Lakshmi Pitla | test | test,,Tampa,33602,FL |
Lakshmi Pitla_2024_Test.pdf
Jaime Maier | Hill Ward Henderson | 101 E Kennedy Blvd,Suite 3700,Tampa,33606,FL |
Jaime Maier_2025_20250102134642.pdf
Kami Corbett | Hill Ward Henderson | 101 E Kennedy Blvd,Suite 3700,Tampa,33606,FL |
Kami Corbett_2025_20250102134701.pdf
Angela Rauber | Hill Ward Henderson | 101 E. Kennedy Blvd.,Suite 3700,Tampa,33602,FL |
Angela Rauber_2025_Lobbyist Annual Expenditure Report - ABR.pdf
Clayton Bricklemyer | Hill Ward Henderson | 101 E. Kennedy Blvd.,Suite 3700,Tampa,33602,FL |
Clayton Bricklemyer_2025_Lobbyist Annual Expenditure Report - KCB.pdf
James Uzdavinis | Tetra Tech, Inc. | 5201 W. Kennedy Blvd,Suite 620,Tampa,33609,FL |
James Uzdavinis_2025_2024 Lobbyist Packet - jbu - notarized.pdf
DON DELOACH_2025_scantampaexp.pdf
Brian Kronberg | Brightline Trains Florida LLC | 350 NW 1st Ave, Ste 200,,Miami,33128,FL |
Brian Kronberg_2025_24 Kronberg Expenses.pdf
Todd Josko | Ballard Partners | 1343 Main Street,Suite 604,Sarasota,34236,FL |
Todd Josko_2025_Josko lobby expenditure.pdf
Cynthia Bergmann | Brightline Trains Florida LLC | 350 NW 1st Ave, Ste 200,,Miami,33128,FL |
Cynthia Bergmann_2025_24 Bergmann Expenses.pdf
Kolleen Cobb | Brightline Trains Florida LLC | 350 NW 1st Ave, Ste 200,,Miami,33128,FL |
Kolleen Cobb_2025_24 Cobb Expenses.pdf
Justin Day | Capital City Consulting | 701 South Howard Ave.,Suite 106-326,Tampa,33629,FL |
Justin Day_2025_2024 Tampa Expenditure Report.pdf
Amanda Schlang | BofA Securities, Inc. | 100 N Tryon Street,,Charlotte,28255,NC |
Amanda Schlang_2025_2024 Expenditure Filing - BofAS Schlang - 01.16.2025 Signed.pdf
Tom Cai | BofA Securities, Inc. | 100 N Tryon Street,,Charlotte,28255,NC |
Tom Cai_2025_2024 Expenditure Filing - BofAS Cai - 01.16.2025 Signed.pdf
Colman Cordell | BofA Securities, Inc. | 100 N Tryon Street,,Charlotte,28255,NC |
Colman Cordell_2025_2024 Expenditure Filing - BofAS Cordell - 01.16.2025 Signed.pdf
Kolleen Cobb | Brightline Trains Florida LLC | 350 NW 1st Ave, Ste 200,,Miami,33128,FL |
Kolleen Cobb_2025_24 Cobb Expenses.pdf
Ben Taube | Banc of America Public Capital Corp | 100 N Tryon Street,,Charlotte,28255,NC |
Ben Taube_2025_2024 Expenditure Filing - BAPCC Taube - 01.17.2025 Signed.pdf
Nathan Allen | Banc of America Public Capital Corp. | 100 N Tryon Street,,Charlotte,28255,NC |
Nathan Allen_2025_2024 Expenditure Filing - BAPCC Allen - 01.17.2025 Signed.pdf
Sarah Couture | Fines and Fees Justice Center | 185 West Broadway,Suite E406,New York,10013,NY |
Sarah Couture_2025_Sarah_Couture_2024_Annual_Report.pdf
Brittany Worden | LeadsOnline | 6900 Dallas Pkwy Ste 825,,Plano,75024,TX |
Brittany Worden_2025_SCAN__01222025164824.pdf
Charles Maguire | Banc of America Public Capital Corp. | 100 N Tryon Street,,Charlotte,28255,NC |
Charles Maguire_2025_2024 Expenditure Filing - BAPCC Maguire - 01.23.2025 Signed.pdf
Jim Cook | J.P. Morgan Securities LLC | 450 S. Orange Ave 10th Floor ,,Orlando,32081,FL |
Jim Cook_2025_Cook Tampa.pdf
Charles Davis | Phelps Dunbar LLP | 100 South Ashley Drive Suite 2000,,Tampa ,33602,FL |
Charles Davis_2025_C. Davis_Lobbyist Annual Expenditure Rpt (002).PDF
Robert Stuart | GrayRobinson | 301 E Pine Street,Suite 1400,Orlando,32801,FL |
Robert Stuart_2025_Stuart City of Tampa Expediture 2024.pdf
Christopher Dawson | GrayRobinson | 301 E Pine Street,Suite 1400,Orlando,32801,FL |
Christopher Dawson_2025_Dawson City of Tampa Expenditure 2024.pdf