
Colleagues, this is a somewhat unique circumstance and I think a special circumstance.
The young man that we are giving this award to today is relatively new to the force, but he comes and follows in a long tradition of place work in the stout family.
His father, right there, is detective greg stout, formerly of the homicide squad and now over at cib and someone who has been a long-time member of the Tampa Police Department.
Somebody who I have known for many, many years and does a great job for us and I know right now is a very, very proud father.
I was there when his son got his badge about, what, two years ago?
And that was a happy day anticipated know the whole family here is very, very proud of what this young man has accomplished as we are too.
May 20, 2002, officer mike stout with kevin kirk conducted an armed robbery investigation of boston market restaurant on west Kennedy.
Their observations of the surveillance tape roused their suspicions that a particular employee May have been involved in the robbery.
Conducted an interview of the employee at the home resulting in the employee confessing to her involvement and the planning of the commission of the robbery.
The young lady also identified the gunman in the video and a pickup was placed for him.
On June 13th, officer stout responded to a restaurant robbery on west Kennedy.
The clerk identified the perpetrator as a frequent customer of the business.
Officer stout began contacting several of his street contacts to develop further information on the suspect.
As a result of these inquiries, he developed the identity and location of the suspect, officer stout responded to this location and came into contact with an individual who matched the suspect's description.
He detained the suspect until the victim arrived and was able to make positive identification.
The suspect was subsequently arrested without incident.
Officer stout is an extremely hard-working officer who has established numerous street contacts that have aided him in many of his investigations.
He is tenacious in his investigations and extremely thorough in the subsequent documentation of these offenses.
He has made it a point to familiarize himself with the various areas in his zone including riverfront park where he has made four grant theft auto arrests and recovered six vehicles in a three-month period.
He is clearly following in the tradition of the stout family.
The tradition of the example set by his dad.
And I want to tell you that we are proud of this family and proud of this young man for carrying on that tradition, not only of the stout family but also of the Tampa Police Department.
So, mike, on behalf of my colleagues, on behalf of the citizens that you serve today, congratulations.
You have as a young officer set a pattern that I hope will continue throughout your career.
[ applause ]
I know lieutenant pinkerton is here.
His commanding officer.
To present the watch for officer of the month.
I know some of our members of the private sector are here as well.
Mike, it's your turn at the podium, which May be the scariest thing you've ever done.
>> on behalf of bill currie ford a very nice watch.
>> thank you very much.
That's wonderful.
>> good morning, danny lewis, representing bill currie ford.
Congratulations on your selection.
Wear that watch proudly.
We normally give a dinner for two, but in this situation we're going to change a little bit.
We'll do a dinner for eight or ten, whatever it takes.
>> thank you very much.
[ applause ]
>> not to be outdone by bill currie ford, from the Florida aquarium, we appreciate everything you did.
And there's obviously not enough tickets so we'll take care of the rest of it.
>> thank you very much.
Thank you, sir, very much.
[ applause ]
>> thank you very much.
I want to just thank the council and the City.
I really enjoy being a Tampa police officer.
And I think I learned a lot in my investigation, things from my father and I’m very proud of him also.
And again, just thank you all very much for having me receive this award.
I really appreciate it.
Thank you.
[ applause ]
>>Rose Ferlita: mike, congratulations.
Thanks for what you do.
One thing, make sure your father does not end up with that watch.
[ laughter ]
>>Gwen Miller: at this time, is there anyone in the audience who would like to ask for reconsideration?
>> good morning.
My name is dwight halligan.
I am standing as an interested party asking for reconsideration of rezoning of the land care property on south MacDill on the basis from my understanding and the information I have received, the project misrepresented officials at MacDill air force base, tony rodriguez, the liaison for the City, lieutenant colonel fogey and that the project was presented to MacDill was not the same -- the same project was not presented to the council member.
Falls outside the comprehensive plan for the south of Gandy project.
Also sets a precedent for the type of blending in such a small area based on three lots and opens up the City to many lawsuits from developers who have been turned down in the past for this type of project.
Also, the City officials that opposed the project of kim wall and Mr. Cohen and the citizens of melanie higgins, president of the homeowners association, ballast point area, herb lyon, myself being a homeowner or property owner of the property directly across the street and also my mother who owns the rest of the block which has been rezoned from cg last month to rs-50.
>>Linda Saul-Sena: I believe that we just put it on first reading last week.
This is, I guess a legal question.
Do we consider reconsiderations while things are on first reading?
There's a second public hearing scheduled I believe for next week at a time certain, I think 9:30 for things that were put on first reading.
So my understanding is usually things don't get --
>>James Palermo: you can do it either time, Ms. Saul-Sena.
I wasn't at that zoning hearing, so I don't know if he's bringing up anything that was not covered at that hearing.
Certainly he can come back next week and oppose the adoption process.
Or you May consider reconsideration today as the action you took last Thursday night.
>>Bob Buckhorn: wouldn't the appropriate time for reconsideration be at the conclusion of the second reading when we've made a decision one way or the other?
Doesn't he have an opportunity next week to make his case?
>>James Palermo: there's an opportunity next week to make his case and he further has the opportunity the following week to come back and ask for reconsideration if the decision is contemporary to what he's looking for.
He's got like three bites at the apple.
He really does.
>>Gwen Miller: you want to say something, Ms. Grimes.
>>Gina Grimes: I agree with Mr. Palermo that you can do it at any one --
>>Bob Buckhorn: sir, you understand what we just said.
You will get your chance to make your case next week at the public hearing.
>> yes, sir.
I understand now.
>>Bob Buckhorn: then if the outcome is not what you want, then you can come back and ask for reconsideration.
But, I mean, I would suggest that you be prepared next week to argue your position.
>> okay.
Thank you, sir.
>>Rose Ferlita: also, sir, if there's something you feel was said inappropriately or incorrectly, my advice would be to bring that documentation with you or statement so we can compare the two scenarios of the same opinion.
>> okay.
I appreciate it.
Thank you.
>>Gwen Miller: thank you, sir.
Anyone else like to ask for reconsideration?
At this time, we go to our audience portion.
Anyone in the audience like to speak on any item except the public hearing May speak for three minutes.
>> i'd like to speak under reconsideration.
>>Gwen Miller: okay.
>> the City Council here is ready to do hand springs from MacDill, upside down, over, whatever you want to do.
If MacDill says "go," we do it.
But there's a big difference between when MacDill says they don't oppose something and support it.
And MacDill representative was not at the meeting nor was there any documentation.
And the representative for the proponent said they supported it.
And I have talked to the people at MacDill.
They assumed that it was within the comprehensive plan, but it is not within the comprehensive.
And Mr. Cullen and Ms. Wall both told you or Ms. Wall told you that it wasn't within the comprehensive plan.
Mr. Cullen feels it is not within the comprehensive plan.
So I think that if anybody -- rather depending on hearsay and it is hearsay that MacDill supports something.
That you need either representative MacDill or a letter.
If I come up here and make some wild statement that somebody supports it and you aren't going to take that at face value.
That's hearsay.
Mr. Harrison, you know what the difference between hearsay and testimony.
>>Shawn Harrison: [ inaudible ]
>> but that's what I want to say is okay, we wanted to do what MacDill wants, but there's a big difference between not opposing and supporting.
And the various people around here will say anything to get their point across.
Unless you pin them down and say show me a letter, show me a representative.
Thank you.
>>Linda Saul-Sena: Mr. Lyon, I just want -- last week at the hearing, Ms. Higgins and some other people said that they hadn't had a chance to see the final plan much in advance.
And I just wanted to make sure that's available to you to see, you know, before the final hearing.
And I will go back again and look at the site before the hearing next week.
>> it's a matter of "now you see me, now you don't."
In the representations to the council.
If you look at the hearing that I appeared on, it didn't appear until 3:13 on the day of the hearing.
It's the same thing.
They will do anything to get these things across.
And -- misrepresentation, stretching the truth a little bit or delaying, that's the issue.
>>Gwen Miller: thank you, Mr. Lyon.
>> good morning, ladies and gentlemen.
My name is moses knott, jr..
I reside at 2902 east ellicott street where I operate a business under the name of knott's salvage and hauling for 40 some years.
Still got my license.
Then again I thank God this morning for his grace and his mercy.
Chair lady, first thing I want to talk about this morning is I represent the poor peoples and I told the poor people, I said -- I told them, I be coming to the podium way before a lot of you got here.
I'll be here when a lot of you are gone.
Still going to be sitting right here.
I told these poor people, I say you all ain't got but two things going for you all and that's pray and vote.
I've been saying this here till I turn blue in the face.
I mean, getting blacker than what I am.
But, you know, I tell you this last vote really got me.
People went out there and tell me exactly what I said don't do.
They people went out there and I say always vote for somebody who has a good track record.
They went out there and elected a man that don't have no track record.
At all.
But I want to say, though -- and then again I want to thank God this morning.
Last week I come here, last week I was telling the people about the difference in the flag and the statue of liberty.
I praise it for what it stands for.
But this morning, I was talking about the flag, but this morning I want to zero in on lady liberty, statue of liberty.
You know one thing?
I love this lady.
Ever since day one I was a little boy.
And I went to the history on this lady, you know.
This lady, she was put together in another country.
And a lot of countries supported her.
Some countries made her hands, some made her feet, and they all pitched in together.
And they put her on a barge to bring her into the new york harbor, you know, to install her.
And on the way here, they had a problem and when they got here, the problem on the way here, come through a stone and the barge got tipped over, but brought it in here with tow trucks, but this thing tipped over.
When they got to new york, they anchored her and then they found out it would cost thousands and thousands of dollars to anchor her.
Then she sat on a barge for years right there in new york harbor.
Just sit there.
And then they had -- did you know it was children all over the world pennies and nickels to build the platform for her to sit on.
When they were bombing new york, they had jets and everything guarding this lady.
Nobody ever said anything about her.
But what she represent, she represent liberty, freedom.
I represent that.
I would die for freedom and represent -- I would just die for it.
Have God first in my life and represent freedom.
I want to say, though, I thank God for that lady.
All that happened in new york, she got no kind of praise at all.
And all those people come through, ellis island, all over the world they come here.
Right in new york harbor.
Another thing about new york.
I told you all new york was a sinful city.
Prostitute was born right there in new york.
They had great big buildings.
German women in one building.
Oh, lord, have mercy, jesus.
>>Gwen Miller: thank you, Mr. Knotts.
>> my name is she will l.a. Cole, 4203 kenneth court.
This letter says that the Mayor and the City Council and all our people are going to have a meeting to redo central Avenue in its historic form.
And I just want to say thank you.
I used to feel like I walked up here every Thursday and wasted a lot of my time.
This letter that they sent me to my house and my job made it all worthwhile.
And I appreciate it.
But back to my job.
Now listen to what I’m going to say.
You know, in Ybor City, they removed a lot of stuff.
A lot of stuff they had to take at eminent domain or they had to buy it, and they bought it cheap.
And a lot of those people are old, too were old.
And they gone somewhere else.
But if you could, when you budget it and thinking about the people and how to solve the problem, a lot of people was displaced for homes.
If they could have a little place.
A big long barn and I’ll oversee it, a place a stable, if you may, so they have a place to stay.
A lot of people lost their home in Ybor City.
And the future of Ybor City should have a spot or place where they can come and feel that they still could come to this neighborhood because once you make it so beautiful, believe me, the police not letting them in unless they got on a suit.
So it should be someplace in Ybor City where we can, you know, do that dance we like to do.
Thank you very much.
>>Gwen Miller: thank you, sheila.
>> derrick chamblee, 2323 north oregon.
I have a handout.
I don't happen to have enough copies.
Perhaps there's one that can make copies for each of you.
I'll probably run out my three minutes while he's making copies.
This is a very sensitive matter that also involves Ybor City.
I did look at your agenda and I did not see the matter of the variance on the guavaween celebration plan for October 26th, and this has to do with guavaween.
I would wait for Mr. Buckhorn, but I don't want to run out of time.
This news release went out on the 17th.
It's a very sensitive matter.
It has to do with the security of guavaween.
And it has to do with the appearance of three of the hijackers in the September 11th attacks that came in December of 2000 near MacDill base and met with Tampa residents there as well as appeared in Ybor City in July, seven weeks roughly before the attacks.
You won't read this in the Tribune or the times.
And that's why I want to give you this information so that you can -- we have only so many days to secure this celebration.
The facial component, the facial recognition component to identify criminals and perhaps potential terrorists you May realize was placed outside of raymond james stadium in December of 2000 in anticipation of the super bowl.
That facial recognition component was placed in the Ybor City public street surveillance cameras which are the only public street surveillance cameras in the country.
Well, they evaded that.
We're talking about mohammed atta.
We're talking about two of the other pilots that were with him.
We have many eye-witness accounts of workers in Ybor City.
The fbi has received these accounts and we're very concerned because atta looked at historic buildings to hit, things that met something to america, not just the number of people that they could take out.
And we're very, very concerned about this celebration.
During guavaween, you'll have a hundred thousand -- approximately a hundred thousand people crowded in a one-mile stretch in a three-block width.
If something happened to them, it would -- for instance, in nagasaki, there were 80,000 people that died.
And that was citywide, an atomic blast.
We don't feel that there's enough security.
The fbi has confirmed this information that they were in Ybor City as well as parts of Tampa.
It has not been released by any media outlet whether it's tv, radio or newspaper.
This is very, very important.
We have very few days left.
We're very dissatisfied with the security measures that are being taken.
Mayor Greco has been informed of this and he's had some meetings in regard to working with the federal government to secure this celebration.
We feel that people need a warning.
We've received no warnings, no concrete assurances of additional security for this celebration.
And so if we don't get that, we really ought to cancel this celebration.
>>Gwen Miller: sir, you need to wrap it up.
>> this is a time of war.
This is information which we would like you to have.
My phone number is there if you would like to follow up.
And again, agent quinnland of the fbi, the Tampa office has confirmed this information.
The fbi has not released it to the general public.
We feel people ought to be warned and you're going to have a permit on the fencing from ccfox productions.
We really feel this is a year that perhaps the fencing should be removed.
Very serious issue and we hope that you'll follow up.
Thank you.
>>Gwen Miller: at this time, we'll go to our committee reports.
Public safety committee, Mr. Bob Buckhorn.
>>Bob Buckhorn: move Item Number 15.
>>Gwen Miller: we have a motion and second.
All in favor of the motion, aye.
[motion carried unanimously]
Park, recreation and culture committee, Mr. Shawn Harrison.
>>Shawn Harrison: I move items 16 through 26.
>>Gwen Miller: motion and second.
All in favor of the motion, aye.
[motion carried unanimously]
Public Works committee, Ms. Rose Ferlita.
>>Rose Ferlita: I move items 27 to 52, please.
>>Gwen Miller: motion and second.
All in favor of that motion, aye.
Finance committee, also Ms. Rose Ferlita.
>>Rose Ferlita: thank you.
I'd like to move resolutions 53 through 64.
>>Gwen Miller: we have a motion and second.
All in favor, aye.
[motion carried unanimously]
>>Rose Ferlita: and i'd like to receive and file Cynthia Miller's department of Internal Audit item 65.
I guess I can do this at this time, 65, 66.
>>Gwen Miller: we have a motion and second.
All in favor of the motion, aye.
[motion carried unanimously]
>>Rose Ferlita: and also, I would like to request a one-day wet zoning for mcdonald's training center on September 28th.
>>Gwen Miller: motion and second.
All in favor, aye.
[motion carried unanimously]
Building and zoning committee, Ms. Linda Saul-Sena.
>>Linda Saul-Sena: thank you.
I'd like to move resolutions 68 through 89.
With substitution on 78 and 79.
>>Gwen Miller: motion and second.
All in favor of the motion, aye.
[motion carried unanimously]
Transportation committee, Mr. Shawn Harrison.
>>Shawn Harrison: thank you.
I move items 90 through 96.
>>Gwen Miller: we have a motion and second.
All in favor of that motion, aye.
[motion carried unanimously]
Unfinished business a, we're going to continue that.
Mr. Buckhorn, would you like to make a motion under unfinished business?
>>Bob Buckhorn: move we continue item "a" for one week.
>>Linda Saul-Sena: second.
>>Gwen Miller: we have a motion and second to continue item "a."
All in favor, aye.
[motion carried unanimously]
9:30, we can go into our public hearings for 9:30, items 4 and 5.
Get a motion to open items 4 and 5.
>>Linda Saul-Sena: so moved.
>>Gwen Miller: we have a motion and second.
All in favor of the motion, aye.
[motion carried unanimously]
Item 4.
>>Gina Grimes: Gina Grimes, Legal Department.
Item Number 4 is proposed second reading on an ordinance that City Council requested the Legal Department draft back in June of this year.
You held a workshop dealing with parking lots in Ybor City.
And as a result of that workshop, you passed a motion requesting the Legal Department prepare an ordinance that prohibited consumption of alcoholic beverages in parking lots in Ybor City.
Our existing city code already contains a provision that provides that if any owner of any property anywhere posts a sign on their property prohibiting the consumption of alcoholic beverages, then it makes it unlawful for anybody to consume alcoholic beverages on that property.
This ordinance simply adds the requirement that any owner or operator of any parcel of land in Ybor City that's utilized for parking that they have to post such a sign prohibiting consumption of alcohol on the property.
And the ordinance provides that it's presented basically for two reasons.
The first reason is because the consumption of alcoholic beverages in parking areas is conducive to underaged drinking.
The second reason is because of the negative effects that the consumption of alcohol in the parking areas has on surrounding property, including the trash, the public urination and excessive noise.
Next, I would like you to hear from captain hugh miller from the Tampa Police Department, who is going to address the extent of these problems in Ybor and in the parking areas in Ybor.
>>Linda Saul-Sena: would this signage be required in temporary as well as permanent parking areas?
>> any parcel of land that's utilized for parking.
So rather than get into special event parking, interim parking, accessory parking, principal parking, the way the ordinance is drafted, it says any parcel of land used for parking in Ybor City.
>>Linda Saul-Sena: so, for example, if somebody had a vacant lot and somebody is standing there collecting five or ten dollars for people to park, they would need to have this sign.
>> the sign would need to be posted.
>>Linda Saul-Sena: in the ordinance, are there penalties if they don't have it posted?
>>Gina Grimes: the penalties are general penalties under section 1-6 of the code, $500 fine and up to 30 days -- 60 days in jail.
>>Linda Saul-Sena: great.
Thank you.
>> good morning, hugh miller, Tampa Police Department special operations command, including Ybor City and surrounding areas.
Ms. Grimes asked me to come this morning and share with you some of the impact of the consumption of alcohol that we've been able to account for not only in Ybor City but elsewhere in the City of Tampa.
Manpower-wise, it's very intensive in the historic district of Ybor.
At any given time, 10 to 12 of the 20 people on a squad assigned down there on Thursday, Friday and Saturday night now patrol the peripheral areas north and south of 7th Avenue because of the proliferation, the consumption of alcohol in public places and on private property, the parking lots.
Last quarter, made approximately 35 arrests of underaged drinkers in that area.
In clubs where we have problems in debriefing the underaged drinkers, they are telling us that they're consuming alcohol prior to arriving in Ybor City.
While in Ybor City, they consume alcohol in the parking lots because the clubs have tightened up and they are afraid of being arrested, which they didn't successfully avoid at that point.
The obvious signs are the trash and the public urination, obviously, parking lots aren't equipped for consumption of any type of beverage.
The safety for our concern is that we have arrested both of age and underaged drinkers en route to Ybor City that intend to consume the alcohol that they have transported with them that we find in the car in the parking lot.
They'll actually go to a club, get the underaged band, walk back out to the parking lot, consumer more -- consume more alcohol and that's how they keep up with their friends inside.
In public safety terms, we feel we've been very successful in working with the club owners and businesses in Ybor City to impact underaged drinking.
It's now moved into the parking lots.
And this tool will aase -- assist us in further ensuring the safety to the public both of the people who drink out there and the people who don't.
>>Linda Saul-Sena: one other question.
I know in previous weeks we've had some conversations about club xs on the corner of platt and some drinking that's taking place in the parking lot across the street from that.
Can we also -- this specifically talks about Ybor City, but can we also identify other places where perhaps this kind of notice should be posted or what would be the appropriate vehicle for posting it in other parking lots?
>>Gina Grimes: as I stated earlier, our code already contains a provision that provides that if any owner posts a sign on their property prohibiting consumption of alcohol, then it makes it unlawful to do so.
So in that particular situation, we'd have to identify the owners of those parking areas.
And I’m not certain if it's government-owned property or not.
But perhaps the best approach to be to place a sign on those properties also prohibiting consumption of alcohol in the parking areas.
I don't know factually if that situation exists in those parking areas or not, but we can look into it and see if that would resolve that issue.
>>Linda Saul-Sena: that would be excellent.
I believe that the majority of the parking is city owned.
It's for convention center use, so it would be easy for us to post the signs.
>>Gina Grimes: I’m not certain exactly where all the parking occurs for club xs.
We'll look into it and see if posting a sign in those areas would assess.
>>Gwen Miller: would we be responsible for putting signs on all these places?
>>Gina Grimes: no, it requires the owners to do so.
If they fail to post the sign, then they are in violation of the code.
If they post the sign and there's consumption of alcohol in the parking area, then the individuals who are consuming the alcohol would be in violation of the code.
>>Gwen Miller: any questions from council members?
>>Gina Grimes: also, I would like to have Vince Pardo from the YCDC address council regarding this issue as it relates to some of the parking operators and the businesses in Ybor.
>> good morning, Vince Pardo, president of the Ybor City development corporation.
We obviously support the new provision as we have worked with tpd and with the bar owners and they have done a much better job in being able to screen out the use of scanners the club owners have been purchasing to look at fake ids.
But the only place left for some of the underaged drinkers is outside the clubs now.
The parking lots have been identified as probably the chief venue of doing that.
People driving, as the captain said, driving to Ybor City or leaving Ybor City.
But park lots themselves have been kind of a standard that's been looked at both -- as you know, proliferation in the neighborhood south of 6th.
The neighborhood highly supports this.
This will help to deter and get some of the people out of those parking lots earlier as the clubs close at 3:00, them staying in the neighborhoods.
I know I’ve talked to them several times on the issue.
Several times 4:00 in the morning.
Again, we have provisions for there to be security and that really allowed and as far as collecting money until 3:00 in the morning or until the last car leaves on these parking lots.
And we will give this additional, too, I think for tpd, and other code provisions to require those managers that are not being forthright and this kind of thing that alcohol consumption is not allowed.
If you look at Ybor City sometimes on Sunday morning, you'll see six packs at the sides of where cars were.
That means staff is not cleaning up afterwards much less making sure people are not drinking.
We support this from a business as well as residential standpoint in Ybor.
>>Gwen Miller: anybody else like to speak at this time?
>> my name is moses knott, jr..
I reside at 2902 east ellicott street.
You know, I said over and over again, I’ve been coming here for years and years and going to keep on coming as long as God is with me to come here.
But this sign thing, now you know what?
Mr. Charlie Miranda not here today.
I know the Mayor is out of town and he's running the City.
That's a good track record for him.
What I want to say, me and Mr. Charlie talk about the City pass this sign to be a law.
Took all the poor people signs down first.
And then no trouble start till you went up there on bruce b. Downs and start taking rich people sign down.
I said, Lord -- they got in big trouble about this sign deal.
But what I come here to talk about today, it blows my mind something like four or five or six weeks ago, when I see judges in town done violated that deal.
Now, you all got some stiff -- on those signs.
Take all the yard sale signs down.
Real estate signs, all had to come down.
I gone over and see judges with signs on 40th street on the side of the road and nobody said nothing about it.
I wish Mr. Charlie were here today.
But that's the truth.
And then they said here this morning that the sign, you violate this sign deal, it's $500 fine.
If they charged them politicians for -- politicians over there, them judges are the ones that would put that $500 on you but yet they have their sign there.
Now, that's wrong for them to go along you with and charge somebody else $500 fine and they have their signs there.
This May be my last time, I hope Mr. Charlie Miranda see what I’m talking about and he can get in with me.
And I hope to got he can get in without putting his sign up downtown.
[ laughter ]
I really do.
And I really believe that he will sacrifice not putting his sign up to get back.
I told you many times, Mr. Charlie Miranda talk about it all the time.
Pass one law on one side of the town.
Go to the other side of town, there ain't no law.
This sign deal went for all over town.
I think Mr. Charlie come in here and raise a whole lot, somebody put signs up and down, some kind of big nonprofit club, signs all up and down.
Say I want them down from there.
He my man.
But I wish he see this picture and talk about it.
He can talk about it.
I can't.
>>Gwen Miller: thank you, Mr. Knots.
>> good morning.
Members of council.
And others.
My name is william frank mathers.
I'm a disabled homeless veteran.
And I have complaints about two city departments which I know that City Council does not have any authority or, you know, responsibility for the conduct of these officers.
But nonetheless, I was advised by the Mayor’s Office that making it known City Council would not hurt.
>>Gwen Miller: sir, we are talking about the signs in Ybor City at this time.
>> oh, you are?
>>Gwen Miller: you have to come back later.
At the end of our meeting, we have a portion for the audience to speak on anything you like to speak on.
>> I mean, how long before --
>>Gwen Miller: about an hour and a half.
Is there anyone else who would like to speak on Item Number 4?
>>Gina Grimes: Gina Grimes, Legal Department.
Lastly, I would like to enter into the record two articles from The Tampa Tribune in which they also discuss the problem of under aged drinking occurring in the parking areas.
>>Gwen Miller: motion to receive and file.
All in favor of the motion, aye.
[motion carried unanimously]
>>Linda Saul-Sena: move to close.
>>Gwen Miller: motion to close the public hearing.
All in favor, aye.
[motion carried unanimously]
>>Linda Saul-Sena: move an ordinance of the City of Tampa, Florida, amending City of Tampa code section 14-64 posting of property to prohibit consumption of alcoholic beverages to require sign posting on all parking lots in Ybor City; amending the required sign text to reflect the modified penalties contained in city code section 1-6; providing for severability; repealing conflicts; providing an effective date.
>>Gwen Miller: motion and second.
All in favor of the motion, aye.
[motion carried unanimously]
>>Linda Saul-Sena: move to adopt number 4.
>>Gwen Miller: we have a motion and second.
Roll call vote.
Vote and record.
>>clerk: Mrs. Saul-Sena's vote did not register.
>>Gwen Miller: vote and record.
>>clerk: the motion carried with Miranda and alvarez being absent.
>>Linda Saul-Sena: before we move on, several weeks ago we had a conversation about some problems outside club xs which I referred to earlier.
So I would like to ask for a report back in I guess two weeks from city staff, I guess the Police Department on what the current requirements are for deploying city police to keep control in the area of platt and franklin street outside that club.
And secondly, i'd like to request that the City sign department post the signs that are going to be required in Ybor City in the City-owned parking lots in the area of that to make a legal -- to make illegal drinking in the parking lots.
>>Bob Buckhorn: if would you accept as a friendly amendment also that we investigate as to whether or not there are any outstanding bills relating to off-duty police officers as was alleged by one of the speakers for that club.
>>Linda Saul-Sena: yes, I would like to include that in my motion.
And there will be a report back then in two weeks.
>>Gwen Miller: we have a motion and second.
All in favor of the motion, aye.
[motion carried unanimously]
Item Number 5.
>> catherine coyle, Land Development.
The applicant finally did contact me.
We added the notes to the plan requested by council.
He did contact me this morning and said he's on his way and would like to speak.
He's stuck -- I guess there's an accident on the interstate.
He asked if it could be held until he arrived.
But he did amend the site plan as requested.
>>Gwen Miller: we'll hold it till he gets here.
Do you want to go to information from council members?
Information from council members.
>>Shawn Harrison: nothing, madam chairwoman.
>>Linda Saul-Sena: nothing.
Move to receive and file the department heads and city employees sign-in sheet.
>>Gwen Miller: motion and second.
All in favor, aye.
[motion carried unanimously]
>>Rose Ferlita: yes, I had made a motion last week for that commendation for the Tampa Bay junior all-stars girl softball team.
We'd like to do that if we're able to on Thursday October 10th at 9 a.m.
And the reason they are doing that, is because the girls have to go to school.
I don't know if we can reconfigure and get them as close to 9:00 as possible.
>>Gwen Miller: motion and second.
All in favor, aye.
[motion carried unanimously]
>>Bob Buckhorn: nothing.
>>Gwen Miller: i'd like to receive and file a letter from Ms. Mary Alvarez who is not here today because she is out of the country.
We have a motion and second.
All in favor, aye.
[motion carried unanimously]
>>clerk: the only item that I have today is we have a letter from robert hunter from the Planning Commission requesting --
[ inaudible ]
-- on October 17th to ask for council support for resolution declaring November 8th, 2002, community and regional planning day.
He would like to appear before council to discuss this.
>>Gwen Miller: we have a motion and second.
All in favor of that motion, aye.
[motion carried unanimously]
>>clerk: that's all I have.
>>Linda Saul-Sena: I was going to move that we waive the rules to allow members from the audience be allowed to come speak now on items not on the agenda since with he have a few minutes before our 10:00 public hearings.
>>Gwen Miller: can we do that.
>>James Palermo: yes, but I think you have to do it at the end of the meeting also because people do look at the agenda and kind of judge their time to get here.
As long as you do it both times.
>>Gwen Miller: did we get a second on that?
>>James Palermo: and go off the air.
>>Gwen Miller: we have a motion and second to waive the rules.
All in favor, aye.
[motion carried unanimously]
Sir, you May come up now and speak.
>>Linda Saul-Sena: here.
>>Shawn Harrison: here.
>>Rose Ferlita: here.
>>Gwen Miller: here.
We now go to our 10:00 on Item Number 3.
Who is going to do the presentation?
>> thank you.
City Council members, my name lois haas.
I live at 17627 nathan drive, Tampa.
I'm here today as chairperson of new Tampa emergency preparedness council.
Our biggest challenge is how to get in what I need to say in three minutes.
I would like to thank you, members, for allowing us the time to present things to you.
I have given you a folder so I don't have to repeat everything.
In the folder on the left side of the folder is our mission statement.
That really tells you what we're all about and why we were formed.
The first brochure is the first brochure we printed.
We have gone through 10,000 copies of that.
As of this morning, we have printed our second 10,000 copies which is on the right-hand side.
It shows a revised date and it shows some additional options.
These are items we pass out through the community, and that is how our committee grows.
Approximately a year ago before 9/11 a group of citizens in new Tampa got together to decide what is their most serious problem.
And after much discussion it was decided that how to deal with emergencies is the thing that we want our citizens, our residents to most know about.
And so we got together and we decided to make a preparation on dealing with all of the different types of emergencies that could occur in new Tampa and how to keep families, people safe, residents, neighbors.
Some of those were to include hurricanes, tornados, floods, fires, hazmat and any goal was to help keep new Tampa safe in case of an emergency.
Some of these May include evacuations.
Some of these May include in-house evacuations.
Some of these May include safe places in home.
The new Tampa is a unique community with one essentially -- those of you who have driven there knows there's one road in and one road out.
The extension has helped somewhat.
56 has helped us somewhat.
In case of a tragic emergency we could not move.
And in fact we would be the recipients of those people from St. Petersburg and other low-lying areas.
So what we wanted to do is educate our community.
We plan to do this in a variety of ways.
The brochure such as the one enough front of you.
We are delighted and hope you will go to it.
We have our own web site called new Tampa perhaps.
Not only does it have the information, it also has a brochure on it, it has ways in which community members can be involved.
We're going to ask the media to give us a big play on how to go to it, how to use it, and in order to join the new Tampa emergency preparedness.
We plan to go to different ptas, different homeowner associations, different community groups, make presentations on what we're all about, and at the same time solicit membership to join our new Tampa emergency preparedness committee.
We have already met with the Fire Department, the Police Department, the school department, anyone who we felt in any way would have a role, we have tried to bring them all together.
Our purpose was not only to share information but also to encourage more participation in the ntepc.
We have worked with the City of Tampa fire and rescue, emergency management, local, fire and police, County personnel.
As you can tell I’m talking fast.
School board personnel and particularly what would happen if there were to be an incident in a school.
And we've had a presentation and we're now going to be making that presentation to local ptas.
One of the most visible things and we want you to know because you should be as proud as we are, we offer a course called the community emergency response team.
And it is a federally funded program that brings together community members, fire members and teaches them how to react, how to be the first reactors to an emergency before the professionals can get there.
What can we do to get out?
We are proud to say that we graduated on July 10th, 2002.
First cert class to ever graduate in the City of Tampa.
And there is no other class like it.
We have already a waiting list of 25 people to sign up for the second course.
We hope that we become a web in the sense that other people hear about it.
We have people from temple terrace, brandon, sun city.
We would like to see this concept spread.
There's no such thing as too much certificate plans because God forbid we were hit with some type of emergency, we are not prepared to deal with it as a city, as a County.
And these certificate members would be able to go out.
We are told how to react to people, how to first triage.
It's a long thing and I would not want to take your time on this.
If any of have you more interest or have any questions, I’ll be glad to forward more administration.
We are now on the official f.e.m.a. List.
We are on the web site and only this morning I received an e-mail from oklahoma.
From a gentleman who would like to know how he could get involved.
I should have mentioned that as initial chairperson of this group, my husband, Dr. Robert haas was my co-chair.
We eventually reformed because we decided that for two people to be a chair at the same time and be out of town at the same time was not in the the true benefit of the committee.
So we arranged and I am chair.
I do the talking.
As you can see, he does the work.
And we owe tremendous thanks, jones, wilson, all the local fire and police that have come to every single meeting that we have.
The cooperation we have had has been incredible.
School personnel and the summary is that not only will new Tampa benefit, but we hope that all of the City of Tampa and the Hillsborough County will benefit.
If there's any way we can be of help to you and other communities, we are more than glad to do so.
If you need more of the information, please let me know and we'll be glad to provide it.
Any questions?
>>Shawn Harrison: not a question, lois.
I just would like to thank you on behalf of the council and on behalf of everyone out in the area that we live.
This is the very first class that has ever graduated in this area on this certified emergency response training.
And I’m proud to have them in my neighborhood.
Hopefully this is something that will catch on citywide, Countywide and in the event, God forbid we do have something where we really need to take action, these citizen groups can help.
And lois and her husband, bob haas are very active members in the new Tampa community, have been for a number of years.
And Dr. Haas actually serves on our nuisance abatement board.
Thank you all for everything you do.
>> this is isn't tit for tat, we couldn't have done it without shawn.
Shawn attended our graduation.
We received support from Ms. Alvarez.
We received support from so many people.
We never had a no.
I guess I shouldn't say that because tomorrow we'll get our first no.
But thank you very much and thank you for your time.
>>Rose Ferlita: I want to echo the same gratitude is shawn saying.
You May be his neighbors but you're my friends as well.
I certainly appreciate what you do.
At first glance somebody might look at new Tampa emergency preparedness, well, that involves new Tampa but obviously that's very erroneous.
The initiative you put forward as chairperson and assistant chairperson is really going to benefit the entire city.
Again, I would like to thank you as well and we appreciate what you do.
>> we hope so.
And we're available should you need us in any part of the City.
>>Linda Saul-Sena: what made you think of creating this?
I'm really curious?
Because it was very original.
>> you know that new Tampa has a new Tampa community council.
That then gave birth to what was called the council of communities, where a member from each of the subdivisions got together.
They decided to deconvene and break apart.
And as they did so, they came up with one item that was of most concern to new Tampans and partly because of our road conditions and partly because of the mentality going on, they decided how to deal with emergency.
How do families all over the City and we were, of course, concerned with new Tampa, know what to do in case of a fire, flood, tornado, their child is stuck in a school.
They hear there's been something, what do they do?
And so it was that group that decided, bob and I were elected and graciously accepted the fact that we would chair it.
And we started with four people.
We have now grown to 50.
We get approximately 8 to 10 e-mails a day from all over the nation.
I think we're on our way and hopefully within some period of time we'll be back to tell you we're on the map and everybody knows about new Tampa.
>>Rose Ferlita: the fact that Dr. Dr. Haas came down from new Tampa and I know who he is taking his orders from, it May be appropriate if he would like to make some comments as well.
>> I do the talking, he does the work.
>> I have only one thing to say relative to the work.
The number of e-mails that are clogging my machine is unbelievable.
We get 10 to 12 a day.
And going through these, I wish these people would be less verbose, but they are several sheets long, each one of them.
But it's nice to be recognized along those same lines.
And personally there -- apparently there just aren't that many certificate teams out there.
Florida strangely enough -- I shouldn't say strange enough but fortunate enough has a number of certificate teams in various communities.
Orlando having a very large one.
And we only found this out after the fact, so to speak, when we got involved.
But it's a necessity that's required here because there are some small counties that have them.
And unfortunately because of the size of the small County, they have even smaller certificate units.
Fortunately, we're big enough to get larger groups and be of real use to the community should an emergency occur.
And we're not limited to south Tampa.
It would be up to the City emergency management to decide where we would be best dispersed or utilized.
So although we started up there, we're still usable throughout the City and the area.
Thank you.
>>Gwen Miller: thank you, Dr. Haas.
You all are a good team.
I would like to see another class in another part of the City.
>> another one in October.
>>Gwen Miller: thank you all for coming this morning.
Item Number 6, the petitioner has asked for a continuance because he wants a full council.
Motion and second to continue Item Number 6.
All in favor of that motion, aye.
Until next week.
[motion carried unanimously]
Anyone in the audience here to speak on that Item Number 6 because it will be continued until next Thursday.
>>Gwen Miller: motion and second to open item 7.
All in favor, aye.
[motion carried unanimously]
Ms. Hart, are you doing number 7?
>> no.
>>Gwen Miller: is there anyone in the audience who would like to speak on number 7?
We have a motion and second to close.
All in favor, aye.
[motion carried unanimously]
>>Bob Buckhorn: sister chair lady, move an ordinance authorizing an ad valorem tax exemption for property located at 2009 Bayshore Boulevard, Tampa, Florida, making certain findings, providing for recordation in the public records of Hillsborough County, Florida, providing notice to the property appraiser, providing for severability, providing an effective date.
>>Gwen Miller: all in favor of the motion, aye.
[motion carried unanimously]
Item Number 8.
Motion and second to open.
All in favor of the motion, aye.
[motion carried unanimously]
>> pete cowell, Land Development coordination.
The petition is wz02-99.
It's gateano's italian market.
144 south Westshore Boulevard.
They are asking for 2(aps) in cg zoning district.
Petitioner is proposing for the sale of beer and wine and gourmet food retail store in an existing strip center.
There are other wet zonings within a thousand feet.
The center pub, sheraton wyndham, the shell gas station, steak and ale, walgreen's pharmacy.
There are no institutional uses.
Council would need to make provisions for waiving the distance separation between this use and the institutional and residential uses.
>> officer skip mccaughey, Tampa Police Department.
No opposition.
>>Gwen Miller: petitioner?
>> good morning.
My name is carlos costello, managing partner of gateano's italian market.
>> anthony, manager.
>>Gwen Miller: anybody in the audience like to speak on Item Number 8?
We have someone who would like to speak.
You May come to the mike and speak.
>> good morning.
Emmy purcell reynolds, 208 south trask street.
President of the beach park homeowners association.
And our association is very much looking forward to having a market at that location.
We were left without a grocery store in our neighborhood when kash n' karry closed and we don't have any opposition to the request to sell packaged beer and wine and I think our residents are very much looking forward to it.
We are in favor.
Also, the petitioner did call me ahead of time and I thought that was very nice that he did that.
>>Gwen Miller: anyone else like to speak on item 8?
We have a motion and second to close the public hearing.
All in favor of the motion, aye.
[motion carried unanimously]
>>Shawn Harrison: move an ordinance making lawful the sale of beverages containing alcohol of more than 1% by weight, beer and wine, 2(aps) in sealed containers for consumption off premises only at 144 south Westshore Boulevard, Tampa, Florida.
>>Gwen Miller: we have a motion and second.
All in favor, aye.
[motion carried unanimously]
We have a motion to receive and file the letter.
All in favor of that motion, aye.
[motion carried unanimously]
Item Number 9 need to open it.
We have a motion and second to open Item Number 9.
All in favor, aye.
[motion carried unanimously]
>> pete cowell, Land Development coordination.
This petition is wz 0-100.
It's duarte's restaurant and cafeteria located at 4020 west crest Avenue.
The petitioner is requesting 2(cop-r) in an ig zoning district to be allowed to sell beer and wine at 28-seat family style restaurant.
There are no other wet zoned properties within a thousand feet.
There are no residential properties or institutional uses within a thousand feet.
>>Gwen Miller: Police Department?
>> officer skip mccaughey, Tampa Police Department no opposition.
>>Gwen Miller: petitioner?
>> good morning.
Jorge igla.
I'm his brother and I’m translating for him.
>>Gwen Miller: anyone in the audience like to speak on Item Number 9?
We have a motion and second to close the public hearing.
All in favor of the motion, aye.
[motion carried unanimously]
>>Rose Ferlita: an ordinance making lawful the sale of beverages containing alcohol of more than 1% by weight, beer and wine, 2(cop-r) for consumption on premises only in connection with a restaurant business at 4020 west crest Avenue, Tampa, Florida.
>>Gwen Miller: all in favor of the motion, aye.
[motion carried unanimously]
Need to open item 10.
Motion and second to open number 10.
[motion carried unanimously]
>> pete cowell, Land Development coordination.
Petition is wz 02-101 located at 17508 dona michelle drive.
You recently heard a similar position wz 02-74 for the same location.
Evidently what happened was that they moved the location of the restaurant on the site plan so they needed to come back.
Also for a 4(cop-r).
It's a pd zoning district.